The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 766 The Season of Harvest

Chapter 766 The Season of Harvest

"The Habayashi Army on the side of the Golden Horde Legion has a full strength of 5 people. Now I am the only one who has only selected 1 people. The other 11 people can only be selected from the young army camp. We will train them ourselves. Anyway, we don't need them now." To them, as for the women's camp, I plan to recruit [-] people, and our sisters will each have [-]!" After speaking, An Shenxiu did not forget to give Gao Jiuding a look.

What else could Gao Jiuding say?He himself has [-] guards, but his women only have [-], but who made the number of these women a bit too large?It's still less!

"The less harvested part is mainly to be picked from the north, which is where you started and is more trustworthy!" An Shenxiu finally explained.

"Forget it, do whatever you want!" Gao Jiuding was exhausted. He never underestimated the ambitions of these women, but there were 10,000+ people at every turn. He was still a little uncomfortable. Too difficult?

Considering that the current population in the north is only about 40, it is simply incomparable!

"The integration here is almost done. Now we can let the big troops drive into the forest for the final training. Otherwise, the movement on our side will attract the attention of others!" An Shenxiu suddenly came God turning point.

"After preparing for so long, isn't it to attack Tianyun City?" Gao Jiuding asked curiously.

An Shenxiu said confidently: "My plan is like this, open up the situation in the south, digest it in the north, wait for the digestion in the north, then turn to the south, expand the territory, withdraw the manpower, and invest in the northern battlefield, constantly launching from the direction of Qianshanbao Attack, here we try to make him the rear, so don't rush to attack Sky Fortune City now!"

"First open the forest passage, further train the recruits, and finally attack the plateau area from the western grassland? This road is not easy!" Gao Jiuding understood An Shenxiu's strategy.

An Shenxiu smiled and said: "It's not easy to go to train people, and we keep drawing people from here, just to reassure some earth kings who got the news. When qualified soldiers are trained in the north, half of them will be drawn." Come back to garrison.

At that time, as we expanded our territory, we could still recruit hundreds of thousands or millions of troops. After training, we could go to the western battlefield again. In this way, we will expand alternately on both sides. Only when we successfully join forces in the Western Regions can we complete a small stage of strategic planning! "

"Since everything is planned, let's execute it like this!" What else could Gao Jiuding say.

"Then carry it out? This time, 14 troops were withdrawn, and 140 million people were led into the jungle. There are only [-] troops stationed here. Do you want to know more about it?" An Shenxiu said with a smile.

Gao Jiuding gave her a blank look, and said: "I also entered the jungle, and I need to clean up the group of high-level monsters in the center of the jungle!"

"Hey, I knew it would be like this, but I won't stay here for too long, I need Song Yue to come over to sit in the town later, please pay attention, don't let your precious daughter be in danger!" An Shenxiu said.

Gao Jiuding said: "Don't worry, when the two of them come over, we should have completed a stage of combat missions, right?"

Gao Jiuding, who knew what he was supposed to do, took his guards and left!
The woman An Shenxiu asked him to come out to deal with the powerful monsters in the jungle, otherwise, all her plans were carried out well, why bother him to practice?
Gao Jiuding reacted fairly quickly, and finally he was not directed by the woman to go.

Riding a bull, walking all the way to the jungle, at this time, Gao Jiuding saw An Shenxiu's courage.

An army of more than 10 people, lined up neatly, moved forward quickly.

The army includes men, women and children, as long as they are above, they may all be dispatched.

Fortunately, the population here is very dense, otherwise, so many people would be recruited, and the place would be emptied out. Of course, half of the population has been evacuated now.

[-] fully armed soldiers lead the way in front, followed by [-] people. There are a total of [-] roads in such an army!

The 50th Route Army spread out in the east-west direction. Almost every [-] kilometers or so, a troop would enter the mountain. In this way, the entire forest extension of [-] to [-] kilometers in the north would be completely occupied.

Of course, the mountain road in the north is not easy to walk, so there are two fiery red warships in the front, which are Li Xitong and Yin Rushui leading the way.

Gao Jiuding came to the nearest army, this is the path they took when they came here!
Here is a barren mountain, perhaps because it is close to a densely populated place, there is not even much vegetation here, and it may all be destroyed by the people below the mountain.

Years of water and soil erosion have left almost all rocks on the mountains. It can be said that this is a place where birds don't shit.

It is also because of this that the village at the foot of the mountain, relying on this mountain, has established a solid line of defense to block any monsters that may appear in the forest.

Now that Gao Jiuding wants to open up the forest passage, he naturally has to deal with this mountain, at least to open a relatively flat and easy road.

