The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 669 Still a Baby?

Chapter 669 Still a Baby?
Regardless of what to say to Gao Jiuding, Luan Changming excitedly stepped forward and pulled out the blood blade inserted into the female eagle's body.

The blood gushed out, and Luan Changming excitedly took out an animal skin bag and began to collect the female eagle's blood!

"Patriarch, there is too much essence and blood, what should I do if I can't hold it?" An animal skin bag less than one meter long can't hold much essence and blood at all, Luan Changming was a little anxious.

"A monster at the peak of hemolysis, the blood will solidify soon. If you block the wound, it will stop bleeding soon!" Gao Jiuding walked slowly towards the giant eagle's nest, and there was a little eagle in the nest. deal with.

"Patriarch!" Just as Gao Jiuding turned around, a large group of soldiers came up behind him, including Gao Dalang and the others.

"Since they're all here, let's help clean it up. There's so much rubbish, these demon eagles are really dirty!" Gao Jiuding said without turning his head.

In fact, he had seen Gao Dalang and the others' movements a long time ago, after all, he had just climbed up for less than 2 minutes!
"You guys deal with these two eagle demons, I'll follow the Patriarch!" Seeing that Gao Dalang and the others followed Gao Jiuding, Luan Changming also ran over immediately.

Behind, more and more soldiers climbed up, and they were not afraid that no one would work.

Seeing the soldiers scattered in all directions, some were on guard, some were investigating the situation, some were dealing with the demon eagle, and some were following up, Gao Jiuding expressed his relief.

After several days of training, this group of people finally looked like soldiers, and they never forgot to be vigilant wherever they went!

"Huh? What's going on?" Gao Jiuding looked at the front in surprise. There was clearly a small forest here, and there was a huge eagle's nest above the forest. Why did it disappear at this time?
"Massive array? Or phantom array?" Gao Jiuding released his consciousness and looked ahead carefully.

If he didn't know clearly that there is a small forest over there, Gao Jiuding would never have thought that this place with strange rocks would be an illusion.

Gao Jiuding's eyes widened, and by observing the aura around him, he gradually saw some clues.

That grove should have its own phantom formation, and it was this formation that began to operate, covering the grove and Eagle's Nest.

"That eagle knows how to control the formation?" Gao Jiuding thought about it carefully, and he jumped into the air and landed where the eagle was originally.

Sure enough, as Gao Jiuding fell into the top of the tree, the surrounding aura dissipated, and the grove and Eagle's Nest were completely exposed.

Luan Changming knew what was going on here before, and he was also surprised when he saw these miraculous changes: "Patriarch, is this a phantom array?"

Gao Jiuding looked at the bottom of the eagle's nest where the sewage was flowing, and said with a smile: "It's a phantom formation, and the two demon eagles can still control it. Do you see anything coming?"

Luan Changming said: "Release the phantom array, let the heavy rain wash away the filth here?"

"Yes, if it wasn't like this, we wouldn't be able to easily discover this Eagle's Nest!" Gao Jiuding was a little bit emotional. The Yaoying family is really unlucky. If it wasn't for them cleaning up under the heavy rain, how could Gao Jiuding find out they?

At this time, a group of other soldiers also came to the edge of the grove. They looked up at the eagle's nest of Gundam, and everyone was amazed.

After studying for a while, Gao Jiuding knew what was going on with this phantom formation.

The big tree where Gao Jiuding is located is the eye of the phantom formation. As long as the tree head is suppressed and the tree is not allowed to smoothly attract the surrounding aura, the aura circulation of the phantom formation will be interrupted. The phantom array that originally covered the grove will dissipate.

Of course, this is not a simple phantom array, otherwise, it would not be able to prevent the heavy rain from washing away the large amount of household garbage brought by the demon eagle, such as the bones scattered around the eagle's nest.

On the top, they are distributed section by section. They are broken python bones. The surrounding ones seem to be giant antelopes. Others include sambars, llamas, and even three-tailed stinging wolves, which Gao Jiuding is more familiar with. The skeleton of a leopard.

These ferocious beasts are also on the diet of the Demon Eagle. It seems that he can rest assured that there should be no monsters more powerful than the Demon Eagle around here.

"There really is a corpse of a snow-covered yak here!" Soon, he saw a huge skeleton in a corner. The head of the bull was very conspicuous, and even the pair of horns, the magic weapon, were completely preserved on it. head on.

Gao Jiuding walked over and pulled out one of the horns with all his strength. Looking at the blood-red appearance, it was the snow-covered yak that was hunted and killed by the eagle demon before it could move it. It was definitely a fatal blow. !
The wound was on the forehead, it was a super long wound, and it was thought that the eagle demon would split the head of the snowy yak with a wind knife.

It hurt its brain, it didn't even have time to use the magic weapon it had practiced!
"Patriarch, this kind of thing can't be used, right?" Gao Dalang just came back to his senses, and saw the huge pair of ox bones, and the pair of ox horn treasures in Gao Jiuding's hands.

