Reborn Panlong

Chapter 315 Miluo Island

Chapter 315 Miluo Island

"Boss." Beibei rushed out from the cabin, his face was full of excitement, "Boss, according to Mira, it seems that we can reach Miluo Island today."

"Miluo Island? Today?" Lin Feng was surprised for a while, but soon he was relieved, "That's right, it's been nearly two years since the last incident."

"Boss, did we come to Miluo Island just to kill that villain of Tianbo Mansion Master?" Beibei sat beside Lin Feng and said, "They say that Miluo Island is very prosperous, and I also heard that there is a battle field on Miluo Island. "Beibei is a little yearning.

In response to Tana's words, the first time I saw this sea of ​​stars and fog, I felt that the scenery of the sea of ​​stars and fog is so intoxicating, but after a long time, it will feel boring, after all, the endless sea is sea water .

Lin Feng and the others stayed on the boat for more than 20 years. As far as they could see, there was nothing but sea water. Even if they occasionally saw islands, they would not dock.As a result, Beibei has long been impatient.He was a restless person.Now that he knows that he will stop at Miluo Island, and this Miluo Island is also very interesting, he naturally yearns for it.

"Of course not." Lin Feng shook his head and said, "Killing the owner of the Tianbo Mansion is second. This Miluo Island is a large island with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles. There are a large number of merchants and warriors gathered here. Its prosperity is no less than the ten cities of Yinlan Mansion. Since we are here, we naturally have to have fun.”

"Oh?" Beibei asked in surprise: "Miluo Island, this island is actually comparable to the ten cities in Yinlan Mansion?"

"Hey, Lin Feng, Beibei, what are you talking about?" Tana with a round face came over.

Ever since they knew that Lin Feng was a strong Shura, all the demons on board were in awe of Lin Feng, and it was impossible for them to sit together and chat casually like before.Apart from practicing, Lin Feng often spent time drinking with Delia or sitting alone on the bow of the boat.

The two sisters and brothers Tana are exceptions.

Because there are only two female high gods on board, Tana and Delia.So Tana and Delia naturally chatted together.But Tana often chats with Lin Feng and Beibei.

Perhaps from Tana's point of view, her sister is also a powerful high god, so her awe of Lin Feng, a powerful high god, is much less.

"Just talk about Miluo Island." Lin Feng smiled lightly.

"Miluo Island?" Tana exclaimed, "I've been to Miluo Island before, and it's a very special place. It's not protected by the Star Army or the government soldiers, but it's as prosperous as a large city. , there is Liberty Castle, which is specially for merchants to conduct transactions."

"This Miluo Island is not protected by the army, isn't there anyone making trouble?" Beibei asked suspiciously.

"Who said there is no military protection on Miluo Island? I just said that there is no star army and government soldiers on Miluo Island." Bates exclaimed. "In Miluo Island, there is a very powerful army that maintains some order on Miluo Island. The soldiers of this army are all high gods, and they are very good. For countless years, Miluo Island has not declined, and it is also thanks to this army army."

Lin Feng knew how powerful this army was.The members of this army are basically those who have won hundreds of battles in the battlefield, and their strength is naturally extremely strong.Moreover, the souls of these strong men were all controlled by the soul seeds, and their loyalty was not even comparable to that of the Star Army.Tarossa and Dilin in the original book were controlled by their souls and absorbed into this army.

In this way, a strong and extremely loyal army can naturally protect Miluo Island from decay for countless years.

"Then tell me what are the fun places on Miluo Island?" Beibei asked.

"There are two most famous places in Miluo Island, one is the Freedom Castle and the other is the Battlefield. Fighting and fighting are not allowed in the Freedom Castle. Once found, the army on Miluo Island will take action without mercy! In the Battlefield, Spectators are not allowed to fight and fight, and violators will be besieged and killed by the army!"

Tana's eyes were filled with amazement, "This Miluo Island is so powerful that no one has dared to provoke it so far."

"There are so many merchants trading? Doesn't anyone dare to rob?" Beibei snorted, "I don't believe it anymore. Most people don't dare to plunder. Don't the Star Army and Mansion soldiers dare? The mansion master of Tianbo Mansion can let his men The army pretended to be robbers and robbed everywhere, didn't the master of Yinlan Mansion never think about it?"

"I don't know about that." Tana said shaking her head.

"Bei Bei, this Miluo Island has existed for countless millions of years. There must be strong Shura behind it, otherwise, it would have been wiped out long ago." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Oh, that's right. Maybe there is one or several Shura powerhouses sitting behind Miluo Island." Hearing what Lin Feng said, Beibei immediately thought of Beauty Pass.Beauty Pass is also a big force, which has not declined for countless billions of years, and there are thirteen Shura behind it.The prosperity of this Miluo Island is no less than that of a city, and it would be impossible if there were no Shura powerhouses behind it.

"Boss, let's go and see what Miluo Island is like!" When the metal life docked at the entrance of Miluo Island, Beibei immediately rushed out excitedly.

There is no need to pay fees to enter Miluo Island. Lin Feng and his group set foot on this legendary Miluo Island.

Miluo Island is a green island, old trees can be seen everywhere, and the fresh air makes Lin Lei and the others feel refreshed. In the distance, there are many castle-like buildings, some luxury restaurants and other buildings. There is an endless stream of people walking on the wide streets.

At this moment, there are some strange races walking by Lin Feng, or the elves with pointed ears and green skin, or giant whale warriors with scales hidden on their faces.Although it is said that after reaching the god level, they can change human form, but the aesthetics of some strange races are different from human beings. Even if they change into human form, they will retain some places they are proud of.For example, the tail of the fox, the fish scales of the sea clan, etc.

Lin Feng was not surprised either, and turned his head to look at Delia and the others with a smile: "We have been on the sea for a long time, so we will go to the restaurant first, and then go to the battle field and Liberty Castle."

Last time, in the arena of Beauty Pass, Lin Feng saw a beautiful high-ranking god use 'Fire Body Art' and 'Fire Soul Attack Mysterious' to simulate the effect similar to the Wind Element Clone Art.Lin Feng was really surprised.

Therefore, Lin Feng would not miss this opportunity to see the duel between the strong.

"Listen to Master Lin Feng." Nami La said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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