Chapter 662
Gao Jiuding didn't care, because he was not an ordinary blood-refining monk, so he was naturally not afraid that these subordinates would have other ideas, and he hoped that he could use the stone milk essence here to test the loyalty of these people.

Gao Jiuding pointed directly at the stone pillar and said, "Who of you go up and see how much stone milk essence there is?"

"Patriarch, you should go up in person!" Luan Changming couldn't help but said.

"Yes, no matter how many there are, they are all yours, the Patriarch, so we won't go up and look at them, so as not to be greedy!" Gao Dalang said with a laugh.

"I never had extravagant expectations. This is a treasure of nature and earth, so it naturally belongs to the Patriarch!" Mu Han stood still.

Lang Tuo followed closely beside Gao Jiuding without even saying a word, it seemed that he had no other thoughts.

Gao Jiuding watched everyone's performance.

He also wanted to see the place where such a magical thing could be produced for the first time.

Gao Jiuding jumped up, tapped the stone pillar twice with his toes, and arrived at the top of the stone pillar like lightning.

It's not small, it's actually about ten square meters, and in the center, there's a small hole the size of a washbasin.

Gao Jiuding was disappointed when he saw the small pit containing stone milk!

Not even a single natural magic weapon was formed, so the effect of this stone milk is mediocre!
No wonder that big mouse has achieved the hemolytic stage cultivation base, and has never made any progress. The aptitude is there!
"Everyone who can come up, come up, there are still a dozen people standing on it!" Gao Jiuding said to the people below, and walked towards the center of the stone pillar.

After arriving at the center of the stone pillar, Gao Jiuding saw that in the small pit, there was only a drop of milky white liquid at the bottom, probably only a few drops.

When you get closer and smell it, there is a faint fragrance, and after taking a sip, you will relax your pores and feel refreshed.

With a thought, it really deserves to be a treasure of heaven and earth, it is so amazing.

He was not surprised that there was only such a loss. So many mice that died before were not decorations, they must have been eaten by them.

Good things are waiting for you to enjoy?Now this point must have been accumulated recently!

"This is the essence of stone milk, can eating it improve your physique?" Mu Han asked curiously as he looked at the drops of milky white liquid.

"It must be, Patriarch, I can feel the surging energy contained in it!" Luan Changming closed his eyes and took a deep breath and said.

Gao Jiuding turned around, looked at Gao Dalang who had just come up and said, "Get your thorn wolf up!"

"I'm going right away!" Gao Dalang was taken aback for a moment, and then jumped off the stone pillar with a look of surprise.

"Patriarch, you don't mean to give this precious stone milk essence to his thorn wolf?" Luan Changming said in disbelief.

"Isn't it possible? You see, this small pit containing stone milk essence has probably been licked many times by mice. Whether it's me or you, who wants to lick it first now? Also, who knows if these stone milk essences are Clean? Has it been polluted by anything? If something happens, you will regret it!" Gao Jiuding said seriously.

Although what he said was righteous, Gao Jiuding's disappointment couldn't be concealed no matter what.

These are some nascent stalactites, which are the lowest level of yellow-level spiritual creatures, much worse than his stalactites.

Now these stone pillars have just produced stalactites, and have not yet accumulated, so they have not formed treasures such as stalactites, gourds, and other wonders.

However, there is indeed an earth-type spiritual vein underneath. Without this spiritual vein, such a good thing as stone milk would never be born here.

But it was also because of stone milk that Gao Jiuding was unable to extract this spiritual vein!

He is an earth cultivator, and he has wanted an earth-type spiritual vein for a long time, but now, he saw it, but couldn't get it, how could he not be disappointed?

The spiritual veins should have existed a long time ago, and the stone milk veins may be produced by the accumulation of too much spiritual energy in the spiritual veins. It takes a long time to form, and it is easy to destroy it now. If you want to find such a one in the future place, it is difficult.

Therefore, even if Gao Jiuding wanted to extract the spiritual veins here, he could only give up.

Such a place must not be destroyed, otherwise, this ley line will not continue to produce stone milk.

Just this point will cause the value of this place to plummet, because it cannot be moved away, if you want to occupy this place, you have to build a city to protect it, which is much more troublesome, and it is easy to be peeped!
Although they didn't understand what Gao Jiuding meant, Luan Changming and the others were very smart and didn't object.

Gao Dalang, who had been going back and forth at this moment, jumped directly onto the stone pillar to help his stabbing wolf.

When the thorn wolf landed, he came to the edge of the small pit with light steps, but he didn't eat it immediately, but watched Gao Jiuding wagging his tail and howling.

This stabbing wolf is the guy who was taught by Gao Jiuding's three tails, and now it knows Gao Jiuding and knows that he is the new boss.

"This thing, you still know the rules? Eat it, just eat it, and see if you can have any magical changes!" Gao Jiuding said.

The thorn wolf rubbed Gao Jiuding's hand, then got down on the ground, stuck out his tongue, and rolled the milky essence into his mouth.

