Chapter 571
Yihu warned: "In the future, these will be taken care of by your brothers. Also, in the room over there, except for the practice room for the four of you, all the others will be planted with ganoderma. Be careful when selling them It's too noticeable, of course, there's no need to be afraid of being discovered, we can't hide what we should know, just don't make it public!"

"I know, but we don't know how to grow Ganoderma lucidum!" Mo Xiaohu said.

Yihu smiled: "It's not difficult, you have to be optimistic about the spirit gathering array, don't forget to add spirit stones, and the most important thing is, don't forget to pick the Ganoderma lucidum when it is ripe, as long as it exceeds seven days, the spirit of the Ganoderma lucidum will collapse, we all know this Bar?"

"I know, I know, it's really that easy? Just change the spirit stone a few times?" Mo Dahu said in disbelief.

Yihu said proudly: "It's not that simple. Look at some spirit wood, don't make it too dry. If you find it's too dry, you need to water it. Just like this, it can't be too wet. Too wet Ganoderma lucidum directly It's rotten!

Also, don't open the windows, not only to avoid people seeing it, but also to avoid the exposure of the Ganoderma lucidum, this thing is afraid of sunlight, you know?Brother, what else did I not mention? "

Gao Jiuding accepted the conversation with a smile, and said, "Actually, it's just one thing, the temperature. If the temperature is too high, it's okay, but if it's too low, it won't work. It will affect the absorption of spiritual energy by the ganoderma lucidum!"

"By the way, I actually forgot this point. This is inside the room. Unlike the outside world, the temperature is relatively easy to maintain!" Maverick patted his head and said.

"It's that easy?" The brothers of the Mo family still couldn't believe it.

What the two young masters said just now, is there any difficulty?Keep the temperature, change some spirit stones, keep out of the light, sprinkle some water, how difficult is it?
"Hey, it's not difficult, is it? Do it well, raise a few batches of Ganoderma lucidum, and you'll understand!" Yihu said with a smile.

But he didn't tell the four brothers of the Mo family that the most important thing was to cut down trees!
At the beginning, Gao Jiuding was like a fool. When the criss-cross scars were cut on the trunk of the spirit wood, Yihu didn't believe Gao Jiuding's words.

Just by cutting a few knives, can the Ganoderma lucidum seeds quickly take root and germinate?
Moreover, Ganoderma lucidum can grow on every wound, this is a dream!
However, the dream has become a reality!

The world is so wonderful, he Yihu, casually finds a brother to partner with, he is a lucky star, at this time, he will wake up laughing at night from his dreams.

Regardless of whether the four brothers of the Mo family believe it or not, Yi Hu believes anyway, if you follow the eldest brother, you will have everything!

After handing over all the chores again, Gao Jiuding relaxed and returned to his small yard.

He didn't go upstairs, but went down to the secret room under the small courtyard. This is where the real value of this small courtyard lies.

Open the door of the secret room. This is a door made of thick stone slabs. It can only be pushed to rotate the shaft. If it is blocked from the inside and the door shaft is not allowed to rotate, even an expert in the hemolysis period will not be able to break through it in a short time.

After entering the secret room and fastening the door bolt, Gao Jiuding took out a formation plate again, covering the secret room completely.

The formation disk is the most common psychedelic formation, and it can also be said to be a blinding formation. This formation has no defensive power, but it can slightly block people who break into the formation, and it can also confuse the exploration of the spiritual consciousness.

With two layers of buffer, if it is not a powerful master, it is absolutely impossible to rush in front of Gao Jiuding at the moment when Gao Jiuding has not reacted.

After taking precautions, Gao Jiuding wandered around the secret room for a few times. He found that there are underground secret rooms, layer by layer, from the outside to the inside, each of which wraps around the most central practice room.

"Alchemy room, refining room, study room, bathroom, kitchen? What is this? Breeding room, by the way, in the mature cultivation civilization, imperial beasts are also a big category. I actually forgot this, and I didn't buy anything about imperial beasts. The classics of beasts really shouldn't be, if there are pets and war beasts, you can set up another layer of defense around the secret room!"

Gao Jiuding looked at the secret room where he was going to live for a period of time. This would be an important place for him to communicate with the earth, so he must come here in a safe way.

The defense of the secret room and the defense of the formation are not as reliable as a powerful beast!
"Remember, we must breed some divine beasts, dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns in the future. We must catch some of them. After we have cultivated them, they will be combat power!" Gao Jiuding calculated carefully.

The easiest way to control beasts seems to be soul restraint, and Tie Jianmen seems to be very good at making soul restraint, remember, this must be deduced carefully!
Gao Jiuding still has a lot of resources in his hands, such as the blood slave seal, blood nerves, conjoined concentric talisman, and the recently obtained soul contract, that is, the blood contract. Combining these, in Guan himself, he should be able to deduce some useful prohibition.

After making the plan, Gao Jiuding smiled and came to the most central practice room.

Joining the sect is for cultivation, and the aura most needed for cultivation comes from the practice room.

