Reborn Panlong

Chapter 23: A Group of Wind Wolves

Chapter 23 A Pack of Wind Wolves

Lin Feng, who was sitting on the ground, opened his eyes suddenly, and looked directly to the south, but the south was just a messy thornbush, which was also the place Lin Feng had chosen to rest.From the inside of the weeds or thorns, ordinary monsters probably won't find him even if they get close.

"The two monsters are approaching, and they are about 40 meters away from me." Lin Feng determined that there were two monsters not far away based on the fluctuation of the wind element.

Lin Feng quietly came to the edge of the thornbush, and through the clutter of thorns, he saw two strong monsters with green eyes glowing faintly 30 meters away, moving forward quietly, and the route was approaching him.

"This is, Wind Wolf?" Lin Feng's face changed slightly.

"Boss, isn't this the wind wolf? We have met several times at Ernst College." Beibei communicated with Lin Feng without any worries.

Lin Feng stared at the two wind wolves: "Yes, they are wind wolves. The monster wolves can be divided into three groups: tooth wolves, wind wolves, and snow wolves. Among them, the overall strength of the snow wolves is the strongest. The strength is the weakest. The wind wolves are in the middle of the group. Even the most common wind wolves are four-level monsters, and the elites have five and six-level monsters. .”

The most common ones are Level [-] Warcraft, which is not comparable to the one-horned wild boar.

As long as it is not the top powerhouse of the wind wolf clan, even the elite powerhouse is at most a sixth-level monster, and there is no threat to the current Lin Feng at all.According to Lin Feng's current strength as a sixth-level fighter and a seventh-level magician, for this kind of wind wolf, which is only known for its speed, it can be said that one can kill one, and two can kill a pair.But if you come to a group at one time, even if it is as strong as Lin Feng, it will be an extremely headache.

Even though there are only two wind wolves appearing in front of Lin Feng and the others, if they are attacked, they may call dozens or even hundreds of wind wolves.

"Beibei, you have one, I have one, you must kill it with one blow!" Lin Feng said to Beibei's soul in his heart.

If there were only Lin Feng and Bei Bei, when they met the wind wolves, they would naturally be able to leave quickly before being discovered by them. After all, the speed of immediate fighters was not comparable to that of ordinary wind wolves with only level [-].

But the problem is, among Lin Feng and his group, there is another 'oil bottle' Delia.Although Delia is a fifth-level wind magician, her magician's physique is obviously not as strong as that of the wind wolf. Even with the help of 'extreme speed', she can't match the speed of the wind wolf.

"Don't worry, Boss, I'm on the left and you are on the right." After Beibei finished speaking, she immediately turned into a black shadow that was hard to distinguish with the naked eye, and shot straight towards the wind wolf on the left.

Lin Feng's movements were not slow, he stared at his feet suddenly, and his body shot out like an arrow that had left the string.At the same time, the thigh was thrown out fiercely like a steel whip, and it slashed straight at the wind wolf's head.

"Pfft!" "Bang!"

There were two muffled sounds one after another, and the two wind wolves who were still alive and kicking just now died instantly.I saw half of the head of the wind wolf on the left was missing, even the light blue magic crystal nucleus was exposed, and the white brain and red blood merged together, making the death look very miserable.

As for the wind wolf on the right, the death was even more tragic. At first glance, it was headless. It turned out that under Lin Feng's fighting spirit, its head could not withstand the violent impact, and it directly turned into powder, even the magic crystal. No nuclei remained.

Lin Feng looked at Beibei, whose body suddenly swelled to half a meter in length, without any surprise. The two brothers dealt with Fenglang, and smiled at each other tacitly.


This scream spread far and wide in the silent forest.

The sudden scream made Lin Feng startled. When he looked up, he found that Delia, who was covering her small mouth, was staring round.

"Let's go!" Lin Feng didn't have time to ask, he rushed to Delia's side, picked up Delia, and fled towards the rear.At this time, Beibei had already grown to its original size and stood on Lin Feng's shoulder.

Although Lin Feng's reaction was quick, Feng Lang's reaction was even faster.

"Boss, the situation seems to be bad!"

The deep roar of the wind wolf resounded in all directions, and there was this sound in any direction in all directions. Lin Feng glanced around, and at this time pairs of eyes emitting faint green light appeared in all directions. In the dark night, pairs of green eyes really It's chilling.

"We are surrounded." Lin Feng sighed helplessly. The scariest thing in the Warcraft Mountains was not encountering powerful monsters, but packs of wolves and rats.

"I'm sorry, Lin Feng, I've dragged you down." Delia also knew that these wolves were caused by my unintentional scream, and her words were full of self-blame.

"Fool, don't say things like that, aren't we here to fight? Since we can't escape, let's fight well. I've been here for so long, and I haven't really had a hearty fight yet. "Lin Feng shook his head and comforted Delia.

"Haha, Boss, it's just a pack of wolves, just destroy them. It's just sister-in-law." Beibei's eyes turned to Delia, with some hesitation.

Trapped in a pack of wolves is almost the nightmare of all magicians, especially low-level magicians.

Catching Beibei's gaze, the blue-hearted and wise Delia also guessed what Beibei meant, and smiled lightly: "Don't worry about me, I'm already a fifth-level magician, although I can't use seventh-level magic yet" Fengxing ', but the fifth-level magic 'levitation' can be cast, I cast 'float' to float in the air, they can't hit me. And I can hit them with the wind blade when I am in the air."

Lin Feng slapped his head. He had always regarded Delia as a weak little girl who needed his protection, but he ignored the fact that Delia was already a very powerful fifth-level magician.As soon as Delia said this, she suddenly realized that as long as Delia's concerns were relieved, killing this group of wind wolves would not be a joke.

"Beibei, didn't you always say that Xuan is stronger than me, so today we will compete to see who kills the most wind wolves." Lin Feng laughed loudly.

When Beibei heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, and he excitedly said to Lin Feng: "Boss, look at it, it must be me, Lord Beibei, who is very powerful."

As soon as the words fell, Beibei's figure disappeared on Lin Feng's shoulder, turned into a black shadow, and charged into the pack of wolves.

At the same time, Delia also cast the 'floating technique', and her body quickly floated into the air.

Seeing that Delia had risen to a height of about 50 meters from the ground, which was beyond the range of the wind wolf's magic, Lin Feng felt relieved, took out the flat knife from the space ring, and began to harvest the wind wolf.

Lin Feng was very agile, he kept walking among the wolves, and thought of a sentence in the original book: "Wolves are all tofu waists with copper heads and iron tails." Therefore, Lin Feng's targets were all wolves. waist and abdomen.

Although Lin Feng spent most of his time on the move and seldom attacked with the flat knife in his hand, every time he made a move, a wind wolf would break his stomach and die on the spot.

Compared with Lin Feng, Beibei slaughtered wolves at a much faster speed.I saw Beibei's black shadow flashing in succession, where he passed by, a bunch of wolf corpses spurted blood wildly, after struggling twice, he completely lost the ability to move.

Seeing Beibei killing the enemy so quickly, Lin Feng was also a little shocked, but then he thought of Beibei's abnormality, and he suddenly realized.The second god-eating mouse in countless planes, it is reasonable to be a little bit abnormal.

Of course, although Lin Feng admitted that Beibei was abnormal, he was not ready to admit defeat.

(End of this chapter)

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