Reborn Panlong

Chapter 137 See you at the end

Chapter 137 See you at the end

In the living room of the Earl's Mansion.

"Wharton." Scott strode into the living room and smiled very familiarly, "Let me introduce you. This beautiful lady is Miss Delia, the special envoy of the Magnolia Empire."

Scott is the eighth prince of the empire, and Nina is the seventh princess of the empire. Scott and Wharton are naturally very familiar.

"Special envoy of the Yulan Empire? Why did you come to me?" Wharton was surprised, but his expression changed immediately, and he said in a broken voice, "Your name is Delia? Another sister-in-law of mine?"

When Lin Feng introduced Jenny to everyone, Beibei unconsciously let Wharton know that besides Jenny, his elder brother Lin Feng also had a wife named Delia.And Wharton also deeply remembered the name 'Delia'.

Delia's face turned pale. Although she knew from Wharton's words that Lin Feng had not forgotten herself, she also revealed a message: besides her, Lin Feng had other wives.

Scott and Marquis Kiefer were also taken aback by Wharton's words, sister-in-law?Another one?
Although they were puzzled, they also knew that this was not the time for them to speak.

After all, Delia was engaged in diplomacy, and her face quickly returned to normal. She smiled slightly at Wharton and said, "You are Lin Feng's younger brother Wharton, right? If nothing else happens, I will be the Dilly you mentioned. Ya."

Before Wharton could speak, Delia went on to introduce: "This is my teacher, Master Longles, the holy magician of the wind department."

Delia's words cleverly diverted everyone's attention.

"Wharton, is the imperial envoy here?" A carefree voice sounded, and it was Gates, one of Buck's five brothers.

Wharton was practicing with the five Buck brothers just now, and he stopped practicing and came here to receive a few people after hearing the report from his subordinates.Gates followed curiously.

"Wow, what a beautiful girl." Gates said with bright eyes.

"Gates, this is Miss Delia, the special envoy of the Empire, and this is Master Longles, the holy magician of the wind department." Wharton immediately introduced that he was worried about what trouble Gates might cause.

Gates is rough-natured, he has long forgotten what Beibei said, skipped over Delia, and turned his attention to Master Longles.

"Wow Holy Magician!" Gates stared like a bull's eye.

Master Long Ersi sighed in his heart, God, who is it, Wharton's tall figure is enough to amaze Long Ersi.But Wharton is okay, after all, he can be regarded as handsome.But this Gates is different, his waist is also shockingly thick, and he looks like a big bear.

"Stay away from my master." A deep voice sounded.

The big bear behind Master Longs grew rapidly. It was originally only two meters high, but it suddenly became three meters high.The Earth Bear looked down at Gates with a hint of complacency in his eyes.

"Warcraft in the Sanctuary?" Gates looked up at the Earth Bear.

But Delia immediately cut to the chase and said, "Earl Wharton, this time I came with my teacher to see Master Lin Feng."

Although Delia's expression returned to normal, she was still angry with Lin Feng in her heart. Before getting a reasonable explanation from Lin Feng, Delia was not going to forgive Lin Feng.

"Well, okay, come with me." Wharton nodded.Although Lin Feng was practicing at this time, who was Delia?This is my sister-in-law, and my sister-in-law wants to see her elder brother, so naturally his little uncle dare not stop her.

Delia clenched her fists slightly, and then let out a breath to relax herself.

Scott and Marquis Kiefer looked at each other, and followed behind in silence.

"Miss Delia, my brother is practicing in the front courtyard." Wharton smiled, and Gates next to him said, "I'll inform you."

Delia felt a little short of breath.

Nine years!
In the year when Lin Feng's father died, Delia and Lin Feng parted ways, and in a blink of an eye, more than nine years had passed.Delia closed her eyes slightly, then opened them again, she became much calmer.

"Beibei get out of the way, I have something important to do." Gates' loud voice sounded in the courtyard.

"My lord, there is a person named Delia outside who wants to see you."

"Delia?" An indifferent but surprised voice sounded in the courtyard.The sound was not loud, but to Delia, it seemed like lightning had struck her.

No matter how good her mental quality is, she couldn't help but tremble when she wanted to meet the person she had cared about for nine years.

"Huh!" The breeze blew, blowing the branches of the surrounding short and tall trees, and also blowing Delia's long golden hair, which became more and more elegant under the breeze.

The wind blinded her eyes, and Delia couldn't help but narrowed her eyes.

At this time, a figure that had appeared thousands of times in a dream appeared in front of the courtyard gate. He was wearing a plain light blue robe, and his original short hair had become long.

Delia looked at him carefully.

