The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 643 The Leading Party

Chapter 643 The Leading Party

The two thousand barbarian cavalry, whether human or bull, were all in iron armor, but the barbarian wore ordinary armor, and there was no formation in the armor, so it could only provide the simplest defense.

But this is over, with the hard cowhide of the bulls, even if they don't wear armor, they generally won't be injured, and now the bulls are armored, just in case.

The bull cavalry is Gao Jiuding's trump card, so naturally he can use whatever is good!
At this time, they were all refreshed, and they could go into battle just with their own weapons.

This is not the case for the remaining 4000 camel horse cavalry. They have three horses per person. In addition to the group of camel horses they ride, the other two camel horses need to bring supplies for [-] people.

"Huh? Are they also wearing armor?" When Gao Jiuding rode the Bull King and gathered two thousand bull cavalry to the square, he found that the camel horse cavalry in the rain were also fully armored.

"It's just ordinary hanging armor, which is stronger than leather armor. Even if it can't be used for defense, it can still protect against wind and rain!" Luan Changming, who was beside Gao Jiuding, said.

Gao Jiuding, who released his consciousness, has already seen clearly that the combined armor is a bit like plate armor. This thing is almost the same as the armor worn by bulls, except for the shape.

The whole body is an iron bucket, with a layer of soft animal skin inlaid inside. This kind of armor is not only enough to protect against wind and rain, but also to keep warm!
As for the weight, the weight of one hundred and ten catties is not important to monks or camels.

"I'm going out for a few days, are the supplies ready?" Gao Jiuding asked.

"Tents, food, and medicine are all ready. Half of the veterans will go out this time, and the other half will be supplemented by experts from among the wounded. The strength left behind is also very strong, and there are eight ox crossbows to help defend. There should be no problems!" Maverick came over and said.

"Why are you here? Have time to practice hard!" Gao Jiuding glanced at Yihu, this kid has already reached the second level of blood refining.

Yihu's cultivation speed is definitely not slow. Of course, this is compared with the tribal savages and barbarians in the wild. If compared with sect monks and family children, it must not be fast.

With sufficient resources, it is normal for the children of the family to cultivate to the second level of blood refining in a few months.

"I'll see off my eldest brother, don't worry, with the help of the four brothers from the Mo family, nothing will happen here!" Yihu said with a smile.

Gao Jiuding also laughed: "Well, make good use of the Ba Niu Crossbow. There is an accident. If you can't beat it, you will retreat into the cave to defend. If you can't defend it, you will surrender. Wait for me to come back to save you!"

"Bah, bah, bah! Can you hope for something good? I can't be so unlucky!" Maverick pretended to be angry.

"Haha, you won't be so unlucky, let's go!" Gao Jiuding shouted, and rushed out on the bull king first.

At this time, the gate of the city was already wide open, Luan Changming and other guards rode around Gao Jiuding!
As Gao Jiuding started to move, all the cavalry behind him moved.

The hooves of the cows and the hoofs of the horses, hitting the thick stone slabs, made a crisp sound, even in the heavy rain, the sound could be heard for ten miles!

In the heavy rain, as long as the distance is a little farther, no one can see who is clear. There is no way, marching in this kind of weather can only look for familiar landmarks.

And on the prairie, where are the familiar landmarks?

With no other choice, he could only choose to move forward along the Snow River.

However, after such a long period of heavy rain, it was impossible to get close to Xuehe. They could only move forward along the distance of 500 meters from Xuehe.

Entering the grassland, the vibrations from the large-scale cavalry were weakened to a minimum.

On the one hand, it was because the ground was soaked by the heavy rain, and on the other hand, the grass on the grassland grew too high.

In just a few days, the grass that was supposed to be a long bundle has grown to a height of one meter!
Looking at the thick grass, Gao Jiuding secretly thought it was a pity, if it can be stored, how many cattle and sheep can be raised?

There are advantages and disadvantages. The pasture is too high and dense, which is not conducive to marching at this time.

If it weren't for the bulls and camels, they were all very tall, and they couldn't run at all in this environment.

The speed of the team was very fast, and within a short while, Gao Jiuding heard the deafening sound of water, and he knew that this was the sound of a flood erupting in the Snow River.

"Advance along the Xuehe River, ranger first!" Luan Changming yelled as soon as he ran out of the city gate.

Following his loud shout, groups of bull cavalry separated from the main force and scattered in all directions.

The speed of Gao Jiuding and the others is just normal, but the rangers who rushed out maintained an extremely fast speed. They will be scattered within ten kilometers around the team as a warning!
"Front!" Luan Changming shouted again as Ranger disappeared out of sight.

Following Luan Changming's order, another group of 500 bull cavalry rushed out of the team and quickly advanced towards the west.

