Reborn Panlong

Chapter 159 Bloodletting the Sanctuary Dragon Clan

Chapter 159 Bloodletting the Sanctuary Dragon Clan
"En?" Lin Feng's spiritual power suddenly discovered a monster in the sanctuary. This monster, which Lin Feng was familiar with, was a purple-eyed golden-haired ape.This terrifying Sanctuary Warcraft, which is three stories high, found someone spying on him.

"Who?" The voice of the purple-eyed golden-haired ape echoed like thunder, and the purple eyes also looked up at the figure in the sky.

Lin Feng stood in the air, and his voice was transmitted: "Leader of Chaos 'Lin Feng', sorry to bother you." After Lin Feng finished speaking, the golden-haired ape with purple eyes heard it and stopped pestering him.Sanctuary Warcraft wisdom is higher than ordinary humans.

If they live a long time, they are also very familiar with the powerhouse of Yulan.

Some peak powerhouses, such as the leader of chaos 'Desi Li', 'Hayward', etc., such as 'Tu Lilei' in the Far Eastern Prairie, and the name of the leader of chaos 'Lin Feng' is also in the World of Warcraft recently. It spread among the strong, as long as it is not too much, these sanctuary monsters don't want to face these top strong.

Searched for a while.

"Boss, I found a sanctuary dragon, it's a 'Tyrannosaurus Rex' of the dark attribute." Beibei's voice sounded in Lin Feng's mind, and Lin Feng flew towards Beibei's direction immediately without hesitation.

On a mountainous mound, Lin Feng instructed: "Sinney, you children will stay here. Delia, you are responsible for taking care of them, Beibei. No matter what, you must protect them." Lin Feng looked at Beibei. Bei, Beibei said to himself: "Don't worry, boss, I have four shadow clones."

With Beibei's frightening speed, coupled with the 'Shadow Transformation Clone Technique', it means that two or three monsters in the sanctuary will not be able to hurt Delia and the others.

"Father, be careful." Sasha said.

Lin Feng laughed: "Well, you wait here, I'll go and capture that tyrannosaurus rex." Speaking of which, Lin Feng flew directly to the distance, where Delia and several children stood Watching from the mound.Fortunately, this mound was chosen because the terrain was relatively high, so they could see it clearly.

In just a moment, Lin Feng came over the Tyrannosaurus rex.

The dragon clan is mainly divided into the ground dragon clan, which is mainly physically strong, and the air dragon clan, which has relatively strong magic power.The Tyrannosaurus rex is just one of the pinnacle existences among the ground dragons. It has a huge body of [-] meters long, and the hard and terrifying scales are as black as a piece of rock.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex had already noticed Lin Feng, and those huge fiery red pupils as big as wheels stared at Lin Feng: "Who are you?"

"Leader of chaos 'Lin Feng'." Lin Feng said.

"Lin Feng?" the Tyrannosaurus rex said, "I, 'Prequet' in the Sunset Mountains, Lin Feng, what are you doing?" one.

"Prequet? How could it be such a coincidence?" Lin Feng did not expect the plot in the original book to reappear.

Lin Feng remembered that in the original book, when Lin Feng brought his three children to bleed the giant dragon, the first dragon he encountered was the Tyrannosaurus rex 'Prequet'.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Prequet, I want to borrow some of your dragon's blood."

"Roar" the Tyrannosaurus Rex 'Prequet' suddenly burst out regional flames, burning all the surrounding trees and boulders, "Lin Feng, are you insulting me Prequet? If you don't get out of here, just Prepare to take my Prequette wrath."

Lin Feng smiled slightly, raised his hands slightly, and a large number of earth elements quickly gathered, and the khaki-colored 'Tyrannosaurus Rex' appeared in front of Prequet out of thin air.In addition to the skin color, the appearance is almost the same as that of Prequet.

"Prequet, this is the elemental puppet I condensed with the elements of the earth element. Let's see whether you are the most powerful or my elemental puppet." After Lin Feng finished speaking, he controlled the puppet Tyrannosaurus Rex to move towards Prequette. pounce.


Prequet was furious, and he only took one step in anger, the whole ground shook and cracked, and the surrounding trees broke and fell directly with a "boom".


Prequet collided with the elemental puppet, and there was a huge impact sound. The angry Prequet directly smashed the elemental puppet's head with his paw.

But the elemental puppets would not fall down as long as the energy didn't dissipate, and the elemental puppets without their heads still rushed towards Prequet without fear of death.



In just a few minutes, Prequet and the elemental puppets collided hundreds of times.All the trees in the surrounding area were turned into powder.

Prequet is physically strong, but the element puppets condensed by Lin Feng after fusing 'Element of Earth' and 'Pulse of the Earth' are not generally strong.Although the two mysteries have not been completely integrated into one, they have also reached the bottleneck. The physical strength of the elemental puppet is no less than that of Prequet, the real tyrannosaurus rex.

"If you have the ability to face Prequet with me." The Tyrannosaurus rex roared.Prequet was very angry and helpless, he didn't know why this elemental puppet was so powerful.It was able to collide with its own body without collapsing.

The elemental puppets condensed by ordinary earth-type holy magicians couldn't stand his punch at all.

