Chapter 613 Flesh Mill

The mecha group exploded in a circle, and finally formed a blank area, buying time for the human side to rearrange the front, so the scene seemed to have returned to the original situation!

The sacrifice of this tactic is great, but there are no casualties, and the earth side does not feel too distressed about the lost materials, because they can recycle most of the raw materials.

After the outer layer fell, he chose to die with the enemy, launched a suicide attack by self-destructing, and then continued to fight the enemy with the inner layer.

If the enemy wants to advance, they need to attack layer by layer. They are wiped out in repeated rushes and self-destruction, and finally shed blood in the tug-of-war.

This kind of tactic is very difficult to achieve among the demon stars, and there are only a few heroes who dare to use their lives to die!

But here, even a monk on earth dared to pat his chest and shout "fire at me", and the nuclear bomb exploded above his head without blinking his eyelids!

Under the tactic of injuring one thousand enemies on the human side and eight hundred self-inflicted losses, the two sides gradually became a war of attrition, and the number of troops on both sides was rapidly declining.

At this moment in the battle, most of the monsters have been lost, but even so, Gao Jiuding made a rough estimate and found that there are still about 400 monsters in the blood pill stage.

The human side also suffered heavy losses. The heavy firepower was basically lost. There are 2000 mechas left. This is just a loss of resources. In fact, the biggest loss comes from the demon star. The shattering of each of their armors represents the fall of a monk. .

Compared with the earth monks who control the mecha from a long distance to participate in the battle, the demon star monks have to work harder. However, if the technology is not good, they can only use human lives to pay for it!

The war in the starry sky is very cruel. The monsters have already attacked the door of the monster star, and they have to fight with their lives.

A fierce battle has just ended, and on the other side, a group of nearly a thousand huge monsters are lying down, moving quickly and soundlessly through the complex surface ravines, gradually approaching the human defense line.

"Whoosh!" A small figure soared into the sky from inside the defense line.

Afterwards, densely packed flying objects continuously gushed out of the pit, and finally formed a buzzing sound similar to a swarm of bees.

Pulling the line of sight closer, it turned out that this was actually a small flying mecha with strange shapes!
Then I saw the dark flying swarm, turned a 90-degree angle, and flew straight towards the lurking monster army.

This is not over yet, and then one after another transport vehicles flew out of the defense line, and each transport vehicle had three or four armored monks sitting on it. As soon as they appeared, they immediately chased the flying cluster at full speed and rushed towards the target!
And the ensuing battle also fully explained what it means to be "many people bully few people"!
With an absolute difference of [-] to [-] times, under the irrational non-stop self-explosion, these infiltrating monster beast troops were crushed without any suspense, leaving only explosion smoke all over the scene and steel wreckage.

The number of flying swarms has decreased a lot, and the armored troops on the transport vehicles began to clean up the battlefield.

Afterwards, it seemed to repeat the scene where the opposite side pushed all the way just now. After eliminating the enemy, the flying mecha troop, which had a number of more than 3, turned around immediately and wiped out the remaining monsters in the shock wave. The path the other party came from was pushed back again and again!

All the monsters along the road were either captured or torn to pieces by the torrent of bullets...

The situation began to reverse. As the battle line continued to rush towards the monster base, there were constant rumbling noises in the distance. From time to time, a huge pit would suddenly appear in the direction of the ground troops, burying some vehicles.

The ground troops had dispersed and marched at this time. Although they continued to suffer battle damage under the opponent's attack, as the troops further spread and took off to avoid the opponent's trap attack method, the lethality continued to decline.

At this moment, the air force unit sent by the Yaozu finally encountered the flying mech unit. Hundreds of silver-gray flying monsters appeared in the distant sky.

Although the number is scarce, the mech troops dare not be careless at all.

"Swoosh!" "Zi!" Countless attacks immediately shot at these enemies who were clearly ill-intentioned, but...had little effect.

These flat butterfly-like monsters are about three meters long, and they are also covered with smooth armor, and they have extremely high flying speed and flexible steering ability. Lightning rushed to the human side.

"Bang!" In the dense rain of bullets, an electromagnetic projectile on the ground hit a flying monster head-on, but before it could get close to the fuselage, it was ejected by an invisible force!

This is a powerful monster that stimulates the protective energy, or it is more appropriate to call it a supernatural power. Don't think about it, a monster that can easily activate supernatural powers, and it is a monster with a blood core cultivation base or above.

This kind of protective energy has strong protection, and can deflect physical weapon attacks, and can offset energy weapons, but correspondingly, it should consume a lot.

