Reborn Panlong

Chapter 275 Encountered Interception

Chapter 275 Encountered Interception
Bauhinia, above a small mountain range, a dragon-shaped metal life is flying over it rapidly.I saw a phantom coming, and in the blink of an eye, it disappeared into the distant sky.

There is only one young man sitting cross-legged in this metal life, who is practicing.

This young man with blond hair and wearing a golden robe is exactly Lin Feng's God of Destiny avatar.

Suddenly, there was a smile on the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, and immediately "嗡~"

A strange fluctuation came, and the laws of heaven and earth descended.

The avatar of the god of life with long emerald green hair and wearing an emerald green robe floated out of the avatar of the god of destiny, and the metal life disappeared.However, Lin Feng's life god avatar was wrapped by the law of heaven and earth.A mid-life godhead exuding emerald green luster floated out of his head.

Lin Feng raised his head and looked at the ever-changing godhead wrapped in the laws of heaven and earth, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "The law of life has also reached the realm of the upper god, and it is already the fourth one."

Lin Feng's wind element law, earth law and destiny rule have all broken through to the realm of the high god, and the changing life rule will be Lin Feng's fourth high god avatar.

After a while, the laws of heaven and earth dissipated, and the life godhead that had transformed into a higher godhead flew back into the head of Lin Feng's life god avatar.

Lin Feng retracted the God of Life avatar into his body, and suddenly frowned, "Higher consciousness?"

Lin Feng had already checked with his spiritual sense, and there were no robbers in the mountains below, but how could he have a higher level of spiritual sense to check him at this time?

At this moment, "Haha, I didn't expect to break through a high god clone for you in such a short period of time. The talent is really good. It's just a pity that you are going to die today."

A metal life plane shot towards Lin Feng quickly, and then dissipated, and a big man with beards appeared in front of Lin Feng.

"Who are you?" Lin Feng was sure that he had never seen this big man before.However, if the other party let himself die, it is obviously impossible to admit the wrong person.

"Who? The one who took your life." The big man looked at Lin Feng with eyes like looking at prey, "Tsk tsk, 70 trillion black stones, what a fortune. I haven't gained so much in the past ten thousand years."

"70 trillion ink stones?" Lin Feng was startled, "Did you follow them all the way from Huiyue City?"

"That's right. I noticed you when I was on the third floor of Bauhinia Castle in Huiyue City. With 70 trillion inkstones and such a large transaction volume, you are so arrogant that you don't need the domain of God to block you. Tsk tsk, you really want to die. "

Hearing this, Lin Feng finally understood the purpose of the big man coming here.It turned out that this person noticed him when he was selling the godhead on the third floor of the Bauhinia Castle, 70 trillion black stones, few people could not resist the temptation.It's only my fault that I was careless at the beginning and believed too much in the energy of the Bauhinia Castle, so I didn't use the domain of God to block the conversation between myself and others when they traded with the Bauhinia Castle personnel.

"It's just that I'm separated from my deity. This person shouldn't be ignorant, so how does he know that most of the ink stones were taken away by him and came to chase and kill him?" Lin Feng was startled, thinking of a terrible possibility .

"Haha, are you wondering why I only chased you and not your other clones?" The big man obviously saw through Lin Feng's thoughts and laughed aloud.

"Because we are a gang, my mission is to kill you. As for your other avatars and the other three people, I will naturally have my accomplices to kill them." The big man laughed, "As long as I kill you, 70 trillion ink stones will be killed." I got it. 70 trillion, it’s heart-shattering to think about.”


Lin Feng had only one thought in his mind.Lin Feng could tell that this big man was at least a six-star demon, and maybe even a seven-star demon.And although I have two high-god avatars here, these two high-god avatars have just broken through to the high god.Even if the avatars of the two gods joined forces, their strength would at most be comparable to that of a five-star demon, not a match for a six-star demon at all.

Lin Feng quickly made a judgment, his body turned into a series of afterimages, and quickly flew towards the mountains below.At this moment, he didn't have time to take out the metal life at all.The only chance is to use the intricate terrain of the mountains below to get rid of this big man with beards.After all, even a six-star demon's consciousness can be scattered for several kilometers at most. If there are obstacles such as mountains, rocks and trees, this range will be greatly reduced.As long as you can escape the spread of your spiritual sense and prevent the opponent's spiritual sense from detecting you, then you have a great chance of escaping.

"Want to escape?"

The body of the big bearded man exploded with a bang, turning into a bolt of lightning, and in an instant, he flew across a thousand meters, chasing after Lin Feng.

"No, he actually practiced the law of thunder and lightning." Lin Feng secretly cried out in his heart.

Among the seven rules and the four major rules, only the wind element law, the light law and the thunder and lightning law are good at speed.Both the law of light and the law of thunder and lightning have the mystery of 'speed', and the law of wind elements also has the mystery of 'speed'.As for the other four laws and four rules, they will be inferior in speed.

Lin Feng didn't expect that there was a [-]/[-] probability that he would touch him.My life rules and fate rules are not good at speed, and the opponent is not only stronger than me by a eon, but also practices the law of thunder and lightning. It is difficult to escape!

Of course, even though he knew that it would be difficult for him to escape, Lin Feng was determined not to give up, even if there was only a slight possibility, he would still fight.Lin Feng couldn't afford to lose the two high-god avatars.Once it is lost, Lin Feng's dream of becoming a controller will probably be shattered.

"Haha, die!"

An arc shot towards Lin Feng rapidly, the speed was so fast that there was no possibility for Lin Feng to dodge.

The arc light pierced the sky and entered Lin Feng's body in an instant.

"Soul attack?"

Lin Feng only felt that his soul was paralyzed for a while, and countless electric arcs crackled and flashed on his sword-shaped soul, as if he wanted to shatter his soul to pieces.


Unable to restrain a mouthful of blood, Lin Feng's face suddenly turned pale, but Lin Feng didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly fled downwards.Lin Feng knew that if he hesitated a little, with the speed of a bearded man, he would definitely catch up with him in an instant, and by that time, he would only be slaughtered.

"It actually blocked it?" The big man with bearded beard asked in surprise.He was very sure that his soul attack just now, let alone a five-star demon, even if an ordinary six-star demon was hit, it would be over.But he didn't expect that this decisive blow would be blocked.

Hearing this, Lin Feng smiled wryly in his heart.He almost died under this soul attack.If it weren't for the rules of fate and the rules of life that are extremely good at souls, plus the fact that he refined amethysts in the Amethyst Mountains before, which strengthened his soul a lot, and his talent is blue, Lin Feng couldn't block this blow at all.Even so, blocking this blow, the soul also suffered a lot of damage.

(End of this chapter)

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