Reborn Panlong

Chapter 200

Chapter 200
After Hei Lu left, Lin Feng thought about it, and said to Delia and Jenny, "Delia, Jenny, I'm going to leave Dragon Blood Castle for a while."

"En?" Both women were a little surprised.

Lin Feng explained: "My practice of the rules of life and fate has already reached a bottleneck, but after so many years, there is still no sign of a breakthrough. I think, go out for a walk and experience more things, maybe this will make it easy to suddenly comprehend Something, and finally a breakthrough."

That's what he said, but Lin Feng wanted to take this opportunity to pay a visit to Qinghuo Leilin.

"I'll go with you." Delia was a little bit reluctant.

"Haha, I didn't go to other planes, I'm just still in Yulan. I can communicate with you at any time." Lin Feng smiled and said: "Besides, I don't go to all the avatars. Whenever, my wind god avatar will sit in Dragon Blood Castle."

Delia laughed too.Now that Delia has also become a god, the range of Magnolia is so large, and Delia's consciousness is enough to find Lin Feng.

"En." Delia nodded and smiled, "Then when are you going to leave?"

"Tomorrow morning." Lin Feng said.

"Where's Baby?" Jenny said.

"He will go with me." Lin Feng smiled.

Lin Feng embraced Delia and Jenny's delicate bodies in his arms, and smiled: "You two beautiful wives, husband, I am going on a long journey tomorrow, do we have to do something tonight? "

Jenny blushed pretty, and said shyly, "It's Sister Delia's turn tonight, I'll go first."

Jenny wanted to break away from Lin Feng's embrace as she spoke, but Lin Feng would not let her go: "Jenny, don't even think about leaving tonight, I want to fly with you sisters, hehe"

Since their wedding night, Delia and Jenny never gave Lin Feng a chance to fly together, and every time one of them came to sleep with Lin Feng.So, even though Lin Feng had two wives who were as beautiful as flowers, he hadn't really enjoyed the pleasure of sleeping together.

The ensuing ups and downs and the beautiful spring scenery are not enough for outsiders.

The next morning, the sun rose.Lin Feng didn't tell everyone when he went out this time, only Delia and Jenny knew about it.After bidding farewell to the two girls, Lin Feng and Beibei quietly flew away from Dragon Blood Castle together, and started a period of cultivation life traveling in Yulan.

"Boss, where are we going?" Beibei asked against the strong wind.

"I haven't been back to the Holy Alliance for a long time, let's go there first." Lin Feng said with a smile.

Lin Feng knew that Tongluo Mountain was within the territory of the Holy Alliance. His main purpose this time was to visit Lei Lin, the owner of Tongluo Mountain, so he naturally went there.But Lin Feng was not going to fly directly to Tongluo Mountain.Instead, I want to travel while slowly approaching Tongluo Mountain.The two turned into Changhong and disappeared directly into the southwest sky.

Lin Feng and Beibei left Dragon Blood Castle secretly, few people knew about it.At first, Wharton and Taylor were not surprised to find that Lin Feng was not in Dragon's Blood Castle.They also thought that Lin Feng was cultivating in a secret room on a miniature plane.

But after ten days and a half months, I learned from Delia that Lin Feng and Bei Bei had actually gone out.

It took a long time for the ordinary guards and maids of Dragon Blood Castle to know about it.

Although after the dead city incident, the population of the Luo Ao Empire dropped sharply, and it was not qualified to be called an empire at all.But no matter what, there are still many people in the territory.Especially now that 20 years have passed, the population of the Luo Empire has also recovered a lot.

In Luo Ao Empire, a quiet small city, in the mansion with the largest area in the entire city, the guards standing guard were straight, and even the maids did not dare to laugh and play.

A middle-aged ruthless man in a luxurious robe walked in the mansion.

"Lord Anlas!" The guards were very respectful.

Anlas nodded slightly and continued on.It took only a while to come to a secluded courtyard.In this courtyard, there was a man in a robe embroidered with gold silk lying on a chair.He was also holding a book five centimeters thick in his hand.

"Lord Sadista!" Anlas bowed respectfully.

The man who was reading was Sadista.Sardista has been dormant in this small city since she came to Yulan for nearly 20 years.However, nothing that happened in various places in Yulan could not escape Sardista's detection.As for Anlas, he was one of the three middle gods under Sardista's command.

"Anlas, what's the matter?" Sardista said indifferently, still looking at the book.

An Las said respectfully: "Lord Sadista, according to the news we arranged for the people in Dragon's Blood Castle, Lin Feng has already left Dragon's Blood Castle, and it should have been a long time ago." It is not difficult to deploy people in Dragon Blood Castle.

The two places that Sadista valued the most were the O'Brien Imperial Palace and the Dragon's Blood Castle.

The purpose of placing people in the palace is to know Adkins' actions.After all, there are only two places in Yulan that Sardista can fear, one is Adkins, and the other is Beirut.

It's just that Beirut's 'Metal Castle' doesn't call outsiders at all, and Sadista can't place people.I can only settle for the next best thing, and put people in Dragon's Blood Castle.

