Reborn Panlong

Chapter 130 Mysterious Dimension

Chapter 130 Mysterious Dimension
Outside the forest wind courtyard.

"Bebe, where's my elder brother?" Wharton asked Beibei who was standing in the air.

"Boss is practicing, if there is nothing important, don't bother him." Bei Bei, who was in touch with Lin Feng, naturally knew Lin Feng's state at this time.

"Tomorrow is the day for the battle between Olivia and Hedson. I'm here to ask my brother if he will go to watch the battle." Wharton said to Beibei.

Beibei wrinkled her little nose when she heard this, and said indifferently, "It's not very interesting to watch a battle at the level between Hedson and Olivia, so it's worth noting."

"Okay then, don't bother me, I'll go first." Wharton turned and left after finishing speaking.

At this time, Lin Feng had been practicing in the courtyard for ten days, but there was still no sign of stopping.

"Oh, the boss is really, how can he be enlightened anytime and anywhere, if he wants to let others know, he must be envious." Beibei gnawed on the green fruit and sighed.

On April 10009, 4 in the Lanli calendar, this late night was destined to be an extraordinary one. Many residents did not sleep, but came to the suburbs. There were no stars or moon in the night sky late at night, but thick dark clouds shrouded the night sky.

Many residents of the imperial capital lit bonfires in the outskirts, waiting in groups for the day of the Great War.

"Hey, third brother, where did you say Lord Olivia and Lord Hedson will fight? When Lord Olivia challenged, I didn't make it clear. I just said it was outside the city. Is it Dongchengmen City? Outside, or outside the west city gate, or the south city gate, north city gate"

"Who knows, I can only wait here slowly."

This problem troubled many people, many of whom came from other cities.Except for a few people who are relatively indifferent to these people, or some magicians, more than half of the people in the imperial capital have come out to watch the battle. Including people from other cities, there are millions of people.

Now there are people gathering outside the four city gates of the imperial capital.

No one knows where the battle will take place.

Naturally, a large group of people from the Earl's Mansion also came out, but Lin Feng was in the midst of an epiphany, and it was not appropriate to disturb them, so they didn't come. As for Bei Bei, he was naturally serving as Lin Feng's guard.

Rock Sword Master and Olivia did not specify the location of the battle.

Therefore, the rock swordsman 'Heidesen' himself chose to be above the 'Chiyan River' in the north of the imperial capital. The Chiyan River can be regarded as a big river, with a width of several hundred meters, but its length is far less than that of the Yulan River.And the source of the Chiyan River is also the Yulan River.

And the rock swordsman 'Heidesen' is intentionally exuding momentum.

Sanctuary powerhouses are particularly sensitive to breath.

If there is a battle in the sanctuary somewhere, even the strong in the sanctuary hundreds of miles away can feel it.Buck and the other brothers didn't transform, but Hei Lu could clearly feel the aura.

"On the Chiyan River in the north of the city, go quickly, the battle site is there. Lord Hedson is there." The news spread quickly to the south, east, and west of the city like a gust of wind.

Millions of people from the other three rushed towards the north of the city like a torrent.

Most of the people drove over from the wild along the road in the desert. After all, with so many people, if they walked from the imperial capital, it would be too crowded.

"There are so many people." Wharton, Buck and a group of people were shocked when they saw the scene in front of them.

More than a million people gathered on both sides of the Chiyan River. The [-] spectators in the martial arts field at the beginning made people feel like a sea of ​​people.These millions of people.too terrifying.

There are people on both sides of the Chiyan River, densely packed.

The most terrible thing is that more people from the south of the city, the west of the city, and the east of the city are constantly pouring in, pouring into the crowd like three torrents.There are more and more people.

"With so many people, this Olivia is the same. At the beginning, the date of the decisive battle must be set after January. If it was half a month, people from other provinces would not be able to catch up. One month, the Northwest Province is well-informed. The people from here can come over in time." Hillman shook his head and said.

But Sessler chuckled and said, "What a nice person, what a spectacle."

Sessler seemed to think of his own army of undead, which was as shocking as the army of over a million undead.

"The most important thing is. How do we get to the front now? Do we just watch from a distance?" Seeing the crowd of people in front of him, the housekeeper Shirley didn't even have the courage to squeeze in.

Gates proudly said: "It's simple, our five brothers opened the way and rushed in directly."

With the figures of Buck and his five brothers, they are absolutely sure to rush to the front.

"Don't worry, didn't you see His Majesty Joan's army coming?" Hillman said with a smile. Indeed, at this time, the army also came in a neat line.

Although there are millions of ordinary residents.The army is less than [-].

However, the neatly lined up armored army overwhelmed the civilians in imposing manner.