"If you want to fight me head-on, first break up this elemental puppet." Lin Feng stood in the air and said with a smile.

According to his current strength, it would not take such trouble to subdue Prequet. He could grab Prequet directly by condensing an elemental hand, preventing him from moving a bit.

How can the power of the fusion of 'Element of Earth' and 'Pulse of the Earth' be comparable to that of a small sanctuary dragon.

The reason why Lin Feng didn't directly surrender to Prequet was because he wanted to attract Prequet's other two good brothers, Thunder Dragon and Golden Dragon.

"Roar" the Tyrannosaurus rex angrily, the terrifying sound wave was actually confined in a narrow area, and directly hit Lin Feng in midair.And his body is rushing towards the elemental puppet.

"Sonic attack?" Lin Feng didn't care at all.

The tyrannosaurus rex is only a hundred meters away from the elemental puppet, but when it hits the elemental puppet, its size keeps shrinking.

But the momentum of the impact was even more terrifying.

"Roar~" For a moment, it was as if the earth was shaking.

At the same time, a gray mist was created out of thin air and completely enveloped the surrounding hundreds of meters.

With a thought in Lin Feng's mind, the huge elemental puppet dissipated suddenly, and a war knife with a khaki halo around the blade suddenly emerged, and the huge ten-meter-long war knife directly slashed at Prequet who was rushing towards him.


The thick scales directly cracked a crack.

"Roar~" the Tyrannosaurus rex roared in pain, and blood shot out from the one-meter-long wound immediately.

Seeing the soaring dragon blood, Sydney, Taylor, and Sasha on the mound in the distance all cheered, and Delia also had a smile on her face.Obviously, Lin Feng had the upper hand.

The body of the Tyrannosaurus rex rushed directly towards the ground.

"Peng!" The earth shook, and the Tyrannosaurus rex raised its head and roared angrily after it fell to the ground. The terrifying sound of "Roar" spread in all directions centered on the Tyrannosaurus rex, and the surrounding trees were instantly shattered.

Beibei reacted quickly, and a black barrier immediately appeared around Delia and the child.

"What are you doing? Showing your loud voice?" Lin Feng flew down from mid-air. "I've left a wound on your body, just take some blood from me, don't worry, I won't kill you."

"You're insulting me."

Tyrannosaurus 'Prequet' furious, he says.

But Lin Feng suddenly raised his head and looked into the distant sky. He saw two giant monsters flying towards them at high speed. One of them had a perfectly curved body and a pair of giant fleshy wings. It was the legendary Sanctuary Golden Dragon.

The other dragon was about the same size as Tyrannosaurus rex, except that the scales on its body were dark blue.At the same time, there are lightning flashes on its body surface.

"Prequet, what's wrong with you?" A deep voice came from the mouth of the brontosaurus, "Is it because of this hateful human being?"

The Tyrannosaurus rex said: "Yes, big brother. This hateful human doesn't fight me head-on at all, and just makes an elemental puppet to compare my body with me."

Lei Long's golden eyes looked at Lin Feng.

Sanctuary Brontosaurus, Sanctuary Golden Dragon, and Sanctuary Tyrannosaurus Rex, these three dragons are a very powerful small group in the Sunset Mountains.When encountering a strong enemy, they will help each other.They teamed up, especially complementing each other's means, which is too powerful.

Of course, it depends on who the opponent is. Facing Lin Feng, they are doomed to have no hope of winning.

"Father!" Taylor worried in the distance, and Sydney and Sasha looked nervously at the three sanctuary dragons in the distance.

The Tyrannosaurus rex also flew into the air at this moment, and each giant dragon was as big as a hill. These three sanctuary dragons flew side by side, blocking even the sunlight. Just the sense of oppressive momentum will make people feel trembling .

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at Sanlong with a faint smile: "Just wait for the two of you to arrive together so we can catch them together."

"Arrogance!" The golden dragon roared angrily.

Contempt, naked contempt, Lin Feng's words completely angered the three sanctuary dragons.They decided to give this hateful human being a little bit of color.

"Hoo!" A huge bolt of lightning pierced the sky in an instant, and Thunder Dragon's terrifying body was in front of Lin Feng in an instant.

Lin Feng's face remained unchanged, he stretched out his hand lightly, and grabbed the dragon claw that Thunder Dragon had patted.

"The speed is not bad, but the attack power is too weak." Lin Feng casually threw Thunder Dragon's huge body into the air.

"Okay, I won't play with your three little dragons anymore." Lin Feng made a casual move, and the three khaki silk threads shot directly towards the three dragons.The speed was so fast that there was no room for the three dragons to react, so they were bound by silk threads.


The three dragons, who felt that they were bound, immediately began to struggle, but to their horror, no matter how hard they struggled, they couldn't break free, instead they were bound tighter and tighter.

"Huh? I actually know how to get smaller, but it's useless."

Seeing that he couldn't break free, Sanlong immediately shrunk his body in order to escape the bondage.But it's a pity that when their bodies became smaller, the khaki silk threads on their bodies also became smaller.

Not long after, three miniature dragons that became like chickens appeared in front of Lin Feng.

What is uncapped?And listen to me.

(End of this chapter)

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