Reborn Panlong

Chapter 187 Battle 1 Triggered

Chapter 187

The Bosha embankment extends obliquely from the mouth of the Yulan River to the opposite bank of the Yulan River.This Bosha embankment is so peculiar, like a pier, extending to the middle of the river. Under the impact of the Yulan River for thousands of years, it is reasonable that even a mountain will be washed away under the impact of the accumulated river water.

However, the Bosha Levee has existed for over ten thousand years and is still intact.

It is indeed a strange thing.

It is precisely because of its weirdness that Bosha Levee is famous in Magnolia.

On January 10044, 1 in the Yulan calendar, the lower reaches of the Yulan River at the junction of the Luoao Empire and the Yulan Empire, the Bosha Levee, is usually very lively here, but today, no one on the Bosha Levee can get close.

More than ten sanctuary powerhouses guard the order here, and no one is allowed to approach the Bosha embankment.

On the river bank, a large number of people gathered to watch.

"More than a dozen strong men in the sanctuary, this is the first time in my life that I have seen so many strong men in the sanctuary." A burly middle-aged man's eyes lit up excitedly, and he kept looking towards the Bosha embankment, "What the hell is going on today? Now, is something serious going to happen?"

"Hey, is that a strong man in the sanctuary? Impossible." More and more people watched, but the people who came later didn't believe it.

"What do you know, I saw with my own eyes a large number of powerful saints flying down from the sky, driving everyone out, and not allowing anyone to enter the Bosha embankment." Someone came to the Bosha embankment very early, I also saw the scene of the strong man from the sanctuary flying over.

"What are so many sanctuary powerhouses going to do? Also, who is the bald man sitting on the Bosha Embankment?"

There were more and more people onlookers, and everyone turned their attention to the Bosha embankment. The only person sitting on the chair was a tall, bald man with a strong figure and a black robe. He didn't cover his face.In front of this tall, bald man was a round table, on which were delicious food and wine.

"The Sanctuary is coming again." There was an exclamation from the crowd.

A large number of onlookers saw three figures flying from the north. These three figures slowed down when they reached the Bosha embankment, and finally landed on the Bosha embankment.The three of them walked towards the tall bald man side by side, and they arrived at the round table after a while.

"I didn't expect there to be three, I'm so sorry." The tall, bald man in a black robe was full of flesh, but he managed to force a smile, "I just prepared two chairs for you."

Immediately, the tall, bald man glanced into the distance, and it was obvious that he was carrying out soul sound transmission. Suddenly, a strong man in the sanctuary got a stool from somewhere, and immediately flew over, respectfully put the stool down, and then He retreated respectfully.

"It's not your fault, Mr. Beaumont." Desi Li smiled lightly.

Lin Feng, Desi Li, and Olivia all sat down. When Lin Feng asked Braum to send a message, he only mentioned two god-level powerhouses.This Beaumont was also slightly surprised that three god-level powerhouses came.Only Beaumont didn't care.

"It seems that they became gods a few days ago." Beaumont thought to himself, "Just became a god? Hmph, I can fight ten of these new low gods."

It's a pity that Olivia is a strong soul mutant, which is beyond common sense.

Lin Feng, Desi Li, and Olivia just looked at Beaumont.

"Haha" Beaumont let out a hearty laugh, "Mr. Lin Feng, if you want to meet me, I naturally dare not see you. I don't know Mr. Lin Feng, you three, what is the matter with me? Beaumont? Things, though, I, Beaumont, am a very quick fellow."

Beaumont was loud.

However, the crowd watching in the distance didn't hear it, because Beaumont used the Domain of God.

The domain of the gods is Beaumont's simple control of the surroundings through elemental power.Lin Feng, Desi Li, and Olivia are all god-level powerhouses, so they naturally don't care about the other party's simple use of the God's Domain.Even if the opponent uses all his strength, the threat to the three of them is not great.

The domain of the gods actually determines the gap between the gods and the sanctuary.But once they all become gods, gods of the same level will not have any influence on each other.

"Mr. Beaumont, you should know why we are here." Lin Feng smiled.

If it weren't for the help of Beaumont, destroying the Bosha Levee and releasing the green fire.Lin Feng didn't want to sit here and talk nonsense with him.

Beaumont was slightly taken aback, and then laughed loudly: "Mr. Lin Feng was joking. If you don't tell me, how would I know?"

Olivia next to him said coldly: "[-] million people died in the Luo Empire, [-] million, Beaumont, you are really cruel. Where is our Magnolia? You can kill as many as you want?"

"Mr. Beaumont, everyone understands, it's better not to pretend to be confused." Desi Li also said.

Beaumont smiled awkwardly, and said: "The people who died in the Luo Empire, well, I admit, I did arrange for the nearly [-] million people to be killed. What's the matter? Lin Feng, the three of you are all You have become a god, and you still care about those ordinary people?" Beaumont looked surprised.

