The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 440: Immortals Are Named?

Chapter 440: Immortals Are Named?

"There are not too many families who have invested 100 billion middle-grade spirit stones?" Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding's heart moved, maybe he can still get a cheap site.

Tie Lan smiled and said: "Naturally there are many families involved in the action, for example, you Qilu, even you have seven families!" Tie Lan said.

"Seven? The six mentioned just now, should all be involved?" Gao Jiuding said thoughtfully.

"That's natural. The seven of them are very powerful. This time, because they are afraid of being benefited by other families, they all participate. You should be an accident!" Tie Lan said with a smile.

Gao Jiuding is helpless, every time a newcomer grows up, he has to challenge the inherent interest groups.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you that the blockade of a large spiritual vein must have a suppressor. For a spiritual vein of the level of Mount Tai, there must be more than one suppressor. Otherwise, why would all the six families participate? Now it is the seven of you. Contest, if the opportunity comes, don't miss it!" Tie Lan put away her smile and said seriously.

"Zhenwu?" Gao Jiuding asked.

Tie Lan said: "Yes, town objects are not ordinary treasures. Town objects are magic weapons. They may also be a material, or even a natural spiritual object. Anyway, there may be anything. A powerful dragon vein. The era is not completely dead, so we can only use town objects to block the aura, and a large part of the reason for participating is to compete for this town object!"

"In the Dharma-ending Era, in order to let the spiritual veins last for a longer period of time, is to use treasures to divide the spiritual veins and preserve the vitality so that they can last until the end of the Dharma-ending Era?" Gao Jiuding said thoughtfully.

Tie Lan said: "Yes, look now, isn't the Age of Doomsday coming to an end? We end the Age of Doomsday with our own hands, and it will be a great merit to any creature on earth!"

"How many towns are there for a spirit vein of the level of Mount Tai?" Gao Jiuding was still most interested in this.

Tie Lan was silent for a while, before saying: "There should be no more than five pieces, the most likely five pieces, five town objects of the Five Elements attribute, which block the five elements' aura, and if it is more powerful, there may be two treasures of Yin and Yang!"

"Yin-yang and five elements!" Gao Jiuding was a little bit emotional, as if he couldn't get rid of yin-yang and five elements wherever he went.

"The history of our China is run through by Yin Yang and Five Elements!" Tie Lan laughed.

"Yeah, everything has five elements!" Gao Jiuding also smiled: "Okay, I know, I will pay attention when the time comes!"

Tie Lan glanced at Gao Jiuding, and said, "What are you paying attention to? Do you know that Zhenwu may have a secret realm? It's like a magic weapon of space!"

"Uh, I really didn't expect that if there is such a secret realm, wouldn't it be a surprise?" Gao Jiuding's half-truth and half-fake face showed a hint of surprise.

"Don't be too happy, encountering treasures of this level is the most troublesome thing. Secret realms of this level are generally integrated with spiritual veins. If you can't control the town, you will never be able to collect them." Tie Lan said.

"Understood, I will take a step back when I encounter a secret realm!" Gao Jiuding said.

"It depends on the situation. If you can take advantage, you will naturally grab it. If it's too dangerous, don't participate!" Tie Lan said.

"Don't worry, I will abide by the rules. Is your task completed?" Gao Jiuding said with a smile.

"You give me face, and I will give you face. Isn't this the way this world is? Well, I should go too. I will find everything when I come back. I am so annoying!" Tie Lan stood up and was about to leave.

Gao Jiuding chuckled, this was too realistic, but the visitor was a guest, so he had to entertain him anyway, besides, he still had something to ask Tie Lan for help.

Tie Lan stopped talking about Gao Jiuding, and started to roll her eyes, no wonder Gao Jiuding is so easy to talk about!

"Take it easy, evil spirits are crooked, but everyone can punish them. If you don't handle it well, it's easy for people to catch you and trap you!" Tie Lan reminded.

"Didn't I tell you first? Even if it was a demon, didn't we suppress it as much as possible? How many people were killed directly? The Song family only needs to clean it?" Gao Jiuding said.

"Since you said it, I will naturally give you face. However, this needs the help of the leader. Don't worry, it's no problem. It's just a small family. As long as we report it first, others can't trouble you for this!" Tie Lan agreed, so Gao Jiuding felt relieved.

After talking about things, Tie Lan was about to leave, and Gao Jiuding was about to stay, when many people came in with a whimper outside.

At this time, there was a familiar roar outside, it was the sound of a sports car.

Gao Jiuding and Tie Lan contacted their spaceship at the same time, and saw what happened outside!
At this time, it was very lively outside, almost every minute, there was a coupe driving by.

One after another, by the time Gao Jiuding and Tie Lan walked through the door of the main room, more than a dozen sports cars had already stopped in the small square of the village outside.

"When did your village become so lively? Could it be that there are immortals who are famous?" Tie Lan looked at Gao Jiuding with a half-smile.

Gao Jiuding was also at a loss, but he has been keeping a low profile recently. It's impossible for these people to come to him, right?
"Huh? Why does that kid look like my family?" Just when Gao Jiuding was about to speak, Tie Lan said again.

