Reborn Panlong

Chapter 277 Soul Variation?

Chapter 277 Soul Variation?

"Lin Feng, what happened, why did your face become so ugly?" Delia asked softly.

Lin Feng and the others had already come out of the arena, and they were eating in a restaurant at this time, but Lin Feng, who was joking with everyone, suddenly changed his face. Delia, who was sitting next to Lin Feng, was naturally the first to discover Lin Feng's abnormal.

Lin Feng was not in a hurry to answer, but spread out his spiritual sense, and carefully observed whether there were any suspicious people around.

According to the news fed back by his God of Destiny avatar, his Earth God avatar and Delia's team must also be followed, and this group of people must be waiting for the right time to strike.

It is extremely impolite to use spiritual sense to check other people, but at this moment Lin Feng can't care about it anymore, after some investigation, Lin Feng didn't find any suspicious person.Lin Feng was puzzled, but immediately understood.

Although fighting is not prohibited in the Beauty Pass, as long as it does not harm the staff of the Beauty Pass and some facilities in the Pass, the Beauty Pass will ignore it.But after all, the flow of people here is too large, and there are too many people around. Once you make a move, it will definitely attract a lot of attention.

However, murder and robbery are not visible, of course, it is most suitable to do it in the wilderness, where no one is around.

After figuring this out, Lin Feng put down his worries for the time being, and said with a livid face, "My Destiny God avatar was robbed and killed."

"Ah?" Delia's complexion changed, and she hurriedly said, "Then how is the situation now? Who robbed you and how is your strength?"

Delia asked three questions in a row, which showed that she was really worried about Lin Feng's safety.

Beibei and Nisi, who were sitting opposite, also heard the conversation between Lin Feng and Delia.


The boss' clone of God of Destiny is also a highgod at any rate. Could it be that some blind robber dared to take the idea of ​​a highgod?

"Boss, is it a gang of robbers?" Beibei asked with concern.

Lin Feng did not answer, but looked at Gudis and said, "Miss Gudis, please wait for us outside first, we will go out after we finish eating."

"Oh, okay." Gudis also understood that Lin Feng and the others didn't want her to know what they were about to discuss, so she left in a tactful manner.

"Boss, what happened?" Beibei couldn't help asking again.

"Our spiritual consciousness said through sound transmission." Lin Feng released his spiritual consciousness to cover Beibei, Nisi, and Delia, and explained in detail the incident where his God of Destiny avatar was robbed and killed by a bearded man.

"Damn it!" Beibei said angrily, "It turned out that we were the ones who robbed us. If they dared to show up, I, Beibei, would tear their bodies into pieces and swallow their godheads and digest them."

"Lin Feng, how is your current God of Destiny clone? Is your life in danger?" Delia is still most concerned about Lin Feng's life safety.

Hearing this, Lin Feng smiled wryly, and said, "Perhaps these two avatars are going to be lost. I'm just using the Death God Puppet and Creation Pill to hold on. Maybe I'll be killed in the next moment. After all, I My God of Destiny clone and God of Life clone have just broken through to the upper god, even if they are dragons, their strength is still around the five-star demon, and there is still a big gap between them and the seven-star demon. After all, my god clone has not been strengthened by the blood of the green dragon. After becoming a dragon, the increase in strength is not as exaggerated as this deity."

When Lin Feng became a god for the first time, the drop of green dragon blood in the Panlong ring strengthened the body of Lin Feng himself.And all of Lin Feng's avatars can also undergo dragon transformation because their souls also contain the talent blue light, but after all, their bodies are all condensed by divine power, without the support of bloodline power, the increase after dragon transformation is not exaggerated.It also makes the material defense several times stronger.

"Then what should we do?" Beibei also asked urgently: "Are we just sitting here and doing nothing?"

There was anxiety in Nisi's eyes. What Lin Feng had done during this period had already won Nisi's approval. The status of "Brother Lin Feng" in her heart was not as high as that of Salomon for the time being. I don't want to go much.Now that Lin Feng's divine avatar was killed, she was also very worried.

"Even if we rush there now, it will take at least two months, and it will be too late." Lin Feng said: "The reason why they chose to follow for such a long time before taking action must have taken this factor into consideration, so that even if we know the news, we cannot return aid."

"Bastard." Beibei waved his fist angrily, but immediately put it down in a slump.Just like what Lin Feng said, far water can't quench near thirst, no matter how angry he is, it won't help.

"Lin Feng, why don't we ask the Lord Bauhinia for help? The Lord Bauhinia is the Lord God. Even in the Amethyst Mountains, her consciousness can cover the entire hell. With a single thought, she can kill the higher god even if she is thousands of miles away. .” Delia proposed a plan.

"Looking for the Lord God?" Lin Feng glanced at Delia, and said, "I only have Earth God's avatar as the envoy of the Bauhinia Lord God, she has no obligation to rescue my Destiny God's avatar, let alone we can't contact the Lord God now. "

Delia is completely in chaos.Lord God?That is a superior existence, even if the Lord Bauhinia has a good impression of Lin Feng, she cannot always protect Lin Feng like a mother.After all, Lin Feng is not Leisi Jing, nor the son of the Bauhinia Lord God.What's more, in the battle between gods, the main god will generally not intervene.It's the same even if Lin Feng is the messenger of the main god.

"Huh?" Lin Feng frowned suddenly, and immediately closed his eyes, entering the cultivation state.

"Huh, Brother Lin Feng has realized again?" Nisi was the first to discover Lin Feng's abnormality, and said immediately.

Delia and Beibei also looked at Lin Feng suspiciously. It stands to reason that Lin Feng's clones of God of Destiny and God of Life are being robbed and killed, and their lives are at stake. How can they be in the mood to practice now?Even if he had an epiphany, it shouldn't be at this time.

Is it?

Just now, Lin Feng's God of Destiny clone and God of Life's clone used the mystery they had comprehended in the soul to launch a soul attack and counterattack.But at this moment, Lin Feng actually felt that the mystery of the two rules related to the soul actually had a faint taste of fusion.

The mysterious fusion of different laws (rules) is the patent of soul mutation, how can I do it myself?

Lin Feng was absolutely sure that his soul hadn't mutated, he had already tested this point.He tried to merge the two divine powers as early as the next god, but failed.This shows that Lin Feng's soul has not mutated at all.

But just now, when using the two rules at the same time, which is related to the mystery of the soul, Lin Feng clearly felt that the two rules had a faint sense of fit.Lin Feng can be sure that this is not an illusion.

Although he didn't know the specific reason, but at this moment, Lin Feng couldn't allow Lin Feng to get to the bottom of it. His true self immediately tried to find the feeling just now, tried to match the two rules, and even merged them.

Lin Feng knew that the increase in strength after the fusion of different rules (rules) is very exaggerated.In the original book, Learmons, who only fused the law of the fire element and the rule of destruction, could kill the seven-star demon Ali Quinn, who fused four kinds of mysteries.If Lin Feng could integrate the rules of fate and life, just a little, not much, would be enough for Lin Feng to escape the current predicament.

(End of this chapter)

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