Chapter 488

"What's the matter? How nice is my place? There are food, drinks, and fun. Look, how nice are your ladies? You can do whatever you want!" Gao Jiuding didn't want to send Gao Xianzhi to Song Yue's place. , at this time Song Yue is practicing vigorously, how can she have time to take care of her children?

Gao Xianzhi pouted and said nothing, just wanted to find her mother!

"Okay, okay, Zhaodi, you send her there!" Seeing that he was about to cry, Gao Jiuding felt that he couldn't be offended, so he agreed hastily.

"Wow!" It didn't matter if it was promised, the little baby turned into a crying baby directly, she was wronged, how could she be sent out so easily?

"Master, you need to spend more time with little junior sister, she is angry at you for ignoring her!" He Xiaoyu looked funny, so he could only help coax the child.

Gao Jiuding was at a loss, how could he explain it this way?Doesn't the child miss his mother?

"Forget it, you guys go to work!" After finishing speaking, Gao Jiuding waved his hand, engulfing He Xiaoyu and Gao Xianzhi, and entered the pagoda together.

Gao Jiuding still has a good impression of He Xiaoyu, a woman who will never leave her husband. Otherwise, he would not accept her as a registered student. Most of the middle-aged women are consumed.

However, this is a smart person with perseverance, and the most important thing is that she is kind and has a conscience!
People who are kind and hardworking will definitely have good luck. Gao Jiuding believes in this, and being kind to others is never a bad thing!

Seeing such a person, Gao Jiuding couldn't help but wanted to help her!
He came to the bamboo building under the central mountain range of the pagoda and got some ingredients for He Xiaoyu to handle.

And Gao Jiuding took Gao Xianzhi and began to tease her, until he coaxed his daughter into a smile, Gao Jiuding was relieved.

After He Xiaoyu ate a bowl of lotus seed porridge and fell asleep, Gao Jiuding asked, "It's been a few days, and you should know something about the world of cultivation. I want to hear what your plans are in the future!"

"I want to become a sword cultivator!" He Xiaoyu had planned for a long time, so when Gao Jiuding asked, she immediately answered.

"Gao Yumo chose for you?" Gao Jiuding looked at He Xiaoyu in surprise. This gentle and virtuous woman actually wants to be a sword repairer?
What is sword repair?The one who fights against the sky, fights against the sky, fights against the earth, and fights against the air in the middle is the sword cultivator!

Sword cultivators are a group of madmen who have fought before. If they don't have an extremely strong will to fight, they will not be able to sharpen any good swords at all, and they will not become a qualified sword cultivator.

Sword repair is also a kind of weapon repair, but they grow up in battle!
For He Xiaoyu's choice, Gao Jiuding really felt very strange!
He Xiaoyu said with a firm expression: "My own choice, I have no advantage over others, and sword cultivation is the only kind of cultivation method that does not require aptitude, and does not need to rely too much on various spiritual objects and spirits. Shi, this should be my best choice!"

Unexpectedly, this was He Xiaoyu's own choice. Gao Jiuding laughed when he heard her reason.

"Who told you that sword cultivators don't need the assistance of spirits? Did you watch the Wuyun Sword Jue? The five elements contain five swords, and the five internal organs correspond to the five elements. Using the internal organs to condense the energy of the five elements to form sword energy corresponds to refining." Temperament monk!
But, have you ever thought about how fragile the five internal organs are?How much energy of the Five Elements can it support?What should I do if I hurt my internal organs?Gold corresponds to the lungs, and practicing gold qi will definitely hurt the lungs. Do you want to be a tuberculosis patient for the rest of your life?One step and three coughs? "Gao Jiuding said with a smile.

"I can accumulate some spirit stones and directly buy a flying sword to practice!" He Xiaoyu's expression was very normal, it seemed that this was her real choice.

Gao Jiuding touched his forehead and felt a bit of a headache. As a registered disciple, he seems to be a bit awkward!

Gao Jiuding said: "What grade of flying sword should you choose? Take the sword as the foundation, practice sword art, if the flying sword is not good, it can't be done, and the best Xingchen Jianwan, do you know how many spirit stones are there?

I have plenty of star iron, but only monks above the golden core stage can practice star sword pills. This is not comparable to ordinary flying swords. If you want to practice an ordinary flying sword, then I can tell you right now You, go home and take care of your children, there is no future like that! "

"How much is a Xingchen Jianwan?" After a long silence, He Xiaoyu asked again.

Gao Jiuding patted his head, he still has to choose to be a sword repairer!
Originally, Gao Jiuding wanted to give He Xiaoyu an earth spirit stone to let her advance along his path. With the accumulated strength at that time, even if Gao Yumo had a single earth spirit root, he might not be able to beat her .

However, He Xiaoyu is too assertive, so it doesn't make any sense, let him help as a master!
"Jinjing Feijian, 30 low-grade, Xingchen Jianwan 30 billion low-grade!" Gao Jiuding said helplessly.

This time there was no reply at all, He Xiaoyu stood there in a daze, Jin Jingfeijian needed 30 low-grade spirit stones!

Since the master did not recommend it, it cannot be used and has no future.