It is really lively outside now, and the appearance of those sports cars is naturally very attractive. All the old and young in the village are concentrated in the small square in the village.

Among them, Gao Jiuding also saw his grandfather, and of course, his parents and Gao Qiong were also there.

Among them, the most eye-catching performance is his grandfather Gao Qingkui, but his image at this time is not very good.

Although he couldn't hear the conversation outside, Gao Jiuding could clearly see what happened.

Following Gao Qiong's introduction, his grandfather began to nod and bow his head, looking flattering to an old man!
Seeing this situation, how could Gao Jiuding's complexion be good?This time he was ashamed in front of Tie Lan, his lord!

"Are you sure it's from your family?" Thinking of what Tie Lan said just now, Gao Jiuding's expression turned even worse.

"A junior in my family, junior, you can ignore it!" Tie Lan said with a half-smile.

Although Tie Lan is a senior, since the first contact with Gao Jiuding, Gao Jiuding has not been at a disadvantage. After that, they also traded on an equal footing, but what is it now?
Gao Jiuding, with a dark complexion, watched a group of people surround the old man and quickly walked into his yard.

"Brother, this is the leader of our school." As soon as Gao Qiong entered the yard, he saw Gao Jiuding and Tie Lan standing at the door, and he immediately said loudly.

"The leader of your school? Has something to do with me?" Gao Jiuding said angrily.

"Hurry up and serve the tea, serve the good tea, why are you standing there stupidly? Ganoderma lucidum said you, hurry up and pour water!" Gao Qingkui also walked in, and immediately said.

"Pfft!" Tie Lan beside him couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Seeing Tie Lan's performance, Gao Jiuding's complexion became even darker. Although the person who walked in was an old man, this guy was only in the late stage of Qi refining. Such a person should be respected, but not because he is the leader of the school, but also Not because he is a monk, but because he is an old man.

"Whose girl is this?" Gao Qingkuipi asked with a half-smile.

Gao Jiuding was helpless, but also a little admired. His grandfather was really not easy. Under such circumstances, he didn't say anything bad to Tie Lan. This is the old Jianghu, who never let himself be passive.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Patriarch, something unexpected happened, you have to take a look!" The old man didn't react to what Gao Qingkui and Gao Qiong said, but bowed to Tie Lan road.

Tie Lan glanced at Gao Jiuding with a smile and said, "He's San Qi, let's see the ceremony first!"

"Ah? A senior from the Sanmeng League? I'm sorry, I came in a hurry and didn't report, please don't take offense!" The old man was obviously taken aback, and then bowed again.

Looking at this old man, why did Gao Jiuding feel a little strange?
What was his look just now?He glanced at it, then ignored it, and after Tie Lan's solemn introduction, he still couldn't believe it?

Thinking of something, Gao Jiuding said with a fake smile: "My younger brother's leader is here, so our family must treat him well!"

"Ha, you should treat him well, boy, you are not sincere. You said hospitality, how should you treat him? Leather whip and flying sword?" Tie Lan looked at Gao Jiuding and said with a smile.

Gao Jiuding thought about it, and also laughed: "The cultivation base is still not good, so I made you laugh!"

"It's okay, young people, it's normal like this, you are all young, just in time to communicate, you need to change your dog's eyes and guessing out of thin air!" As he said, Tie Lan looked at the old man's eyes, which had changed. cold.


"Who is the ancestor? Your whole family is the ancestor!"


"Patriarch, such an old-fashioned title, how could it be me? You don't think I'm young, do you?"

"Boss, President"

"It's not bad. Overbearing president or something, I like it the most, boy, tell me what's going on, or I'll take your skin off!"

The hasty conversation between the two made many people dumbfounded, including Gao Jiuding. What's going on?Old monster pretending to be tender?
"President, take a look at this video, it's very bad for our actions!" The old man said, then handed over the phone and kept calling.

The current phone is more and more like a jade ultimatum.

"Dance music? What the hell?" Tie Lan took a look and found a beautiful woman doing a striptease.

Because he was standing too close, Gao Jiuding naturally saw it too, so he also had a strange expression at this time. It's not good for the crowd to see this thing, right?

"President, take a closer look, that kid is the younger generation of the Yu family!" The old man said anxiously, he was afraid that Tie Lan would be too impulsive, if he couldn't help but slap him out, how wronged would he be?
"Where did you come from? It's all long legs. What are these? Hey, this tent is not bad. It has a folding space inside?" Soon, Tie Lan discovered the abnormality, and at this time he ignored the old man. She knew that it was impossible for the old man to show her a striptease video for no reason.

 Thank you Brother L★O★V★E for the reward of 1000 coins, thank you ~ Brother Awakening for the reward of 600 coins, thanks to the two brothers Whale Swallow Wanli and Yuchen Xiaocute for the reward of 500 coins, thank you brother lads4017 for the reward of 200 coins Thank you for the rewards from the night people, the scholarly family, the nerd, the one who ruined my world, the book friend 140718112011674 and other brothers for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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