The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 629 Inexhaustible Lingshi

Chapter 629 Inexhaustible Lingshi
Opening the record book, Yihu looked at the content recorded in it, and said: "Brother, we still have a million catties of camel and horse meat sealed up, but these camel and horse meat can't be eaten for a few days. We have a population of 5000. People need at least ten catties of meat every day, so they will consume 20 catties a day, and a million catties of horse meat is only [-] days of consumption.

Now including those 160 snow-covered yaks, there is a total of [-] million catties of meat, and each person can consume up to three catties a day, and they still eat with their stomachs open. This is equivalent to drinking blood pills, which can support a hundred sky!

Now our material reserves can last for a total of 120 days. With so much meat, it will be enough to last until next spring. However, we still lack a lot of things, such as clothes, utensils, salt, tea, etc., we must prepare now Get up, wait until the rainy season comes, there is nothing to do! "

"Huh? Wooden products can be used for utensils. I can get salt and tea leaves, but not clothes. You guys have to figure out a way!" Gao Jiuding said.

Yihu glanced at Gao Jiuding in surprise, he already knew that his elder brother had a way, but this is too much, right?
"How to get clothes? We have a lot of animal skins, but it is too hot to wear animal skins in the rainy season. Why don't you go back to the sect to buy some? I have sent people to find dead wood. After collecting a batch, we can use it again." Cultivate Ganoderma lucidum, and then refine it into a elixir, which can be exchanged for a batch of supplies with nearby tribes.

However, salt and tea are not enough, this can only be figured out by oneself, whether it is to go back to the Zongmen to buy, or to make it yourself, we must speed up, now the Zongmen will definitely not buy our Ganoderma lucidum in large quantities, we Still need to find a way to get some spirit stones! " Maverick said a little worriedly.

"Lingshi!" Gao Jiuding picked up the teacup and took a sip. The local tea leaves are well roasted, but unfortunately, the quantity is a little less and the price is a little higher. What he drinks now consumes the spirit stones. purchased in restaurants.

Roasting tea leaves is actually not difficult. He couldn't find very good tea trees, and he couldn't find defective ones?
When he went on an adventure in the jungle before, Gao Jiuding found trees similar to tea trees. Of course, they are just similar. If he wants to fry tea, he still needs to do more experiments.

However, Gao Jiuding has confidence in the environment of the demon star. The aura here is abundant and the environment is very good, especially the climate here, which feels similar to the south of the earth. Isn't this kind of place the place where good tea is produced?

"Apart from Zongmen, does anyone else have Lingshi in their hands?" Gao Jiuding has many means to exchange for Lingshi, but it seems that Lingshi is monopolized by Zongmen monks, so he is afraid that he will get something good. It can't be exchanged for spirit stones either.

"Other places? There are many people with spirit stones. All tribes in the wild have spirit stones, right? If there are no spirit stones, how can they develop? No matter what they do, they need spirit stones. If there are not enough spirit stones, those tribes will die Is it extinct?" Yihu looked at Gao Jiuding strangely and asked, how could he be a big brother who would be stupid?

"Every tribe has spirit stones?" Gao Jiuding is really strange this time, if those small tribes also have spirit stones, wouldn't the Zongmen go to snatch them?
Yihu explained: "The tribes that can survive in the wild don't know how many generations they have reproduced. If they don't have a bit of background, can they survive? Compared with the Zongmen, there are more spiritual veins in the wild. Many tribes have There are hidden spirit stone veins, but they are well protected, and it is difficult for outsiders to find them!
Besides, without enough force, they can't keep the spirit stone veins, but as long as they keep them, then their strength will be very strong, even if they are sects, they dare not provoke them easily, unless they have the strength to destroy their clan! "

"It's good to have spirit stones, as long as they have spirit stones, and they are not poor ghosts, we can also get spirit stones, and get inexhaustible spirit stones!" Gao Jiuding said with a wave of his hand, very proudly.

Gao Jiuding looked at the gradually formed resident, this place is unique.

Why did he choose this place as his residence?Isn't it because here is the only way to control the entire southern part of the sect?
Up to now, Gao Jiuding has also discovered that although the monks above the demon star are very powerful, they can only rely on the geographical advantage to protect themselves.

Seriously, the territory occupied by humans is very small, less than one percent compared to the territory occupied by monsters.

For example, Iron Sword Sect's territory is surrounded by the sea in the east, mountains in the north, swamps in the south, and boundless grasslands in the west, but they still rely on the mountains to defend against threats from the grassland.

This point is similar to the Great Wall built in ancient China. The Lianshan Mountains are the defense line of the Great Wall.

Of course, Iron Sword Gate is stronger than ancient China, because they walked out of the Great Wall.

Out of the Lianshan Mountains, a larger mountain range obliquely divides the northwest, west and southwest regions.

The Qianshan Fort where Gao Jiuding is located is in a stretch of mountains in the west, and its geographical location is even more important.