Luan Changming and the others were both pained and looking forward to it, entangled to death.

For Gao Jiuding, this thing is just so-so, but for them who have always been extremely poor, this is absolutely wasteful!
"Nothing has changed!" Gao Jiuding stared at the stabbing wolf, his eyes were sour, but he didn't see any difference.

Could it be that the stone milk essence has expired?Or the quantity is too small?
"Patriarch, although the ground milk essence contains surging essence, monsters absorb it on their own, and the effect is not so fast. Unlike monks, there are special methods to help absorb it!" Luan Changming said beside him.

When he said this, Gao Jiuding immediately understood that after this stabbing wolf ate the stone milk essence, it needed to be digested in the stomach, and then the blood circulated and sent to all parts of the body, the effect must not be so fast.

Smiling, Gao Jiuding didn't feel embarrassed at all.

The two-tailed thorn wolf didn't change much, and he began to observe the stalactites beside him.

The stalactites hanging from the top of the cave are like a sharp sword hanging upside down, the bottom is only the size of chopsticks, and it is as crystal clear as emerald under the light.

The color gets darker as it goes up towards the top of the cave, and when it reaches the root, it is no different from a rock.

Gao Jiuding has seen the magic of nature.

On the other side of the earth, although there are such strange stalactites, there will never be such things as ground milk essence, because the earth lacks aura.

This is probably why the world here has become a real cultivation world.

After staring at the stalactite for a long time, a drop of milky white liquid at the top gathered extremely slowly, but did not drip.

"Patriarch, the essence of stone milk, Zhong Tiandi Lingxiu, is naturally generated and not conceived so quickly!" Luan Changming looked at Gao Jiuding and reminded, afraid that he would reach out to touch it.

Shrugging his shoulders, Gao Jiuding looked at the two-tailed thorn wolf again.

Although he didn't say anything, he didn't agree with Luan Changming's statement.

There must be a certain law in everything. As long as the law is mastered, everything can be obtained artificially.

It's just that how the stone milk essence is formed still needs to be studied.

Maybe setting up some spirit gathering formations, or setting up a five-element transformation formation can also speed up the production of stalactites.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding's knowledge of formations is not very good. He doesn't understand the layout of this vein at all, let alone whether it contains natural formation restrictions.

Unlike the stalagmites and stalactite gourds he got here, they all have complete natural restrictions, as long as the aura is replenished, stalactites can be produced.

It's obviously much worse here, and he won't do it without knowing the situation of the ground veins and spiritual veins here.

"Patriarch, look quickly, the little wolf has changed!" Mu Han reminded at this time.

The two-tailed stinging wolves that had eaten the essence of stone milk were circling around Gao Dalang as usual, but now they suddenly seemed very excited, screaming and rolling on the ground.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the wounds caused by the Thorn Wolf's battle with the rat monsters, the blood scabs have begun to fall off, and the wound below has healed, revealing the pink tender flesh below.

The tender meat was growing against the rules, and within a few minutes it became no different from the surrounding skin, and then the skin grew. After more than ten minutes, its epidermis became similar to other parts, and it did not look like it was injured at all.

"This is just the initial effect. The surging energy of the stone milk essence will speed up the healing of the stab wolf's wound. The real change will come later!" Luan Changming said on the side.

This is the first time they have seen the stone milk essence, and it is also the first time they have seen the specific effect of taking the ground milk essence, so everyone is inevitably looking forward to it.

Gao Jiuding saw that the thorn wolf was rolling, causing dust to fly on the ground, he immediately ordered! "The effect has appeared, get it down, don't let the dirty things fall into the pit of the stone milk essence!"

Gao Dalang took two steps, twisted his two-tailed stinging wolf, and jumped off the stone pillar tens of meters high. Today's two-tailed stinging wolf has no chance to struggle.

Afterwards, Gao Jiuding also came to the ground. At this time, there were more than 100 pairs of eyes staring at the stabbing wolf.

The damaged skin on the two-tailed thorn wolf fell off little by little at the beginning, and after a few minutes, it shook its body lightly, and things like blood scabs fell off piece by piece.

Soon, its original dark scales were restored again, just like when it was never injured.

"This should be the real effect of the ground milk essence. It can easily regenerate the wolf and speed up the recovery process!" Luan Changming said uncertainly from the side.

Gao Jiuding looked at the stabbing wolf in surprise, the effect is too good, isn't it?
"The effect is so good?" Mu Han also had this question.

"This is because the stabbing wolf's recovery ability is very strong. I heard that this thing is a product of the sky, and it seems to be the offspring of a mutant monster. Of course, this is a legend. I don't know if it is true, but look at the effect. , These hairless monsters really have an advantage!" Luan Changming said.

If Gao Jiuding has realized something, what about mutant monsters outside the sky?Or is it a war beast specially bred?

Gao Jiuding could easily think of those ten thousand zhang demon vines, and of course, those strange monsters inside the demon battleship.

(End of this chapter)

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