The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 650 Mystery Concentric Curse

Chapter 650 Mystery Concentric Curse (3000 Recommendations plus more)

"What's going on?" Luan Changming was also a little dumbfounded. These captured women camped at the outermost perimeter of the camp. Is this to integrate into the camp?

"What's going on?" You Qi asked a little confused.

"Why are these people so happy? We broke their tribe!" Gao Jiuding asked.

You Qi smiled and said: "Patriarch, look at this Ten Thousand Tent tribe. We also broke through their tribe. Is there anyone here who is unhappy?"

Gao Jiuding was speechless, Gao Dalang is using what he has learned?
Under the policy of welcoming the king and not paying food, are you freeing the slaves?

No, it should be to fight the local tyrants and divide the land?

It's still not right, it's killing the nobles to divide the cattle and sheep, and then you will be so happy when you are in charge of your own family, right?
Gao Jiuding had a headache, there are three hundred old people and children here, right?

There are still two hundred men fighting, but this small tribe only has five hundred cows and five thousand sheep. He can't even kill camels and horses for meat, can he?

The tribes here seem to have the wealth of one person, one cow and ten sheep, and these wealth originally belonged to the tribal nobles. Only the tribal nobles can eat enough and eat well. Now that the shepherds are liberated, they can also eat When they are full, of course they should be happy.

Gao Dalang learned and used it flexibly, and liberated a large number of herd slaves. In the future, these people's rations will come from Gao Jiuding!
The "Report" rode up again to report.

This time, they broke through a thousand-person tribe and killed less than 100 tribe nobles, among whom the highest level of cultivation was only a layer of hemolysis.

Facing two thousand cavalry, many of them were besieged by knights wearing precious armor. It was just a monk in the hemolytic period, and a round of armor-piercing arrows made him kneel!
For the scattered small tribes, Gao Dalang with [-] cavalry is definitely in a state of turmoil. He should be invincible in this area, but if he fights like this, Gao Jiuding will go bankrupt!

"Catch up with Gao Dalang's troops and let them withdraw. We will all withdraw tomorrow!" Gao Jiuding felt that this was not the way to go. He had shaken the foundation of the Golden Wolf Clan's rule. One hundred thousand wolf soldiers will come to fight him immediately.

Gao Jiuding, who had a bit of a headache, simply ignored it and went back to practice in the golden tent.

When he came out at night, he saw Gao Dalang and other generals who were on the expedition. They were all elated, as if they were very happy.

"Patriarch, this is our confiscation!" As if he already knew why Gao Jiuding called them back, as soon as he saw him, he immediately offered the confiscation.

Looking at a row of storage bags and three storage rings, the corners of Gao Jiuding's mouth twitched a few times. A tribe with storage rings should not be a small tribe!
It is impossible to throw away the population that has been received, so let's check the spoils happily now!

Gao Jiuding took the things and opened a storage ring casually.

The storage space is ten meters and one thousand cubic meters, and there are piles of skins and bones, some spiritual mines, spiritual grasses and spiritual stones, which are not of high value.

He opened up all the storage equipment, as if there was nothing of high value, which made Gao Jiuding a little frustrated. If others rushed into the grassland, wouldn't they be able to grab a lot of money every time?
How did it become a loss-making business when he came to him?

Is he unable to lift a knife?If he only used the knife and didn't need people, wouldn't he be rich now?
"Huh? Where did you grab this? There's even a jade pupil slip?" Just when Gao Jiuding was disappointed, something in a storage bag attracted Gao Jiuding's attention.

The storage bag was only one cube in size, and there were so many rotten furs in it, Gao Jiuding casually threw out the contents.

The things inside are not as valuable as the storage bags, but when those rags were thrown out, a Jade Eye slip rolled out of it!

Gao Jiuding was a little familiar with this jade pupil slip, after all, he had used it a lot.

After seeing it a lot, Gao Jiuding was naturally familiar with it, so he recognized it at a glance. The material of this jade pupil slip is not simple.

Pick it up, release your consciousness, and examine it carefully. There is no restriction, and you can directly see the text inside.

The cultivation civilization of this world has been developing for a long time. In order to practice, everyone has naturally unified their characters. Whether it is the monster race or the human race, they all use the same hieroglyphic characters.

For this kind of writing, Gao Jiuding is very familiar with it. He has studied it in advanced studies, and it doesn't seem to be difficult at all!
"Shenmu clan? Shenmu, right?" Gao Jiuding found something strange after just looking at it for a while.

Is there wood on the prairie?Returning to the Shenmu tribe?He doubted it was a shepherd, because almost all of the records in this jade pupil slip were about herding!
The history of a tribe?Record useless history with jade pupil slips?And it's all about grazing, who cares so much about idle time?

Holding the jade-pupil slip in his hand, Gao Jiuding's expression became a little surprised. This jade-pupil slip was of the same texture as the half piece of slip that the little fox gave him.

The same material shows that the time is also ancient, and this is no longer the popular jade-pupil simplified system.

Gao Jiuding learned how to break the nine poles of the ancient jade pupil slip that he got last time, what about this one?Is it the simplest tribal history?

