Chapter 660
The group of rat monsters came out and chopped one by one, and in an instant, the entire hillside became full of screams of rats.

"The quantity is too small, the speed is too slow, pour water!"

The people who had been prepared for a long time had already advanced to the entrance of the mouse hole. At this time, as long as a passage was dug, they could directly divert water to irrigate the mouse hole.

Just for a while, water flowed out in many places, and the nearby underground caves should be almost filled with water.

"Kill!" The water was poured into the hole, and the mouse had nowhere to hide, so it could only rush out.

The thousands of soldiers who had been prepared long ago were waiting for this moment, and they would immediately kill any mice that appeared.

The mice still have to come out, but the soldiers just need to guard all the mouse holes and wait for the rabbits to come out and chop one by one!
"The number is not as many as expected, have they been killed?" After hacking for two hours, there were not as many killed as before in the previous 10 minutes. Gao Dalang was a little confused.

"Dig these holes!" It's been a long time, no mouse came out, Gao Jiuding didn't know what happened, anyway, within the range of his consciousness, the mouse hole was full of water.

"The cave is relatively deep, maybe it has spread upwards!" Gao Jiuding pointed to the hillside, the higher it goes, the higher the terrain. If the mouse hole digs upwards, no matter how much water is poured, it will be useless.

The next thing was rather boring. More than 2000 of them kept digging the cave, and they didn't stop until they dug 150 meters and encountered a layer of rock.

Mu Han looked at Gao Jiuding a bit embarrassed: "Patriarch."

"Be careful, they can't bear it anymore!" Before Mu Han finished speaking, Gao Jiuding said.


At this moment, there was an ear-piercing cry from the cave above the stone wall.

The loud cry echoed in their ears, making people's scalps tingle.

This is the sound of rats receding after the sound in the morning!

Everyone's hearts froze, and then there was a rumbling sound, and swarms of big rats gushed out from that position, rushing towards Bai Yang and the others.

"Protect the Patriarch!" Mu Han immediately drew out his long sword and shouted.

Immediately, a group of people quickly protected Gao Jiuding, only Luan Changming glanced at Mu Han resentfully, this guy stole his lines!
"Is that the mouse king? How could it be so big!" Looking through the crowd, Gao Jiuding saw the group of big mice and said to himself with a stunned expression.

From the place where the rats rushed out, there were still big rats pouring out continuously, and there were many rats with a body length of one or two meters, especially the biggest rat at the head. With the tail, it was 30 meters long!
That huge mouse, with snow-white hair, looks very beautiful. However, no matter how you look at the eyes of that big mouse, it gives people a cold feeling. It must be a god!
"Kill!" The soldiers in full-body armor roared. With so many of them gathered together, they must not be afraid of a group of monsters.

They waved their big knives and rushed towards the group of mice.

The arrows from behind flew across the air, and the sound of whirring continued, shooting into the group of rats, killing them one by one.

"No, that big mouse is rushing in this direction with a group of rats, Captain Luan, you protect the Patriarch, Lang Tuo, let's kill that big mouse!" Although Mu Han's eyes were red, But his mind is still very clear, but he just can't see his own strength clearly.

He has a good mentality and is even more loyal to the Patriarch. How can Gao Jiuding waste this kind of person in vain?
With a wave of Gao Jiuding in the air, the monster-binding rope wrapped around Mu Han extremely quickly, pulling him back. Then, his figure stretched out, and he rushed out like a ghost.

"Such a big mouse is really rare!" Gao Jiuding looked at the big mouse, the strength of the hemolytic stage hadn't even reached the middle stage of hemolytic stage, and its mighty size was in vain.

Is it eating too much, indigestion, and pushing the body up?

"Patriarch!" Luan Changming screamed from behind, waking Gao Jiuding up, this is not the time to think wildly.

"I'll go over to help, be careful!" Luan Chang yelled, changed to a long gun, and leaped vigorously under his feet. The man was already running away across a distance of 30 meters like a fired shell.

Gao Jiuding quickly approached the huge white mouse. The demon-binding rope in his hand turned into a sharp sword and stabbed at the big mouse's eyes. This big mouse is very fat and must not be wasted.

However, the huge white mouse was extremely flexible and easily avoided it.

But at this moment, Luan Changming, who was chasing after him, grabbed the stick and smashed it on the head of the big mouse.

The big rat couldn't dodge it, but its more than ten-meter-long tail whizzed out, wrapped around the spear in Luan Changming's hand, and threw him out.

"This is really a genius!" Gao Jiuding said in surprise, his eyes widened.

"Crack!" Dodged Gao Jiuding's stabbing attack, but couldn't escape his whipping. The moment the mouse slammed the flying luan, Gao Jiuding had already whipped the flying luan on its head.

