The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 542 The Disaster of Mara

Chapter 542 The Disaster of Mara
"Mo Luo and Shura, have they all gone to the demon star?" Gao Jiuding was really surprised. What the little fox said was probably true.

"So, it's not peaceful on the demon star, there are people and demons fighting against each other inside, and demons invading outside!" said the little fox.

Gao Jiuding really didn't expect this kind of result: "It's not right, if Mo Luo or Shura often enter the demon star through the teleportation array, wouldn't the teleportation point on the demon star be exposed long ago?"

The little fox explained: "There is a great chance of being exposed. As long as it is exposed, no matter whether it is a human race or a monster race, it will be destroyed without hesitation. But, do you think Shura and Mo Luo are so easy to appear? Decades, even It takes hundreds of years for a Shura or Mara to appear!

After they teleport into the demon star, do you think they will go on a rampage in a daze?They will not be directly discovered by people, and they are unlikely to be killed immediately. They can become the existence of Nascent Soul level. Even the devils have certain wisdom. Luo disaster.

On our demon star, every few decades or hundreds of years, there will be a disaster of Mara, and a large group of demons will suddenly appear, spreading all over the place. How do you know where they came from?

Even if you can roughly lock a range, there is nothing you can do about them. A large group of demons suddenly appear, it is not so easy to deal with, just like now, you have to gather all the strong people on your earth to break into a place that is not guarded by demons. Planet, you said, can the teleportation point above the demon star be easily destroyed? "

"The disaster of Moluo? Go directly to the demon star to conquer the city?" The little fox is still useful, Gao Jiuding looked at the surrounding void, how many demons are there?

If there is no Mo Luo or Shura, then there must be a Mo Luo or Shura, leading a large number of men, rushing into the demon star.

If they chose the same teleportation point as the demon group, wouldn't they just break into the middle of the demon group?Wouldn't that be sad?
"Don't worry, looking at the situation here, it should be that a Mara or Shura is about to be born. Even if there is a demon disaster, it should be wiped out. Unfortunately, the demons here will have no chance!" The little fox pointed at Xingshen Star. , those monsters who keep attacking the shield, it is unlikely that Mara will be born among them.

"So, it's still safe to take the teleportation array to the demon star!" Gao Jiuding laughed.

"It's easy to go to the demon star, but it's very difficult to integrate into the demon star!" The little fox stared at Gao Jiuding and said.

"Of course I need your help. I have learned a lot about your language, so I should be able to handle it. As long as I stay for a while, the language will not be a problem, and the rest will not be a problem!" Gao Jiuding said with a smile.

"You can do it for yourself!" After the little fox finished speaking, he ignored Gao Jiuding.

Having said so much, Gao Jiuding still didn't let go, since he didn't take her to the demon star, the little fox went on strike.

Gao Jiuding could only smile wryly, he also wanted to find a party to lead the way, but Gao Jiuding really didn't dare to use the little fox's performance.

He understood everything he needed to know, and now he was waiting to rush into Xingshen Planet, sit in the teleportation array, and travel to the demon star.

There are tens of thousands of demon generals around, and this is still the demon leader who stayed near Xingshen planet. If you count the demon generals who were expelled and wandered on the nearby asteroids, how many demon generals can this starry sky carry?

The starry sky is vast and the darkness is boundless. This is the soil for the breeding of demons. As long as there is enough time, even without the help of spirit stones and veins, the demons will slowly evolve and grow!

Time is the greatest enemy. With the accumulation of time, the demon group will continue to grow. Perhaps this is the reason why the ancient monks established the teleportation array leading to the demon realm.

Be prepared for danger in times of peace, and when the strength is strong, if you don't wipe out the demon group, then when the demon group grows stronger, it will cause the disaster of Mara, just like the current situation of the demon star.

"If human beings don't go out of the solar system, they will face the threat of the Mara disaster in the future, right?" Gao Jiuding looked at the broken solar system. Compared with the three stars in the south gate, a single-star galaxy like the solar system is completely hostile to the demon group. Not much of a threat.

"Fortunately, the spiritual energy in the solar system is thin, otherwise, how could human beings have a good life?" Gao Jiuding was very fortunate at this time, the place where he lived was rubbish, if it was a good place, all monsters would want to snatch it.

Of course, there may have been monsters on the ancient earth, otherwise, how could there be legends of extraterrestrial demons?
"The important task of protecting the solar system is left to us!" At this time, Gao Jiuding was full of sense of mission.

After a while in Secondary School, Gao Jiuding decided to practice!

After repairing for a day, the next day, all the battleships hiding in this corner started to move.

There are hundreds of warships in the Shenzhou Alliance, hundreds of warships in the Western Alliance, and a total of less than 250 second-tier warships. This is the strength of the entire earth's cultivation world.

The two major alliances of the East and the West, and all the second-tier warships combined, are nothing more than these!
"Attention everyone, hand over the command authority of the battleship, and the alliance will fight together!"