With a move in Gao Jiuding's heart, a wave of spiritual consciousness rushed into the jade pupil slip quickly. He wanted to test whether there was any secret in this jade pupil slip.

A large amount of spiritual consciousness was integrated into the text inside the jade pupil bamboo slips. Gao Jiuding wanted to smash it, but just as he twisted the words, a strange force suddenly appeared and blocked Gao Jiuding's spiritual consciousness.

Gao Jiuding only felt his divine consciousness suddenly bounce back, and then, the broken earthen jar in his sea of ​​consciousness was activated again.

A familiar force circled around the Yutong Jane, and when Gao Jiuding knew what had happened, there were some more words inside the Yutong Jane.

The restraint inside the Yutong Jane should be a soul restraint arranged by using the power of the soul. This kind of power is the staple food of the broken crock pot!
Gao Jiuding was secretly happy, with this thing protecting the sea of ​​consciousness, will he be able to have no taboos in the future?
Thinking of the magic flower again, if the crockpot hadn't been broken, his fate would not be very good!

Gathering his mind, Gao Jiuding's spiritual thoughts were concentrated inside Yutongjian.

He checked Yutong Jian's records again, and Gao Jiuding was even happier at this time, he might have discovered a secret!
This is a secret of beast taming, not as simple as domesticating a bull, but a secret that can tame all monsters!

Just by looking around, Gao Jiuding discovered the methods of domesticating yaks, divine camels, golden bulls, thorn wolves, flower-lin leopards, iron-clad lions, flame tigers and other monsters. Of course, there are also methods of domesticating bulls.

"It was snatched from the patriarch of a small tribe of [-] people. I didn't find anything special about it!" Seeing Gao Jiuding's puzzled expression, Gao Dalang immediately explained.

"A small tribe of hundreds of people? They call themselves the Shenmu clan? Isn't it the Golden Wolf clan?" Gao Jiuding raised his head and glanced at Gao Dalang and asked.

"It's either the Shenmu tribe or the small tribe of the Golden Wolf tribe. It should be a newly developed family with more than a hundred people. Of course, they also robbed some people, and those who robbed were mainly women for reproduction. More future generations will use it!" Gao Dalang said.

Gao Jiuding nodded, robbing each other is a custom on the grassland, whoever is strong can rob others, whoever is weak can only be robbed by others, this is quite normal!
"You all have a look, there is a secret technique to tame monsters, which should be very useful to you!" After reading it, Gao Jiuding threw the Yutong Jane to Gao Dalang, which made Gao Dalang a little at a loss.

"Patriarch, I can't read a few words, so I don't need to read it?" Gao Dalang said after carefully catching the jade pupil slip.

"Let you see, just watch, I'm still waiting for you to tame a huge monster army for me!" Gao Jiuding said angrily.

This time Gao Dalang really made a contribution, not to mention anything else, but the domestication of the thorn wolf can increase Gao Jiuding's strength by a bit.

He caught a lot of hairless dogs, which are the thorn wolves mentioned in Yutong's bamboo slips, the most powerful of which is the three-tailed thorn wolf, which belongs to the hemolytic stage monster.

Ordinary stab wolves have one tail, two tails in the blood refining stage, three tails in the hemolysis stage, and four tails in the blood pill stage.

This thing is just like a nine-tailed fox. The essence of the whole body is concentrated on the tail. As long as the tail is still there, they are immortal. Therefore, the life of this thing is very hard, and it is a good war pet.

However, this thing is very difficult to domesticate. The thorn wolves domesticated by some tribes and villages are all obtained from accidental thorn wolf cubs, and they are slowly bred from childhood.

That requires luck and time, but what Gao Jiuding lacks most is time. He is very happy now that he has obtained the skill of taming the stabbing wolf.

After reading the jade pupil slips, Gao Dalang looked puzzled: "Patriarch, that small tribe only has a few hundred cattle and sheep, and no monsters have been domesticated at all!"

"Go and ask!" Gao Jiuding glanced at Luan and shouted.

"I've already sent someone to inquire, and I should be back soon!" Luan Changming said with a smile.

"En, well done!" Gao Jiuding said appreciatively.

Luan Changming was able to become his captain of the guard because he was thoughtful.

Gao Jiuding didn't care about other things, he took out a demon suppressing tower, in which many monsters he caught were imprisoned, as long as they couldn't be domesticated, they would all be suppressed here, this is used to rule against disobedience!
As soon as the real yuan urged, a hairless dog was released, no, this is the three-tailed thorn wolf, a monster at the peak of the hemolytic stage.

If it hadn't fallen into Gao Jiuding's hands, few people could easily capture it!

The scent of the magic flower that affected the three-tailed thorn wolf has long since disappeared. At this time, the three-tailed thorn wolf has returned to normal. Unfortunately, just after it appeared, it was tied up by the Yaosuo!

Facing a spiritual weapon, even a monster at the peak of the hemolytic stage can only struggle helplessly!
After carefully thinking about the contents of the jade pupil slip, Gao Jiuding muttered to himself: "Bloodline soul restriction? Concentric curse, why does it feel similar to the blood slave seal? Maybe you can try it!"

(End of this chapter)

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