Chapter 753
Arrowbirds are larger than frigatebirds, with a body length of more than two meters and a different mouth, like a sharp arrow, so they are called arrowbirds.

The arrow bird's long mouth is very prominent, it looks like a swordfish, it can quickly pass through the group of flying fish monsters, and can kill a flying fish monster every time.

This group of arrowbirds flew very fast, and as soon as some flying fish monsters were caught up by them, they would be strung into gourds immediately.

The arrowbirds were smaller than the flying fish monsters, and they were faster. If they hadn't been blocked by the flying fish monsters, they should have seen it a long time ago. Now that they saw it, it also meant that the arrow birds came close.

Li Xitong didn't panic at all, she directly opened the warehouse of the battleship, and the fire ban was activated, covering a range of [-] meters around, covering a group of flying fish demons and a dozen arrow birds.

"Take it!" The battleship flew by, and all the monsters covered by the fire net disappeared.

And inside the battleship warehouse, a space pagoda, with the flashes of spiritual light, has already put away all the monsters that approached from the outside.

It's that simple to hunt a group of monsters in the blood refinement period!
Of course, even monsters in the hemolytic stage don't have any difficulty, because ordinary second-tier warships have the strength to fight against golden core stage!

On top of this monster star, it is possible to deal with monsters at the blood core stage, but how can you easily encounter monsters at the blood core stage here?

The Tier [-] and Tier [-] battleships made of top-quality materials can already withstand several attacks from monks in the Dharma phase. As long as they encounter them, how can these monsters here be the opponents of battleships?
Of course, the arrow bird is very fast, and it is a hemolytic monster. If it flies away, it will be really difficult for Li Xitong to catch many.

However, it is different now, there is a group of flying fish monsters attracting them, and even this group of arrow birds has become easier to catch, not to mention the group of flying fish monsters, they are originally aquatic monsters, and they are already powerful in flying in the sky Yes, but definitely not fast.

Therefore, they became the prey of the arrow bird, and now, they are even more targeted by Li Xitong.

How could Li Xitong let go of a four-meter-long fish that was flat and flat?

This is like the first time Gao Jiuding saw a herd of wild cattle, his eyes were full of meat, and no one cared, whoever caught it would own it. How cool is that?
The demon star natives will never feel this kind of pleasure, because they have no order here.

If it is on Earth, maybe a monster protection organization will be established, clamoring to protect the right of survival of monsters.

On Earth, even if there are no environmentalists, there are governments of various countries. All these things belong to the state, and it is hard to say who owns the state, anyway, it is not the common people!

Making money from nothing, this is the deepest thought of all the people on earth after they came here.

Gold is everywhere here, if anyone stops Li Xitong from collecting money at this time, she will fight everyone desperately.

Coming here, this is a start, Li Xitong can't control himself a bit, not to mention only [-] flying fish demons, even a million, they can't stand up to the fast-speed warships to plunder!
Yes, it is looting, because neither the flying fish demon nor the arrow bird in the hemolytic stage are opponents of battleships!
As long as you are covered by the fire ban net issued by the battleship, you will never escape the fate of being arrested.

"Ma'am, they are all caught, do we still want to take action?" Just as Li Xitong was scratching excitedly, Li Xuemei had to remind her.

Even if she didn't know that the battleship was burning spirit stones, Li Xuemei could still realize that the more powerful the magic weapon, the greater the consumption. At this time, the battleship was flying around in the sky for a few flying fish demons. Isn't it too wasteful?

"Isn't there still a group of arrow birds? They are too small and too scattered. It is inconvenient for me to catch them, so I leave them to you. I will deal with this group of flying fish demons!" Li Xitong said reluctantly.

If you just grab a head, it's hundreds of catties of meat!
And it's still delicious fish, even if you don't eat meat, it's good to make alchemy if you produce blood essence!

The Essence and Blood Pill can not only improve the cultivation base and exercise the body, but also beautify the skin!
Foods that nourish qi and blood can strengthen the body's metabolism. Although it cannot be said that people will not look old, it is certain that they will delay aging. This is the conclusion Chen Kexin came to after studying the Jingxue Pill.

"Let's go, let's go!" No one knew what Li Xitong was thinking, and they didn't care what Li Xitong was thinking. After receiving the order, Li Xuemei impatiently drove her shuttle and flew out of the warehouse.

More than 100 people, driving more than 100 shuttles, flew out of the [-]-meter long, wide and high spaceship warehouse, immediately like cold water pouring into a frying pan, and the surrounding space immediately exploded like a goddess scattering flowers.

"Whoosh, whoosh!" More than 100 flying shuttles rushed out in an instant, and like fireworks, they flew away without a trace.

"Oh, you guys control it carefully!"

