Reborn Panlong

Chapter 267 Leaving Huiyue City

Chapter 267 Leaving Huiyue City

"It seems that I have been a frog at the bottom of the well before." After a long time, Qinghuo woke up from his contemplation, and said with emotion: "I thought that I would cultivate the fire element to the state of Dzogchen, and then refine the main godhead to become the main god. I have reached the origin of cultivation. But now I realize that what I see is nothing more than a grain of sand in the desert and a drop of water in the sea.”

"Indeed, although we have become main gods, we still cannot escape the control of time. Since the heaven and earth descended with 77 main godheads, no less than a hundred main gods have fallen. But every time a main god falls, another main god will be born. With the fall of the four gods and beasts, there was the birth of me and Qinghuo, our two next main gods." Beirut also came to his senses, sighed, then looked at Lin Feng and said, "It's just that Qinghuo and I have no hope. It is time to study the laws of time and space that are above the four major rules and the seven elemental laws. Only you, Lin Feng, have this possibility."

Qing Huo nodded heavily, and agreed: "Yes, Lin Feng, your talents are all in one department. Even the three major rules of fate, life, and death have become gods. Maybe you can combine the four major rules and the seven rules in the future. Fusion, evolve the law of time and the law of space, and become an existence that is comparable to or even surpasses the Supreme God."

There was a bright light in Qinghuo's eyes. Although he was a bit regretful that he could not reach the height of his dream, if he could see Lin Feng reach this height, his life would be worthwhile.

"Haha, Lin Feng, it depends on you whether Qinghuo and I can get out of the Magnolia plane in the future." Beirut also laughed.

"Grandpa Beirut, even if I don't avenge the four beasts, I will kill Augusta, the ruler of light, for my mother." Lin Feng said seriously.Although because he traveled to this world and replaced Lin Feng, his mother, Lin Na, was already dead, and they hadn't even met face to face, let alone any mother-child relationship.But in any case, Linna is also his mother in this physical body, the mother of his younger brother Wharton, and the wife of his father Hogg. No matter from which angle he looks at, Lin Feng must rescue his mother.This is his duty, and it is also a way for him to untie the shackles of his own soul.Maybe this is the only way to make up for some of the guilt that he felt in replacing Lin Feng.

Thinking of his mother Linna, Lin Feng thought of his father Hogg again, "It seems that I have to find some time to go to the Nether Mountain of the Underworld to find the Master of Death."

In the past, Lin Feng was not strong enough, let alone go to find the master of death, even if he didn't have the strength to climb the Nether Mountain.But now Lin Feng already has the strength to make the Lord of Death look at him, but alas!
Thinking of the Lord of Death in the original book making Lin Feng her envoy, she agreed to find out the whereabouts of his father and brother in the underworld for him through the Heart of the Underworld.But now her earth god avatar has become the envoy of the main god of Bauhinia, and she also promised that her other avatars will not become the envoys of other main gods again.This made Lin Feng tangled up again.

"Perhaps we can only imitate Lin Feng's method in the original book, go to the plane battlefield, kill other commanders and palace masters, and earn military merits." Lin Feng thought to himself.

"Lin Feng, although I wish that Augusta would die tomorrow, you should not be reckless. After all, he is the Lord of Light and has the supreme artifact in his hands. Before you are 100% sure to kill him, don't go to him Revenge, don’t even let him notice your hostility towards him. I know Augusta too well, and he has a small mind, but anyone who provokes him will end badly.” Beirut reminded.

"Grandpa Beirut, I know." Lin Feng replied.For Beirut's concern, Lin Feng is still very useful.As the time spent with Beirut grew, Lin Feng's perception of Beirut also changed a lot.Lin Feng found that although Beirut was a bit cunning, he still treated his relatives and friends sincerely.This can be seen from Beirut's ability to say the words of caring for himself.

"By the way, Lin Feng, you said that your little daughter, oh, is called a baby, right? It's not that she's too fast, but teleportation. Could it be that she is born with some laws of space?" Qinghuo said suddenly.

Lin Feng nodded and said: "I think so too, and this is why I told you my understanding of the law of space. She can fly as soon as she is born, but I can't feel what state she is, even in When she restrains her breath, I can't feel her existence without my eyes. Only the law of space can not be bound by the law of heaven and earth to achieve such an effect. After all, this piece of heaven and earth is controlled by the four supreme gods transformed by the four rules. And the law of space overrides it, and it is normal not to be controlled. I suspect that when she restrains her breath, she perfectly blends herself into this space, so we can't detect her with divine sense. And her Xiaoxia The clothes should be transformed by the power of space, and I can vaguely feel the fluctuations of the power of space from it. The power of space is even higher than the power of the main god, and it is reasonable that our spiritual consciousness cannot break through."

"You perverted father, the daughter you gave birth to is also perverted." Qing Huo said with a smile: "It's just that we don't have much fun guessing here. If you want to know the truth, it seems that only you can find clues from the baby. "

"I think so too, but that little girl doesn't cooperate at all, and I have no place in his heart." Lin Feng smiled wryly.Lin Feng had to admit that he, who claimed to be extremely wise, was completely defeated by a little girl who was about half a meter away.

"Haha, it's up to you to figure it out." Beirut laughed.

Hell, Huiyue City, in an elegant small courtyard.

"Boss, you said that you and Jenny gave birth to a daughter who can talk and fly at birth, called Bao Bao?"

Lin Feng nodded.

"Why is it called Baobao?" Beibei was troubled by the name 'Baby'.

"Because I can form a baby partner with you, baby, Beibei, together we are a baby." Nisi teased.

"She originally wanted to use the name 'Bei Bei' directly, but asked you to change it. Finally, under the persuasion of Jenny and I, she reluctantly agreed to use the name 'Bao Bao'." Lin Feng said.

"Huh? This little niece has a personality, and she even wants to snatch my name. It seems that when I see her, I have to put on airs for him as an elder." Beibei rubbed her chin, pointing out.

"Don't worry about it. Even my father is not considered by her, let alone your uncle. She only obeys Jenny." Lin Feng looked at Delia beside him, and said: "Delia, you are still welcome. The son you gave birth to me is so honest and obedient. He is not as disobedient as Sasha and Baobao."

Delia glanced at Lin Feng, and said angrily: "I'm afraid you don't think so in your heart?"

After following Lin Feng for so long, how could Delia not know what Lin Feng was thinking?
"Haha, Boss, Delia is jealous, it seems that you have to have another child with Delia, the bowl of water needs to be leveled! Nicole and I are waiting for more little nephews or nieces .”

After Beibei finished speaking, she pulled Nisi out of the courtyard.

"This Beibei..." Lin Feng scolded with a smile, then turned his head to look at Delia and said, "Delia, although Beibei's words are not serious, I think it makes sense. A villain coming out?"

"You're even more dishonest." Delia spat.

"Haha, then I'll show you in a serious way today." Lin Feng hugged Delia in his arms as he spoke, and then flashed into the room in a flash.

"Oh, no, it's still daytime?"

"Haha, what's the problem with daytime, daytime Xuan is more interesting!"


Although they bought real estate in Huiyue City, Lin Feng and the others did not plan to live here for a long time.After all, Huiyue City is a city that existed due to the amethyst trade, and the flow of people is too large to be suitable for living.

So after half a month of rest, Lin Feng and the others planned to leave.

Because he spent hundreds of millions of ink stones and has the permanent residence right of this courtyard, there is no need to return the lease.Lin Feng and the others went directly to the gate of the city and took out the metal life. After all four of them put on the metal life, the metal life turned into a streamer and disappeared into the distant sky.

(End of this chapter)

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