Chapter 591
After actually walking on the straight road, the bulls did not encounter the attack of powerful monsters, which completely relieved the bulls.

No longer afraid, the barbaric herd began to speed up, faster and faster!

Gao Jiuding did some calculations, and these stimulated bulls, running at full speed, reached the level of 1000 meters per minute, and this is not the ultimate charge.

Gao Jiuding noticed that the calf that was trapped in the center was able to keep up with the speed of an adult bull, which was amazing.

At a speed of [-] kilometers per hour, neither fast nor slow, if you can run for a long time, it will be even more powerful!
"Stop!" After running for about three hours, Gao Jiuding ordered the team to stop when he saw a small river appearing in front of him.

It's no longer enough to stop, the adult bulls can still run for a few hours, but those calves have reached their limit.

However, the current speed of the road is already very impressive. The speed of fifteen or six meters per second has been running for three hours. This is a short two hundred kilometers!

If you drive three times a day, you can reach the thousand-kilometer road in only two or three days.

After calculating the time to arrive at the station, Gao Jiuding was not worried, so he simply ordered the team to stop. After the repair, the cattle recovered, and it would not be too late to hurry!

Slow down, stop, and after landing, Gao Jiuding ordered again: "Come down and have a rest, wash the cows, and lead them to eat something good. A tacit understanding needs to be cultivated. Only when you have a good impression can you have a tacit understanding. Don't be lazy." !"

"Xiaman, Xiaman, hurry up, did you hear what the young master ordered? You are all serious and careful!"

"You guys are on alert, you guys prepare dry wood, you guys prepare food, and you guys go to deal with the prey!"

"You, you, and you, go find the aquatic plants that the bulls like, be serious, and look for them carefully. This is related to our future happiness, so don't deal with it casually!"

"Captain, you don't need to say, we must do a good job, and we will not be tired while riding a bull. We will not deal with official business!"

"Okay, let's all start to split up!"

Gao Jiuding felt very satisfied when he saw the busy people performing their duties, and finally he didn't need to kiss each other respectfully!
"Brother, how long are we going to rest here?" Yi Hu walked up to Gao Jiuding and said after making arrangements.

Gao Jiuding pointed to the calves who were too tired to move, and said, "After they have rested, they can go!"

"Then we need to check it carefully!" Maverick scratched his head and said, who would know when these calves will rest?

"Boss, someone is approaching us! It looks like they have bad intentions!" Just 3 minutes after sitting down, someone came to report.

"Who? Get ready, gather together, and strike first when you find the enemy!" Although Gao Jiuding didn't pay too much attention, he still let his subordinates make preparations first.

Here, they should all be disciples of the Iron Sword Sect, and it is unlikely that they will be robbed right after leaving the sect!
"The doorman who came out to do the task, it seems that the strength is not weak!" The team member who came to report pointed to a group of people on the straight road.

Gao Jiuding looked over and saw that the group was all monks in the late stage of blood refinement. There were hundreds of people in total. Such a large team is still so strong. What kind of mission is this going out for?
"Brothers, don't get me wrong, we just want to ask if your bulls are for sale? We forgot to bring dry food when we went out, and we want to buy some bulls to eat!" When Gao Jiuding looked over, a A very young cultivator in the late stage of blood refinement said with a playful smile.

Gao Jiuding frowned, this person's face was immature, and his age should not be more than 16 years old, but at such a young age, he has already reached the ninth level of blood refining, which is not easy.

Of course, the most important thing is his attitude. This attitude when talking to people is too improper!

Also, if you don't bring food when you go out, you still have to buy their mounts to eat?Do you really think he is mentally disabled?Why didn't he say he needed milk?
"Not for sale, this is our camp. If you need to rest, please camp farther away!" Gao Jiuding didn't even move his buttocks. He just pointed to Xiaohe, indicating that there are still many places here, so there is no need to force it come up.

Seeing Gao Jiuding's casual look, the young man was very dissatisfied, his expression became gloomy, but he still didn't make a sound in the end.

His silence doesn't mean that the group of people give up. At this time, a monk beside the young man said: "Ming people don't speak dark words. We really need some monsters to travel. It seems that you can't use this." What a beast, why not give us some, the price is negotiable!"

"Haha!" Gao Jiuding laughed. He stood up and glanced at the monks he hired around him: "Everyone be alert!"

Following Gao Jiuding's yell, all the team members who had been paying attention to this side immediately mounted the bull and gathered in a team, ready to charge at any time.

Gao Jiuding and the others had just rested, and the armor had not been removed. They were all fully armed at this time, and now they were riding the bull, and suddenly, a strong pressure spread.

The group of monks who didn't care much at first all changed their faces. The speed of the bull was no secret to them. Now they would feel bad when they thought of being hit by the bull.