One is because of Beirut, and the other is because of dragon blood warriors and undead warriors!
"Crack!" The brick-thick book slammed shut.Sadista turned to look at Anlas, "Lin Feng left Dragon's Blood Castle, did he leave alone?"

"No, there's that God-eating Mouse named Beibei." Anlas said respectfully.

"Hmph." Sadista snorted unwillingly, "This Lin Feng always stays with that God-eating Mouse. It is also a little troublesome to kill this Lin Feng." Sadista did not give up killing the four. The plan of the descendants of the beast family.

"This Lin Feng has been practicing for less than a hundred years, and he has reached such a state. He is one of the best geniuses among the four gods and beasts. This is the case that he has not returned to the four gods and beasts for ancestral baptism. If he enters the ancestral hall and undergoes baptism, with such a genius The character, in a short time, will definitely become another general of the Four Divine Beasts family, and our family will have another great enemy." Sadista looked serious.

Sardista is also aware of the legend of the four divine beast families.

"Lin Feng didn't go back to the ancestral hall of the Four God Beasts, he is so powerful. It will be really troublesome for him to return to the family of the Four God Beasts one day." Anlas also nodded.

"If the Four Gods and Beasts know that there is such a genius among their branches in the Magnolia plane, they will definitely take this Lin Feng away at all costs." Sadista said indifferently: "In this Dragon Blood Castle, The others, Wharton and Buck, are just mediocre. Even if they return to the Four Divine Beasts, it will only increase the population of the Four Divine Beasts. It is impossible for any amazing and talented people to appear. Just this Lin Feng "

Anlas also nodded secretly.

The children of the four gods and beast families usually have to go through the baptism of the ancestral hall, and then they will make great strides in promotion.For example, Lin Feng is so powerful without being baptized by the ancestral hall. Once he returns to the ancestral hall of the four gods and beasts, what Lin Feng will achieve in the future will also worry Sadista.

After all, in less than a hundred years, he became a god alone, and even broke through to the middle god realm.This has proved Lin Feng's potential.

"However, the first purpose of our visit this time is for the cemetery of the gods." Sardista said with a frown.

If you want to enter the cemetery of the gods, you can't offend Beirut.

If you want to kill Lin Feng, but Lin Feng and Beibei are together, Beibei will definitely remember the aura of the person who killed Lin Feng.At that time, it can naturally be traced back to him Sadista.

"No matter what, you can't kill that God Eater called 'Bei Bei'." Sadista is very clear that among Beirut's descendants, there is only such a God Eater. Beirut's importance to Bei Bei can be imagined .

If they killed Beibei, even Sadista would not be able to bear Beirut's anger.

"Especially the backstage in Beirut is very unusual. If we really get stuck with this Beirut, even our family may suffer catastrophe." Sardista also vaguely knows how terrible the background in Beirut is.

"If you want to kill Lin Feng, you must find an opportunity. Wait for this Lin Feng and that God-eating Mouse named 'Beibei' to separate and not be together. Then change your appearance and seize the opportunity to kill Lin Feng!" Sadista said. Lu Hanguang said: "Hmph, even if Lin Feng and Beibei's souls are connected, at most they can convey the appearance of the enemy. The breath of the enemy cannot be conveyed."

Sadista is not worried at all. In this case, Beirut will find out.

Even if it is as powerful as the main god, it is impossible to know what will happen in the past and the future.As long as Beirut can't find the murderer, what is Sadista afraid of?
"Let me see now, where is Lin Feng!" Sadista's consciousness spread out in an instant, and contained the whole Magnolia almost instantly.Of course, he consciously let his divine sense avoid the Forest of Darkness and the capital of the O'Brien Empire.

"In the Holy Alliance!" Sardista sneered, and then he looked at Anlas, "Anlas."

Anlas bowed immediately.

"Anlas, you go to the Holy Alliance immediately." Sardista ordered.

"Yes, Lord Sadista." Anlas said respectfully.

Sadista nodded calmly and said: "You don't need to go to find Lin Feng deliberately when you go to the Holy Alliance. I will occasionally check on Lin Feng's situation personally. Once Lin Feng and Beibei are separated, they are not together. I will transmit my spiritual sense to you, and let you kill Lin Fengdi. Remember, change your appearance."

"Yes." Anlas' appearance changed slowly on the spot.

Powerful as gods, their bodies can be repaired with divine power, and naturally they can use divine power to change their appearance.

"This Lin Feng ran out of the Dragon's Blood Castle without incident. He really wants to die. I'm still worried that he has been in the Dragon's Blood Castle and has no chance to attack." Sadista sneered in his heart.

Of course, if Sadista knew that Lin Feng's strength was far superior to him, he probably wouldn't think so.

It has been three full months since Lin Feng and Beibei came out.During the past three months, Lin Feng and Beibei traveled all the way purely by their legs.Through the Warcraft Mountains, to the territory of the Holy Alliance.

(End of this chapter)

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