The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 456 Extracting Life Force

Chapter 456 Extracting Life Force

Gao Jiuding chuckled, if it was the original, he wouldn't dare to brag about this kind of bullshit, but now, he dared, mainly because of the eucalyptus tree, to be precise, the time-space gods within the eucalyptus tree.

With the five-color mud, five-color soil, and five-color stones, he can arrange a five-level spiritual field inside the eucalyptus. Although there is only one piece, the effect is amazing!
Even if the area is a little smaller, it is still enough to cultivate some elixir with good aptitude, long life, and the ability to absorb spiritual energy continuously.

In fact, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that the tree hole of the eucalyptus extends upwards, so that the space is larger.

As long as the space above is isolated, it will be at least a second or third-level spiritual field, because without the blessing of the miniature spiritual vein under the central mountain range, using five-color mud, five-color soil, and five-color stones can make a third-level spiritual field at most. But that's enough.

For a third-level spiritual field, the medicine power of the outside world is increased by [-] times, and the speed of time is [-] times faster. What kind of speed is this?

One year inside is equal to ten years outside, and the drug power on the plane is increased by 30 times. One year in Time and Space God's Domain is worth 300 years, and ten years is 300 years. That is to say, one year outside, Time and Space God's Domain plus various bonuses , Gao Jiuding will get the elixir with [-] years of medicinal power.

One year can get 300 years of medicinal power of the panacea, 1 years of medicinal power, it only takes 34 years!

This is still a third-level spiritual field. Gao Jiuding now uses them to select elixir. He will collect those with good qualifications, concentrate them in the fifth-level spiritual field at the bottom, and carefully cultivate them.

If it is really cultivated, it only takes 20 years to cultivate a batch of ten thousand-year elixir. What is the concept?
Twenty years later, his parents are still very young, even grandparents will not run out of lifespan, so now Gao Jiuding just needs to work hard to select the elixir, as long as he has the elixir, he has a chance to live to 20 years , he has time, and when the time comes, the harvest will be Zhiren, Zhima, and ginseng dolls!
At this time, Gao Jiuding was full of hope for his future. He is the real protagonist in the world, with great luck!

"Have you figured it out? If you think it through, I won't give you any chance. The panacea, magic weapon and so on that I prepared for you are gone now, and you don't need them anyway!" Gao Jiuding smiled half-smile road.

Gao Qinglin stared and said: "What else did you prepare for us? Why didn't you give it to us last time?"

Gao Jiuding also stared and said: "My wife and children live in the same house, and you all want money, why should I give you too many things? Filial piety can't be foolish, as long as it can make you live comfortably, want more , Don’t think about it, such as the distribution of power, status, and wealth, those are all my business, you can only accept gifts!”

"Beware of your brother? We admit that we love our youngest son, but don't we love you? We have paid a lot to you. On this point, we have a clear conscience!" Gao Qinglin said.

"I know, so I'm still very filial, but I can support you, but I can't even support Gao Qiong, or even his future wife and children?" Gao Jiuding chuckled.

Gao Qinglin fell silent, and after a while he said: "You, we don't have to worry about it anymore, but your brother can't do it, we old couple have to fight, tell me, how can we seize the opportunity?"

Gao Jiuding was helpless, his old man was really willing to work hard for Gao Qiong, this might be their and grandparents' obsession!
Gao Jiuding couldn't change anything, if the old man didn't let the old man work hard, all the supplies he gave to the two elders would definitely fall into Gao Qiong's hands, even if Gao Qiong didn't want it, this is the parents!
"You each have a spaceship, go to mine in the starry sky, mother can get some care, you forget it, there is only one chance to jump in space, you can't carry anything, think clearly, you can take the ship you came to go to outer space , By the way, my cousin and sister-in-law have already gone!" Gao Jiuding finally left a trap for the old man.

The cousins ​​and sisters-in-law did not go voluntarily. Gao Jiuding didn't think it was necessary to say this, since the result was the same anyway.

Gao Qinglin was a little distracted. He went directly to the Holy Light Battleship, which belonged to Song Yue. However, Song Yue usually did not live on this spaceship, so it would not be troublesome to hand it over to Gao Qinglin now.

"I didn't expect that after being stable for half my life, now for the sake of my children, I'm going into the storm again!" Gao Qinglin's mood could no longer be calm.

Gao Jiuding didn't think about anything else at all. He was thinking about the dead man just now. After Gao Qinglin went to the Holy Light Battleship, he also returned to the Xuanwu.

He first entered the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda to practice in the Time and Space Divine Realm, and then began to study the broken earthen pot in the sea of ​​consciousness, but no matter how he pushed it, the broken earthen pot just didn't understand.

There was no other way, Gao Jiuding had no choice but to give up, since being in Niwan Palace would not affect him anyway.

