Reborn Panlong

Chapter 295 Changes after the fusion of rules

Chapter 295 Changes after the fusion of rules
"Life is born by destiny, and only with the fate of karma and coincidence can there be life. And destiny is the trajectory of life, the trajectory of heaven."

"Fate exists because of life. Without life, there is no fate. Life is the carrier of fate."

"Fate is fiction, life is reality, and the combination of fiction and reality can lead to a wonderful life."

In the nameless mountain, Lin Feng's God of Life avatar and God of Destiny's avatar are constantly communicating, exploring the connection between the rules of life and the rules of fate.

If anyone is here, they will be surprised to find that among the two Lin Fengs sitting cross-legged, one head is covered with a bright golden and slightly transparent halo, while the other is covered with a delicate emerald green halo.

The light halo is not dazzling, but it is enough to completely illuminate the small stone house.The soft halo, like the moon in the water in the mirror, gives people a hazy feeling.

As time passed, the two circles of halos gradually expanded, getting closer and closer to each other, touching and blending, but the color of the blended part changed, and the overall appearance was a kind of golden green.

In this golden-green halo, there is an endless and thriving breath, which belongs to the breath of life.There is also an elusive and unpredictable breath, which is the breath of fate.

The two breaths are intertwined and combined without distinguishing each other.

"The rules of life and the rules of fate are really wonderful." Lin Feng opened his eyes, feeling in his heart, "These two rules are extremely broad and contain thousands of things, and the fusion of the two rules will give birth to many wonderful changes. .”

With a thought in Lin Feng's mind, he shot a streak of divine power towards the left.


The stone affected by the divine power immediately annihilated and melted, and soon formed a passage, which was displayed in front of Lin Feng.


With a flash of Lin Feng's figure, he left the passage and came outside.

At this time, the blood sun was hanging high outside, and it was noon time.

Lin Feng looked at a big tree not far away.

This big tree is nearly [-] meters high, and its thick trunk is at least five meters in diameter. It has luxuriant branches and leaves. Under the shining of the blood sun, the dark green leaves dance with the wind, giving people a feeling of vitality.Apparently the big tree is doing very well.


A low shout came from Lin Feng's mouth, and at the same time, a golden-green light shot out from Lin Feng's fingers, instantly sweeping across the big tree not far away.

And the big tree covered by this golden-green light seemed to be blown by a gust of wind, and the leaves rustled.What is even more surprising is that the rustling leaves are shrinking at a speed discernible to the naked eye.

Yes, it is smaller.

The dark green leaves, which were originally the size of a cattail fan, continued to shrink, and the color changed from thick to light, and soon shrunk to the size of a palm, and the color changed from dark green to light green.

The size of a cattail fan turned into the size of a palm, and the dark green color faded to light green. This leaf, in a short period of time, changed from an old leaf to a young leaf, and soon shrunk to a small leaf, and then to a leaf bud. , and finally disappeared completely on the trunk.

In just a dozen breaths before and after, a leaf has completed the reverse growth process.

Of course, not only this leaf is changing, but the leaves on the whole tree are undergoing this change.

While the leaves are changing, the trunk of the whole tree is shrinking and shortening undetectably.

After the leaves of the whole tree disappeared without a trace, the dead leaves under the tree were also fluttering up and down under the cover of the golden green halo, and finally connected to the trunk.

And these withered and yellow leaves were quickly endowed with a breath of life, turning from yellow to green, and then shrinking until they were so small that they couldn't be seen.

In this way, this process was repeated again and again, and the speed increased a little every time it was repeated.

After repeating tens of thousands of times, the whole process was completed in one breath.As an ordinary person, it is impossible to see this process clearly.

The dead leaves that have accumulated under the tree for an unknown number of years are gradually decreasing, and the rotten leaves that are buried deep below are also shrouded in a golden-green halo, miraculously recovering, completing the transition from death to life, and then rejuvenation the process of.And the whole big tree is also slowly shrinking. The big tree that was originally nearly a hundred meters high is now less than ten meters high, and it is still shrinking at an increasing speed.

Over and over again, after about a hundred thousand times, the big tree finally completely disappeared on the ground.As if it never appeared.

With a wave of Lin Feng's hand, a brown ball the size of a longan burst out of the ground and flew into Lin Feng's hands.

"I don't know how many tens of thousands of years ago this seed was buried here." Lin Feng felt the faint breath of life in the seed, and said to himself: "Reversely transform a towering tree into a tree that has not yet been planted." Germinated seeds, this can be regarded as a part of the interpretation of the power of time. It's just "

Lin Feng sighed, "This is just a fusion of life and destiny. Although it can turn a towering tree into a seed in reverse, it can also make a seed grow into a towering tree quickly. But because there is no death and destruction, it is not The complete time cannot deduce the complete process of a life, from birth to death and destruction."

"Although death means that a life has come to an end, stepped into destruction, and is the end of life. But it is also the beginning of a life. Without death, there is no birth."

"Destruction is the final end of a life, death is the disappearance of a life, and destruction is the complete disappearance of a life."

"And my rules of life and rules of fate are not fully integrated." Lin Feng looked at the seeds in his hands, "If the rules of life and the rules of fate are fully integrated, just one breath can turn this towering tree into a A seed."

Of course, being able to do this already made Lin Feng extremely satisfied.

"Being hunted down by that bearded man this time was a blessing in disguise. Not only did I start to integrate the rules of fate and the rules of life, but more importantly, it confirmed my previous guess about the laws of time."

Although Lin Feng guessed before that the law of time could be evolved after the fusion of the four major rules, this is still speculation and is still at the theoretical stage.But this time, the rules of life and the rules of fate began to merge by accident. After discovering the effect of this fusion, Lin Feng not only greatly improved his strength, but also made Lin Feng affirm his previous deduction about the law of time.

"Phew, I've been practicing here for ten years. It's time to leave here and go back to the Magnolia plane." Lin Feng waved his hand and a metal life appeared in midair.Immediately, he stepped forward at will, and entered the life of metal.

After identifying the direction, the metal life turned into an afterimage and disappeared into the distant sky.

(End of this chapter)

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