The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 606 Too Dangerous

Chapter 606 Too Dangerous
"Bah! What kind of furniture are you making? The mahogany furniture is useful here!" Gao Jiuding felt that he had become a money addict. If these trees were to return to the earth, how much would they be sold for?No, money on earth is not spirit stones.

These trees all contain a certain amount of spiritual energy, and they are considered spiritual materials. They can be exchanged for spiritual stones!
"Huh? That tree must be a spirit tree!" Gao Jiuding, who had just recovered a little bit of normal, was attracted by a big tree in the distance again.

After crossing a giant tree, he suddenly appeared in an open space, which made Gao Jiuding a little uncomfortable.

However, when he looked up, he saw a towering tree!
This huge tree is about 400 meters high, of which the top is 200 meters, with a crown of 100 meters in diameter, presenting a pyramid shape.

More than 200 meters below, there are no branches, only very thick and thick trunks.

At a distance of 50 meters close to the ground, the trunk is divided into two, and the two halves of the trunk seem to be split from the middle by a knife.

And the two halves of the trunk, each with countless roots, are pierced into the ground.

A banyan tree is not like a banyan tree, and a fir tree is not like a fir tree, but it has the luxuriance of a banyan tree and the straightness of a cedar tree. Most importantly, Gao Jiuding saw a strong aura in this big tree, so rich that it changed his mind. It became a dark green aura!

"It looks familiar!" Gao Jiuding stared blankly at this giant tree!

"Huh, huh, huh!" When Gao Jiuding was dreaming about the giant tree, he heard a sound coming from the top of the tree.

As soon as Gao Jiuding raised his head and saw the sky through the gaps in the leaves, he was dumbfounded. Is it a dragonfly?
But what the hell, how can a dragonfly grow bigger than an airplane?
"Damn it!" Gao Jiuding resolutely lay down on the ground, the dragonfly that looked like an airplane was swooping down, was it hunting?

Looking at the huge dragonfly, it broke countless branches and leaves and fell on the giant tree. Its goal was an emerald green fruit on the giant tree.

If there is no big dragonfly breaking the branch, the fruit will never be exposed, but what the hell are the countless roots like snakes on the ground?

"Tch! Squeak!" Countless roots pierced the body of the big dragonfly, and the big dragonfly only had time to scream, and then it was silent!

"Enormization of animals and plants? This is too scary! But, has this happened on Earth?" Slowly retreating far away from the giant tree, Gao Jiuding had the time to wipe the cold sweat off his head.

Why do animals and plants on the earth become gigantic?
In the ancient times of the earth, many species with jaw-dropping sizes appeared, such as the well-known dinosaurs.

It is said that Zhenlong, the largest in size, is connected end to end. Only two or three of them can connect from the goal of the football field to the opposite goal.

On the earth in ancient times, giant terrestrial animals appeared because the larger the animal, the less likely it was to be predated and survive, so the size became a direction of the arms race.

So what caused all this?It is said that about 2 million years ago, violent volcanic movements covered the earth with thick carbon dioxide.

The whole earth's environment is warm and humid, causing plants to grow wildly, and even some are towering!

The plants were lush and released a lot of oxygen. At that time, the oxygen content of the earth was about 2.5 times that of the present. Coupled with the abundance of food, the animals were huge!

So, in the demon star forest at this time, is it the same as the earth [-] million years ago, and it also needs to become larger in order to survive better?Is it because the environment is so good that it will grow bigger and bigger?
Jiuding doesn't know how high the oxygen content is here, but he is very clear about the aura content here.

Taking a deep breath, Gao Jiuding felt a large amount of spiritual energy fused into his blood. Gao Jiuding knew that here, without serious cultivation, he could continuously strengthen his body.

Animals and plants are becoming gigantic, and even insects are several meters in size. Who can live here for three days in this ghostly place?
It was no wonder that so many villages were built outside the forest. At this time, Gao Jiuding was a little suspicious. Was his idea of ​​establishing a residence in the forest a bit too delusional?
The giant tree just now definitely belongs to the level of dryad. Judging by its strength, it is only a small demon, that is, the dryad in the hemolytic stage. However, its size is too big, even in the hemolytic stage, Gao Jiuding is not sure to deal with it!

How much spiritual energy is fused inside the huge tree demon, which is more than 400 meters high?

By itself, it is comparable to a miniature spiritual vein, right?
This is not much worse than Gao Jiuding refining an earth spirit bead.

Gao Jiuding once used the huge aura brought by the earth spirit beads to fight against Tie Lan in the Jindan stage, and this tree demon in the hemolytic stage can also use its huge size to crush Gao Jiuding, who has the combat power of the fake Jindan stage .

This is pure quality is not enough, quantity comes together!
The number was too large, and Gao Jiuding's physique couldn't support it, and he couldn't exert his full strength.

