Reborn Panlong

Chapter 289

Chapter 289
"Delia, you are with Nisi and Gudis, be careful around you, and be careful not to be attacked by someone." Lin Feng told Delia through voice transmission.

Although Nisi and the others each have a drop of the main god's power in their hands, even if a seven-star demon powerhouse comes to attack, Delia can still use the power of the main god to kill them.But this is too dangerous after all, if something happens, it will be too late to regret.

Delia has the main artifact of material defense and the main artifact of soul defense, so she is not afraid of sneak attack by anyone below Dzogchen, but what about Nisi?Where is Goodys?
Lin Feng and the others had already figured it out. If the opponent had too many people, besides Shura powerhouses to restrain him and Beibei, there were also a large number of high gods, then Lin Feng would directly use the power of the main god to escape with the metal life.After all, Delia's safety is the most important.

"Don't worry, Lin Feng." Delia replied via voice transmission, "I will take good care of Nisi and Gudis."

"Boss, which one do you choose?" Beibei raised her eyebrows and asked.

"Choose?" The middle-aged man sneered, "There's no need to choose, let's die together."

"Hey, this cock is so fierce, you want to deal with the two of us alone? It seems to be a bit strong." Beibei said lightly, "Boss, I will take on this cock first, and you can quickly deal with the other one. I'd rather Let's see if this chicken woman has the ability to break my defense."

"Okay!" Lin Feng replied directly.

Although Beibei's defense can be said to be invincible under Dzogchen, if he does not use forbidden moves and the power of the main god, it is difficult to kill Shura masters head-on.After all, apart from his unbelievable innate talent 'God Eater', he has almost no attack power.

It is indeed the best attack plan to let him, such an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, fight against the stronger one first, and buy time for Lin Feng to deal with the other one.

The middle-aged man took out a pitch-black spear.The entire body of the gun is made of two twisted and twisted unknown black snakes, with a gleaming gun head in the middle of the ferocious snake heads.

"go to hell!"

The middle-aged man just raised his long spear, aimed at the void, and randomly shot a barrel, but just this one, the space around Lin Feng and Beibei began to distort, and even the brilliance of the blood sun was distorted and deformed, refracted to the distance, making this area The space was plunged into absolute darkness.

"You and I belong to the same family, and they also practice the law of darkness." Beibei did not show any weakness, and directly took out the divine dagger, and went up, "Chicken, your opponent is me."

The distorted space did not affect Beibei at all, and Beibei's strong physical fitness was revealed.Ignoring the distorted and deformed space, Beibei directly used the 'stealth technique' to blend into the darkness, and moved towards the middle-aged man.

Beibei's fighting ability is not good, and his long-distance attack is worse. The only thing that can compete with the strong Shura is his physical fitness of the small strong level.

Therefore, as soon as Beibei started the fight, he went straight to meet him, ready to fight with his opponent.


A high-pitched dragon chant came, and Lin Feng instantly transformed into a dragon, ferocious spikes emerged from his back, and a dragon tail like a steel whip grew out.A pair of dark golden eyes stared coldly at the handsome man with blue hair not far away.

For this handsome man with blue hair, Lin Feng's murderous intent was even greater. What he said before had completely surpassed Lin Feng's bottom line of patience.

"You are actually from the Four Divine Beasts family? Although the appearance is different after transformation, the aura is definitely not wrong." The blue-haired handsome man was surprised, but then laughed again: "It's just that your Four Divine Beasts family was still good ten thousand years ago. It is called the first family of all planes, spanning countless planes, but now it has become a family of four worms, which will only hide in the Tianji Mountains. Even the provocations of the eight major families only choose to respond passively. It is really sad! "

"Let's leave it to you to lament." Lin Feng sneered, waving his dragon claws and directly attacked.

For Lin Feng, ordinary high-level artifacts are not as good as his own dragon claws.The hardness of his dragon-formed body is beyond imagination, and every dragon scale in his whole body can catch up with the high-level artifact.Therefore, although Lin Feng didn't take out a weapon, he was covered with weapons all over his body.

"A master of the Shura level, it is estimated that there are not many of the four worm families now. I will kill you today, and speed up the demise of the four gods and beast families." The blue-haired handsome man laughed, and at the same time took out his own His weapon, a broadsword that is crystal clear and green all over.

The entire blade is covered with a thin layer of ice, and the cold air emerges from the thin ice, as if even the space is about to be frozen.

This handsome man with blue hair actually practiced the law of water element.

The law of the water element is good at defense, but it is slightly lacking in attack and speed.

Lin Feng was still hundreds of meters away before, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of the blue-haired handsome man, and his dragon claws, which were completely covered by blue-black dragon scales, slapped the latter directly on the head.

If this claw hits hard, unless the blue-haired handsome man's head is as hard as Bei Bei's, he will definitely not be able to escape the fate of being turned into mud.

"You don't even take out your weapon, but only use your dragon claws to attack. Hmph, I want to see how strong your dragon claws are."

The blue-haired handsome man directly swung the big knife in his hand, and slashed at Lin Feng's dragon claw.At the same time, a large amount of emerald green light diffused from its body surface, and the surrounding temperature dropped to an extremely low level at this instant.

The temperature is frighteningly low. It is estimated that ordinary high gods can't bear it just by staying in this temperature for a second. Even Lin Feng felt that his body had a tendency to freeze, and even the divine power in his body was slowing down. a trace.

Lin Feng did not expect that the temperature could be so low.Compared with this, the water system curse 'Absolute Zero' is simply a joke, just as ridiculous as a child playing house.

And this directly broke through Lin Feng's previous cognition. The truth that the temperature cannot be lower than absolute zero, which is applicable on the earth, is not applicable in this fantasy world of coiling dragons.


Lin Feng's dragon claw collided with the blue-haired handsome man's broadsword, sparking a series of sparks, and the radiant sparks even compared the brilliance of Xueyang in an instant.

"call out!"

The blue-black dragon tail flashed a series of phantoms in an instant, and volleyed towards the head of the handsome blue-haired man.

Although the attack power of the dragon claws is impressive, the dragon tail is the strongest attack method in Lin Feng's body.


The blue-haired handsome man made up his mind instantly, and his body also retreated violently.

The blue-haired handsome man had also dealt with the children of the Qinglong clan when he was in hell before, and he knew how terrifying the existence of the dragon tail in the form of Qinglong's transformation was.He didn't dare to pick it up with his hands.

As the battle continued, Lin Feng found that although the strength of this handsome blue-haired man was not as good as his, his defense was indeed perverted. The water body technique performed after the fusion of 'roundness' and 'water recovery' could actually be used on the body. The surface forms a layer of jelly-like defensive cover.

Lin Feng's dragon claws slapped on it, but there was no force at all. This feeling of using the wrong force made Lin Feng want to vomit blood.

And because of the fusion of 'Water Restoration', this layer of defensive cover has an endless charm.Even if one place is violently attacked and destroyed, the divine power in other places can come to support in an instant and repair it in an instant.

To deal with this kind of opponent, if Lin Feng didn't use the power of the main god, he would really be helpless for a while.

What does it mean that a dog bites a hedgehog and has nowhere to gnaw its teeth? This is it.

(End of this chapter)

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