Although they are all monks in the late stage of blood refining, if they really have to face the impact of a group of bulls, it will definitely be miserable!

Feeling that the person opposite was not easy to mess with, the person next to the young monk stepped forward and blocked the young man.

"What are you doing blocking me? What? They can still threaten us? Don't even look at the cultivation level of these rubbish, even if there are bulls to help out, so what? Get ready to fight!" The young man is like a cat whose tail has been stepped on Same, screaming to teach Gao Jiuding and the others a lesson.

Gao Jiuding shouted lightly: "Ready to fight!"

"Wow!" All the crossbows that were hanging on his waist were taken out and aimed at the monk in front.

More than 100 monks, being aimed at by more than 60 crossbows, this feeling is definitely not too good!
"Misunderstood, we are also monks of the sect, how can we still steal your things? We paid a high price to buy your bulls, 1000 yuan for low-grade spirit stones per head. This price is already very high!" A conflict was about to break out, so A Taoist who blocked the young man became anxious.

He really regretted it, regretted being too forward, if they could still dodge the charge of the bulls, then they would be powerless to face the attack of bows and arrows!
The main thing is the bow and arrow, there is no way to avoid it at close range, you can only resist it!
But look at their people, how many are wearing armor?
They are fully armed, but they seem to be traveling in mountains and rivers. Just like that, dare to threaten them?Isn't this courting death?
"Don't move, don't move, fuck your mother, what did you do earlier? Don't take out your armor, do you want to die?" Seeing that someone is actually starting to arm themselves now, the Taoists in front were all mad.

Don't you want to run first at this time?You guys are equipped with armor now, don't they let people string you into gourds right now?

Stopping the movement of everyone behind him, the man looked at Gao Jiuding again, and Gao Jiuding just opened his mouth and just closed it.

The man was a little exhausted, and the feeling of walking around the death line was really uncomfortable.

"Brother, you don't think they really dare to attack us, do you?" Until now, the young man is still alive and kicking.

"Shut up, don't talk, no one will think you are dumb!" Just now he was almost shot into a hedgehog, and the Taoist was obviously in a bad mood, and he didn't care about saving face for the young man at this moment.

"Exit here, we have nothing to sell!" Seeing that these people are very knowledgeable, Gao Jiuding didn't take it too seriously, he was always a monk of the same sect, there is no need to be too extreme!

"We are really sincere. Wild bulls are not such a rare thing. 1000 yuan per head of low-grade spirit stones is already a high price!" The Taoist still didn't want to give up.

No one understands better than him how difficult it is to tame bulls, and this group of young monks actually raise hundreds of bulls, and it seems that these bulls are very docile and obedient, which is of great value.

"Since it's not such a rare thing, why don't you catch it yourself? As for spending a huge price, buy it from us?" Gao Jiuding sneered.

"1 yuan for one low-grade spirit stone!" The Taoist still didn't give up.

"If you don't buy it, even if it's 1 yuan, you won't sell it!" Gao Jiuding said impatiently.

"Brother, let's go now. These little cultivators really think they can keep this group of bulls? What a joke, how can such a group of trash turn the world over?" The young man jumped out again looking for excitement!
"Teach him a lesson!" Gao Jiuding glanced at Mo Dahu and said.

As soon as Gao Jiuding finished speaking, Mo Dahu pulled the trigger without hesitation.

"Hum!" Like a thunderbolt, the crossbow shot into the figure in front of it in an instant.

"Touch!" The bodies of the Taoist and the young man flew out at the same time!

"Hey, I'm going to kill them!" The young man's voice sounded.

"Slap!" The Taoist turned pale, and slapped the young man's fair face.

"Brother, do you dare to hit me?" The young man was still clamoring, but this time he still had a bit of disbelief.

"Shut up!" the Taoist gritted his teeth and said.

As the Taoist turned around, the young man finally realized something was wrong, because one of the Taoist's arms was covering his shoulder, and there was blood red there.

"Brother, are you injured?" The young man shouted belatedly.

"I told you to shut up, or I might be mad at you before I was killed!" The Taoist stopped gnashing his teeth, he could only smile wryly, how did this idiot survive till now?
Gao Jiuding looked at those people with a sneer and said, "Young monks in the late stage of blood refinement have stronger physiques. I believe that your physique will not be stronger than fine iron! Just a fine iron arrow, you can easily get it." Your little lives, get out of here quickly!"

Gao Jiuding is also a little bit uninterested now, what is he fussing about with a son who doesn't know the world and the heights of the sky and the earth?Did he really kill him?

 Thanks to the cute brother Yuchen for the reward of 500 coins, thank you~ Awakening, and the reward of 200 coins for brothers, thank you lads4017, brother Jue Setian for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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