They are the forwards of the large army. If there is an enemy ahead, they will contact the enemy immediately. If they cannot disperse the enemy, they can also buy time for the large army and make the best response!
There are rangers at the front to explore and guard the way, while the forwards open the way for the army. Gao Jiuding leads the army, and it is enough to follow behind.

The speed was not fast and the equipment was well equipped, so all the soldiers were relaxed. This atmosphere infected Gao Jiuding and made him relax.

This was the first time he had led so many cavalry on a trip, and it would be a lie to say that he was not nervous.

Gao Jiuding had heard it since he was a child, Han Xin ordered more soldiers, the more the better, but after you actually lead the troops, you will find that the number of people is too large to be controlled at all.

Just like now, the control of their entire team is in the hands of the squad leader. In other words, only the ten people around them can cooperate with each other. No matter how many people there are, it will be too chaotic.

Therefore, if there are too many people, it is necessary to rely on usual training and military discipline to restrain the soldiers.

Training brings experience, let them know how to cooperate, military discipline restrains their actions, and prevents the entire large army from causing chaos.

As long as the soldiers are experienced and the discipline is strict, at this time, even if no one controls the large troops, the entire team will not be chaotic, and can even move in an orderly manner.

The fact that the team is not in chaos is already enough to make Gao Jiuding happy, but now that the morale is high, Gao Jiuding is even more happy that he can follow orders.

"Recently, we have been training the team, and we have been training according to the Patriarch's method. It has become a habit to cooperate with each other, so that we can have the current military appearance!" Luan Chang said suddenly.

"En, very good!" Gao Jiuding urged the bull king under Cui's crotch to speed up a little, because the speed of the whole team was speeding up.

More than 3000 cavalry, more than 7000 cattle and horses, covering a radius of 1000 meters.

Within such a large range, it is very powerful to be able to move forward in an orderly manner.

And now, they can still increase their speed while maintaining their formation, which is even more rare!

"The rain is too heavy, even monsters won't come out in this kind of weather!" Luan Changming sighed.

"The Patriarch is so kind to us, we will swear our allegiance to the Patriarch to the death!" At this time, one of the people in Luan Changming's team said.

Gao Jiuding glanced at him with his spiritual sense. This is a leading party with five levels of blood refining. He is considered a master among the group of slave cavalry, and he is also the most prestigious guy among them.

This guy appeared here, naturally to show Gao Jiuding and the others the way.

Gao Jiuding and the others are very familiar with the area nearby, so naturally they don't need to lead the way, but if they want to find their tribe smoothly, they need the help of the lead.

"It's also good to do this, we can take your family back silently!" Gao Jiuding said.

"Swear allegiance to the Patriarch!" The leading party immediately shouted in gratitude to Dade.

"Swear allegiance to the Patriarch!"

With his shout, everyone around was mobilized, and all the cavalry shouted.

After Gao Jiuding heard it, he burst into laughter.

Marching in the heavy rain, you can't see clearly from ten meters away. Even if Gao Jiuding can release his consciousness, it can only cover a range of one hundred meters.

And the entire team was distributed within a radius of one kilometer, and he couldn't fully grasp all the soldiers. Now, as the sound came, they could accurately determine the positions of all the teams.

This situation lasted for more than three hours!
At a speed of [-] kilometers per hour, they have already traveled [-] kilometers and entered the sphere of influence of the Golden Wolf Clan.




The news came from the rangers ahead, and the forward received the news and sent it back to the main force. When they got here, the whole team began to adjust their direction and headed towards the dark mountains in the north.

As we approached the Qianshan Mountains, the terrain began to become more complicated. Although it was still a grassland, the grass-covered hills began to make the grassland undulating. In this kind of place, even in good weather, the line of sight would be obstructed!

It doesn't matter that the line of sight is blocked, the most important thing is that it is raining heavily now, and the low places between some hills are already covered with a vast ocean.

This is the flood peak flowing down from the mountain. If you are not familiar with the road here, it is easy to be washed away by the flood peak.

"It's only dangerous at the bottom of the mountain, and the terrain above is getting higher and higher, so there won't be so many floods!" Perhaps knowing that the road is too difficult to walk, the leading party shouted loudly.

"Walk along the hills, try to go to the high ground!" Gao Jiuding said.

A group of people rode oxen and horses, even if there was a little water in the ordinary small valley, they were not afraid.

Besides, whether it's a bull or a camel, they all have an instinct for avoiding danger, which can keep them from falling into danger!

"How far away is it?" Luan Changming said after slapping the leading party.

"Walk for a while and we'll be there!" said the leading party.

"How long is a while? We are climbing a mountain now!" Luan Changming said angrily.

Gao Jiuding was not in a good mood at this time, and they were going slower and slower along the way.

 Thank you~ Brother Awakening for the reward of 200 coins, thank you Yuchen Xiaocutie and Brother SU482899 for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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