And that tree demon doesn't have Gao Jiuding's physical limitations, his physique is much stronger than Gao Jiuding's, and he can fully exert his torrential power at once, so how can Gao Jiuding not retreat?
"By the way, this giant tree should be of the same tree species as the big tree under that village!" Finally, Gao Jiuding remembered that he had seen the offspring of this giant tree just now.

"No wonder he dared to settle in the outskirts of the forest!" Gao Jiuding finally knew his confidence, he should be more honest!

It's too dangerous here, let's find a hidden place, get through the connection with the earth, and get a batch of supplies first!
Gao Jiuding continued to explore, he planned to go deep into the past, find a hidden place and then use the teleportation array.

"Damn, what is this?" While walking, Gao Jiuding fell into a small pit, looked down, and felt that something was wrong, it seemed to be the footprints of a fucking animal!
The paw print is like a small pit, how big is this animal?

It looked like a wolf's paw print, which made Gao Jiuding grin. Judging from the wolf's paw print, he might not be small, at least much bigger than the ones on Earth!
Going along the direction of the footprints, Gao Jiuding wanted to see what this beast looked like!
Of course, the aura should be very strong in places where fierce beasts haunt, right?If this ferocious beast occupies a spiritual vein, will it be developed?
At this time, Gao Jiuding had already thought of the tree demon. The place it occupied probably had spiritual veins. How long does it take to become a demon?
"There are not many monsters in this jungle!" When I came here, I saw a lot of bugs, but I didn't meet any monsters, which was a bit strange.

"Could it be because the rainy season is coming?" Thinking of Xuehe going through this jungle, Gao Jiuding had some guesses!
Following the paw prints, Gao Jiuding walked very smoothly. The place where the beast passed by should be a place where many small animals retreat. In this way, it may be safer for Gao Jiuding to walk along this road!
Walking forward cautiously, Gao Jiuding's vigilance has been raised to the highest level, there is no way to do it, what if he catches up with the beast in front?
If you can't beat it, isn't it automatically delivered to your door?

After seeing the tree demon, Gao Jiuding's self-confidence was hit badly!

"Bang!" As he was walking, Gao Jiuding suddenly felt that his armor was being attacked again, as if the power this time was not small!

Although I have been very careful to face this unknown jungle, I still got caught!
Gao Jiuding only felt his waist tighten, and it was difficult to breathe?

Gao Jiuding was startled, and immediately looked behind him. A dark green giant was already wrapped around his waist, and his armor was compressing and creaking.

From nowhere, a thick boa constrictor ran out silently and wrapped him around him.

"Damn..." Gao Jiuding struggled violently, trying to get rid of the python's entanglement, but unfortunately, the power of the python is really too great to say.

Feeling that the armor was a bit unsupportable, Gao Jiuding sighed secretly, the magic weapon level armor was still too weak.

"Sick!" The Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda suddenly appeared, and emitted a strong yellow light, covering Gao Jiuding completely!

"Suppress!" Gao Jiuding's true energy gushed out wildly, urging the pagoda to suppress him!
Of course, the main target of the suppression was the boa constrictor on his body. When a force pressed against the boa constrictor, Gao Jiuding immediately felt his body loosen!
"Take it!" Gao Jiuding immediately hid in the pagoda when he felt that python wanted to wrap himself around him again.

At the critical moment, he disappeared from the jungle, leaving only a pagoda spinning and flying high into the sky.

Gao Jiuding, who entered the pagoda, wiped the cold sweat off his brow again. How many times has he been attacked?If there is no armor, he will definitely be cold several times!

Although he was only entangled for a few seconds, he felt as if his bones were about to be strangled.

"It's too dangerous!" Only then did Gao Jiuding realize that he hadn't seen clearly what that python looked like, and when his consciousness came out of the pagoda, the python had disappeared.

Gao Jiuding didn't walk out of the pagoda immediately, but controlled the pagoda and landed on a branch of a big tree.

The monsters here are very good at hiding, at least his spiritual sense is not so easy to use!

God sense searched the surrounding area of ​​[-] meters, but found no trace of python, Gao Jiuding had no choice but to stay in the space of the pagoda for a while longer.

Idle is also idle, Gao Jiuding found a few fruits, and slowly ate them, while eating, he also tidied up the medicine field in the space.

After waiting for a full hour, it was reckoned that the python had left before Gao Jiuding reappeared. However, even now, he was ready to enter the pagoda at any time.

After I came out, I searched carefully, only to be sure that the python had disappeared, because there was a winding trace with the thickness of a bowl on the soft ground in the distance.

"If you don't have some treasures, just like me, you can't survive half an hour in this jungle!" Gao Jiuding now has a little self-knowledge!
 Thanks to book friend 20170905010323852 for the reward of 500 coins, thank you~ Awakening, brother for the reward of 200 coins, thank you Yuchen Xiaocutie, book friend 20170905010323852 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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