"It's a bit taller than before, and it's also much more mature than before." Delia looked at the man who was dreaming of her, but couldn't say a word for a while.

"Delia, it's really you." Lin Feng's voice sounded slightly surprised.

Lin Feng's body turned into a gust of wind, and suddenly disappeared in front of Delia's eyes. In the next moment, Delia felt that someone was holding her hand. Looking up, who was it if it wasn't Lin Feng?
Excited, Lin Feng unconsciously used the 'Fashion Technique' that he had just learned.

Seeing this scene, Long Ersi was secretly surprised.With his eyesight, he could see that Lin Feng just melted himself into the wind, and then floated to Delia's side as if teleported.

Delia looked at the person in front of her who was dreaming of her dreams, and she had the feeling of "holding hands and looking at teary eyes, but choking speechlessly".

"Lin Feng, this is my teacher, Master Longles, the holy magician of the wind department, this is Hatton, the Earth Bear, this is..." Delia was also fully awake at this time.

"Roar!" Thaddeus snorted and said angrily, "Lin Feng, you don't even know me, do you?"

Lin Feng also came to his senses at this time, knowing that it wasn't the time for flirting, and there were too many light bulbs around.

Hearing what Thaddeus said, Lin Feng smiled awkwardly, and then said, "Miss Thaddeus, how could I forget you?"

"Hmph, I protected your wife for nine years, what reward do you think you are going to give me?" Thaddeus asked Lin Feng directly for the reward.

"Sister Long" Delia scowled at Thaddeus.

"Sister Long?" Lin Feng was stunned, but immediately changed the subject, smiling at Long Si and his party, "Come in."

When Delia saw Lin Feng's smile, she didn't know what was going on, and a kind of heat surged up in her heart. "Is this feeling called happiness?" Delia felt her eyes heat up.

"Wharton, you can go and receive these two people." Lin Feng glanced at Scott and Marquis Kiefer, and said no more.

Scott and Marquis Kiefer were not angry at all, and immediately left respectfully.After all, he is a strong man in the sanctuary, and even His Majesty the emperor wants to treat him with courtesy, so why would he care about them noble dudes?

Around the courtyard stone table.

Lin Feng, Delia, and Long Ersi sat down in a circle.

"What are you looking at?" The Earth Bear glared at Heilu, the black-striped clouded leopard. As a sanctuary monster, the Earth Bear was very proud.

"You stupid bear." Hei Lu snorted coldly.

"Warcraft in the Sanctuary?" Longers and Delia looked at Lin Feng in surprise when they heard Hei Lu's words.

"Hei Lu, stop arguing." Lin Feng glanced at Hei Lu, and Hei Lu immediately got down and ignored the Earth Bear. Hei Lu actually knew that he was no match for the Earth Bear.But Hei Lu is not afraid because the speed of the Earth Bear is not as good as him.

Beibei deliberately waved his paws at the Earth Bear in protest.

"Bebe." Delia said excitedly, "Come here."

Beibei leaped obediently and jumped directly into Delia's arms.

"Beibei, long time no see." Delia pampered Beibei's smooth hair, and Beibei narrowed her eyes in enjoyment.

Although she was stroking Beibei, Delia was thinking about Lin Feng.

Back then, Lin Feng was so resolute and ruthless, but now Lin Feng is a little more gentle, even his gestures are so natural.

"Master Lin Feng, I heard that you are going to have a decisive battle with Hedson?" Longers took the lead in provoking the topic.

"Yes." Lin Feng smiled and nodded.

At this moment, Delia looked up at Lin Feng and said, "Lin Feng, are you sure you can win against that Hedson?"

"Naturally." Lin Feng said truthfully.

A Hedson is not in his eyes at all.The reason why he wanted to challenge Hedson was not to compete with him, but to snatch Hedson's aura and create momentum for himself.

He had already decided that to end the affairs here, he would go to the Territory of Chaos to open up territory, and deal with the Holy See of Light by the way, and to do all this, he had to build momentum, that is, reputation.The bigger the name, the easier it is to do all this.

Fame is also a kind of soft power.

Long Ersi looked at Lin Feng, then at Delia, and said with a smile: "You two old classmates haven't seen each other for a long time, so I won't bother you here, I'll go out for a walk first, you two have a good time Let's chat. You probably haven't seen each other for nearly ten years, so you both have a lot to say to each other."

Delia glanced at her teacher gratefully.

Obviously, Master Longsi created an opportunity for her to be alone with Lin Feng.

After speaking, Master Longsi took the earth bear and left the courtyard. Only Lin Feng, Delia, and Beibei, Heilu, and Thaddeus were left in the courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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