The big mouse was hit by the demon-binding rope, and it was stunned immediately, and the whole group of rats were stunned.

Under the leadership of that big mouse, the rats rushed towards it like a raging torrent. The more than 1000 soldiers in armor couldn't resist it!

"Attention everyone, change to the armor-piercing arrow, and target the Mouse King!" Gao Jiuding shouted.

The big rat must be killed as soon as possible, otherwise the soldiers may suffer casualties. Such a situation is definitely not what Gao Jiuding wants to see.

"Chi Chi Chi!" A series of arrows quickly shot at the big mouse.

"Puff puff puff!" The big mouse is too big to dodge at all, but the hemolytic monster with the help of divine consciousness is not so easy to kill.

I saw that the big mouse shook its head slightly, and it dodged many crossbow arrows that were shot at its eyes, but those armor-piercing arrows that hit its body only pierced its skin lightly.

Look at that, after removing the fur, the injection into the body is less than a few centimeters!

"Use the Flame Talisman to attack!" Gao Jiuding shouted again seeing that the crossbow arrows were useless.

"Chi Chi!" Fiery red flames roared past, and ten flame talismans turned into flames and flew out, blasting towards the big mouse.

Luan Changming knew how powerful it was, so he got out of the way immediately.

Squeak... the huge white mouse seemed to know the danger, raised its head and screamed piercingly, turned around and wanted to run away.

However, he couldn't run away, how could the big mouse escape the attack by sending out ten flame talismans at a time?You know, they have very few such talismans.

The guards had already figured out where the big rat might escape, and this time it was released in a targeted manner.

Boom boom boom...

After ten deafening explosions, six flames exploded directly on the big mouse!

cheep cheep...boom boom boom
The big mouse screamed and was overturned by the bursting flames, and the whole cave suddenly roared.

The big mouse was too big, rolled over in the cave, and directly ran over many rat demons, causing even more chaos.

Gao Jiuding's consciousness was always locked on to the Mouse King. When it lost its balance and began to roll over, he had already controlled the demon-binding rope and stabbed at the big mouse's eyes.

"Hurry up!" Suddenly, the demon-binding rope speeded up.

The attack at that moment made the big mouse no longer care about dodging.

The demon-binding rope pierced the big mouse's eyes in an extremely fast manner, and penetrated into its brain in an instant, smashing its brains immediately.

Blood was flying, and the ferocious big rat died without making a sound. Inside its head, it had already been wrung into a rotten watermelon!

A little demon who was about the same strength as Gao Jiuding, but a little bigger, Gao Jiuding was still very easy to deal with.

The group of rats lost their greatest support, and suddenly they had no leader, and began to run around without thinking.

How could the soldiers miss this opportunity and launch a counterattack!

They just slashed and killed, and after more than two hours, the rat extermination operation in the cave was basically over...

Going deeper, the cave became more complicated and began to shrink. Even if there were some thorn wolves to help find the remaining mice, it would not be easy.

Now that the rats were no longer a threat, they relaxed and began to clean up the mess.

All the mice here have to be dealt with. Naturally, some people do such things.

"Patriarch, rest for a while!" Luan Changming said softly beside Gao Jiuding.

"Yeah!" Gao Jiuding nodded with a slight frown, and he also looked absent-minded during the rest.

Just being able to evolve an ordinary grassland into a monster of the blood-refinement stage shouldn't be such a precious resource, but it would be great to be able to have a full-fledged peak rat king of the hemolysis stage.

Gao Jiuding has brought out a lot of things now, but those things can't explain the source, they can be regarded as shady things.

And now, he had a chance.

If he really found something here, and it was discovered in full view, then he can use it openly, right?
Sighing secretly, making a fortune in a muffled voice, it seemed that he was getting farther and farther away!
After making a decision, he just rested for a while, and then he called many old local herdsmen and asked, "Have you ever seen such a big mouse before?"

Everyone shook their heads, expressing that they had never seen such a big one before.

The most important thing is that this big mouse is ostentatious!
Such a big man was killed in just a few strokes, which is definitely a shame for the strength of the Hemolytic Rat King.

"Then the question is, why are there so many rats gathered here? And we have killed so many rats, and they haven't left yet? And the rat king, it shouldn't be easy to grow to such a big size?" Gao Jiuding His eyes flickered.

"Patriarch, what do you mean...?" Gao Dayang and the others asked thoughtfully as they looked at Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding turned around, looked towards the deepest part of the cave and said, "The only thing that can be explained is that there must be something in the mountain that attracts them and helps them improve their cultivation!"

(End of this chapter)

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