But how much is 30 billion low-grade spirit stones?Don't talk about exchanging spirit stones, even if it is exchanged in RMB, she has no money to buy them!

A housewife like her can't earn so much money without eating or drinking, let alone Lingshi!

Without advanced cultivation bases, one cannot earn spiritual stones, and without enough spiritual stones, how can there be advanced cultivation bases?She's in a dead end!
Just when Gao Jiuding wanted to raise his opinion, He Xiaoyu raised his head: "I want to give it a go!"

"Give it a go? How?" Gao Jiuding asked casually.

"Just use the Wuyun Sword Art to raise the sword, and there should be a lot of pills to nourish the heart, right? I've seen the Heart-protecting Pill, and the price doesn't seem too expensive!" He Xiaoyu said.

This time it was Gao Jiuding's turn to be silent, which was really a good idea, it seemed that the leader of the scattered alliance, Jianzong, had chosen this path.

However, her father is the leader of the Shenzhou Dao League, and she also has a third-tier warship. Can she compare?

"Decided?" Gao Jiuding could no longer say anything.

"It's decided!" He Xiaoyu nodded solemnly.

"Take it and take a good look. If you really want to become a sword repairer, then let's talk about it!" Gao Jiuding took out a portable jade document, which is a modified version. In fact, it should be called a mobile phone.

After handing over the remodeled mobile phone to He Xiaoyu, Gao Jiuding planned to see He Xiaoyu's choice.

He Xiaoyu took it over, a little confused, is this a magic weapon or a mobile phone?
"Can you connect to the Internet?" He Xiaoyu asked.

Gao Jiuding looked at the surrounding environment, and said: "The original portable jade document is not good, but the current one should be fine!"

" Isn't it the Internet?" He Xiaoyu asked again strangely.

Gao Jiuding laughed, it turned out that he was asking this: "Let's have a look, and watch the child for me by the way, I have something else to do!"

After finishing speaking, Gao Jiuding returned to the Time and Space God Realm in the eucalyptus tree cave again, and continued to practice, refine the demon-binding rope, and refine himself to contemplate himself!

"Mom, mother" Gao Jiuding was awakened by bursts of crying, and when he came out to see, his precious daughter was already crying with snot all over her face!
"Are you awake?" Gao Jiuding hurried in.

"Father!" Gao Xianzhi threw himself into his arms directly, but when he was in Gao Jiuding's arms, he was still sobbing.

"What's the matter?" Gao Jiuding asked.

"Children are like this. They sleep for too long. When they wake up, they will find their mother. No one can coax them!" He Xiaoyu said.

"Find Mom!" As expected, Gao Xianzhi didn't give Gao Jiuding any face this time.

"En?" Gao Jiuding took He Xiaoyu and Gao Xianzhi, just after leaving the pagoda space, he discovered that the outer space was in chaos, and one of his cousins ​​was robbed again, and this time, those robbers were smarter .

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, a large screen in the Xuanwu lighted up, and it displayed a black starry sky. In this starry sky, a spaceship was floating there alone.

"What is this?" He Xiaoyu asked.

Gao Xianzhi also blinked and looked at: "My spaceship?"

"That's your uncle's boat!" Gao Jiuding said with a smile.

He only had time to explain this sentence, and then the conflict broke out on the screen. The spaceship that was floating there quietly was hit by a small spaceship suddenly, and the Holy Light battleship rolled out immediately.

Following the sudden impact of the small spaceship, He Xiaoyu saw a bright spot behind the spaceship, which she didn't know was the entrance of the space folding warehouse of the Holy Light spaceship.

The small spaceship had been premeditated. After hitting the Holy Light battleship, the three mechs in the spaceship quickly sank into the space folding warehouse.

Gao Jiuding talked, Gao Wu was too careless, it is impossible for him not to know about other people being attacked, since he knew, he deserved it if he could still be attacked by someone!
Gao Jiuding didn't intend to save him, because it was really unnecessary!

The total assets on Gaowu's spaceship are only a few hundred thousand yuan of low-grade spirit stones, and if Gao Jiuding jumps over, it will cost 10 yuan of middle-grade spirit stones!

It would cost a full 20 yuan to exchange for low-grade spirit stones. Such a thing, no matter how you think about it, is a loss-making business.

"It's just some black iron ore, and there are tens of thousands of spirit stones. If someone robs them, just grab them!" Gao Jiuding glanced at the situation inside the spaceship, and decided to leave him alone.

Gao Wu was dumbfounded at this moment. He was processing the harvest just now, but suddenly the spaceship rolled over. When he recovered from the dizziness, there were already three robots standing in front of him, no, it was Gundam.

Facing the three mechs several meters high, Gao Wu didn't even have the thought of resisting. He could only watch them helplessly and search the spaceship warehouse.

"Haha I got rich, so much black iron ore!"

"Be careful, there are still ten mechas here!"

"I'm controlling this kid, the mech won't start!"

"Boy, be honest, we want money but not life!"

"Hand over the storage bag!"

"Damn, only these black iron ore!"

"There must be spirit stones, boy, be sensible and hand over the spirit stones, or you will definitely suffer some flesh and blood!"

(End of this chapter)

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