Chapter 621 Helpless
The strength of [-] out of [-] is almost the same as that of the whole people. How can such an army be elite soldiers?
Luan Changming said: "You can't say that. I have heard that the prairie wolf soldiers are quite powerful. If the wolf soldiers of the golden wolf clan are equipped with wolf mounts, even if they are poorly equipped, their combat effectiveness will not be good. Weak!"

"Aww..." Luan Changming just mentioned the wolf mount, Gao Jiuding heard a series of wolf howls.

"Wolf soldiers of the Golden Wolf Clan!" Gao Dalang's expression changed.

"Turn around, the target is Xuehe in the south!" Gao Jiuding's expression also changed, he heard those wolves howling by the side of Xuehe, if he remembered correctly, there was a human village over there.

"Turn, turn!" Gao Dayang immediately accepted the order and began to control his subordinates to follow Gao Jiuding to accelerate.

Luan Changming saw that Gao Jiuding was speeding up, and immediately said: "Master, why don't you let me go and check first, if there are too many wolf soldiers?"

"No, there are at most a thousand riders over there, you can see for yourself!" Gao Jiuding gave Luan Changming a thousand-mile tracking mirror.

Luan Changming, as the captain of his own guard, should have a thousand-mile tracking mirror for early warning!

Luan Changming was overjoyed, he wanted a side for a long time, but he made every effort, so naturally he didn't dare to ask for it!

At this moment, everyone saw the fireworks in the distance. It was wolf soldiers burning the village!

"Speed ​​up, speed up, the wolf soldiers are on the sidelines!" Gao Dalang naturally heard the conversation between Gao Jiuding and Luan Changming, knowing that there was only Qianqi, Gao Dalang was completely relieved.

Qianqi buckled the border, naturally looting the human village, such a wolf soldier, of course he couldn't let it go!

"Attention everyone, each of you has a crossbow. Once you get it, quickly familiarize yourself with the equipment!" Gao Jiuding took out some crossbows and casually threw them to the ordinary cavalry.

Although these people have just obtained the bulls, they are now able to control them proficiently. They have shown their potential, so Gao Jiuding naturally doesn't mind investing more money.

As a cavalryman, he doesn't even have an ordinary bow and arrow. Isn't that the same as the original cannon fodder?

Now that they have received the courtesy of Gao Jiuding, they are giving away mounts and weapons, which makes these motherless children feel warm in their hearts!
"Willing to die for the master!" After getting the crossbow and receiving the arrows, after a little groping, these barbarians who grew up on horseback all understood what they got.

"I would like to die for the master!"

"I would like to die for the master!"

The cavalry started to run, unable to hide their whereabouts at all. They were spotted as soon as they approached the battlefield over there. However, the bulls were fast, and the group of people should have no time to react.

At this time, Gao Jiuding had already seen the battle in the distance clearly. A small group of cavalry was attacking a village with rockets, while the monks above the village were taking advantage of the favorable location for defense.

The tall tree fort was not a flying tree root, and it kept knocking up rockets, so that the small group of cavalry could not break through the village for a while.

It will be impossible to break through for a while, but not always. The grassland cavalry, the most powerful is the bow horse. When dealing with rocket attacks, soldiers in the village will be shot from time to time.

They cooperated very tacitly, one shot the rocket, and the other started to snipe.

It is a simple choice to let the rockets hit the village and slowly burn down the village's defenses, or to let the defensive soldiers shoot down the rockets and be attacked by surprise.

But such a choice caused heavy losses in the village. If this situation continues, as long as it takes a little longer, the village will be in danger!

He knew that he would be shot, but when the demon trees in the village couldn't resist, someone still came forward and attacked immediately.

With the passage of time, there are fewer and fewer fighters in the village, and what they are facing is only a few more than 100 wolf soldiers!
More than 100 wolf soldiers fought against a village with a population of several thousand. This already shows how fierce this group of wolf soldiers is.

And just after seeing the situation clearly, Gao Jiuding came, seeing such a cat-and-mouse fight, Gao Jiuding was a little furious.

"Ready to fight!" Crazy shouts, mixed with the deafening hoofbeats, more than 100 riders rushed into a pair of wolf soldiers frantically.

The distance of dozens of kilometers is only a few minutes away in the wild running of the bull!

It can be said that before the wolf soldiers reacted, the wild bulls rushed into the wolf soldiers.

In front of Gao Jiuding was a barbarian riding on the back of a tall wolf. The man had blond hair, braided into a pigtail, and a small golden rope was tied on his forehead, making him look very pleasing to the eye.

I'm used to seeing sloppy beggars, but when I suddenly saw a neatly dressed guy with a headgear, he naturally looked very pleasing to the eye.

Unfortunately, his mount was not very friendly. When Gao Jiuding approached on a bull, the black giant wolf opened its mouth and let out a sharp wind, slashing at Gao Jiuding's neck.

"Wolf King Gale, be careful!" Luan Changming couldn't save him from behind, so he could only shout.

Gao Jiuding smiled lightly, but with only one side of his head, he dodged the wind blade!

