Reborn Panlong

Chapter 25 5 years

Chapter 25 Five Years

There was a sound of flesh piercing, and a light blue transparent spear pierced through the heart of the black shadow, and the spurting blood directly stained the holy armor of the guardian of the earth on Lin Feng's body.

At the same time, there was a terrifying scream, and the shadow mouse 'Bei Bei' suddenly appeared next to the black shadow's wrist. On the black shadow's wrist, there was only a shrill scream, and the black shadow's wrist was completely bitten off.

Only one weak severed hand was left holding the dagger and fell to the ground.

"Ah, ah~" A piece of his wrist was eaten alive, and the pain caused Sombra to scream.


Lin Feng flexed his fingers and grabbed at the hole in Hei Ying's chest where blood was still bubbling.

The black tiger digs the heart!


Heiying's heart was pulled out by Lin Feng in an instant, and in his hands, the bright red heart seemed to be still beating.

The look in Hei Ying's eyes gradually disappeared, and his face was full of unwillingness.

"Fortunately, my life is saved." Lin Feng looked at Beibei with a smile, and almost fell this time.

Delin Cowart also appeared at this time, and exclaimed: "This killer's lurking ability is really terrifying. This time, it is also thanks to this Shadowmouse and your little girlfriend. If it weren't for them, Lin Feng, you would be in suspense this time." Now, I am a bad old man, only my soul is left, and there is no way to save you."

Lin Feng knew from the original "Coiling Dragon" that the most terrifying thing in the Warcraft Mountains is the human killer.But after all, he has never experienced it personally, and he has never been attacked and killed in the four years since he entered the Warcraft Mountains. As time passed, Lin Feng relaxed his vigilance against the killer.I didn't expect that the first time I met a killer, it would be so dangerous. If I hadn't broken through to the realm of a seventh-level magician not long ago, and the holy armor of the guardian of the earth had also been upgraded to the jade level, I guess this time I would really hang up.

Derlin Cowart continued: "This killer should be a sixth-level fighter, but he cultivates a strange dark attribute fighting spirit, and he should have undergone special training. Level-[-] fighters generally have stronger attack power than ordinary level-[-] fighters. The dark attribute grudge is rather strange, and he should use some kind of secret method to accelerate."

Lin Feng nodded slightly.

He is also a sixth-level fighter, and he is also a seventh-level wind magician at the same time, but the attack speed of the black shadow when he attacked and killed him was not a bit faster than him.

Dark attribute magic or vindictiveness is forbidden in the Holy Alliance, but it can be cultivated in the four empires and the Dark Alliance.It's like the Dark Alliance prohibits the practice of light magic and light-attribute grudges.

"Boss, come quickly." Shadow Mouse's 'Bei Bei' suddenly sounded anxiously in Lin Feng's mind.

"Huh?" Lin Feng turned his head to look, but saw Delia lying on the ground, her face was as pale as paper, and he was shocked.

"Delia!" Lin Feng rushed to Delia's side, hugged Delia's body in his arms, and shouted anxiously.

"Don't worry, she just suffered from some magical backlash. It's nothing serious, and she will recover after a few days of rest." Dolin Cowart's words made Lin Feng feel relieved.

Before that, Delia used the 'Levitation Technique' for more than ten minutes in a row. Although the 'Levitation Technique' does not impose a large burden on mana and mental power, it is a fifth-level magic after all, and Delia has just stepped into the fifth level. Not long after the magician, after this consumption, there was not much magic power left in his body, and most of his mental power was consumed.But seeing Lin Feng in danger, Delia, who was anxious in her heart, regardless of her physical condition, forced herself to use the little mana and mental power left in her body to cast the fifth-level magic 'Roar of the Wind', causing Magic backlash.Just passed out.


Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief. If something happened to Delia, wouldn't he blame himself and regret it?After several years of getting along, the relationship between Lin Feng and Delia became stronger.If it is said that before Lin Feng saw that Delia was sweet and lovely, and he came into contact with Delia because of the influence of the original book, then after a few years, Lin Feng really fell in love with Delia.

Because of Delia's fainting, Lin Feng lost the interest in collecting the spoils, so he cleaned the battlefield casually, and left here with Delia and Beibei.

Autumn is deep, and the sky is getting colder and colder. Suddenly one day, a piece of pure white snow falls, indicating that another year of winter is coming.

Finlay City, the gate of Ernst College!

"Huh?" Yale, dressed in sable fur, and the other two roommates George and Reynolds of 1987, were about to enter the college when they stopped suddenly.

"Uncle Hillman, are you waiting for the third child again?"

Because of Lin Feng's relationship, although Yale is the young master of one of the three major chambers of commerce in Yulan, he respects Hillman, who is only a sixth-level fighter.

"Yes, is Lin Feng back?" Hillman's voice trembled, and his eyes were full of anticipation.

George stepped forward, sighed and said, "Uncle Hillman, Lin Feng hasn't come out of the Warcraft Mountains yet, I think he will come back next year."

George was also worried about Lin Feng's safety, but he didn't show it in front of Hillman.

"It's the fifth year. Lin Feng has been in the Warcraft Mountains for five years. I have also been here five times." Hillman's eyes were full of reminiscence and disappointment, but no previous expectations. He shook his head lonely and said to himself. Said to himself: "Lin Feng went to the Warcraft Mountains when he was ten years old, now five years have passed, he should be 15 years old!"

Seeing something wrong with Hillman's tone, Lei Nuo immediately said: "Uncle Hillman, the third brother will definitely return safely from the Demonic Beast Mountain Range, I believe him."

When Yale and George heard the words, they immediately agreed: "Yes, the third child was already a fifth-level magician when he first entered the Warcraft Mountains, and the third child's warrior cultivation is also extremely high, plus his contracted magical beast Beibei, the third child will be fine."

"If that's the case, then why hasn't he come back for so long?" Hillman asked emotionally.

"Maybe, maybe, maybe the third brother wants to break through to the seventh-level magician, and then come back and apply for graduation directly!" Renault rolled his eyes twice, and said with a guilty conscience.

Most people will not go to the Warcraft Mountains to practice for more than three months, and it will take half a year at most, and they will definitely return.Because once the Warcraft mountain range enters winter, all the trees will wither and turn yellow, and there will be a lack of food. In order to fill their stomachs, the Warcraft will become extremely ferocious and easy to kill.In other words, the Warcraft Mountains in winter are more dangerous than other times.Perhaps from a certain level, Lin Feng did not return after five years in the Warcraft Mountains, and perhaps he would never return.

At this time, Hillman also realized that his words just now were a little agitated. He shook his head and said, "If Lin Feng comes back, please tell him and let him go back to Wushan Town immediately."

After finishing speaking, Hillman stopped staying and walked away slowly with heavy steps.

Yale looked at Hillman's receding back, clasped his hands, and said through gritted teeth: "If the third child comes back, I will definitely beat him up. It's been so long since he's been away. Doesn't he know that we will worry about you?" him?"

George and Renault also felt extremely depressed, shook their heads, and walked into the academy.

(End of this chapter)

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