The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 809 The River of Fortune

Chapter 809 The River of Fortune
A small water village on the edge of the Snow River in the north knows to use formations to seal the spirit veins in order to keep the spirit veins running for a long time and achieve sustainable development, let alone a powerful sect.

In fact, think about it, Gao Jiuding should thank Yushouzong, otherwise, how could there be any spiritual veins left here for countless years?They should have been taken away long ago, right?
The big and small forces around this jungle may not have the strength to occupy the jungle, but they still have enough masters to come in and extract the underground spiritual veins!

There is no way to extract it now, so I can only stay here. Anyway, Gao Jiuding didn't think about extracting the spiritual veins, as long as he can use the spiritual veins here!

Up to now, although there is no statistics on how many spiritual veins he has obtained, but there must be a lot of them, and Gao Jiuding is definitely no longer short of spiritual veins.

Maybe when he is free, he can selectively break some seals, extract some spiritual veins, and integrate them into the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda. At that time, the pagoda will definitely be upgraded again.

Now Gao Jiuding is not in a hurry, because there is a golden wolf clan over there, he does not believe that there is no spiritual vein there, but the spiritual vein over there is being used, it should be easier to extract.

"The spiritual veins here, we can't excavate and utilize them, so we can only guard the spiritual fields on the surface to harvest some spiritual medicines and spiritual fruits. Other places are relatively better, and we have found many miniature spiritual veins, and small spiritual veins have also been found. There are a few, but these are just a drop in the bucket!" Li Xitong took out a Xuanhuang Pagoda.

Gao Jiuding used such a simple Xuanhuang Pagoda to refine a Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda.

For that pagoda, Li Xitong and the others had been peeping at it for a long time, and with Gao Jiuding's experience, they were naturally unwilling to be lonely.

However, extracting spiritual veins is not that simple!

"Don't worry, we won't extract spiritual veins, at most we'll just look for some spiritual beads!" Li Xitong sensed Gao Jiuding's thoughts and said immediately.

Gao Jiuding said: "If necessary, it's okay to extract some miniature spiritual veins!"

"No need, this is our territory, as long as we can defend it, why do we want to destroy it?" Li Xitong said.

"It's true!" Gao Jiuding agreed, if he hadn't thought of this, why didn't he draw any spiritual veins again?
Of course, what should be extracted is still to be extracted, but it is not the spiritual veins in his control area.

He really needs a small water spirit vein, as well as a small earth spirit vein and a small gold spirit vein.

If it wasn't for the fact that there was a miniature Fire Spirit Vein in a perfect state in the pagoda, Gao Jiuding would have to take one even from the Fire Spirit Vein.

"Talking about the spirit veins, you should go to the south as soon as possible to have a look. The spirit veins in the forest cannot escape, but the spirit pool in the south is easily destroyed!" Li Xitong sighed.

"Is the spirit pool used over there? No spirit veins?" Gao Jiuding asked in surprise.

Li Xitong said: "There are spiritual veins. Every small city is the location of a miniature spiritual vein. There are at least five small spiritual veins in Xiaowangcheng. They use these inherent spiritual veins and combine them with the surrounding spiritual fields to gather a lot of spiritual energy. , Created some places similar to the Five Elements Transformation Spirit Pool!

The Five Elements Spiritual Pond here is very useful, it can quickly condense the Five Elements Spiritual Liquid, the nobles in the south use this Spiritual Liquid for cultivation, otherwise, how could it be possible for them to live so well by relying solely on the little output from the ground Moisturize? "

"Since there's nothing wrong here, I'll go to the south to take a look, it's time to break through Sky Fortune City!" Gao Jiuding said.

"You have to be careful, our actions are too big, Tie Jianmen will always pay attention to us!" Li Xitong reminded.

Facing a sect that has been passed down for an unknown number of years, no matter how careful they are, they never thought that Tie Jianmen really didn't know what Gao Jiuding was doing.

No one cares about Gao Jiuding now, it's just that Zongmen thinks what Gao Jiuding is doing is okay, he hasn't exceeded the limit that Zongmen can tolerate, or in other words, what Gao Jiuding is doing now, in the eyes of Tie Jianmen, is Merit, he did not violate the rules of the Iron Sword Gate.

While talking, the two came to the edge of the Yinyang Lake, and after only a few months of leaving, hundreds of emerald fruits grew out of the Yinyang Lake, but none of them matured.

In fact, such a result is normal. After all, it is a natural treasure, how can it mature in a few months?It has to be done once a year, right?

With enough five-element spirit veins and five-element evil energy to support it, the emerald fruit tree grows very well, and it may be able to ripen once a year, which is Gao Jiuding's expectation.

If this is the case, then he can let go of cultivating his subordinates in the future. Thinking that all his subordinates have become big eaters, then their cultivation bases have not increased rapidly?
As for the materials consumed, that is not a problem at all!
If there is less land, not enough for them to practice, then go grab it, anyway, the sect doesn't care!
Gao Jiuding released the battleship and continued to fly south with Luan Changming and other guards.