The electromagnetic weapon attack of the ground troops did not cause much damage to the newly emerged air force, only a few monsters that had been hit many times in a row were injured, with little success.

Laser weapons are also ineffective. The opponent's high-speed rotating shell disperses a large amount of laser power, so that the attack can only leave a little scorched marks on the opponent's scales.

These new monsters, relying on high speed and high defense, resisted the attack of the human side, and quickly rushed into the ground troops.

Then... "嗤嗤嗤!" Amidst the sound of cutting, these monster beasts turned at high speed and drove their wings, forming a powerful lethal force.

Their attack method is very rare to use melee cutting!

Without any long-range attack weapons, these flying monsters are like boomerangs ejected back and forth at high speed, rampaging among the ground troops.

These monsters did not specifically attack the flying mecha units in the sky, but specifically targeted the monster star monks on the ground transport vehicle.

This shows that they are also intelligent, knowing that no matter how many mecha kills, there is not much loss to humans, so their focus of attack is placed on the demon star monks.

Seeing this, Gao Jiuding was very moved. Every broken armor represented the death of a powerful monk.

Although these dead people were all monster star cultivators, for Gao Jiuding, who was also a human being, they felt a little bit sad.

However, if he is in command of this battle, he still wants to let the demon star monks rush to the front line, because the monster beasts on the demon star are mainly targeting the demon star, and for the sake of all demon star humans, they should have no hesitation!

They really have no hesitation, just like now, even if they know that they will be killed by that powerful monster, they still keep rushing towards the monsters.

Facing a monster at the blood core stage, their attack was weak, but they kept charging. They used the weapons provided by the earth monks to attack the powerful monster in the sky.

These monks wearing armor should not have many blood core monks, that is to say, they are only hemolytic monks. This kind of monks who are at the same level as Gao Jiuding are cannon fodder on this kind of battlefield!
Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding looked a little bad, he still has some status on the earth, but he didn't expect to become cannon fodder on the demon star.

At this time, Gao Jiuding understood a little bit why Tiejianmen seemed so empty. It turned out that their core strength had all entered the meat grinder in the sky!

In this kind of flesh and blood mill, no matter how many hemolytic period monks there are, it is not enough to consume!

Of course, it is impossible for the earth monks to watch the demon star monks die in large numbers, so the flying mechas in the sky launched a death charge again.

Suddenly, there was a rain of steel in the air, and a large number of mechs were shot down!

In the melee, the use of long-range weapons is restricted. Even the tried and tested self-detonation of the mecha is useless. The short delay of the explosion is enough for this flying monster to escape tens of meters, and the explosion will not reach this area at all. A high-speed flying monster.

However, the huge advantage in numbers has not been completely offset. At least, the attack of the flying mecha can still break through the defense. These flying monsters are not machines after all. No matter how strong their defense is, they still need their own support.

Sure enough, not long after, several flying monsters finally couldn't bear the dense group of ants killing elephants. After the protective energy was broken, their bodies were pierced by several bullets, and they fell staggeringly.

The eyes of many monster star monks lit up. This is a monster of the blood core stage. The value of its wreckage can be imagined, so they all rushed to it, trying to pull it back and slice it for research, but they just got close...

"Boom" After the monster emitted a burst of bloody light, it exploded.

The self-detonation of the monsters in the blood core period directly emptied the surrounding area of ​​hundreds of meters, and took away hundreds of mechas and dozens of demon star monks.

Self-explosion and self-explosion, it turns out that the monsters on the Demon Planet are not fools, they have a strong learning ability, human beings can self-destruct, why can’t their monsters?

As the first monster blew itself up, the other monsters seemed to be infected with an infectious disease, their defenses were broken one by one and they began to fall.

This time, no one wants to go forward to pick up the corpse, but the monsters also have a choice when they fall. When they can't hold on, they will choose to fall in a crowded place. In this way, the loss of the monster star monk bigger.

The flying speed of the blood pill stage monsters is too fast, and the monster star monks can only survive on the battlefield by luck, they can't dodge.

Seeing this situation, Gao Jiuding's complexion became even worse. The fighting power of this group of flying monsters is too strong. They are not only a threat to the monks of the monster star, but also a threat to the monks of the earth.

"Where are the masters above the demon star?" Gao Jiuding couldn't help asking.

An Shenxiu said: "I'm dealing with a large herd of beasts, or I was blocked by the masters on the Demon Planet!"

Gao Jiuding was a little speechless, the strength of this demon star is too strong, right?

(End of this chapter)

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