"Roar" "Aw"

There are also a large number of monsters among the millions of people, and these monsters are all monsters that have been reclaimed by the strong.The cries of monsters also sounded from time to time, and the voices of people's discussions continued to sound.

It was a mess.


A loud shout echoed between heaven and earth, "Those who are on the Chiyan River by boat, all go ashore! Hurry up! The battle between Lord Hedson and Lord Olivia, if you are on this Chiyan River, it will be easy. It will be affected. People on both sides of the Chiyan River should retreat, each retreating ten meters. No one is allowed to approach the river bank, and the city guards will be in charge of order."

The imperial army moved quickly and orderly to maintain order.

The top management of the empire did not dare to be careless.With these millions of people here, if there is any riot, it will be a big deal.It's a happy event for the two powerful saints to fight, but don't make it bad.

"Master Wharton, please follow us inside." Two soldiers came over.

His Majesty Joan had already arranged for those people to retreat ten meters, while the nobles of the empire went to the front.As long as it's not on the river.With the width of the Chiyan River hundreds of meters wide, it is enough for the two powerful saints to fight.

What's more, the two powerhouses are fighting at high altitude.

According to the arrangement, the nobles went to both sides of the Chiyan River one by one, and prepared to watch this epic battle from the best position.But the residents of the empire were not angry when they saw this scene.

There is a big boundary between nobles and commoners.

To become a nobleman, one has to make great contributions, or be an outstanding person.As long as you have strength, you may become a nobleman.On the contrary, the residents of the imperial capital admire nobles very much, and dream of becoming nobles themselves.

On the Chiyan River, it was very lively and crowded, and the battle between Olivia and Hedson was also going on under an orderly arrangement.

In the courtyard of the Earl's Mansion, Lin Feng was still meditating quietly.

Suddenly, a half-meter-long pale cyan translucent crescent-shaped wind blade appeared out of thin air.

Feeling the strong magic fluctuation, Beibei opened her small eyes suspiciously, and suddenly saw a huge wind blade flying in her direction, and immediately jumped up.Wawa yelled: "Boss, Beibei thinks she hasn't made any mistakes recently, why are you hitting me with the wind blade?"


Beibei dodged away, but a hut behind Beibei was damaged and directly turned into powder.

"Haha, that's how it is, that's how it is!"

Lin Feng, who had practiced for more than ten days, suddenly stood up and laughed heartily.It was as if she hadn't heard Beibei's words at all.

Seeing that Lin Feng woke up, Bei Bei jumped onto Lin Feng's shoulder and asked in confusion, "Boss, why is this so? Why are you so happy?"

"Of course I'm happy. When I was practicing the Zixue soft sword that day, I suddenly entered a strange state. Then a flash of light flashed in my mind. Just now I finally comprehended the mystery of the 'Dimensional Blade'. In the 'Dimensional Blade' 'Xuan Ao entered the door." Lin Feng said happily.

There are nine mysteries in the law of the wind element, but the seven mysteries of 'element of wind', 'cloning technique', 'wind travel', 'fast', 'slow', 'sound wave' and 'vocal music' are all low-level mysteries, 'Space of Wind' is only a medium mystery, and only 'Dimension' is a high-level mystery, and it is also the mystery with the highest material attack in the law of the wind element.

The 'Dimension' and the 'Pulse of the Earth' mysteries of the Law of the Earth are both high-level mysteries, and their power is similar.The 'fast', 'slow', 'wind travel', and 'element of wind' that Lin Feng had comprehended before were all low-level mysteries, and they were incomparable with the 'dimension'.In terms of attack and defense, it is far inferior to 'dimension'.

Low-level mysteries are easy to learn, and easy to master, but high-level mysteries are much more difficult to get started than low-level mysteries.Lin Feng was able to step into the threshold of the 'dimension' by accident, which naturally made him extremely happy.

Lin Feng's introduction to the advanced mystery "Pulse of the Earth" was also based on the method of Lin Feng's cultivation in the original book, and he succeeded.

"Blade of Dimension? 'Dimension'? The highest material attack?" Beibei curled her lips: "The material attack is quite high, and that hut would have turned into nothingness under your 'Dimensional Blade', if I hadn't dodged it." Hurry up, my hair is probably also shaved by your 'dimensional blade'."

"Huh?" Lin Feng was startled, turned his head, looked at the ruins in front of him, and was speechless for a long time.

"By the way, Beibei, what day is it today?" Lin Feng asked suddenly.

"Today is already April 4th, and it's also the day when Olivia and Hedson fought. Wharton and the others went to watch the battle." Beibei said.

"Let's go, let's go to watch the battle." Lin Feng led Beibei out of the Earl's Mansion immediately, and rushed towards the Chiyan River.

As for the hut destroyed by the 'Blade of Dimension', someone will naturally repair it.

(End of this chapter)

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