"It doesn't work? You guys don't know how to use it?" Gao Jiuding laughed. He was in the Iron Sword Gate, and he knew that this kind of magic weapon that uses monster materials for sacrifice could not be used?
This thing was sacrificed and refined into a horn cone, which can easily break through the defense of treasure-level armor. It is a very common magic weapon on the grassland. Unfortunately, none of Gao Dalang and the others have the ability to refine it.

"Work hard, save the baby, but don't need it!" Gao Jiuding sighed.

If his group of men can work harder and refine a few bull horn cones, it will be much more powerful than using ordinary magic weapon crossbows!
At that time, they could definitely walk sideways on the territory where the sect had swept away the monsters of the blood pill stage!
It's a pity that magic weapons generally require monks in the hemolytic period to use them, and monster magic weapons like the horns of snowy yaks require masters to cleanse the internal blood of monster beasts before they can be used. Gao Dalang and the others will never be able to do this.

"Using a magic weapon, with our strength, we only have the power of one blow. It consumes too much energy and blood, and it is useless even if it is refined. Using it once is definitely not worth the loss!" Luan Changming said.

"We still need some life-saving means!" Gao Jiuding reminded.

"Well, we all sacrificed and practiced one, but now is the critical moment to improve our cultivation, and we didn't waste much energy!" Luan Changming said.

Gao Jiuding also knew that the cultivation base of this group of people was too low, and he also knew that they were eager to break through the cultivation base, so they naturally had no time and energy to practice magic weapons.

"While it's raining, clean up these things, I'll go up and have a look!" After finishing speaking, Gao Jiuding jumped up onto a short tree more than two meters high.

Although the Eagle's Nest is tall, its entrance is on the top of a dwarf tree, at the lower part of the Eagle's Nest, so it won't be affected by rain or wind.

"Hey!" Maybe seeing the enemy coming in, the little eagle, which was as tall as a man, yelled mournfully.

Go directly into the Eagle's Nest and come to the little eagle, Gao Jiuding intends to deal with it first.

Although this little eagle is still young, its eyes are very sharp. Gao Jiuding can even see hatred from this little eagle's eyes.

Sure enough, when Gao Jiuding got a little closer, the little eagle bit him all at once.

It has a ridiculous monkey head and does not have the beak that a real eagle should have, so Gao Jiuding didn't care about the little eagle's attack.

After measuring his body, Gao Jiuding easily dodged Xiaoying's attack, and Gao Jiuding continued to look at Xiaoying provocatively.

"Hey!" Xiaoying yelled angrily.

"What does the Patriarch plan to do with this little thing?" Gao Dalang, who followed in, couldn't help asking.

"This little thing is very spiritual, maybe it can be raised up and help us defend against attacks from the sky!" Luan Changming also said.

Mu Han said: "It can't be done, it has opened its eyes, it can't be domesticated!"

"Cry!" "Cry!" "Cry!"

When Gao Jiuding's body moved, the little eagle actually screamed a series of times.

Gao Jiuding's eyes narrowed, and he looked at Xiaoying's side and rear. The ground was paved with unknown wood. Although he couldn't tell what kind of material it was, Gao Jiuding knew that these were all spiritual wood.

The arm-thick spirit wood should be a kind of spirit vine. After looking around, the entire Eagle's Nest is actually woven with this kind of spirit vine, which is not easy.

After trying it out, the spirit vine is very tough, and it is easier to weave the eagle's nest, and the weaving process is also very good.

"Red?" With a little force, the brown grease-like substance was removed, and Gao Jiuding discovered that the spirit vine actually looked red.

The red wood is not strange, but it is more strange with the fiery red flame pattern.

Gao Jiuding's heart moved, and a surge of blood rushed into the spirit vine.

"No response? No, it should be unable to be urged!" Gao Jiuding's spiritual sense accurately grasped the flashing red light, and it should be a flame pattern that was activated just now.

The cultivation base of the fourth level of blood refining has stimulated a streak?Isn't this a high-level prohibition rune?

Gao Jiuding's heart was full of surprises, could this Eagle's Nest be a treasure?
"Hey!" Seeing Gao Jiuding moving around in the eagle's nest, the little eagle actually chased after him.

Gao Jiuding glanced at the hateful little eyes, and sighed: "Tonight, we will eat it!"

"Just eat it, don't look at it's small size, it's also a monster on the second level of blood refining!" Mu Han said immediately.

"Really?" Luan Changming was obviously reluctant.

Gao Dalang said: "It has enmity against us!"

Mu Han also said: "The choice of the Patriarch is right, this kind of vengeful monster cubs cannot be raised, and they are not familiar with them, they know how to take revenge, look at it, know that we are going to eat it, I am afraid! "

Gao Jiuding looked over, sure enough, this little eagle demon may have been born only a few days ago, but it is definitely sensible.

"The monsters hatched this spring are at most half a year old. They have good blood, high intelligence, and are not easy to domesticate!" Gao Dalang said.

"Then kill and eat meat!" Luan Changming naturally saw the performance of the little eagle demon.

Such a small wisdom is so high, and they have a sworn feud with them for killing their father and mother. Naturally, this kind of scourge cannot be left behind.

 Thank you~ Brother Awakening for the reward of 200 coins, thank you Yuchen Xiaocutie, Jiang Jiang Jiangjiang, Luna Yuti, and brothers SU482899 for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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