When he saw a big river that was several times wider than the Xuehe River, Gao Jiuding couldn't be calm for a long time. Did the people here have some misunderstandings about the river?
At that time, he was already amazed when he saw the Xuehe River, which was more than 1000 meters wide, but when he saw this river, the Xuehe River became a small river ditch!

Compared with the Xuehe River, the water flow of this Tianyun River is relatively gentle, but is this 8000-meter-wide river still called a river?This is the lake, right?
Standing high in the sky, looking at the long and narrow river, Gao Jiuding had to admit that this is a river, even if its surface is [-] meters, it is still a river, because the length of this river is more than [-] kilometers!
This big river is the Sky Canal!I heard that the Sky Canal City was built along the Sky Canal, and this city is at the source of the Sky Canal.

Looking at the Tianyun River, especially the rich and indelible aura on the river, Gao Jiuding felt that this is a mother river. How many powerful creatures must be nourished by such a rich aura?
Not only humans, but monsters probably benefit more, right?

"The underwater aura is even stronger, even red aura. Does this mean that there are fire monsters in the water? Or is there simply a fire vein?" Looking at this magnificent river, Gao Jiuding was amazed again and again.

"Ah!" At this moment, there was an exclamation from above the battleship.

Gao Jiuding looked over, and the picture displayed on the monitor was rather horrifying.

A group of flying birds are flying rapidly in the sky. The flying birds are not small, and none of them spread their wings below three meters. But such a group of flying birds, which are fairly powerful, is being entangled by a group of more dense fish demons at this time!
No, that's a snake demon, all of them are snakes, not fish!
Gao Jiuding looked at the snakes flying in the air, strangling the birds quickly, this f*cking company can fly?
Obviously, those flying snakes are all above the hemolytic stage!
Gao Jiuding rubbed his head, the river is too gentle, isn't the living condition in the river just too good?
The monsters in this river live so comfortably, they grow up so fast!

What the hell, they all flew hundreds of meters into the air, and started hunting down groups of bird monsters whose strength was comparable to that of the late stage of hemolysis.

Well, if you can hunt demon birds in groups, can you hunt flying people?

If a monk flies over the Sky Canal, will he also face the attack of monsters?

No wonder it was just a river that became the dividing line between the black wolf clan in the south and the golden wolf clan in the north. This is something that can't be helped, right?
If there is no strong strength, is it impossible to even cross this river?

This water is still dominated by the demon clan, if this is the case, the strength of the golden wolf clan is not weak!

Being able to build a city along a big river is definitely very, very powerful.

Only powerful forces can not be afraid of the threat of water monsters in the great river, and can develop the great river as much as possible, and use the rich materials in the great river for development.

This is the existence of Tianyun City. Up to now, Gao Jiuding's men have occupied half of the Tianyun Canal, but they have not captured Tianyun City.

"Patriarch, it should be in the lower reaches of the Tianyun River. Our flight direction is a bit off!" Looking at the map, Luan Changming reminded Gao Jiuding.

"I actually forgot the time. It's a bit late now, and it will be dark in a while. We don't rush on our way. If we break into the army of Tianyun City, we will be unlucky!" Gao Jiuding lowered the flying height of the battleship, Looking down at the great river channel.

There is a yellow grass beach around the big river. The weeds are like reeds and grow relatively tall. The terrain around the big river is still a bit complicated. This kind of place is not easy to control.

The area of ​​several kilometers on both sides of this big river is full of this kind of yellow grass beach, or swamp. Just looking at the growth of weeds inside, the level of spiritual fields here is not low.

Looking at the huge barren land, Gao Jiuding could only secretly think that it is a pity, if it can be fully developed, how many people can it support?
But thinking about the groups of powerful monsters in the Tianyun River, if there is no good defense method, most people really dare not appear by the river casually!
"Let's go, fumble forward and fly forward, as long as the speed is slow!" Gao Jiuding urged the battleship again and flew forward.

Flying forward for more than ten kilometers, Gao Jiuding finally saw human footprints, and it was a small castle. The presence of such a small castle meant that there were a lot of people around.

Gao Jiuding controlled the battleship to land, and then opened his mouth, and put the battleship into the sea of ​​blood.

The battleship enclosed by the space folding warehouse is the same as ordinary treasures. Its level is not as good as the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, and Gao Jiuding is very easy to put away.

"It seems that the level of Qi refining is going to be raised!" After checking the situation in the sea of ​​Qi, Gao Jiuding could only feel the true energy inside, which was surging like the tide.

Although he hasn't practiced Qi Refining Technique recently, his body has been strengthened many times, and he has condensed so much evil spirit, and he has cultivated into a god of body protection, which is enough for him to hold more true essence. Breaking through at this time, for There is no burden on the body at all.

 Thank you~ 200 coins reward from Awakening Brothers!Thank you for the reward from the brother who poisoned you thousands of times!
(End of this chapter)

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