The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 749 Speed ​​up the pace

Chapter 749 Speed ​​up the pace
Looking at the data, Gao Jiuding found that Li Xitong and Yin Rushui brought a lot of things this time, such as flying boats, flying shuttles, a large number of branding symbols, and countless armors and armors!
"Where do these treasure armors come from?" Gao Jiuding was shocked when he saw the number of treasure armors.

They are all ninth-tier treasure armors, and the number exceeds [-] sets, but the appearance is a bit rough. Is this directly cast in space?

"Xuanwu and Tianhu helped!" Li Xitong said with a smile.

Gao Jiuding asked strangely: "Old tortoise and little fox? The old tortoise is so lazy, and the little fox is cunning and cunning. Will they honestly help you refine weapons?"

Gao Jiuding still knew a little about Xuanwu, after all, he completed his first weapon refining under the guidance of that old turtle.

As for the little fox, he would never help if it was not necessary.

Li Xitong said: "Thanks to your eldest wife, they are all cheap skins. Give me a good face, and think how important I am. Now we are all monks in the foundation period, and we have all specially refined our own warships. They, hehe."

Gao Jiuding was speechless, he really had a soft heart!

Now their strength is different from before, and those two demon spirits are already dispensable.

In fact, this is the right way. If they are really important, can Tie Lan and the others sell them easily?
This kind of demon spirit is still very useful as an early guide to the grandfather, but as long as the monk grows up, he will not have a good look at this uncontrollable existence.

It's a pity to discard it, but it's tasteless to eat it!

If it is useless, no one will cultivate it. Therefore, the old turtle and the little fox are now working hard to earn wages!

Gao Jiuding laughed. Song Yue is still very good. Of course, the elites cultivated by big families are all very good, especially when it comes to employing people.

"A large number of branding symbols are exchanged. With high-grade spirit stones, it is very easy to smelt earth-level materials. We also have enough Daohong Furnaces to allow them to directly shape various armors and directly enter them. The branding talisman is enough, the whole production process is surprisingly easy and quick, but it consumes a bit of spirit stones!" Yin Rushui said.

Li Xitong also said: "If it weren't for the production of treasure armors that have a single prohibition and can continue to improve the quality, we would not have accumulated so many treasure armors at such a fast speed!"

"Here, we can't use the battleship openly!" Gao Jiuding once again thought of the master in the Iron Sword Sect. He just moved the teleportation array a little bit, and he felt it. If he caught his attention, Where can Gao Jiuding develop power?

"Don't worry, the natives of Yaoxing can't take care of themselves now, as long as they don't infringe on their fundamental interests, those masters won't care about outside affairs!" Saying this, Li Xitong threw Gao Jiuding a jade ultimatum.

Gao Jiuding opened it and saw that there were a lot of videos on it, and it was a very familiar scene, and it was the endless battle in the outer battlefield.

However, the battle outside the sky was only played for a short time this time, because the human side was soon defeated.

"The monster has invaded the monster star?" Gao Jiuding shouted in surprise as he saw the monster falling into the atmosphere of the monster star like a dumpling.

"Most of the monsters above the blood core stage are blocked, and those who can come down are more ordinary monsters. This is acceptable to both parties. Otherwise, the monster star monks will have to work hard!" Yin Rushui said .

Gao Jiuding watched the video carefully, and sure enough, in the outer space, human monks blocked some powerful monsters, and only those ordinary monsters were put into the monster star.

But the number is too big, don't the monks above the demon star worry?

Li Xitong said: "This should be the result of a compromise between the two parties. Those powerful monsters want to use herds of beasts to erode the living environment of humans, while those strong among humans want to use those ordinary monsters to train human monks. At the same time, it can also increase some resources, after all, the cultivation resources of human monks in this world mainly come from monsters!"

Yin Rushui said: "I heard that when the war first started, the environment of the demon star was not so bad, at least there were not so many ferocious monsters now. If you look carefully, those hairless beasts are almost all brought in from the demon star. of."

Gao Jiuding checked carefully, and sure enough, he saw a hairless dog, no, it was a three-tailed stabbing wolf, as well as a bull, a lion, a leopard and so on.

They are actually all invasive species, no wonder each one is so powerful, this may be a specially bred war beast!
Each of these monsters has many advantages. Previously, Gao Jiuding suspected, how could such a thing evolve in a natural environment?

Also, these ferocious beasts are difficult to domesticate, that is, Gao Jiuding, standing on the shoulders of another civilization, only thought of some methods of domestication.

Of course, even now, Gao Jiuding didn't domesticate even a wild lion or a leopard, he only domesticated a three-tailed thorn wolf and a wild bull.

