Reborn Panlong

Chapter 317 The whereabouts of Di Lin and others

Chapter 317 The whereabouts of Di Lin and others

"It's really beautiful." Lin Feng saw beautiful two-story buildings from a distance.

"This is the residence of the island guards." Tarossa said, "I am a member of the island guards, so I naturally live here."

I saw people patrolling the residential area of ​​the island guards.

"Can we go in too?" Beibei was a little worried.

"It's okay. The management of the residences of the island guards is not strict. As long as they are brought by the island guards, they can go in. The area that is really strictly managed is the area of ​​the five major families. But they are still in the innermost area."

Seeing the blood-red standard armor on Tarossa, these patrolling island guards did not stop him at all.

Lin Feng and the others followed Talosha and entered the area where the island guards lived.

The small buildings where the island guards lived were spread all over the mountains and forests. Just looking at the number of these small buildings, Lin Feng knew that the number of island guards was definitely a terrifying number.

"Maintaining such a huge army of high-ranking warriors, Miluo Island is really strong." Lin Feng couldn't help but sigh in his heart, maintaining the army requires payment.After all, no one wants to work for someone else.Even if these high gods are all controlled by the soul species, they still have to pay.

"Here we are." Tarossa said.

"Tarossa, this building occupies a very large area." Beibei looked at the residence in front of him in surprise. This residence occupies nearly ten times the area of ​​ordinary small buildings. There are three small buildings in a tall courtyard. , The style is also unique, and there are carvings on the walls.

Talossa smiled and said: "Generally, if a strong person who has won hundreds of battles from the upper gods joins the army of island guards, both the accommodation and salary will be far higher than that of ordinary island guards. After I broke through to the upper gods, I also participated In the battlefield, with my status as a divine beast, I was lucky enough to win a hundred victories."

With that said, Tarossa pushed open the door and went in.

"By the way, Lin Feng, who is this girl?" Tarossa asked, pointing at Nisi.

"Ahem!" Beibei jumped out all of a sudden, cleared her throat on purpose, and said, "Tarossa, let me introduce you formally. This beautiful lady is my Beibei's wife, Nisi."

"When did I marry you?" Nisi frowned.

"Cough cough fiancee." Beibei changed her words embarrassingly.

"When did I agree to marry you?" Nisi said again.

"Ahem, we are still in the stage of boyfriend and girlfriend for the time being." Beibei changed his words again.

"Haha Beibei, I didn't expect you to meet someone who can subdue you after hundreds of years." Tarossa looked at Beibei and laughed teasingly.

"Hi, my name is Tarossa, and I'm Beibei's old friend in the Magnolia plane. Nice to meet you." Tarossa said to Nisi.

"I'm Nisi." Nisi said very gently.

Nisi's tenderness to Tarossa made Beibei on the side very hurt.

"By the way, Lin Feng, when did you come to hell?" Tarossa asked.

With Beibei around, there is no need for Lin Feng to narrate these things. Beibei will give the lecture, and Delia and Lin Feng will interject a few words from time to time as supplements.Soon the description of the experience after coming to hell will be finished.Of course, Beibei didn't say many important things, but just mentioned them in a few words.

"By the way, Beibei, when did you reach the high god? I'm not surprised that Lin Feng reached the high god, but I didn't expect that after hundreds of years, even you have reached the high god realm. I'm really surprised. Remember At the beginning, when I left the Yulan plane, you were still a lower god, and based on my understanding of Lord Beirut, it is impossible for him to let you refine the godhead." Tarossa is a higher god himself, so he naturally knows that Beibei and Beirut Lin Feng is already a highgod.With the speed of cultivation that Lin Feng showed at the beginning, he is naturally not surprised that Lin Feng is now a high god.He would be surprised if Lin Feng hadn't reached the highgod realm.It's just that Beibei, who has always been lazy in cultivation, has also reached the realm of the upper god, which surprised him.

Beibei pursed her lips: "Why, can't I? I, Beibei, used to be lazy in cultivation, but that doesn't mean I'm not talented. I just put a little effort into cultivation, and I've reached this high god."

"Okay, okay!" Tarossa said with a smile.

"By the way, Tarossa, Di Lin and the others?" Lin Feng asked again.

"Hey!" As soon as Di Lin was mentioned, the smile on Tarosa's face faded.

Lin Feng and the others looked at Tarossa, waiting for his words.

"At the beginning, Dilin, Xisai, O'Brien and I came to Hell from the Magnolia plane. We were teleported to this sea of ​​stars and fog. We were randomly thrown in one place by the Star Army, and then we were in this star Drifting aimlessly on the sea of ​​fog. It didn't take long before we met a group of people."

"Could it be a robber?" Delia guessed.

Tarossa shook his head and said, "No. They are from Heilong Island."

"Black Dragon Island?" Lin Feng frowned and asked, "Where is this Black Dragon Island?"

Lin Feng is familiar with "Geography of Hell", and he has a good understanding of some famous places, cities, and families in hell.But I haven't read about this Black Dragon Island.

"At that time, we didn't know where this Black Dragon Island was. It's just that they wanted to arrest us, so we naturally wouldn't obediently capture us. We scattered and fled. I directly turned into my body, got into the sea, and escaped by luck. But God Lin and the others may have been arrested. After all, there are five high gods in their group." Tarossa said with a sad face.

"Five high gods?"

Lin Feng and the others also understood that the opponent had five high-gods, but Tarossa and the others didn't have any high-gods at that time.Talossa is a divine beast of the water system. It turned into a serpent, and escaped their arrest by diving into the sea.But Dilin and the others probably were really arrested.

"Later, I escaped to this Miluo Island, broke through to the upper god, participated in the battle field, and won hundreds of victories. After becoming this island guard warrior, I also used my connections. I checked and learned that this Black Dragon Island is specialized in slavery. an organization of transactions."

Lin Feng and the others were shocked when they heard the words. This Black Dragon Island was engaged in the slave trade, and Di Lin and the others were captured by them, which meant that Di Lin and the others might have become slaves.

"Since you found out afterwards that they were captured and made slaves, why didn't you rescue them?" Beibei asked.

Hearing this, Talosha smiled wryly, and said: "I am just a high god, and although the power of Heilong Island is not as big as that of Miluo Island, it is still a big power. I want to save them, it is not easy. And our island guards are No one is allowed to leave Miluo Island."

"Even so, you should at least give it a try!" Beibei roared, "Don't tell me you still miss your identity as an island guard?"

"I" Tarosa smiled wryly, but was speechless.

"Beibei, that's enough." Lin Feng scolded.

"Boss?" Beibei looked at Lin Feng with doubts on his face.

"Tarossa has his reasons for doing this." Lin Feng directly transmitted the sound to Beibei's soul.

Lin Feng knew that Talosha was controlled by Mo Si with the soul seed, so to a certain extent, he was completely loyal to Miluo Island.In his subconscious mind, the interests of Miluo Island are above all else.Although he really wanted to rescue Dilin and the others, he couldn't do it because it was against the interests of Miluo Island.Because he can't help himself.

"Difficulties? His fart's difficulties, I think he is purely greedy for life and afraid of death."

(End of this chapter)

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