The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 547 Spirit Stone Mine

Chapter 547 Spirit Stone Mine
Running fast all the way, avoiding several small caves and some forests, because in these places, the radar scanned creatures, no matter whether they were monsters or not, Gao Jiuding didn't want to provoke them.

After walking for four or five kilometers, passing through several small hills, I finally found a suitable small ravine. At the end of the ravine was a pile of rocks with strange rocks. This kind of place is suitable for hiding things.

"Hey, if you don't enter the tiger's lair, how can you catch a tiger cub!" Gao Jiuding ruthlessly spat out all the earth spirit beads and the heaven and earth Xuanhuang Linglong pagoda.

As soon as the pagoda was urged, the earth spirit beads were collected in the pagoda, and put into the five-element transformation array inside the eucalyptus on the first floor of the pagoda.

He took out a magic talisman from his pocket, this is a sealing talisman!
Stimulated by the true essence, the talisman turned into an aura of light, covering the outside of the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda!

In just a split second, the aura was submerged, and all the aura outside the Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda disappeared.

Looking at the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda at this time, without the aura, it is just a mud pagoda made of mud, and there is no such thing as a treasure at first sight.

I found a very strange boulder, dug a big hole, and found the part buried in the ground.

As soon as Gao Jiuding stretched out his hand, the ground splitting technique was activated, and an opening was cracked at the bottom of the boulder. Gao Jiuding threw the pagoda into it, and then stretched out his hand, and the boulder returned to its original shape.

"I hope it won't be too unlucky!" After re-burying the boulder and seeing that there was nothing abnormal, Gao Jiuding followed the same path with a sad face.

Returning to the cave where the teleportation array was located, Gao Jiuding slowly touched the ground along the huge passage.

There are mountains in a radius of one hundred miles. The mountains are densely covered with jungles and there are many creatures. Only around this cave, the creatures are rare and scattered. As long as you go out of the cave within ten kilometers, there are almost groups of unknown creatures outside.

Gao Jiuding didn't know what was going on here, so naturally he wouldn't venture out, so after hiding the treasures he brought with him, he returned to the cave again.

The situation inside the cave is very complicated, and there are still some humanoid creatures active in it, which is why he came back again.

At this time, Gao Jiuding already knew that this cave was not simple, because the aura outside the cave was definitely not as strong as the aura inside the cave.

Walking in the cave now, no matter how Gao Jiuding looked at it, it was like walking in a huge mine.

The spiritual energy is strong, and the spiritual light is shining inside the cave wall. This kind of place is likely to be a spiritual mine, a vein that produces spiritual stones.

How could Gao Jiuding give up when he came across a Lingshi vein, which was unowned and anyone could dig at will?

Therefore, even if the environment outside the mine is safe, Gao Jiuding will not leave easily.

A spirit stone vein that is being mined, and a spirit stone vein that has been excavated for a long time, is not managed by anyone, isn't it too strange?

"Did the disaster of Mo Luo really happen?" Gao Jiuding could only think of this situation at this moment.

If there hadn't been a disaster, how could anyone be willing to give up something like a spirit stone vein?
No matter what, Gao Jiuding couldn't give up this opportunity!

No one managed it, naturally because there was chaos here, and the more chaos there was, the easier it was for Gao Jiuding to integrate into the local environment.

Finding a direction with a large number of people, Gao Jiuding slowly groped forward. The deeper he went, Gao Jiuding found that the underground aura became stronger.

When he went a thousand meters deep underground, the aura here was already connected together!
In this kind of place, no matter how sharp Gao Jiuding's eyes are, it is useless.

There is aura all around, and he can only distinguish a little bit, the aura in some places is particularly strong.

Someone was digging in front of him, because he heard the unique sound of mining.

Walking to a remote place, Gao Jiuding found an abandoned mining pick. He picked it up and looked at it. The two ends of the pick had been worn out, and now it looked like a hoe.

Something is better than nothing, so Gao Jiuding chose a hole wall with particularly strong aura, and chiseled it vigorously.

"Bang bang bang!" The rhythmic sound of working sounded, and the sounds in other small caves around stopped immediately.

Then, Gao Jiuding heard a slight sound of footsteps, and within a few seconds, a ray of light shot over: "Boy, don't be nervous, newcomer?"

The one who came was a young man, about seventeen or eighteen years old, but the one who spoke was old-fashioned.

The tone of this person's speech is very weird, which is a bit similar to the southern dialect of Huaxia. With the help of the language taught by Professor Little Fox, he can understand a little bit. Combined with the knowledge of Yutongjian that he instilled when he came here, Gao Jiuding can fully understand it. After all, it is just a few simple short sentences.

Unfortunately, even if he understood, Gao Jiuding didn't dare to speak because he could hear but not speak.

Without waiting for Gao Jiuding's response, the young man didn't respond at all, but continued: "You also came here to risk making offerings?"

"Well, you too?" Gao Jiuding stammered.