"No. 44, are you flying at a low altitude? If you don't control it, you will hit the ground."

"No. 38, there is a high mountain ahead, are you going to commit suicide?"

"Li Huamei, where are you going? If you fly again, you will go to the sky!"

"Be careful, don't go too fast!"

"Sister, I didn't push it with all my strength, how did this magic weapon fly so fast?"

"Don't call me Big Sister, call me Captain. Be careful. There is a formation restriction in the shuttle, which consumes spirit stones. Save me some. You know, if you sell you, you won't be able to get a few pieces of spirit stones. stone!"

"Captain, that spirit stone looks a little different!"

"I saw it too, it's relatively big, and it's not a rhombus, it's a square!"

"Stupid old ladies, those are middle-grade spirit stones, one piece can be exchanged for 100 yuan for low-grade spirit stones, so save me some money."

"Hurry up, without the attraction of the flying fish demon, those arrow birds will run away!"

"Oh, our flying shuttle is not as flexible as the arrow bird, it flies too far!"

"Don't worry, a hemolytic monster can sell a few middle-grade spirit stones. As long as we are careful, we will definitely not lose money!"

"Oh! I was attacked by the arrow bird, but it's okay, this shuttle is too powerful!"

"Be careful, the arrowbird's beak is a treasure, it's best not to be attacked by them!"

"Haha, I directly locked an arrow bird into the shuttle warehouse!"

"I caught one too, why is it struggling so hard?"

"Fool, the space warehouse is closed, there is no air in it, and it will suffocate to death after a long time. Can they not struggle?"

"Our speed is fast, as long as we flexibly control the shuttle, these arrow birds will not be able to run away, you must experience it carefully!"

"Big sister, big sister, I found something!"

"Don't call me big sister, call me captain, why can't you understand people's language?"

"Okay, big sister, you all come to my side. By the way, ma'am, there are a lot of fish schools here. Maybe the group of flying fish demons were driven out of the water by these fish!"

"Where?" Li Xitong also became interested.

She received the picture, and when she saw it, she was stunned, because the scene was so shocking.

Have you ever seen salmon migrating into a narrow freshwater river?

The scene here is even more shocking than that scene, not only because there are many fish below, but also because those fish are too big and beautiful.

"It's a koi!" Li Xuemei screamed.

"This season is the season for koi to lay eggs, and they are returning to their ancestral land to lay eggs!" Li Huamei also said excitedly.

"Ma'am, after chasing this group of fish, we will be able to find the ancestral land of the koi. There must be enough spiritual creatures there to keep the koi in a huge group!" Li Xuemei said.

"Catch up, what are you waiting for?" Li Xitong lowered the flying height of the warship and came to a small waterfall.

It was because of this small waterfall with a small span that the group of koi were exposed, otherwise, they would be lurking under the water, and Li Xitong and the others flying in the sky would never be able to see them.

Colorful koi jumped out of the water and kept jumping up until they crossed the small waterfall.

During this period, each of the exposed koi was more than two meters long, and each of these koi weighed more than 100 catties.

These koi are well-built, colorful, changeable patterns, and majestic swimming. Every time they jump, they will give Li Xitong the feeling of a carp jumping over a dragon's gate!
Although each piece is very beautiful, Li Xitong's eyes are still dazzled by the various colors.

White, yellow, orange, red, gold, silver, black and blue, in matte or glossy colors.

Although there are endless variations of patterns, the best patterns are small round spots on the top of the head and stepstone-like patterns on the back.

And these are not the strangest ones, there are some without fish scales, or have wrinkles, like "diamonds".

Gold is like gold, silver is like silver, white is like diamonds, black is like the bottom of a pot, blue is like the sky, and every koi that attracts Li Xitong's attention is very powerful.

A group of koi is densely covered with a wide river, they are going upstream to the unknown, this kind of scene is really too shocking!

"Ma'am, are you going to catch me or not?" Li Xuemei was also shocked for a while before she came to her senses.

"This group of koi can't escape, let's catch those monsters that are preying around first!" From the thought of getting rich, Li Xitong quickly recovered, and then Li Xitong was furious.

Just like the salmon migrating into the freshwater river, there are also a group of predators on both sides of the river and in the air, chasing the school of fish and hunting these beautiful big fish.

How could Li Xitong accept such a thing?

Carnivorous monsters are all waste, and they are not easy to breed. They are protected animals that have been set up by them and need to limit their population reproduction. How can they be allowed to rob them of their wealth so wantonly?
In an instant, Li Xitong made a decision to hunt the monsters on both sides of the river and in the air to reduce the loss of koi.

As long as the breeding season is over, this group of koi will be theirs too!
 Thank you for poisoning you thousands of times, lads4017, cute Yuchen, and Qiqianxingyu brothers for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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