Yin Rushui is familiar with this road, so she is now digging mountains.

Control the natal battleship, directly launch the ban, and cut the mountain 100 meters by 100 meters.

For the 100-kilometer mountain, she cuts a huge mountain 100 meters long and [-] meters wide each time.

Rocks more than ten meters thick can be removed at one time, and ten times of cutting in this way can advance one kilometer, and the ten times of cutting only takes about ten minutes, which can be said to be very fast.

This is the advantage of having battleships to help. The first-level battleship can display the strength of the hemolytic peak, not to mention the second-level battleship. Even if Li Xitong's second-level battleship has not reached the perfect state, it is still the battle strength of the blood pill stage.

It is still very easy for a monk in the foundation stage to control a battleship in the blood pill stage and have the aura output from the Dao Hong furnace.

The straight-line distance of two hundred kilometers of mountains is actually less than two hundred kilometers, but Li Xitong is not moving along a straight line, she is moving along the mountains, and she is looking for high-altitude mountain tops to open up roads.

Standing high here, you can see far. If you encounter a herd of beasts besieging, it is easy to organize defense.

The road has been opened up, and as long as small bunkers are built along the top of the mountain, the road can be defended, and if the road is opened on the top of the mountain, it is not afraid of being washed away by the flood.

There are many benefits, and it is easy to cut. Li Xitong's work speed is naturally not slow!
She directly cut out a [-]-kilometer-long piece of road at one time.

It took three hours to complete the repair of [-] kilometers of roads, which is not much better than moving mountains.

A group of soldiers who followed into the mountain could only watch numbly. They could do nothing until they saw the dense jungle.

Over the mountains, there is a lush forest. The season is just right at this time. The rainy season has passed and the temperature has not yet dropped. The entire forest is full of vitality.

"Here is the elixir, a large piece, come and pick it!"

"This fungus is poisonous, be careful!"

"Can't this kind of mushroom be eaten?"

"It has a paralytic toxin, if you eat too much, you will die!"

"So, you can't die if you eat less? How about using it on crossbows?"

"It can make people lose their ability to move. Collect some good things and send out messages to make people remember to collect them by category!"

Gao Jiuding followed in and took a closer look. There was a bright red mushroom-like thing covering a jungle.

There are too many people, and there are too few people to collect them all in a short period of time. Therefore, they will release the information impartially.

The civilians who followed were very active in their work, because they were paid according to the harvest, the more they worked, the more they got!

Everyone wants to gain more, so naturally there is competition.

However, competition also depends on what is earned, such as the spiritual fruit in the jungle, which is almost everywhere.

Now this season, the most mature wild fruits in the forest are all kinds.

Only now did Gao Jiuding realize that this season should be the autumn above the demon stars.

Here, autumn is very short, only more than one month, that is to say, winter is coming!

In autumn, in places with strong aura, there are naturally many wild fruits, and they are all spiritual fruits, because more or less of them contain some aura, which is incomparable on earth!
"Be careful, don't be greedy, don't go deep into the jungle, it's best to go forward in a team, you don't have armor, be careful of being bitten by poison." Gao Jiuding could hear some soldiers shouting from time to time.

The existence of the soldiers is mainly to protect the people who enter the mountain, and their existence is to eliminate all dangers.

"Advance along the road opened by Madam, it is best to only collect the elixir and fruit within [-] steps on both sides of the road, do you hear clearly?"

"Aletsch, is it you? Don't think that I can't hear your voice because I'm wrapped in the baby. The best hunter here, is he afraid of the danger in the jungle?"

A female voice yelled loudly. It seems that the soldier's name is Aleich. He has a strange name and no surname. This is the norm among civilians!
Aleich shouted again: "I know you have your own ways to avoid the dangers in the jungle, but we are advancing very fast and will not stop and wait for you, so don't be greedy and follow all of us Go to the big army, or you will be in danger!"

"Yes, the things here can't run away. We criss-cross and keep opening roads. As long as the monsters and poisons are cleaned up, you can collect everything in it!" A soldier who cooperated with Aletsch shouted.

"Hurry up, the deeper you go into the jungle, the more good things will be!"

"My uncle and grandfather once entered the jungle, got a elixir, and changed into a suit of armor. I heard that he has become a samurai master, and now he knows where to go to enjoy the blessing!"

"There are plenty of good things here, don't worry, take a look, this is a blood-enriching elixir!"

"Really? Hey, look, is this Ganoderma lucidum? I saw the Ganoderma lucidum which is only seven days old, haha"

(End of this chapter)

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