"Don't be nervous, I mean no harm!"

This time Gao Jiuding had a hard time listening, but he still understood the general idea!

At this time Gao Jiuding was very happy, he came to the territory of a sect, this is luck!

Although he is not afraid of being robbed by others, it is not easy to meet a little guy with good intentions!
"My name is Yihu, what's your name? Home is also nearby?" Yihu?One pot?Or a tiger with wings?

Gao Jiuding didn't know what to say, anyway, he couldn't be called Gao Jiuding anymore, the name was too global.

"My name is Ding, I was born on the Yaozu side, and I ran out while taking advantage of the chaos," Gao Jiuding said.

"Ding? A cauldron made of stone? Are you literate? That's right, those captured by the monsters are all useful talents. Otherwise, those beasts would not leave us humans behind. My family is a hunter in the local mountains. Disaster, we can only hide here." Yi Hu said.

"Are you also literate? Otherwise, you wouldn't know what a tripod is!" Gao Jiuding simply began to speak with Professor Little Fox's pronunciation.

Yihu proudly said: "No wonder your accent is a bit strange. It turns out that you come from the leader of the Yaozu. My family is Orion. How can Orion be illiterate? Can you practice martial arts without knowing words? If you don't practice martial arts, how can you survive in this barren mountain? Survive? Let alone being a qualified hunter!"

"Then your family should be rich!" Gao Jiuding knew that here, Lingshi is money.

Yihu said with a bitter face: "My seven brothers all need to enter the sect to learn art. I am the fourth child. I can't go up or down. I can only support myself. Come, go to my side to mine, there is a familiar cave , it’s easier to dig, and it’s easier to produce spirit stones!”

"No, that's where you found it. How can I take advantage of you?" Gao Jiuding directly refused. He didn't know what Maverick was thinking, but it was good to save a little trouble.

Yihu immediately said: "It's okay, I've collected enough 100 yuan for low-grade spirit stones, and I haven't met a single person to speak for three months, and I'm completely suffocated!"

"I still can't do it. I'm still far behind. I have to work hard to dig mines. Let's talk when we rest!" Gao Jiuding still refused.

"Okay, you must chat with me when you are having dinner and rest!" Yi Hu reluctantly left.

Gao Jiuding continued to dig. The rock here was very hard. Gao Jiuding smashed it more than a dozen times, but only made a small hole the size of a fist.

In three months, I dug up nearly 100 yuan of low-grade spirit stones. It seems that the task is not small.

Enshrine 100 yuan of low-grade spirit stones to Tiejianmen, and you can enter the outer gate of Tiejianmen.

After receiving this information, Gao Jiuding regretted it. If he knew this, when he buried the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, he took out 100 yuan of low-grade spirit stones.

"Work hard!" Gao Jiuding turned into a miner and started digging hard.

Without the help of the earth spirit stone, and also absorbing all the true essence in the body, Gao Jiuding at this time is an ordinary person with a relatively strong body, and he still dare not absorb the spiritual energy here to condense the true essence, because it is not The monks here should do something.

There must be a reason why Qi practitioner civilization did not develop here, but methods of absorbing spiritual energy and exercising the body developed instead.

The aura nourishes the body, exercises the body, and thus develops a body-refining civilization. The monks trained in this way are more powerful in combat.

"Ding!" While familiarizing himself with the newly acquired knowledge, he dug the mine. It took almost an hour to dig out a half-meter-deep hole, and finally he got a harvest.

Looking at the golden color, a spirit stone the size of a little finger, Gao Jiuding almost cried, this gold spirit stone is underdeveloped?

Shouldn't it be a large piece of spirit stone?Why is it so small here?

Chisel it out, put it in the palm of your hand, and look carefully!

The rhombus-shaped small piece of spirit stone is much smaller than the piece of spirit stone he cut out. Could it be a piece of spirit stone?
Without cutting, it is a very regular rhombus. Could it be that the spirit stones here are all this size?

Putting the spirit stone into his pocket, Gao Jiuding started to do it again!
Going deeper from here, you should be able to dig out a few spirit stones, because the spirit light inside is still shining very strongly.

I don't know how long it took, when Gao Jiuding felt exhausted and hungry, he heard the sound of running.

"Brother, run!" Yihu ran over quickly, which made Gao Jiuding a little surprised, but this kid is physically stronger, so he shouldn't be afraid.

He didn't dodge Yihu, so he successfully grabbed Gao Jiuding's arm, pulled him, and ran out quickly.

"Unexpectedly, you don't understand anything, this time is miserable!" Maverick murmured softly while running.

"What's the matter?" At this time, Gao Jiuding could feel Yihu's kindness.

"Don't stop mining. If you stop, run quickly. You don't understand? Someone is following you!" Maverick said angrily.

"Toothless tiger, stop!" Just when Gao Jiuding wanted to continue asking, a group of people appeared in front of the two of them and blocked them in the mine!
(End of this chapter)

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