Chapter 27

The next day, Lin Feng, Delia and the little shadow mouse Beibei set foot on the journey home.

On the way home, the monsters encountered were getting weaker and weaker, and there was no threat at all.Lin Feng and the others stopped wasting time on these magical beasts. Lin Feng and Delia, who were eager to return home, went on their way with all their strength except for eating and sleeping every day.

Ten days later, Lin Feng and others finally returned to the outskirts of the Demonic Beast Forest, where most of the third- and fourth-level demonic beasts were.

Lin Feng was too lazy to kill the third-level and fourth-level monsters. The two of them walked through the monster mountain range together. Looking at the familiar scenery around them, Lin Feng and Delia were quite emotional.

"Flowers are similar every year, but people are different every year." Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Boss, don't be sour. This time we came to the Warcraft Mountains to experience a lot. After going out, exchange these magic crystal cores for gold coins, and you will become a little rich man, quack!" Beibei stood in the forest. On Feng's shoulder, he laughed and communicated with Lin Feng's soul.

Speaking of this, even Lin Feng, who had no idea about gold coins, couldn't help but smile.After more than five years of experience and fighting with monsters, the number of magic crystal cores obtained is unknown. In addition, some people wanted to rob Lin Feng and his party, but in the end they were robbed instead. The magic crystal cores were given to Lin Feng and others Not a few.But it's a pity that although there are many magic crystal cores in Lin Feng's space ring, there are not many high-level goods, and the highest one is only a magic crystal core of a peak level eight monster snow wolf.And the most of them are the magic crystal nuclei of the second-level monster earth scorpion, with thousands of them.This is of course Delia's masterpiece.

When Lin Feng and others jumped over a small stream, they suddenly heard the fierce roar of monsters and fierce shouts of humans in the distance of the forest.

"Huh? Those who dare to come to the Warcraft Mountains are at least level [-] fighters, and the outer areas are generally level [-] and level [-] monsters. How can the battle be so fierce?" Lin Feng was a little puzzled.

In the inner circle of the Warcraft Mountains, where level [-] and level [-] monsters are scattered all over, and even level [-] monsters occasionally appear, such tragic fights may occur, but such things rarely happen in the periphery, and the battles will be very intense. fast.

As soon as he kicked his legs, he jumped seven or eight meters, easily jumped from tree to tree, and came to the side of the battlefield in just a moment.

Standing on the tree branch, Lin Feng looked quietly.

I saw two teenagers and two girls fighting fiercely with a 'bloodthirsty war pig', and one of the teenagers in white battle armor was shouting loudly to direct the battle: "Second, don't run around, protect Alice! .I'll guide this stupid pig, Niya, don't panic, shoot the arrow at the vital point."

These four obviously had very little experience, and even panicked when they encountered danger. Only the leading boy in white armor seemed more stable.

"This can't be Alice's group?" Lin Feng opened his mouth wide, with an incredulous expression on his face. Judging from the number of men and women in this group, their clothes are very similar to those described in the original book. What's more similar, this group is also In the gathering place of the third-level and fourth-level monsters, I was unlucky to meet the fifth-level monster 'Bloodthirsty War Pig' who came out for a stroll.

"Could this be a chance encounter in life? Alice is destined to meet Lin Feng?" Lin Feng thought about it, calculated the time, and found that it was probably August of 9997 in the Yulan calendar, and it was indeed the first time Lin Feng met in the original book. It's about the same time as Alice.

"Forget it, since I have touched them, let's save them!" Lin Feng jumped off the branch and walked towards Delia.

Although Lin Feng hated Alice who lied to Lin Feng's feelings in the original book, Alice's tragic fate later aroused Lin Feng's sympathy.Moreover, if it weren't for Alice, it would not have been possible for Lin Feng to break through to the seventh-level magician so quickly, and at the same time create the astonishing stone sculpture "Dream Awakening", thus earning Lin Feng the title of master of stone carving.All in all, Alice's merits and demerits can be considered equal!

A red-haired boy yelled in panic, "Boss Kalan, didn't you say that there are only third-level and fourth-level monsters in the periphery, and this is a fifth-level monster."

The boy named 'Kalan' who is the leader of the four is also full of helplessness. As a fifth-level fighter, he and three good friends are only conducting trials in the outermost area of ​​the Warcraft Mountains. There should be no danger. , but I didn't expect to meet a fifth-level monster.

"Pfft!" Dozens of ground spears suddenly appeared from around the bloodthirsty war pig, and even three pierced the bloodthirsty war pig's body, but were broken by the bloodthirsty war pig's thick skin.


The bloodthirsty war pig immediately roared at the only magician among the four, and then rushed over quickly.The bloodthirsty war pig sprinted, the aura was too shocking, and flames spewed from its nostrils from time to time.All of a sudden, the other boy panicked.

"Hide, Alice, get out of the way." Karan shouted.

The girl named Alice has long golden hair and a pair of hazy eyes like a dream. At this time, Alice also wants to escape in panic, but the bloodthirsty war pig is a fifth-level monster after all. Much stronger than beasts.

The bloodthirsty war pig rushed after Alice.

Seeing the bloodthirsty war pig rushing towards her, Alice was terrified and wanted to run away quickly, but was tripped by the vine man under her feet, and the whole person fell a somersault. She rushed over like a lunatic. With Alice's weak body, she might be trampled to death by the bloodthirsty war pig.

Alice froze in horror.

The other two teenagers and a girl were also scared and overwhelmed, and they had no time to save others.

"Alice!" The boy named Kalan could only shout in pain and anxiety.Although he is a fifth-level fighter, he is obviously far behind in experience.