"Attention everyone, hand over the command authority of the battleship, and the alliance will fight together!"

"Provide firepower data, defense data, and hand over command authority!"

"Provide firepower data, defense data, and hand over command authority!"

"Arrange the five-element array, attack alternately, each warship attacks once to change its direction, attacks five times in succession, and retreats to the interior of the fleet to repair!"

"Arrange the five-element array, attack alternately, each warship attacks once to change its direction, attacks five times in succession, and retreats to the interior of the fleet to repair!"

"Heavenly Illusion is under unified command, and the configuration of any battleship will not be revealed!"

"Heavenly Illusion is under unified command, and the configuration of any battleship will not be revealed!"

"Five Elements Great Array, get up!"

At this time, the little fox is already accepting the command of the Heavenly Illusionary Artifact Spirit. This is the so-called transfer of command, and only in this way, will the owners of all second-tier battleships hand over command so easily.

Following an order, Gao Jiuding's Fox also moved.

The Fox rotated and formed a small five-element array with the five surrounding warships!
And their small five-element formation was added to the other four small formations to form a larger five-element formation.

All the warships are combined continuously to form a big five-element array.

"Clean the surrounding area!"

"Clean the surrounding area!"

"Fill energy!"

"Fill energy!"

"Coordinates XXX XXX XXX, ready to jump."

"Buzzing" the huge fleet jumped at the same time, and appeared in another void at the same time.

Since the coordinates were assigned very accurately in advance, after jumping out, they are still as one.

The five-element formation was in motion, and all the monsters in the surrounding starry sky were crushed, absorbed, and refined in an instant!
There is no need for special attacks at all for the small group of demons. You must know that there are all second-tier warships here.

These battleships kept changing positions. Even if a dozen demon generals rushed in at once, it was impossible to attack only one battleship. As long as the demon group was divided, these demon bosses could only be meat on the chopping board to be slaughtered by them!

"Unity is strength!" With a slight turn of the formation, a group of over [-] demons were smashed, among which there were more than [-] demon generals, which made Gao Jiuding sigh.

This is the center of the demon world, and there are countless demon generals here, but as long as all the second-level battleships are combined, so many demon heads can be wiped out in just one turn of the formation.

Finally, the Fox turned to the periphery and withstood an attack from a demon group.

The big formation was running, and the Fox was being pulled to change its position constantly. Even if it was attacked by countless demon heads, it would not face more than two demon generals at once.

And with only one demon general, it would be easy for Gao Jiuding to deal with it!

This time he didn't need to do anything, as long as he put the demon general into the spaceship, the little fox would activate the demon suppressing tower to suppress the demon general, and then released the demon suppressing banner, directly pulling the demon general into the demon suppressing banner.

After suppressing a demon general, the Fox has retreated into the five-element formation, and is no longer facing the impact of the demon group!
It was originally agreed to accept five rounds of impact, but now it is simply impossible.

Jumping again and again, attacking the demon group again and again, suppressing the demon general again and again, and wandering around Xingshen Xingshen three times, the surrounding starry sky has been cleaned for three layers!
After attacking so many times, the Fox only got a dozen chances.

Thirteen battles, thirteen demon generals, and thirteen harvests made Gao Jiuding so happy that he couldn't see his eyes!

No wonder Tie Lan said it was beneficial. This is really a great benefit. Before attacking Xingshen Star, he harvested thirteen magic generals, which is equal to thirteen Yin Lingzhu!
"These monsters are too easy to deal with!" Gao Jiuding said with a smile.

"If you don't have a second-tier battleship, then come here and try it!" The little fox said coldly when there was no combat mission.

"Without a spaceship, I can easily deal with a demon general!" Gao Jiuding said dissatisfied.

"Therefore, only when Mo Luo appears, they will rush into the demon star, and the demon bosses are not stupid!" said the little fox.

"Without Mo Luo and Shura, they are just stupid!" Gao Jiuding clearly saw that a large group of demons flew out as the alliance fleet approached Xingshen Star.

There was no need for any special means to attract them, and a small group of demons was attracted from a position of Xingshen Star.

Tens of thousands of demon generals are difficult to deal with. If they all come out at once, even if the second-tier warships of the entire alliance are assembled, they will have to escape for their lives!

But now, as long as they are outside the perception distance of the demon generals and get a little closer, they can attract a small number of demon generals and let them come out to die.

These demon generals don't know how to cooperate, have no supernatural powers, and can only rely on instinct to devour them to grow. No matter how many such demon generals there are, they are not the opponents of the alliance.

"Don't get carried away. Demon generals who have been in contact with humans, or devoured human beings, must be careful!" After easily eliminating a group of hundreds of demon generals again, the little fox had time to warn Gao Jiuding.

"What's the difference? Can you still grow your brain?" Gao Jiuding said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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