The barbaric bulls took advantage of their weaknesses. In fact, the three-tailed stinging wolf was the only beast that was truly domesticated.

The barbaric cows are too restrictive, and none of them have evolved to the hemolytic stage until now. On the contrary, the cultivation value of the three-tailed thorn wolf is greater.

"Is there any news about the ancestor of the Golden Wolf Clan?" Gao Jiuding asked suddenly.

"No news, it should be good news. The battle between the demon star and the demon star has a long history. Even if we have participated in it, it has been hundreds of years. They have suffered a lot. Such a long war has lost news. In fact, It is tantamount to falling, otherwise, it is impossible for us not to find any information about an ancestor-level master whose combat power is comparable to that of the Nascent Soul Stage!" Li Xitong said.

Gao Jiuding was taken aback, there is such an inference?

Thinking about it carefully, this kind of deduction is quite reliable. After all, on the current battlefield outside the sky, every ancestor of Dharma Xiangqi is an important combat power. How could they participate in the battle without revealing any news?
Yin Rushui said: "Actually, those ancestors can't control the following things. They can also be said to be overwhelmed, or deliberately indulged. This is also a healthy competition, because the demon star cultivation world has reached a critical moment. If they don't make progress, they will It is about to be broken by the Devil Star, if we hadn't helped, there should have been monsters everywhere!"

"You mean, the patriarchs above don't care about the small fights below?" Gao Jiuding said thoughtfully.

"Yes, we judge this way. In the outer battlefield, at least hemolytic monks are needed. But this kind of cannon fodder monks, they don't mass-produce. If the speed of consumption is faster than the speed of production, one day their defense line It will be breached, so it's better to let it go and let the juniors below rest assured to compete boldly!" Li Xitong said.

Yin Rushui said: "Don't be too happy, we speculate that as soon as the power grows, Tianwai will issue a conscription order!"

"Conscription is conscription. If we can occupy a huge territory, even if all the soldiers in the hemolytic period are conscripted to the battlefield outside the sky, we are not afraid!" Gao Jiuding was very relieved about this point.

"We think the same way, now we can speed up the pace!" Li Xitong said.

"That's why you brought the spaceship when you came this time?" Gao Jiuding smiled, he was really relieved.

With the existence of the natal battleship, even if you encounter a master of the Faxiang stage, you can still escape for your life. If you encounter a master of the Xuedan stage, you can directly suppress it!
This kind of combat power, on top of the current demon star, should be able to run rampant, right?
"Since you have made a plan, what do you plan to do with the jungle in the north?" Gao Jiuding asked curiously.

Li Xitong smiled and said: "How to deal with it? It is a natural treasure house, we must not let it go, let's take a good look at it first, first open the passage to the north, and directly connect it with the grassland in the north.

At that time, we can send troops from the south and west at the same time, capture the territory of the Golden Wolf tribe from the south, and capture the grasslands of the Sun tribe from the west. At that time, we will absolutely not lack the resources to train junior monks.

And with manpower, as long as we give us some time, let our subordinates grow up, and then rely on our remote control mecha troops to defeat the monster army of the Devil Star, it seems not difficult! "

When Gao Jiuding heard the remote control mecha, he was taken aback immediately and said: "I'm afraid you are thinking too well. The monks here are very strong in physique, but their souls are too weak. It should not be easy for the monks in the hemolytic period to control the remote mecha!"

Li Xitong said with deep meaning: "It is enough to be able to control it, what we want is quantity, in fact, we can also produce a large number of magic weapon robots, and they will be the main force of the battle in the future.

The artificially controlled mecha troops, as sharp knife troops, can participate in some special operations. They are not cannon fodder troops. This is completely different from the fighters of the local sect of the demon star! "

Gao Jiuding was speechless, why did he speak so cryptically?Isn't it just to let the Yaoxing sect consume their strength and use their fighters as cannon fodder?

The fighters on your own side should be kept as much as possible, and the children of others will die as much as they can!

It seems that not only Gao Jiuding, but also the soldiers resources of Yaoxing, the entire alliance should be interested in the high-quality soldiers here, otherwise, they would not be able to arrange people to dig in.

Although the Earth has a large population, there is a lack of necessary resources for everyone to evolve, and time waits for no one!
"So, we don't have to worry about the experts here?" Gao Jiuding was really happy this time.

"Don't worry about it at all. Of course, we still can't provoke some sects. Their background is beyond our imagination!" Having said this, Li Xitong had a look of pity.

Gao Jiuding waved his hand and said: "I also have a backer, don't forget, I am an official disciple of Tiejianmen!"

"Then it's no problem at all. If you really provoke a strong opponent, let the seniors of the sect be closed!" Li Xitong laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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