Two meters tall, with thick limbs and thick black hair, it looks like a handsome unicorn, isn't this the wind wolf?Gao Jiuding likes it very much!
Gao Jiuding was not afraid of the monsters in the blood refining period. The moment the wind blade came, the crossbow in his hand was also pulled.

"Chi!" Gao Jiuding escaped the wind blade's attack.

"Pfft!" The unlucky guy riding on the wind wolf did not escape Gao Jiuding's crossbow, and he should be a hemolytic monk.

The powerful crossbow with a speed of 300 meters per second, even the fire centipede in the middle stage of hemolysis, died before dodging. What reason does this wolf soldier have to dodge?
The crossbow directly penetrated the wolf soldier's neck, drilled out from the back of his neck, and then shot at another wolf soldier behind him!
This crossbow pierced through two or three wolf soldiers one after another before stopping in the body of No.4 wolf soldier.

The wolf soldiers in full leather armor, and only the wolf cavalry under them, are worth seeing. Except for the wind wolf, their physical bodies are not much stronger than ordinary barbarians!
"Puff, puff..." Following Gao Jiuding's opening, the soldiers behind him also launched an attack.

The first group of people who followed Gao Jiuding to charge were all guards wearing precious armor. They had high defense and strong attack power, and the first wave of attack brought good results.

The first wave of crossbow bolts directly hit more than 60 people, that is to say, in this round of close-range attacks, each crossbow bolt killed two enemies.

"Hold the gun!" After the first round of attacks, Gao Dalang immediately switched weapons, which was almost instinctive for a barbarian who grew up on horseback.

Gao Jiuding unleashed his consciousness to scan, and found that Gao Dalang's fighting instinct was really powerful. He actually kept up with the guards, and even began to take over the command of the guards.

At this time, Gao Jiuding had no time to say anything, so he could only follow Gao Dalang and charged into the enemy line again!
"Bang bang bang!" The bull rushed into the wolf soldiers, hitting the tall black wolf non-stop.

"Puff puff puff" a lance pierced through the human body, making a puff puff puff sound.

Of course, in this process, every guard also suffered a heavy blow.

However, no matter how high the attack power of those wolf soldiers was, there was nothing they could do against the armored cavalry guards!

"Hold the shield!" After rushing out of the wolf group, the tall voice sounded again.

After piercing through the wolf soldiers, the impact of the bulls also became very weak. At this time, the bull cavalry was the weakest moment, because their backs were facing the wolf soldiers.

"Aww..." The wolf soldiers might not have reacted yet, but the wolf riders under them also quickly turned around and started chasing their prey.

The herd of bulls charged at high speed, even if the pack of Galewind wolves encountered them, they could only back away!
Wolves never confront each other head-on. At this time, the scattered wolves are even more dangerous.

They turned around from the side, and together, two or three Gale wolves attacked the stagnant bull.

No matter where the wolves are, their attacks are extremely insignificant. Their targets are all locked on the neck, belly and anus of the bull.

"Bang bang bang!" The bull knights who had been prepared for a long time held up their shields one by one to block the Gale Wolf who rushed up to attack the bull.

"Turn around, change the knife, charge!" Man Niu is most powerful in charging, and Gao Dalang naturally understands it very well. Even without Gao Jiuding's command at this time, he is doing very well.

Gao Jiuding simply followed the cavalry and began to switch weapons. He took the lead, dragged his long sword horizontally, and rushed towards the scattered wolf soldiers.

"Pfft!" Before a wolf soldier could see Gao Jiuding clearly, he was beheaded by Gao Jiuding who passed by.

Gao Jiuding didn't move at all, he just dragged the long knife, completely carried by the bull, and harvested a head by the way.

Now he is also considered to be rich in experience. He knows how to raise the long knife, so that the lethality will be stronger, and the save battle is over, and a large group of seriously injured prisoners will be obtained!
Of course, other people did the same, and they did it better, especially Gao Dalang. He dragged his long knife and circled the three wolf soldiers, and three wolf soldiers were cut down by the wolves.

"Don't stop, turn around with the master!" Gao Dayang and Luan Changming followed Gao Jiuding from left to right.

"Boom, click, puff!" The wolf soldiers dispersed, and they couldn't stop the charge of the bull cavalry at all.

Now the remaining dozen or so wolf soldiers were only besieged and killed by the bull cavalry.

"Aoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo " in the blink of an eye, the rest of the wolf soldiers were all terrified.

With a wolf howl, all Galewind wolves let go of their speed, turned around and ran away.

"Stop chasing, you won't be able to catch up in a short time!" Gao Jiuding saw Gale Wolf's speed and gave up chasing him.

"The first team and the second team clean the battlefield, and the other teams are on alert!" Gao Dalang immediately ordered his subordinates to spread out to clean the battlefield.

In fact, there is nothing to clean up. The people who fought just now were all cavalry. Unless they were knocked off their mounts, they would never stay on the battlefield.

Therefore, on the battlefield at this time, only dozens of unlucky ones were beheaded and stayed here.

(End of this chapter)

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