Finger speed algorithm

Chapter 2 Basic knowledge of computing

Chapter 2 Basic knowledge of computing (2)
In a nutshell, on the counting fingers of the left and right hands, the contacts of the index finger and ring finger on the side of the middle finger and the first line perpendicular to the middle finger represent the number "1" respectively; the contacts with the second line represent the number "2" respectively. "3"; the contact with the third line represents the number "4" respectively; the contact with the fourth line represents the number "5" respectively; the side and back of the middle finger do not touch the middle finger, respectively represent the number "6" The contacts on the side back of the middle finger and the first line respectively represent the number "7"; the contacts on the second line represent the word "8" respectively; the contacts on the third line represent the number "9" respectively; The contact points of the four lines (because it is difficult for the fingertip to touch the fourth line on the back side of the middle finger, so the contact between the end of the first joint and the fourth line is used instead), respectively represent the number "0"; Before the side of the middle finger and the middle finger do not touch, respectively represent the number 1.The fingertip on the middle finger where the thumb is in contact with the fifth line represents the number "2" respectively; the contact with the second line represents the number "3" respectively; the contact with the third line represents the number respectively "4"; the contact with the fourth line represents the number "5" respectively; stick the tip of the thumb on the palm of the hand, point to the other side where the spread finger is, and do not touch the middle finger, respectively represent the number "7"; The contact between the thumb on the middle finger and the fifth line represents the 6K number "7" respectively; the contact with the second line represents the number "8" respectively; the contact with the third line represents the number "9" respectively The contact with the fourth line represents the number "0" respectively; the thumb stretches, before the side of the middle finger, and does not touch the middle finger, respectively represents the number "[-]".

practice one
1. On the counting finger of the left hand, represent the following numbers respectively.

2. On the counting finger of the right hand, respectively represent the following numbers.

3. Write down the numbers indicated on the following diagrams of calculations, and point out which hand and which calculation table.

(Section [-]) The relationship between numbers and counting fingers
Numbers are made up of numbers, the arrangement of numbers with different digits forms different numbers, and the digits are reflected on the counting finger to refer to digits.Therefore, the specific number on the counting finger is represented by the contacts at different positions of the counting finger fingertip and the middle finger on one or several different finger positions.

Among the fingers, because the little finger is short and far from the middle finger, it is not convenient for counting.Relative to the middle finger, there are only six counting fingers of the index finger, thumb, and ring finger of both hands involved in counting.To represent a number on the counting fingers, each counting finger should be positioned first.Here, from right to left, we define the index finger of the right hand, the stroke finger of the right hand, the ring finger of the right hand, the ring finger of the left hand, the thumb of the left hand, and the index finger of the left hand as ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, ten thousand, and one hundred thousand respectively.If the number represented is a decimal and the number of integer digits is relatively small, the left index finger can be used as the tenths, the left thumb can be used as the hundredths, the left ring finger can be used as the thousandths, and so on.Such positioning, in the left-hand counting finger, there will be the situation that some represent integer digits, some represent decimal digits or all represent decimal digits.At this time, we can mark the symbol "U" on the upper left corner of the left finger calculation diagram and the left finger calculation diagram, and put a Chinese number on it to indicate how many decimal places the decimal is.For example, 95364 means, 9536.4 means nothing, and 95.364 means nothing.

The symbol "u" ​​is not marked in the upper left corner of the left finger calculation diagram and the left finger calculation diagram, indicating that each arithmetic finger is an integer; The 9536.4 on the index finger of the left hand is in the tenths place, and the other counting fingers are integer digits; the symbol "Lan" in the upper left corner of the left finger calculation diagram and the left finger calculation diagram indicates that 4 is a three-digit decimal, and the "95.364" on the left index finger "In the tens place, the "3" on the left thumb is in the hundredth place, the "6" on the left ring finger is in the thousandth place, and the other counting fingers are all integer places.

