The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 733 Gao Jiuding's Strength

Chapter 733 Gao Jiuding's Strength

Xue Shengtian is naturally not stupid. If what Gao Jiuding said is true, then they will not only have a good background, but also gain full trust if they join Gao Jiuding's banner.

A new force that has just been established and has not been more than half a year old. After they join, they will also be veterans and ministers. How could they have the opportunity to encounter such a good thing before?

Isn't it stupid to not seize the opportunity now that you have encountered it?

"Are you willing to pledge your allegiance now?" A group of snow wolf thieves were willing to surrender happily, and Xue Dao was dumbfounded. If this group of snow wolf thieves surrendered, wouldn't they be useless?
"Don't worry, even if you let them out, you will still be in command!" Gao Jiuding gave Xuedao a guarantee.

"Really? Thank you Fellow Daoist Gao, we can also sign a blood contract!" Xue Dao said immediately.

Gao Jiuding said: "Don't worry, what I said to you earlier is effective, you can share it and see if I, Gao Jiuding, is qualified to raise hundreds of monks in the blood pill stage. By the way, both of you must explain the exercises Let me write it in detail, write it more times, so as not to make mistakes, these are the merits of your entry, otherwise, I really have no reason to reward you!"

"Who doesn't know that Senior Senior is as rich as a country? We trust Senior Senior!" Chen Tianlin was the best at talking.

Gao Jiuding said: "Okay, let's communicate and get to know each other first, so that you can serve me in the future. I will prepare the blood contract. After the blood contract is signed, some of my secret bases can be opened to you.

At that time, you will know my financial resources. By the way, the monks in the Xuedan period in the village outside have also pledged their allegiance to me. I can afford him, so let’s not talk about you. I really hope , you all form blood pills, if that's the case, we can also rush out of the sky to snatch the resources of the sky! "

Gao Jiuding took a look at Xue Dao and the others, and stepped out of the Demon Town Tower.

Even if everyone in the Demon Town Tower is loyal to him, Gao Jiuding will understand them better.

Gao Jiuding still needed their inheritance skills. After all, it was very valuable to be able to practice the inheritance of the Foundation Establishment Stage and the Blood Pill Stage.

As for those snow wolf thieves, Gao Jiuding never expected that they would be subdued so easily.

Gao Jiuding paid special attention to this point, not only the seven hundred blood wolf cavalry, but also the hemolytic period monks he met later.

It is difficult for others to train hundreds or thousands of hemolytic monks, but Gao Jiuding does not find it difficult.

What do monks in the hemolytic period practice?
The most basic ones are the blood essence and blood essence of monsters in the hemolysis period, and then there are middle-grade spirit stones.

And in order to break through to the blood pill stage, it may be necessary to consume some mysterious heaven and earth spirits, which Gao Jiuding seems to have no shortage of.

Even if the level of stone milk in his hand is not enough, he still has Lingming stone milk!
If the Lingming stone milk is not enough, he still has the God of Time and Space!

In the Time and Space God's Domain, even if it is only a first-level spiritual field, at ten times the speed of time, the effect of planting elixir for one year is comparable to that of the outside world for 100 years!

The second-level spiritual field is [-] times the effect of the outside world, the third-level is [-] times the effect, and Gao Jiuding can produce the fourth-level spiritual field, which is [-] times the effect.

In the fourth-level spiritual fields of the Time and Space God Realm, if you plant ginseng for one year, you can get top-level ginseng with 400-year medicinal power. Refining the panacea to hit the blood pill stage!

Of course, if it is too late, then Gao Jiuding still has a large number of demon warships in his hands, and the harvest from them can also be used in emergencies. This can be reflected in Shui Jingxiu.

He is a monk in the blood pill stage, and after seeing the ink ginseng, he was ecstatic, let alone a group of monks in the blood lysis stage.

After leaving the Demon-Suppressing Tower, Gao Jiuding didn't rush to do other things, but continued to stare at the situation inside the Demon-Suppressing Tower.

Without Gao Jiuding, everyone in the Demon Suppressing Tower seemed to have let go of themselves.

After what happened just now, the group of snow wolf robbers calmed down.

However, Blood Knife and Old Bone Demon didn't let this group of snow wolf robbers go directly, after all they were too numerous and they only surrendered verbally.

The next thing is much easier, a group of old devils want to know the situation of the demon star, and a group of snow wolf robbers want to know the situation of Gao Jiuding.

It's not difficult for the two sides to communicate, but as more exchanges are made, the spoken language of a group of devils becomes more and more casual, and they become more and more happy.

Gao Jiuding didn't fool them. This is really a different world. The higher the cultivation level of the monks here, the longer the lifespan.

Of course, the competition among demon stars is very fierce. If they have no strength and background, it will be difficult to get along. Otherwise, how could a group of thousands of hemolytic blood wolf cavalry become prisoners?
When they heard that Gao Jiuding's guards directly killed more than 300 blood wolf cavalry, including their mounts, a group of demon leaders all looked at each other in blank dismay.

