The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 563 Enlightenment Success

Chapter 563 Enlightenment Success
Some clever monsters, even knowing that they must die, will explode themselves. Even if they can't kill the enemy, they still have to smash the blood essence they have cultivated to prevent the enemy from benefiting.

The more advanced the monster, the smarter the monster, the harder it is to get their blood essence!
Gao Jiuding can't use the blood essence in the hemolytic period. He only needs the ordinary blood of the fire centipede.

When everything was ready, Gao Jiuding threw the spirit-enlightening medicine and a few blood clots from the fire centipede into the cauldron, then he took off his clothes and entered the cauldron.

Gao Jiuding did this kind of medicine bath not once or twice, he can be said to be familiar with the road, and he can easily feel the effect of the medicine on the body.

In the process of enlightening the spirit, Gao Jiuding didn't have to do anything, everything was guided by medicine.

The demon star civilization has a whole set of cultivation methods. For example, in the current spiritual enlightenment, there is a main medicinal material in the cauldron called spiritual enlightenment grass. , will be guided into Gao Jiuding's body to strengthen his body's blood until there is a psychic transformation.

You don't need guidance, just silently pay attention to the changes in your body.

Gao Jiuding could feel that streams of fiery aura, after penetrating into his body, began to gather toward his heart, which was to strengthen his cardiovascular system!
Fire dominates the heart, the essence and blood of the fire centipede has its own fire attribute, so it naturally gathers towards the heart, but I don't know if Gao Jiuding can succeed in enlightening the spirit.

The fire aura nourishes the heart, the sleep scriptures attract aura to nourish the brain, swallowing various spiritual things nourishes the stomach, and the body soaks in medicinal baths to nourish the body. No matter which method is used for cultivation, it is tempering the body with aura.

It's just that the spirit-enlightening grass is more powerful. It can guide all spiritual things into the heart and blood vessels, and strengthen the cardiovascular system in a targeted manner.

"Medicine primers are actually targeted drug delivery, right? Fixed-point delivery is the same as eating to nourish the stomach first!" Gao Jiuding is also a doctor, and he also has a little understanding of pharmacology.

Therefore, spiritual things are not important, the most important thing is the spiritual enlightenment grass, this kind of medicine primer, can directly guide spiritual energy and spiritual things, and strengthen a certain part of the body one-on-one, which is very powerful.

Straw, strand, strand, as time went by, Gao Jiuding felt that more and more fire aura poured into his heart, continuously strengthening his heart.

Feeling that the aura had become weaker, Gao Jiuding directly put in the blood clots of the fire centipede, one by one at the beginning, and finally put in three or five blood clots at once.

Gao Jiuding understood it, it doesn't matter if there are too many blood clots, it's better not to have less, if there are too many blood clots, it's unbearable, just jump out of the cauldron.

If it is not enough, then the heart cannot be strengthened, and there is no way to enlighten the spirit!
As time went by little by little, the spiritual energy guiding ability was getting weaker and weaker, but Gao Jiuding absorbed only a small part of the spiritual blood in the cauldron.

Gao Jiuding knew that it was because the potency of the Enlightenment Herb was weakening, and at this moment, he began to feel uneasy.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't have a spiritual root for refining qi. Could it be that his aptitude is not good enough for body refining?
If you can't succeed in enlightening the spirit once, it can only show that your qualifications are poor.

Compared with those geniuses who grow freely to a certain age and succeed in their own spiritual enlightenment, Gao Jiuding is no different. Doesn't it mean that he doesn't even have average aptitude?

Gao Jiuding is in a bad mood, but his physique is pretty good, right?

Feeling less and less aura pouring into his heart, Gao Jiuding became more and more anxious until he felt a surge of aura merged into his blood from the outside world.

With the breathing out, the spiritual energy under control also began to enter the blood vessels and merge into the blood.

"Spirit enlightenment succeeded? There is no rumbling, just such a calm enlightenment?" Feeling a trace of spiritual energy, blending into the blood, Gao Jiuding was already excited and incoherent.

The success was so sudden that he wasn't even prepared!
"The next practice should be the same as refining qi, right?" Feeling the aura fused into the blood vessels, how is this different from refining aura and turning it into true energy?
With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, the Jiuding magic skill started to work!

"Well, it's really different. Refining Qi is refining Qi, refining body is refining body, spiritual energy is integrated into blood vessels, refining blood, and exercising the whole body!" Gao Jiuding had just absorbed a wave of spiritual energy, and discovered the difference between body refining and Qi refining .

Qi refining is to transform spiritual energy into true energy, while body refining is to exercise the body, all the spiritual energy absorbed is refined and melted into the blood, and through the blood, it can strengthen the whole body.

Refining the body is the foundation of cultivation, and refining Qi can only be the breath of cultivation.

"Cultivators above the demon star should live longer than Qi refiners, right?"

Having just come to the demon star, Gao Jiuding knows very little about the demon star civilization, but he has seen some advantages of the demon star civilization.

Different environments lead to different civilizations, and even the structure of organisms is different, which is due to the evolution of adaptation to the environment.