The above positioning for each counting finger is also applicable to the following counting addition and subtraction.This positioning is different from the traditional positioning of pen and abacus addition and subtraction.The digits represented by the counting fingers of the left hand should be determined according to the actual situation of the data given during the calculation. They are either integer digits or decimal digits, or some digits are integer digits and some digits are decimal digits.If the number represented is a decimal, it is not that the integer is on the left and the decimal is on the right. On the contrary, the integer is on the right and the decimal is on the left.Although this positioning will bring some inconvenience to the arithmetic addition and subtraction operations, it overcomes the shortcoming that the numbering fingers are too few and not enough to make full use of the numbering fingers of the left hand and make the digits of the right hand counting fingers relatively sufficient. Fixed, easy to grasp, easy to memorize.

Exercise [-]

1. Point out the counting finger that represents the following digits.

2. Represent the following numbers on the calculation chart and the simple calculation chart.

3. Translate the contacts of the fingertips and middle fingers of each counting finger represented by triangle symbols in the following simple charts of counting into numbers.

(Section III) Operational Requirements for Calculations
[-]. Pointing posture

The posture of counting is the same as that of reading and writing. The mind should be concentrated, the body should be upright, the waist should be straight, the arms and elbows should be naturally close to the sides, the head should be lowered and centered, and the eyes should be about 30 cm away from the hands, not too close. Not too far either.It is very important to develop the correct posture for counting, which can not only improve the efficiency of counting, but also prevent damage to some parts of the body.

[-]. Finger pinching method

Counting is calculated by stretching, pinching, and flexing the counting finger relative to the middle finger. Therefore, we can call the movement of stretching, stretching, pinching, and flexing the counting finger "finger pinching".In fact, in counting, the number is represented by the contact between the fingertip of the counting finger and the middle finger at a certain position. From a subtle point of view, it is more accurate to say that "pinching the finger" is called "pinching the point", but here it is called "pinching the finger". ", it sounds natural and easy to understand.

At the beginning of counting, the middle finger should be inclined (about 60° from the horizontal plane) upward, and each finger should be naturally relaxed and slightly bent.When pinching the fingers, rely on the movement of the knuckles. It should be soft and firm, and should not be stiff and violent, shaking or undulating.When performing calculations, the accuracy and speed of calculations are directly related to the correctness of the pinching movement.Therefore, when beginners learn to count, they should be strictly required to develop the correct habit of pinching fingers.

[-]. The method of holding the pen

The hand is used as a calculator, it is necessary to perform calculations on it and write answers with it.In order to develop a good calculation habit, save time, and speed up calculation, you should hold a pen when doing calculations so that you can write out the answers at any time.The ideal way to hold the pen is: put the end of the pen on the thumb, and gently clamp it between the base of the thumb and the palm of your hand (it is better to pinch your fingers freely without hindering the calculation), so that the body of the pen sticks to the palm of your hand, and the tip of the pen is on the palm of your hand. Little finger side, hooked by the little finger.After the calculation is over, record the numbers represented by the counting fingers of the right hand in the brain in the order of high to low, then quickly turn the palm of the hand about 90°, and then push the pen body outward with the fingernails of the ring finger and little finger, and hold it with the thumb, index finger, and middle finger Hold the pen holder to write.

Exercise three

1. What are the requirements for counting postures?
2. What kind of finger pinching method is ideal?
3. What is the ideal way to hold the pen?
(Section [-]) The main points of learning counting
[-]. Counting skills and techniques

Just like engaging in some more complex activities, learning arithmetic should first have an understanding of theoretical knowledge, and then you can master skills and acquire proficient skills.Skills are actions that occur on the basis of understanding relevant knowledge; proficient skills are produced on the basis of already formed skills through repeated practice, which is the so-called "practice makes perfect".The whole process of learning counting is to repeatedly practice seeing (listening) numbers, pinching fingers, positioning, writing numbers, etc., so that they can be integrated into a unified skill.The foundation must be solid to achieve correctness, and the simple method can be flexibly selected to simplify and form "skilledness".Only in this way can the skills tend to be perfected to achieve the purpose of stable, accurate and fast calculation, so as to give full play to the role of calculation and reflect the superiority of calculation.