There are only more than 60 of them here. Even if they are all foundation-building monks, they don't seem to be tall enough for Jiuding's guards to kill them in one round of attack!
After understanding this point, a group of old devils completely gave up, they should honestly hug Gao Jiuding's golden thighs tightly!

With a decision in their hearts and no psychological gap, a group of old devils felt more relaxed.

Of course, a group of snow wolf thieves also relaxed at this time!
They have already confirmed that Gao Jiuding's power is a newly established new force, and they have confirmed Gao Jiuding's strength.

Both sides had only a half-knowledge of Gao Jiuding's strength, which made them feel that Gao Jiuding was unfathomable.

As long as people have a sense of awe and a little desire for freedom, they all want to take refuge in Gao Jiuding with all their hearts.

After observing for a long time, he felt that there was no problem, so Gao Jiuding stopped paying attention to the things in the Demon Town Tower.

However, those guys inside also need to be concerned. Gao Jiuding put away the array and walked out of the central tree house.

When we came to the outermost part of the village again, there was still a lot of noise here!
The local aborigines seem to have a soft spot for hunting. As long as they have the opportunity, even if they are exhausted, they are not willing to give up any possible prey.

"Be careful, it's a big black fish, it's huge, stay away!"

"Get the barrel ready, is there any left?"

"Use the spiritual wooden barrel, don't waste the blood essence, a little refinement is the essence blood pill!"

"It's so simple, you know how to refine blood essence pill? It's great if you can keep the blood essence, don't be too greedy!"

"Is this greed? Oh, why hasn't the alchemist mentioned by Commander Luan come yet? You see, those buckets of blood essence are emitting aura, too much wasted!"

"The alchemists in our family just don't live up to expectations. They have provided us with alchemy furnaces. Why are they still so slow?"

"Don't complain, can alchemy be rushed?"

"Don't say it so loudly, it's embarrassing, just refine the blood essence and make blood essence pills, is this considered alchemy?"

"Why doesn't it count? Didn't you hear what Commander Luan said just now? The same is to remove water and refine blood essence pills. The Patriarch is able to extract very pure treasure pills, while those in our clan can only refine the lowest Grade, the essence blood pill with the most impurities!"

"Can we compare with the Patriarch?"

"It can't be compared with the Patriarch, but we can't let the Patriarch do the work, right? We have to work hard, we can't rely on the Patriarch to do it all, otherwise what else do we need?"

"Okay, okay, work, ah, this black fish is really big!"

"It's just a little stupid. It's so dangerous here, but you dare to stick your head out. Look, your head was shot, right?"

As soon as Gao Jiuding walked over, he saw a big black fish more than ten meters long!
With those sharp teeth, this must be a carnivorous fish. Unfortunately, no matter how fierce it is in the water, it can't show its power now.

Being shot into the head by a crossbow arrow, destroying the brain, even the big black fish's body is full of vitality, but after the brain is dead, it loses control of the body, and it can only become a mass to be slaughtered!
"I'll take care of this one!" Seeing that a group of people were about to kill fish and drain blood, Gao Jiuding stopped them.

"I have seen the master!"

"Patriarch Wanan!"

Seeing Gao Jiuding, a group of people all bowed to him, the woman said Wanan, and the man knelt down on one knee!
After getting along with each other for this period of time, the newly joined villagers already had smiles on their faces when they saw Gao Jiuding.

After getting along for half a day, they have completely surrendered, and there is no longer any unwillingness, nor any estrangement.

The people in the wild, after countless years of reproduction, have become accustomed to obeying the strong, which is their way of survival.

After seeing the ceremony, under the command of Gao Jiuding, a group of people carefully pulled out the arrows and blocked the blood hole on Big Yu's body.

When the blood essence in Big Yu's body was slightly solidified, Gao Jiuding stretched out his hand, and the Demon-Suppressing Tower flew out of the sky, hovering over Big Fish.

"Is this a magic weapon?" Some villagers stared at the floating pagoda with their eyes wide open.

"Of course it's a magic weapon. It should be a treasure. Let's see what the owner wants to do?" Some elderly villagers were somewhat knowledgeable, and they confirmed the villagers' conjectures.

"It seems that the owner wants to collect this big fish, but how can such a small pagoda be collected?"

Some people wondered, it was because poverty limited their imagination, they never thought that this exquisite little tower would be a space tower with a huge inner space!
"Is this a magic weapon for storage?"

"It should be the legendary space tower!"

Ignoring the voices of the nearby villagers' comments, Gao Jiuding's body gushed out streams of true energy, urging the pagoda to enlarge rapidly.

When the pagoda was enlarged to more than ten meters, he again controlled the pagoda to generate a huge suction force, pulling the black fish, and instantly submerged into the space of the pagoda.

 Thanks to the little cute brother Yuchen for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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