Reborn Panlong

Chapter 280 Four 4-Star Demons

Chapter 280 Four Seven-Star Demons
"Miss Gudis, take us out of customs."

When he came to the lobby of the restaurant, Lin Feng saw Gudis, the guide hired by himself and others, chatting casually with a waiter in the restaurant. Seeing his familiar appearance, it was obvious that they had known each other before.

"Oh, you're out. Um, okay."

Under the leadership of Gudis, Lin Feng and the others quickly left the restaurant and flew towards the beauty gate.

Originally, Lin Feng and the others planned to have fun in the beauty pass. After all, there are not many casinos in the whole area, let alone such a large-scale one.But I didn't expect this to happen.

Lin Feng guessed that it was impossible for this group of people to roam around in hell to commit crimes, and they must have a certain influence coverage.Now Lin Feng just wanted to get out of this range as soon as possible, after all, he was worried about by others and he had to be worried all the time. This kind of life was completely against the mood of traveling.

"Master Gaper, those four people are flying towards the south gate quickly, and they probably will leave the Beauty Pass soon."

"Huh? Want to leave?" Gaper sneered, and ordered: "Let Thirteen, Seventeen, Twenty-five, and Twenty-six find a quieter place and intercept them. By the way, let them be quiet so as not to affect the other people."


Under the leadership of Gudis, Lin Feng and the others flew towards the south gate, but they didn't know that a big net had been opened and was about to catch them all.

"Miss Gudis, these service personnel in your beauty gate were trained by you beauty gate, or?" During the flight, Lin Feng asked Gudis beside him.

"Oh, Mr. Lin Feng, I didn't expect you to be interested in these things. You weren't sent by hostile forces to spy on us, right?" Gudis joked.

"If we came here to spy on information, we will definitely arrest you and torture you," Beibei interjected.

"Mr. Beibei, can't you be more sympathetic to me? After all, I am also a great beauty, can you let me go?" Gudis laughed with Beibei again.

"I want to take pity on you, and my lover is also my Nini. If you are our enemy, I will still kill you." After Beibei finished speaking, she gave Nisi a tender look.Beibei's words successfully won Nisi a gentle smile.

"Okay, Beibei, stop bickering with Miss Gudis." Delia stopped her voice, then turned her head to look at Gudis, and asked, "Miss Gudis, just now you said that the hostile forces , Is there anyone who dares to hit you beauties?"

"Of course there is." Gudis chuckled lightly: "As someone said, our beauty pass is a gold-swallowing cave, and the daily profit is in units of [-] million. The money is touching, and they want to swallow our beauties Naturally, there are people who want to close this piece of fat. It’s just that no one has succeeded in countless millions of years.”

"No one has ever succeeded? That's right, the strength of your Beauty Pass, tsk tsk, there are no less than ten Shuras sitting in command, and there are even Dzogchen experts behind you. This kind of strength can only be shaken by the main god himself. Only the main god I really don't like your ink stones." Beibei said with emotion.

"Let's go through the canyon ahead. This canyon is quite desolate and narrow, and few people would choose to go here. Just passing through this canyon can save a lot of roads. And you have to be careful Some." Gudis said, and took the lead to fly into the canyon far ahead.It's just that the latter sentence was spoken very softly, and it sounded a little vague.I don't know if Gudis did this on purpose, or if there is any special meaning.

Although Lin Feng and the others heard it clearly, they thought that Gudis was reminding them to be careful of small dangers such as falling rocks from the mountains on both sides from time to time, and they didn't care.

Lin Feng followed Gudis and flew into the canyon, but he was secretly muttering in his heart that this Gudis was silent about the strength of the Beauty Pass, and she cleverly diverted the two topics related to the strength of the Beauty Pass.It stands to reason that these are not important issues, and there should be no need to be so secretive.Could it be that there are also some shady activities in the Beauty Pass?

Thinking of this in his heart, Lin Feng observed the canyon with his eyes.

On both sides of this canyon are mountains as high as hundreds of thousands of meters, and straight and steep cliffs on both sides, squeezed into this small canyon only about ten meters wide.

The cliff is quite flat, it doesn't look like it was formed naturally, but it looks like it was cut by some sharp tool.

"This canyon is called Yijianya. It is said that it was left by two Shura-level masters countless years ago when they fought here." Gudis played her role as a guide again.

It's just that Gudis' tone sounded less natural than before, but a little nervous.

Lin Feng also noticed this, and in the midst of doubts in his heart, he suddenly felt a wave of higher-level spiritual consciousness sweeping towards this place.

"Superior consciousness?" Lin Feng, Delia and Beibei discovered this consciousness at the same time.

There are many tourists in the beauty pass, and it is very impolite to use his spiritual sense to check others, so in the beauty pass, Lin Feng seldom takes the initiative to spread his spiritual sense to check his surroundings, and at the same time, he rarely finds his spiritual sense to check himself.

It's just that in this desolate canyon, someone used a high-level divine sense to check on himself and the others, which immediately aroused Lin Feng's vigilance.

Lin Feng's spiritual consciousness spread out like a wave, covering a radius of several kilometers in an instant.

"Huh? There are two high gods in front, and two high gods behind, not good!"

Seeing these four high gods, Lin Feng instantly thought that this group of people might be here to intercept and kill himself and others, and his expression changed suddenly.


At this moment, two material attacks and two soul attacks shot from the front and back of the canyon respectively.

"Bebe, protect Nisi."

Lin Feng's soul sound transmitted to Beibei, and then he accelerated suddenly, passed Gudis, and faced a material attack and a soul attack coming from the front.

"Pfft!" "Pfft!"

Lin Feng wiped out these two attacks with a wave of his hand.

Lin Feng's Earth God avatar is an outstanding existence even at the level of Shura, and it is simply a piece of cake to destroy two seven-star demon-level attacks at will.

As for Beibei, he simply took this as an opportunity to profit, he hugged Nisi's soft and slender waist, and then quickly turned around, allowing his back to face the two attacks.

"Pfft!" "Pfft!"

The two attacks hit Beibei successively, but Beibei acted as if nothing happened.

The seven-star demon's soul attack, against the main artifact of soul defense, was like hitting a stone with an egg, and it was shattered in an instant.As for the divine power attack, it didn't even break Beibei's body surface defense.

The defense of the high-ranking God Eater Mouse is not a joke. Even though Beibei has just reached the high-ranking god, he didn't use much high-ranking essence to strengthen his body. It can't match the hardness of the godhead, but it can't be broken by a mere seven-star demon-level attack. .

"A few seven-star demons also want to kill people and rob money, so they want to die!"

(End of this chapter)

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