Calculation is a kind of practical skill, and the level of calculation skills is measured by the standards of stability, accuracy and speed. "Stable" means correct calculation at one time; "accurate" means seeing (listening), calculating, and writing numbers accurately; The requirements of "stable" and "accurate" are absolute, which is quality; the requirements of "fast" are relative, which is quantity.Only quantity without quality is ineffective labor; only quality without quantity has low efficacy and cannot meet the needs of objective reality.Therefore, to practice counting, you must seek speed while being stable and accurate. Fast must be stable and accurate. The three are indispensable; Find the quantity under the premise.

Second, study hard and practice basic skills
The key to achieving stable, accurate, and fast calculations lies in the hard work of basic skills.It is empty talk to only talk about the theory and methods of calculation without practicing diligently, just like reading swimming books without getting into the water, you will not be able to learn to swim well.The agility and dexterity of pinching fingers, and the memory of seeing numbers are inseparable from hard work and practice.The basic skills should be practiced according to certain steps, first easy and then difficult, step by step, first practice single items of addition and subtraction, and then comprehensive practice; to learn the new and practice the old, do not practice addition alone, but ignore the practice of subtraction, so as to avoid the gap between the two calculation speeds Large, which affects the speed of subtracting products in division and square root.

One is the "bead-finger combination".Compared with the traditional abacus, the hand as a calculator has neither a frame nor a bead. From the surface, they are self-contained and have no connection. But through the previous study, after careful consideration, You will find that the middle fingers of both hands are equivalent to the beam on the abacus, and the other fingers are equivalent to the gears on the abacus. On the middle finger, the first line and the vertical foot of the middle finger line are equivalent to the first bead in the lower frame; the second line The vertical foot of the middle finger line is equivalent to the second bead of the lower frame; the vertical foot of the third line and the middle finger line is equivalent to the third bead of the lower frame, and the vertical foot of the fourth line and the middle finger line is equivalent to the fourth bead of the lower frame. Each counting finger does not touch the middle finger when stretched, the index finger and ring finger are behind the middle finger, and the thumb sticks to the palm of the hand and points to the other side where the thumb is, which is equivalent to an upper bead against the beam; The front side of the middle finger does not touch the middle finger, which is equivalent to an empty plate on the abacus.Therefore, finger calculation and abacus calculation are not self-contained and are not related to each other; in fact, there is an inseparable and inevitable connection between them, not only in the way of expressing numbers. The formulas used are also applicable to calculations.Therefore, when learning finger counting, it should be combined with abacus counting, and learning by analogy will get twice the result with half the effort.

The second is "brain-finger combination".Brain calculation is calculation through thinking.The combination of brain calculation and finger calculation can not only exercise the calculation ability, but also improve the calculation level. It is an important method to achieve stable, accurate and fast finger calculation.The content of brain calculation can be from simple to complex, easy first and then difficult.In the future study, one should first practice the single multiplication of "2", "5" and "9" to exercise the calculation ability with these basic skills, and then develop to "3", " 4", "6" single multiplication and one mouthful clearing, and then practice "7" and "8" single multiplication one mouthful clearing, and finally combined with counting, long-term exercise can further improve the calculation level steadily, accurately and quickly .

The third is to read (listen) and write numbers accurately.Calculation is a kind of comprehensive thinking action, and the eyes (ears), brain, and hands must cooperate organically; first, the number is seen (listened), and then reflected to the brain, and then the brain controls the hand to pinch the fingers.This requires that the reading (listening) must be accurate, and you can remember it after reading (listening) once, and at the same time, you can see (listen) and do it manually.The correctness and rapidity of the calculation have a lot to do with reading (listening) the number correctly. If reading (listening) the number slowly, reading (listening) wrongly or missing (listening), it will affect the accuracy and speed of the calculation.It is necessary to practice to remember (smell and not forget), and pinch fingers while watching (listening), in order to save time and maintain the continuity of operation.After the calculation is completed, the link of writing the number is also very important, especially the decimal point must be accurate, so as to avoid the calculation of the correct number, but the wrong writing will cause negligent mistakes.

(End of this chapter)

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