Seven or eight sharp ground spears with a rich khaki-yellow light suddenly popped out. Although the fifth-level monster "Bloodthirsty War Pig" had thick skin, it was still pierced into the hard muscles by two of the ground spears, and the blood Flowed out from the belly of the bloodthirsty war pig.

The ground gun only pierced into the muscles, and did not hurt the internal organs.

"Roar" the bloodthirsty war pig raised its head in pain and roared.

"Puchi!" A black short blade pierced the bloodthirsty war pig's eyes from above like lightning, the eyeball burst, and the black short blade pierced through the entire head, the bloodthirsty war pig couldn't help but tremble like sifting chaff Get up, just stay still for a while.

Kalan, Niya, Alice and the other four were so frightened that their hearts beat fast.

They watched as the strong boy in the blue warrior uniform took out the bloodthirsty war pig monster crystal nucleus very skillfully, and then the boy turned around and was about to leave.But Kalan was the first to breathe out of the four of them, and immediately shouted loudly: "My friend, wait a minute."

"En?" Lin Feng turned his head and frowned.He only rescued Alice for the sake of Alice, but he didn't really want to have any interaction with this group of people.If they were a group of strangers, Lin Feng might not have rescued them at all.

Kalan walked over immediately and said gratefully: "My name is Kalan, thank you very much for your help, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid Alice would have died."

The girl named Alice also ran over at this time, she obviously still had lingering fears, her panting chest kept rising and falling, but her hazy eyes stared curiously at Lin Feng: "Thank you for saving my life, I My name is Alice, my full name is Alice Duff, and I'm also an earth magician."

Lin Feng's gaze stayed on Alice for a while.

It has to be said that Alice is a very temperamental girl, that kind of lovable temperament is innate, and does not need voice, makeup, etc. to create.

"This Alice is indeed a little beauty. No wonder Lin Feng in the original book loves her so much, but I won't be so stupid as to repeat the same mistakes in the original book."

"It's a little effort, no thanks." Lin Feng waved his hand towards Alice.

"My name is Tony. I don't know what the name of the magician is?" Another teenager also said out loud.

Lin Feng looked at the group of people indifferently: "How long have you been in the Warcraft Mountains?"

"The first day." Kalan said helplessly, "We didn't expect that we would encounter a fifth-level monster on the first day we entered the Warcraft Mountains. It was really unlucky. According to the introduction in the book, the outer area should be a third-level or fourth-level monster. Warcraft. It shouldn’t be too dangerous for the four of us to come here.”

"Stupid." Lin Feng shook his head and said.

The female archer named Niya immediately became angry: "Hey, why are you so arrogant? Didn't you just save Alice? Why are you scolding us?"

"Niya." Kalan scolded.

Lin Feng said directly: "I really admire your courage. You dared to enter the Warcraft Mountain Range rashly. At the same time, I have to say that you are very lucky. You did not encounter any robbers on the way into the Warcraft Mountain Range. .”

"Rooters?" Kalan and the others looked at each other, they did not encounter any robbers.

The Warcraft Mountain Range stretches over ten thousand miles, and you can enter the Warcraft Mountain Range from anywhere, so it's normal not to encounter robbers.

"Let me tell you, if you don't want to die, leave the Warcraft Mountains immediately." Lin Feng said directly.

"Why? Are there a lot of level [-] monsters outside the Warcraft Mountains?" The boy named Tony asked doubtfully.

Lin Feng said calmly: "In the Warcraft Mountain Range, especially the outer part of the Warcraft Mountain Range, the most dangerous thing is not monsters, but humans. The four of you are not only weak, but also inexperienced. I believe that any greedy person will not I will let you go. It is estimated that you just entered the Warcraft Mountains on the first day and have not been discovered by others, otherwise the four of you would have been killed."

"Human beings are the most dangerous?" The man named Kalan frowned, but his face changed drastically after a while.

Ka Lan immediately said respectfully to Lin Feng: "Master Magician, we just entered the Warcraft Mountain Range today, and we only know about the Warcraft Mountain Range. This time, we decided to come here in private. I hope Master Magician can help Let's leave the Warcraft Mountains together."

Lin Feng couldn't help frowning.He didn't expect that when he kindly reminded them to leave the Warcraft Mountains, the same plot as in the original book happened. He didn't like trouble, but if these five people encountered robbers on the way back, it would be really dangerous.

"My lord magician, please help me." Alice also begged.

Lin Feng glanced at Alice, looked at Alice's pleading eyes, thought of the scene where Alice was killed by the robbers, Lin Feng's heart softened, he nodded and agreed: "Okay, I will also drop by I’ll take you with me when I go out. However, if I encounter robbers on the way back, I can only promise to help as much as possible. If any of you are killed, I can’t help it.”

Kalan nodded overjoyed immediately and said: "We are very grateful that Master Magician can help us."

Lin Feng nodded. At this moment, Delia also walked over from the jungle, stood beside Lin Feng, and held an arm of Lin Feng very intimately.

Lin Feng was a little surprised. According to Lin Feng's understanding of Delia, Delia was still very shy in front of strangers, but why did she take the initiative to hold her in front of so many strangers today? But when Lin Feng noticed that Dilia When Ya looked at Alice's vigilant gaze, Lin Feng understood Delia's careful thoughts, smiled knowingly, and introduced to Alice and the others: "My name is Lin Feng, she is my wife, Dili Ya."

In order to let Delia relax, Lin Feng directly introduced Delia as his wife.

(End of this chapter)

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