Reborn Panlong

Chapter 324 Leaving Miluo Island

Chapter 324 Leaving Miluo Island

The next day, accompanied by You Lai, Lin Feng left Midi and returned to the accommodation area of ​​the island guards.

"Mr. U Lai, I will trouble you this time." Lin Feng turned his head and smiled.

"No trouble." You Lai was also very polite.

Ever since seeing his teacher's polite attitude towards Lin Feng, You Lai understood that Lin Feng was definitely not someone he could blame.

Lin Feng returned to Miluo Island from Handisai Castle in the seabed, and brought You Lai back with him.Youlai came here to order the head of the Bagshaw family, Bao Kewei, to let Tarossa leave under the order of the master of Fort Moss.

After all, Tarossa was the captain of a small group of island guards. Even if he was relieved of his soul-seed, he couldn't just leave if he wanted to.

"Then I'll go to Patriarch Bao Kewei first." You Laidang left immediately.

After dismissing You Lai, Lin Feng walked into Tarosa's residence.As soon as Lin Feng entered the door, Beibei, Delia, Nisi and Tarossa all came up to greet him.

Talossa looked at Lin Feng fixedly, his eyes were faintly red: "Lin Feng, I won't say more about this kindness. Thank you!"

Without being controlled by the soul, it is impossible to understand the mentality of Talosand at this moment.

"Tarossa, don't say thank you, we both came from the Yulan plane, so we should take care of each other." Lin Feng shook his head and smiled, expressing that he didn't care.

Indeed, for Tarossa, it may be a great favor that can be repaid with life, but for Lin Feng, it is a matter of talking.

This time meeting with Mo Si, Lin Feng's greatest achievement was getting an introduction to the rules of destruction.If it weren't for this opportunity, Lin Feng really didn't know how long it would take him to step into the threshold of the way of destruction.In this way, it is Lin Feng who should say thank you, not Tarossa.

"Haha, Tarossa, now we're going to rescue Dilin and the others, you won't be pushing back and forth, will you?" Beibei interjected.

Before Beibei didn't know that Talossa was controlled by the soul species, when he said to go to Black Dragon Island to rescue Di Lin and the others, Tarossa retreated, and Beibei was really angry at that time.Now knowing that Tarossa was released from the control of the soul seed, he used this matter to tease Tarossa again.

"If I push back and forth again, am I still human?" Tarossa laughed.

Even when Tarossa smiled before, it always contained a trace of unnaturalness.But now, this unnaturalness has disappeared.

"Tarossa, you are not a human, you are a snake, a big snake." Beibei also laughed.

"I'm a big snake, but you're still a mouse!" Tarossa also happily joked with Beibei.

"Okay, Beibei, Tarossa. Now that the matter on Miluo Island is settled, it's time for us to go to Heilong Island to find clues to rescue Dilin and the others."

"Wow~" The waves of the sea of ​​stars and mist beat against the coast of Miluo Island.Under the watchful eyes of Bagshaw family patriarch 'Baokewei', You Lai and others, Lin Feng and his group left Miluo Island on metal life.

The metal life changes into the shape of a ship.

On the bow deck.

"Finally left." Tarossa sighed, "Forget about this place forever!"

Miluo Island, Talossa may never come again in his life.

"Don't sigh, Tarossa, tell me where is the Black Dragon Island?" Lin Feng, Beibei, Delia, Nisi and others also stepped onto the deck, and Beibei said first.

This time, Lin Feng's destination was Heilong Island.Although Dilin and the others were captured by the people of Heilong Island hundreds of years ago.Even if he is still alive, he will probably be sold as a slave to other places, not on Heilong Island.But if Lin Feng and the others want to rescue Di Lin and the others, they still have to find clues from Black Dragon Island.

Therefore, Heilong Island must be visited.

"Heilong Island is in the east of Miluo Island. It's not too far away from us. It's about tens of millions of miles away. At our current speed, we can probably reach it in about two years." After thinking for a while, Talosha said .

"East?" Lin Feng frowned. The blood peak was in the south of the sea of ​​stars and mist, which was also the approximate direction that Lin Feng had traveled since coming to hell.But this Black Dragon Island is in the east, not on the way.

Of course, rescuing Di Lin and others is the most important thing, and there is no rush to go to Xuefeng Youlan Mansion.

Lin Feng immediately controlled the metal life and changed direction.

I saw the fast-moving metal ship suddenly draw a huge arc and head towards the east.

A few days after Lin Feng and his metal life were heading east, Beibei's voice suddenly sounded in Lin Feng's mind, "Boss, it seems that a metal life is following us."

"Someone is following us?" Lin Feng opened his eyes immediately upon hearing this.

Knowing that it will take two years to arrive at Black Dragon Island, Lin Feng except for a part of his spiritual consciousness to control the metal life, all the god clones are closed.Even the avatar of the fire elemental god who has been accompanying Delia full-time is no exception.

Of the hundred victories in the battle field, the first [-] battles were all performed by the Fire Elemental God clone, and Lin Feng more or less comprehended it.So he didn't let the Fire Element God clone accompany Delia.

Lin Feng was practicing retreat with all his heart, Tarossa, Nisi, and even Delia were also in retreat.

Tarosa was stimulated on Miluo Island, Nisi was trying not to lose to Beibei, and Delia was trying to merge the mystery.

Although Delia became a god by refining the godhead, because of the existence of the pair of sky-defying earrings bestowed by the Lord God of Bauhinia, she can instantly refine a large number of amethysts and obtain pure soul essence to nourish the soul, making Delia's The soul and the godhead are becoming more and more compatible, which makes it not impossible for Delia to merge with the mysterious.

Everyone is retreating, and only Beibei has nothing to do. Every day, she releases her spiritual consciousness to scan and observe around, only to find that someone is following her and others.

With a move in his heart, Lin Feng's figure instantly disappeared in place, and the next moment, he appeared on the deck behind the metal life ship.Beibei is also here at this time.

Seeing Lin Feng coming, Beibei immediately pointed to a metal life in the distance and said: "Boss, I have been observing for several days, that metal life always follows us, and keeps a certain distance from us on purpose, it doesn't seem like Those who travel with us."

The sea of ​​stars and fog, although it is a sea of ​​fog, but the fog is at 30 meters above the sea surface, the real sea surface is not shrouded in fog, and the visibility is still very high.With the eyesight of a god-level powerhouse, he can clearly see ants miles away.

At this time, just as Beibei said, there was a metal life form following behind, about ten miles away from Lin Feng's metal life form.

"You dare to follow us, I want to see who the other party is." Lin Feng hooked his mouth and immediately controlled the metal life ship to stop.Waiting for the arrival of the other party's metal life.

(End of this chapter)

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