When he felt that the time was almost up, Gao Jiuding walked out of the pagoda and left the Xuanwu.

Without alarming anyone, Gao Jiuding flew to the dead man's house.

It was already late, but there were still people coming and going in his house. This was preparing for tomorrow's funeral, most of which were food.

As for the coffin, it needs to be made tomorrow. When it is done, the deceased will be cremated and returned, and the urn will be buried in it.

Funerals in the north are simple and complicated, and there are many rules. Anyway, they are all cremated now, and it is impossible for you to be buried in the ground.

Therefore, Gao Jiuding wanted to see that strange corpse, so he had a chance tonight and burned it tomorrow.

Now Gao Jiuding knew that the deceased was a generation younger than him, that is to say, he was a cousin of Gao Xianzhi!
The relationship is a bit distant, but there are no five blessings, that is, there are no five generations of blood relationship, which can be regarded as blood relatives. If there are not too many people in the family, the relationship should be very close.

Gao Jiuding, the eldest nephew, is 38 this year, older than him, and has two children, the older is a daughter, and the younger is a son. At this time, his wife and two children are keeping watch for him.

The sons and daughters are small, all in their teens, and it is time to go to school. At this age, the burden of the family is the heaviest. As the pillar of the family, he died. One can imagine the situation of the family after his death.

Gao Jiuding used an invisibility talisman, avoided everyone's eyes, and approached the deceased.

The dead cannot be placed on the bed, and now he is lying on the ground in the middle of the hall, with some yellow paper covering his head!

Taking a closer look, this time Gao Jiuding could see more clearly, this person had a blue aura all over his body, which was definitely vitality.

With such a strong vitality, it is impossible for this person to die. However, this person is indeed not breathing at this time, and his heart is not beating. Logically speaking, this person is considered dead.

It is the first time Gao Jiuding has seen such a situation where there is vitality, but the person is dead.

The hands, feet, legs, arms, chest and abdomen, and even the head are all skinny and bony. It's really just a layer of skin wrapped around the bones, which looks terrifying.

In such a situation, the vitality of the body is naturally extremely weak, so where is his vitality concentrated?

Unleashing his consciousness, Gao Jiuding scanned this person little by little, and the key part was of course the chest and abdomen.

Nothing was found in the abdominal cavity, chest cavity, and brain, followed by the five internal organs and stomach, still not found!
"Is it really not a parasite?" Gao Jiuding frowned.

This person's size is too small, and the aura is too strong. Even at such a short distance, he can't lock the aura of life force, which part of the body it comes from.

The aura enveloped the whole body, or these auras were emitted from his whole body!
"I still don't believe it, a person will be in this state for no reason!" Gao Jiuding lowered his body and put his hand on the man's wrist. A surge of true energy flowed into his dry meridians inside him.

"Sure enough, the meridian still has a little vitality, which means that his body cells have not died yet!" Gao Jiuding's heart skipped a beat, this person might be in a fake death.

Gao Jiuding's true essence came all the way to the heart. At this time, Gao Jiuding found that his heart cells were not dead, but the vitality was too low to support the beating of the heart.

"The blood hasn't coagulated?" Along a thick artery in the heart, Gao Jiuding's true essence invaded the person's blood vessel.

Sure enough, although he died for more than ten hours, his blood has not coagulated up to now, which shows that Gao Jiuding's judgment is correct, this person is not dead, or he hasn't really died yet.

"All the vitality is gathered at one point, where is this point hidden?" Gao Jiuding circulated his true energy and walked around the inside of this person's body, but found nothing!
Gao Jiuding didn't give up, he released his consciousness again, and searched for this person from head to toe, from inside to outside, inch by inch, trace by trace, but in the end, he still didn't find anything.

"That's strange. Don't you just watch him die?" Gao Jiuding knew that although this person hadn't died yet, his body would decay after a long time, at least his brain would be damaged.

At this time, the blood is still active, and the brain cells have not suffered much damage. If he can be revived now, he will still be a healthy person. If the delay is too late, it will be troublesome to be rescued.

"This should be an evil spirit!" Just when Gao Jiuding was at a loss, the voice of the little fox suddenly sounded in his mind.

Gao Jiuding frowned, as if he hadn't contacted the little fox for a long time, and now the voice of the little fox suddenly appeared in his mind, and Gao Jiuding was startled.

"Bewitched?" Gao Jiuding asked.

"Sorcerer, in this state, it's like being used by someone to extract vitality!" said the little fox.

"Extract vitality? Gather vitality?" Looking at the man, Gao Jiuding said thoughtfully.

 Thanks to the book friend 140718112011674, the cute brother Yuchen for the reward of 500 coins, thank you~ Awakening, Shuxiangren, a bookworm brother for the reward of 200 coins, thank you brother laodaren4215 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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