Since it is evolution, it will naturally evolve in a good direction. For example, the Ganoderma lucidum here can mature in seven days. However, it also has limitations, its ability to adapt to the environment is weak, and its capacity to absorb spiritual energy is limited.

It is because of its flaws that it blooms instantly like an epiphyllum. In this way, the Ganoderma lucidum here can multiply for thousands of years and never go extinct!

But people are different, they don't need to bloom instantly!
What human beings need is eternity. As long as there is time, human beings can always find a method suitable for their own cultivation, such as body training.

Compared with qi refining, creatures above demon stars are definitely more suitable for practicing body training, because the aura here is too strong, and it is easy to channel the meridians in one's body!
And as long as you become psychic, you can absorb aura!

Absorbing spiritual energy into the blood, strengthening the body, and prolonging the lifespan of human beings.

What is the purpose of human cultivation?Still not seeking immortality?Even immortality, since there is an easier way, who would be willing to take a detour?

Therefore, the emergence of the demon star body refining civilization is an inevitable result.

"The next step is to find the exercises!" Gao Jiuding was really looking forward to it, he really wanted to see now, how the exercises on the demon star smelt spiritual energy and strengthen the blood.

Now, Gao Jiuding is also a monk in the blood refining period. There are twelve layers of blood refining, advancing layer by layer, continuously strengthening the blood, but he doesn't know how long the blood refining monks here have.

After entering the blood refinement period, Gao Jiuding is no longer a handyman, but an outer disciple, and he can enter the lower courtyard of the sect to practice.

After jumping out of the cauldron and getting dressed, Gao Jiuding did not extinguish the flame, but went out and shouted.

Yihu walked into the small courtyard and saw the big cauldron exuding spiritual energy. His eyes were shining brightly and he said, "Brother, have you enlightened? Judging by your face, you must have succeeded, right?"

"Fire element, the fire centipede in the hemolytic stage, do you want it? There is still a lot of blood in it, put in a piece of spiritual enlightenment grass, and you can try it!" Gao Jiuding said.

"Yes, the blood essence of the hemolytic period? You are so powerful, where did you buy it? No one in the sect would easily sell this kind of thing!" Yi Hu's eyes widened, but he just looked at Gao Jiuding At a glance, he began to undress.

Gao Jiuding smiled when he saw the winged tiger jumping into the big tripod, he was definitely a smart man.

"Ah, it really works. I can feel my heart beating. Haha, is this inner vision? I can see the sea of ​​blood and absorb spiritual energy? Let me tell you, I must be a genius. What's the difficulty?"

Gao Jiuding could only twitch the corners of his mouth when he saw the winged tiger screaming in the cauldron. His physical fitness was beyond words.

"Hehe, monsters in the hemolytic period are powerful. If you can buy a large amount of blood essence from monsters, the whole family can practice quickly, wow." Just now, he was so happy that he was about to go to the sky. As he was talking, Yihu actually burst into tears.

Looking at the crying Yihu, Gao Jiuding could hear a kind of longing, memory, expectation, and resentment from his crying, and finally all these turned into sorrow, not sadness, but sorrow!

Gao Jiuding just listened silently, Yihu was different from him, he was an outsider, and Yihu was a local aborigine, originally a hunter in the mountains.

For a long time, Gao Jiuding never asked about Yi Hu's family situation, not because he didn't have a trace of curiosity, or because he didn't care about Yi Hu, but because he didn't need to ask.

Encountering a demon disaster, he was the only one who appeared in the Lingshi mine, and the situation was known without asking!

"Don't be sad, let's practice hard!" After a while, he felt that Yihu was not too sad, so Gao Jiuding said.

"It's about working hard. It's very difficult for us mountain people to get an opportunity. Now that we have it, we must seize it!" Maverick said with a sob.

"Successful enlightenment? Fire bloodline?" Gao Jiuding asked.

"Yes, I have planned a long time ago to become a craftsman in the future!" Speaking of this, Maverick immediately laughed.

Gao Jiuding was speechless, this change in mood was too drastic, I have to say that the people here, no matter in terms of endurance or physical strength, are all outstanding!
It took him such a long time to succeed in enlightening the spirit, and Yihu, who almost entered the cauldron, succeeded in enlightening the spirit.

If the aborigines here all have this kind of qualification, then given them endless resources, their strength will not break through the sky?
"Sustainable development!" No need to think about it, Gao Jiuding knows that there is also a non-proliferation treaty on the demon star, even if there is no express regulation, there must be such a tacit understanding.

This point, just look at the sects here, and the attitude of protecting the spirit veins, you will know!
All the main veins are sealed, and the branch spirit veins can only be opened according to the time, and some underdeveloped small spirit stones can be mined for use.

"By the way, today I sold more than 1000 low-grade spirit stones. We are really rich!" At this time, Maverick was obviously very excited, and he began to make reasonable plans for his future practice, while One of the most important things is the house and the servants.

 Thank you~ Brother Awakening’s reward of 200 coins, thanks to Brother Yang Fan for his reward!

(End of this chapter)

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