Reborn Panlong

Chapter 156 Wind Element, Median God

Chapter 156 Wind Element, Median God
"Xise." Suddenly a cold voice sounded.

As soon as Xisai raised his head, he couldn't help showing an awkward smile on his face. The person who spoke was the saint 'Rosalie' of the Ice and Snow Temple. Rosalie stared at Xisai and snorted a few times, but she didn't say anything. Two words.Xisai was on pins and needles and could only pretend to be silly.

"I've reached the god level, and it's still the same." Rosalie, a cold beauty, had mist in her eyes.

Xisai managed to squeeze out a smile: "Rosalie, isn't it great for you to be your saint? Oh, I'm just a libertine, wandering around, enjoying wherever I like, and not caring about you." Xisai felt a little bitter in his heart.

It was a very noisy day, especially Desi Li's group, as well as George, Yale, Renault, and the others dealt with everyone, and it was already midnight.Now Lin Feng walked towards the bridal chamber of himself, Delia and Jenny. One advantage of being strong in the sanctuary is that after drinking so much wine, Lin Feng was not drunk at all.

"Lin Feng?"

Before reaching the door, he heard someone calling himself. When Lin Feng looked up, he saw Na Xisai was lying on the eaves drinking wine, "Lin Feng, why are you married? Well, I know you are married I really feel sorry for you."

"What a pity?" Lin Feng was stunned.

Xisai stood up and flew up floatingly: "Unfortunately, another man has stepped into the grave!" As he said, Xisai's figure had already reached the sky. "Well, by the way, I wish you a happy wedding, well, I'm leaving." Xisai's voice sounded in Lin Feng's ear.

Suddenly, "Big pervert!" There was a crisp scolding sound, and a flowing figure in white flew out, chasing after Xisai directly.

Xisai's flight speed increased immediately.

"Oh, it's better to step into the grave." With a smile on his lips, Lin Feng walked towards the new house, and he came to the door of the new house after a while.There were two pretty maids at the door of the new house, and the two maids opened the door respectfully.

Lin Feng waved his hands: "You all step back."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

In the quiet new room, Delia and Jenny were sitting opposite each other in front of the bed. At the moment, Delia and Jenny were very quiet. They just looked at Lin Feng and waited for Lin Feng to speak.Lin Feng finally said, "Beibei, come out."

"Hey, boss." Beibei came out from under the bed at this time.

"Beibei?" Delia couldn't laugh or cry. Today, Beibei disappeared very early.I didn't expect to hide here.

Lin Feng had already expected it.This is also the case in the original book.

Jenny looked at Beibei dumbfounded: "Beibei, what are you doing?"

"I'm preparing a gift for you, sister-in-law." Beibei said with her head held high.

"What gift?" Jenny asked curiously.

Beibei grinned, and handed over a black stone with his little paw: "This is given to me by my good friend. It is the purple-gold sanctuary mouse I told you about last time. I'm too young, I don't have much accumulation, I My brother gave me this."

Lin Feng's eyes lit up when he saw this black stone: "Godhead that has been specially processed by Beirut?"

Lin Feng could sense the surging water elemental breath from this black stone.

"It seems that Beirut also knows that Delia can become a god on her own, but Jenny has no hope, so they sent this processed water-attribute low-level godhead."

"This is?" Jenny took the black stone suspiciously, "Could it be some precious ore?"

"I don't know either." Beibei handed it to Jenny, "Sister-in-law Jenny, put a drop of blood on it first."

Lin Feng also smiled and said: "Yes, Jenny, this is a treasure, and you need to recognize the owner with a drop of blood to know the magical effect."

"Okay." Jenny believed Lin Feng very much. A small ice arrow scratched his finger, and a tiny wound appeared immediately.

A drop of blood dripped on the black stone.

The black stone turned into a ray of light immediately, covering Gianni all at once.I saw the black stone turned into light, which actually merged into Gianni's body.The black stone that was still there just now disappeared.

"What's going on?" Delia was taken aback.

She had never seen such a weird thing, and Beibei was also dumbfounded: "I don't know either."

"Jenny, how do you feel?" Lin Feng asked.

Jenny shook his head in bewilderment and said, "I don't feel anything. It seems that the sensitivity to the surrounding elements has improved a lot. Yes, that's it." Lin Feng nodded secretly. It seems that this stone is really a low-level water system godhead that has been treated by Beirut.

"Bebe, I'm also your sister-in-law. Why do you only give gifts to sister Jenny, but not me?" Delia pursed her lips deliberately, but her eyes were sly.