However, it was too far away, and too deep into the mountains, for Gao Jiuding to occupy!

And passing through the Qianshan Mountains across the east and west, a grassland in the northwest and west directly faces the Lianshan Mountains.

From the Lianshan Mountains, across the Qianshan Mountains, to the south, is the Lianshan Canyon where Gao Jiuding is now.

Passing through the mountains and valleys, there are grasslands to the west, plateaus to the southwest, jungles to the south, and swamps to the southeast!

It stands to reason that this kind of geographical environment should belong to a place with harsh natural environment, but here is a demon star, full of vitality everywhere!

No matter in grasslands, plateaus, jungles or swamps, there are many creatures, including many tribes.

For Tie Jianmen, the tribal people living in the wild are all savages, barbarians, and uneducated monkeys!
However, these savages, barbarians, and monkeys can survive in the wild, but they all have unique abilities. At least they are not weak.

Therefore, the defense lines of the Lianshan Mountains and the Qianshan Mountains will appear.

In fact, this is the confrontation between barbarism and civilization. If civilization is weak, it will be robbed by barbarism. When civilization is strong, it will overwhelm barbarism and form a stronger civilization.

At this time, the situation in Tiejianmen was neither good nor bad. It could be considered that barbarism and civilization had reached a balance.

Tie Jianmen did not have much strength to invade the barbarism, and the barbaric civilization in the wild did not have the strength to attack Tie Jianmen. Therefore, the appearance of Gao Jiuding did not attract the suppression of wild barbarians, because they were also struggling on the line of life and death. It is powerless to deal with him!

Of course, this situation will not last for too long. With the passing of the Mara disaster and the stabilization of the outer space battlefield, both the sect and the various races in the wild are recovering. , dare to attack the nearby villages, you can see it.

Therefore, Gao Jiuding's time is running out. He must gather enough strength before the rainy season passes, otherwise, even if he occupies the main road leading to the sect, he will not be able to defend it!
Now it is mainly the spirit stones, he has not found the spirit veins, and to arrange the guardian formation, there must be enough spirit stones, and the source of the spirit stones is naturally all the barbaric tribes outside the pass!
Got enough supplies from An Shenxiu and others, Gao Jiuding is not going out, he sits in the canyon, ready to build this pass, now this pass is named Tulong Pass!
Gao Jiuding originally planned to use Shanhaiguan's high-ranking name, but after thinking about it, isn't this self-inflicted?Therefore, he decisively used the rustic name of Tulongguan!
Entering his own cave, taking out the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, and entering the Space-Time God Realm, Gao Jiuding began to make various preparations.

To stabilize, of course, he needs to practice first. At this time, he does not pursue speed. During this period of time, he mainly uses the contemplation of himself, the visualized self, to deduce various exercises in this world.

Of course, it would be even better if it could be combined with the body training methods on the earth to introduce new ones, such as the Vajra Immortal Body, such as the golden bell cover, the powerful vajra palm, and so on.

They are all physical training, but the resources and methods used are a bit different. As long as you try a few more times, you may be able to find a new path.

He could only rest for one night, even in the God of Time and Space, it was only five days, Gao Jiuding used four days to deduce the exercises, but unfortunately he didn't gain much.

Of course, he still came up with several simple body training methods, but they looked a little unreliable, and he needed to find someone to experiment, otherwise, Gao Jiuding really didn't dare to practice it himself.

For the rest of the day, Gao Jiuding devoted himself to extracting salt, making tea and taming animals.

Among them, salt and tea are necessities, and he needs to learn the production process. This is not difficult for Gao Jiuding. Through, he can view various materials.

After writing down the information, Gao Jiuding began to concentrate on subduing the monsters, but things were not going well, because those monsters had a stubborn temper, even if they could control their life and death, they still refused to accept it!
From the hairless dog, to the armored lion, and then to the red flame tiger, each one is more irritable than the other. No matter how Gao Jiuding beats or threatens, he can't make them bow their heads. As long as they relax a little, they will be fierce.

These monsters really dared to speak, if it wasn't for Gao Jiuding's powerful bodyguard, he might have been roasted by Chi Yanhu again.

"These monsters are all die-hards, really?" After a false alarm, Gao Jiuding swears directly.

After leaving the pagoda, Gao Jiuding simply transferred all the recently captured monsters into a demon-suppressing tower.

Of course, this floor of the pagoda has no suppressive effect, and Gao Jiuding even arranged a few spirit gathering formations, saving the group of monsters from starving to death.

I can't subdue it now, maybe I can in the future, at worst, spend some time, sacrifice a drop of blood, and use the blood slave mark!

Gao Jiuding frowned, walked out of his cave, and when he got out of the cave, he gathered everyone together.

"Xiaohu, have you found the talent I asked you to find, and they know how to build houses?" Gao Jiuding asked.

Standing in the middle of the square, a strong fragrance flooded Gao Jiuding's mouth and nose from time to time, which made him twitch his nose from time to time!
(End of this chapter)

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