"Are you joking?" Lin Feng smiled lightly, "[-] million people is enough for your life."

"Pay for my life?" Beaumont laughed out loud, as if he had just heard the funniest joke, "Let me pay for my life for [-] million mortals?"

Olivia and Desi Li also looked at Lin Feng in surprise, not knowing why Lin Feng would directly fight with Beaumont.

"In my eyes, your life is not as good as the [-] million people." Lin Feng said angrily.

"Then it depends on whether the three of you have the strength." Bomont also knew that peace talks could not be made at this time, and he slammed his big hand on the table. With a sound of "Peng", the table burst into pieces, and Bomont's face was full of flesh. He was trembling, "Okay, then you can't blame me, Lord Beirut, I will teach Lin Feng a lesson on your behalf today." A dark blue saber suddenly appeared in Beaumont's hand.

"Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!"

Lin Feng, Desi Li, and Olivia flew back into the air at the same time, a black jade epee appeared in Lin Feng's hand, a thin sword appeared in Desili's hand, and a rapier appeared in Olivia's hand. Xuanbing long sword.

The purple blood soft sword is in the hands of the wind god avatar, while the black jade epee is in the hands of the earth god avatar.This time Lin Feng's God of Life clone came out, and he also brought out the Hei Yu epee.

Facing Beaumont, who was also at the peak of the lower god, Lin Feng didn't dare to push him too hard.After all, what Lin Feng is here now is just a clone of the lower god.

"What are you, saying to teach me instead of Lord Beirut? Why do you replace Lord Beirut?" Lin Feng pointed his black jade epee at Beaumont, "Today I will let you know that Yulan's people are not so easy to kill. "

With a casual stroke of the Heiyu epee in his hand, a pale green illusory sword shadow flew out, sweeping across Beaumont in an instant.


Beaumont suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and his face turned pale instantly.

"Soul attack that contains the breath of life, you actually practice the rules of life." Beaumont stared at Lin Feng suspiciously.

Seeing that Beaumont's face just turned pale, Lin Feng was a little dissatisfied.Life Rule is good at soul attack, but Lin Feng's soul is too weak.

In just a few decades, Lin Feng cultivated four god clones, and his soul was split four times.Moreover, he has never obtained any soul gold beads, amethysts, etc. to replenish the soul.So Lin Feng's current weakness is his soul.

The soul itself is weak, so the soul attack is naturally not much stronger.Otherwise, Lin Feng's full blow just now would be enough to kill Beaumont.

Beaumont held a dark blue long knife and grinned with a ferocious expression.

"Die!" Beaumont roared violently, his voice still echoing, but his figure had already rushed in front of Olivia.Beaumont had already made up his mind to kill Desi Li and Olivia, and then give Lin Feng a good lesson.

Beaumont with a ferocious face rushed towards Olivia with a scream in the air, and directly slashed at Olivia viciously with a dark blue saber in his hand.But what greeted him was Olivia's dazzling sword!
Darkness and light coexist!

The sword and the long sword of Xuanbing collided, and the terrible shock wave suddenly spread downwards. The entire surface of the Bosha embankment cracked open with a bang, and then turned into powder. It turned into powder and was blown away.The dark stone in the Bosha embankment was exposed.

It is because of this peculiar material that the Bosha levee will not break for thousands of years.

The shock wave swooped down, and the water surface of the entire Yulan River sank suddenly. Immediately afterwards, it exploded with a bang, and countless water splashed in all directions. The water splashed on the people like sharp arrows. seeped out.

Immediately, a large number of people watching on the river bank became frightened and quickly backed away.

"Om..." Strange ripples of white light shot out from Desi Li's brain.The strange ripples of white light were too fast, spreading to Beaumont in an instant, and Beaumont let out a little pain.

"These bastards." Beaumont stared at Desi Li and Olivia in the distance.

He miscalculated!

Originally, he thought that both Desi Li and Olivia had just become gods, their strength should be average, and it would not be difficult to solve them.But who would have thought that the attack power of Olivia's sword just now was stronger than his sword.As for Desi Li, it was a strange soul attack.

"Want to kill us? Dreaming." Olivia looked cold.

"Lin Feng, this Beaumont, I can solve it by myself." Olivia said through the voice transmission of the soul. Olivia was full of confidence, and then Olivia immediately turned into a ray of light, which crossed the space in an instant, and arrived at the In front of Beaumont.


A swirling, rippling light blue airflow immediately escaped from the surface of Beaumont's body, spreading across an area of ​​tens of meters in an instant.

"Whoosh." Olivia immediately flew back.

Olivia's face was pale, and she flew back, and immediately said through the soul: "Be careful, there is a strange power in the light blue divine power on his body surface. I just got close and my whole body has no strength. It's weird." Olivia Ya took a deep breath, and her complexion gradually became better.

(End of this chapter)

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