Beibei quickly shook his head and said, "Sister-in-law Delia, this stone was given to me by a good friend of mine. He said it is very useful for magicians. I think your strength is already at level nine, but sister-in-law Jenny Just level five, so"

Beibei also felt that she was a little unfair. Both Delia and Jenny were her sisters-in-law, so this gift should be given twice, but Beibei really didn't have anything to give, so she couldn't help but feel embarrassed for a while.

"Okay, Beibei, do you still want to stay here?" Lin Feng asked Beibei to save him.

Beibei's small dark eyes rolled around a few times, and then he smiled and said: "Boss, sisters-in-law, a moment of spring festival is worth a thousand gold, so Beibei will not disturb your good deeds." Lin Feng flew over, and Beibei had already turned into a A phantom sprang out of the room.

Close the door.

The new house suddenly became quiet, and Lin Feng and the three sat side by side on the bed.Lin Feng sat in the middle, while Jenny and Delia sat on both sides of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng stretched out his hands, hugged Jenny and Delia into his arms, kissed the left side and the right side, and looked at the two girls with a smile.

"What are you looking at?" Delia seemed a little shy.

Lin Feng smiled: "I was wondering which one of you should I eat first."

Delia and Jenny looked at each other and snorted, "Don't even think about it. I discussed it with sister Jenny. Tonight we will sleep on the bed and you will sleep on the floor."

"Haha, it's up to you." Lin Feng laughed suddenly: "Baby, I'm here."

Both Delia and Jenny were stunned. Lin Feng immediately hugged Delia and Jenny and lay down on the bed.



No sleep for one night.

"Huh." Lin Feng was lying on the bed, and Delia was lying on Lin Feng's body, with her head in Lin Feng's arms.Sweat also made Delia's hair stick to Lin Feng's body.Lin Feng looked down at Delia's appearance, that slightly flushed face was as cute as a kitten.

The crystal clear nose fluttered.

And Jenny, who was snuggling on the other side of Lin Feng, was already so tired that he fell asleep.

Lin Feng's hand gently stroked Delia's smooth pink back, and the scenes just now were still in his mind. Lin Feng felt nervous when he entered Delia and Jenny's body. Three hours passed.

"Delia, what's the matter?"

"Crying." Delia hugged Lin Feng's chest, "I just want to cry now, thinking of sister Jenny, I want to cry, thinking of waiting for you for ten years, I want to cry, woo woo"

Lin Feng covered his head.

Women are always so unpredictable.

He had united a united front with Jenny before, why did he become jealous all of a sudden.

"Lin Feng, can I tell you something?" Delia said softly.

"En?" Lin Feng looked down at Delia.

Delia looked up at Lin Feng with a solemn expression, and then said softly, "You're hard!"


Lin Feng was speechless for a moment.

"Delia, Wharton and Nina's child will be born in a few months, do you think we should work harder?" Lin Feng whispered.

"Huh?" Delia was taken aback.

"So, I have to work harder." Lin Feng rolled over and pushed Delia under him.

Winter went to spring, and in the blink of an eye, three years had passed since Lin Feng got married.

In the secret room of the miniature plane!

A godhead emitting blue light emerged from Lin Feng's head and hovered above his head.And a large number of wind elements gathered, under the tolerance of the laws of heaven and earth, directly gathered towards the godhead.Under the tolerance of the "Laws of Heaven and Earth", the Godhead gradually undergoes transformation.

In a moment, the low-level wind-type godhead has transformed into a middle-level wind-type godhead.Then it flew into Lin Feng's head and disappeared.

The fluctuation of the law of heaven and earth dissipated, and Lin Feng also opened his eyes.

"Phew, I have finally reached the middle god level." Lin Feng had a smile on his face.

After reaching the lower god, Lin Feng continued to deduce the "Speed ​​Mystery", and finally today he fully integrated the two mysteries of "fast" and "slow" into one, and the "Speed ​​Mystery" reached the middle god level.

"This deity is practicing the law of the earth, and the 'Element of Earth' and the 'Pulse of the Earth' have also begun to merge. However, the rule of life is still stuck on the bottleneck of becoming a god, and it cannot be broken through, otherwise we can have multiple clones." Lin Feng said with emotion. .

"Let's integrate Xuan Ao as soon as possible to enhance our strength." Lin Feng in the light blue robe closed his eyes again, and started the fusion of 'Element of Wind' and 'Speed ​​Mystery'.

Fortunately, as early as in the Sanctuary, the 'Element of Wind' and the 'Speed ​​Mystery' already fit together, now it is much simpler to just continue to deduce it.

(End of this chapter)

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