As soon as he entered the practice room, Gao Jiuding saw the strong spiritual light in the center. He had seen such a place many times, and he saw it all inside the demon battleship.

Inside the demon battleship, under those functional buildings, there is almost such a place!
This is the passage linking the spiritual veins. There is a spiritual acupuncture point under this place. The spiritual energy in the spiritual veins is emitted through the exit of this spiritual acupuncture point to help monks practice.

"I've practiced for several years, and this is the first time I've cultivated in such a formal way, try it!" Gao Jiuding came to the location where the spiritual acupoint was.

There is a slightly higher ten platform here. On the stone platform is a jade-like futon. Well, it is not the futon, but a stone cushion. It looks crystal clear and smooth, like a piece of glass jade.

Sitting on it, it's a bit hard, smack!
However, it is not unbearable, at least after sitting cross-legged, the weight of the body will not oppress the legs, which can make the blood flow of the legs easier.

Sitting on the jade futon, he carefully looked at the situation around him, found a groove, put a piece of earth spirit stone in, and the spirit gathering array was activated.

Turning the futon a little, the spiritual acupoint was opened, and strands of spiritual energy gushed out from the jade futon in an instant!
The spiritual energy quickly spread out through the jade futon, and streams of pure earth-type spiritual energy instantly filled the area covered by the spirit-gathering array.

The Spirit Gathering Formation is also the Spirit Sealing Formation. With it gathering spiritual energy, the spiritual energy gushing out from the spiritual acupoint will not spread widely, but gather around Gao Jiuding, which is more conducive to Gao Jiuding's absorption.

Sitting cross-legged, mobilizing the qi and blood in the body, the effect of the spiritual veins is activated, and a stream of spiritual energy, driven by the qi and blood in the body, pours into the blood vessels from all directions and corners of the body, merges into the blood, and finally enters the sea of ​​blood in the heart!
The aura is sufficient and docile, and there is a lot of it. It can even be said that it is just right for Gao Jiuding to practice at this time.

The aura gushing out of the spiritual acupoint was tailor-made for Gao Jiuding's cultivation, no more, no less, just right!
This kind of practice is still a bit slow, so Gao Jiuding urged the newly learned skill Nanming Lihuo Jue, a small flame suddenly appeared in the heart veins, and began to calcine the blood.

With the replenishment of spiritual energy, the blood can be replenished as much as it burns, and there is a surplus, the surplus is the blood essence accumulated by Gao Jiuding. In this way, the speed of cultivation will be slower, but the blood essence that can be cultivated is more pure!
If it is said that the blood essence obtained from the practice can still be seen to be a little dark and dark red after turning into blood energy, then now, every drop of blood essence has turned bright red!

I don't know how long it took, but Gao Jiuding felt his body swell with a little tingling pain. He knew that his body's endurance had reached its limit!
A large amount of spiritual energy poured into the blood vessels through the body, constantly washing away the body tissues. After a long time, the body naturally couldn't bear it.

What's more, there is still a small flame in the cardiovascular system in the body!
Of course, the refined blood was too much, and the blood vessels couldn't bear it for a while!

This is the same as Gao Jiuding's previous Qi refining situation. He absorbed too much spiritual energy, and his meridians would not be able to bear it, so he needed to adapt.

The same is true for absorbing spiritual energy and body training. You can only meditate and practice exercises in the morning and evening!

If there is any difference, it is the body training technique, which is not just a pure static exercise, but also a dynamic exercise, that is, playing routines to activate one's own energy and blood!

He got up and punched the Hundred Steps Divine Fist, and Gao Jiuding practiced the Iron Tire Kung Fu for a while. He didn't stop until the Qi and blood in his body were fully circulated and he couldn't feel any pain.

The spiritual energy absorbed just now should be fully integrated into the blood, and when you are fully adapted, you can continue to absorb the spiritual energy and practice the blood essence!

When the practice came to an end, Gao Jiuding found a lounge, not to rest, but to continue to practice, but this time to sleep.

While practicing Sleeping Sutra, you can also use Self-Contemplation, visualize what you have learned recently, and see what the effect will be after successful practice!
Iron Tire Kung Fu is a kind of external kung fu similar to Paida Kung Fu. It is considered as an entry-level kung fu for body training. It is mainly for monks in the body training period. After training, it will stimulate the blood in the body. It is of no use to the current Gao Jiuding.

As for the Nanming Lihuojue, it can spark a small flame, it can only sacrifice the essence and blood, it can't even be released, and it doesn't have the power of the legendary divine fire.

This very-named exercise is no different from ordinary fire-type exercises. Therefore, Gao Jiuding wants to deduce it to see if there is something special about the high cultivation base.

I feel that there are a lot of exercises that need to be visualized and deduced recently, so Gao Jiuding doesn't think too much, let's follow the steps step by step!

Visualize yourself, and start practicing while observing the illusion in your own animal skin!
The first level of blood refining is complete, and it successfully breaks through the second level of blood refining. During this process, both physical fitness and blood vessels in the whole body have been strengthened once.

This cultivation process is exactly the same as the cultivation process in the qi refining period, there is no difference at all.

(End of this chapter)

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