Reborn Panlong

Chapter 326 Gravity Rolling

Chapter 326 Gravity Rolling
"Arrogance." Bertram also sneered, "I, Bertram, have been in hell for hundreds of millions of years. There are as many people who want to kill me as the crucian carp crossing the river, but without exception, they were all killed by me in the end. Although your Azure Dragon Clan Longhua's body is strong enough, but he still has to be killed by me."

"Take my move, darkness swallows the sun!"

Bertram slashed out, and the space was completely distorted and deformed, even the sunlight could not shine in, and the area fell into darkness.And Lin Feng was also in this space at this time.

At this moment, Lin Feng, who was trapped in this dark space, only felt the silence around him, which was terrifying.The endless darkness around him is like the mouth of a ferocious beast, which may swallow him at any time.And Bertram was also lurking in this space at this time, ready to give Lin Feng a fatal blow at any time.

"The two high-level mysteries of the law of darkness, 'Silence' and 'Swallow'?"

Although Lin Feng seldom fought against masters who practiced the law of darkness, because of Beibei, he also had some understanding of the law of darkness.

The law of darkness is famous for its strange attacks, killing people invisible.

I saw khaki-yellow rays of light permeating Lin Feng's body, and at the same time circles of khaki-yellow light waves centered on Lin Feng's body and spread out in all directions.

A strange thing happened. Wherever the khaki light wave passed, the darkness disappeared, as if it was illuminated by the khaki light wave.

Bei Bei, who had been watching the battle from a distance, saw that his boss was first covered in darkness, and then suddenly a khaki bright spot appeared in the center of the darkness. The bright spot became bigger and bigger, like a khaki balloon slowly inflating.

Suddenly, Lin Feng felt a warning sign, and the steel whip-like dragon tail was pulled back instantly.


There was a muffled sound, as if the dragon's tail had hit something.But in the next moment, the thing that was hit just now suddenly disappeared from Lin Feng's perception.

"The 'stealth technique' of the law of darkness is really weird." Lin Feng sighed in his heart as he watched his surroundings vigilantly.

It was Bertram's big knife that Lin Feng's dragon's tail slashed just now.If it weren't for Lin Feng's fast twitching of the dragon's tail, Bertram might have successfully attacked him.Once the sneak attack is successful, the consequences can be imagined.

Suddenly, the warning signs just now came again, but this time they came from all directions.

In an instant, twelve Bertrams broke into the earth-yellow ball of light that was propped open by Lin Feng with divine power.The costumes of these twelve Bertrams are exactly the same, and even the broadswords in their hands are also the same.

Twelve Bertrams attacked and killed Lin Feng from all directions.For a moment, Lin Feng couldn't tell which was the real body and which was the phantom.

"Shadow Transformation Clone Technique!"

The corner of Lin Feng's mouth curled up, and the word 'broken' spit out from Lin Feng's mouth lightly.

At the same time, a khaki light wave that was several times brighter than before spread out.

"Pfft!" "Pfft!"

The light wave swept twelve Bertrams in an instant, and when the two came into contact, eleven of the figures were directly shattered into nothingness.Only the Bertram who attacked from Lin Feng's left was left.


After recognizing Bertram's real body, Lin Feng's figure disappeared instantly.Appeared again, already in front of Bertram.

Bertram did not expect that Lin Feng would break his 'Shadow Transformation Technique' with one move.It should be known that although the 'Shadow Clone Technique' and the 'Clone Technique' of the wind system have the same effect, the former is far more subtle than the latter.

Each of the clones transformed by the 'Shadow Transformation Clone Technique' can be used as a real body.You can switch between clones at will with just one thought.However, the wind element's 'separation technique' is not so mysterious.

This also determines that the 'Shadow Clone Technique' can be used to cooperate with the attack, but the greatest use of the 'Clone Technique' is to escape.

The mystery of the 'Shadow Transformation Technique' is far more than that.

The avatar transformed by the 'Second Avatar Technique' is just a phantom image, although it is difficult to distinguish it with spiritual sense, but it can be smashed with just a random blow.

While the 'Shadow Transformation Clone Technique' does not have as many clones as the 'Clone Clone Technique', but its quality is much better than the latter.

With Bertram Shura's strength, even if it's just a phantom, the avatar created is equivalent to a six-star demon, close to the strength of a seven-star demon.But still unable to stop Lin Feng's blow, it shattered directly.

With one move, he instantly killed eleven phantoms equivalent to the peak six-star demons. Lin Feng's strength had already horrified Bertram.

Seeing Lin Feng suddenly appearing in front of him now, Bertram groaned inwardly and wanted to back away.

The law of darkness is good at attacking and killing, but not good at head-to-head.

If Lin Feng's strength is far inferior to him, he can kill Lin Feng head-on.

But after a few rounds of fighting, Bertram has clearly realized that Lin Feng's strength is not inferior to his own.

Isn't it uncomfortable for me, who is a practitioner of the law of darkness, to fight against Lin Feng, a practitioner of the law of the earth?
"Want to quit?" Lin Feng sneered, "It's too late."

"Gravity crushes!"

What Lin Feng is best at is 'Gravity Space'. At this moment, Lin Feng finally used the strongest hole card he has never used before, Gravity Crushing.

The so-called 'gravity crushing' refers to a point as the center, and the gravity in all directions is concentrated towards this point.

This move 'gravity crushing' is a move created by Lin Feng combining the four mysteries of 'power', 'gravity space', 'earth pulse' and 'earth element'.It has always been used as a hole card by Lin Feng, and has never been used.

Today, this Bertram became the first person to eat crabs.

Bertram, who was about to retreat, was suddenly "crushed by gravity" by Lin Feng, and felt as if his body was being oppressed by space. His hands, feet, and even the godhead and soul in his head were moving toward his heart. a tendency to shrink.

This sudden change shocked Bertram. Bertram has naturally seen the 'gravity space', but he has never seen such a strange 'gravity space'.

At this moment, Bertram already had the idea of ​​retreating in his heart.But under the 'gravity crush' that Lin Feng exerted with all his strength, it became extremely difficult for him to move, let alone escape.

To know the law of the earth, the best thing is material attack.The downside is speed.

If Bertram never showed up, Lin Feng really had nothing to do with him.Lin Feng couldn't get rid of Bertram's 'Darkness Swallowing Sun' created by combining 'Silence' and 'Swallowing'.

But unfortunately, Bertram has now been controlled by Lin Feng's 'gravity crush' to control his freedom.And the dark law doesn't have the mystery of increasing the 'strength', with his strength, he can't break free at all.

At this time, Ren Bertram had all kinds of means, but it was difficult to use them.Perhaps the only thing waiting for him is his ravaged life.

Feeling that his body was gradually becoming spherical, Bertram finally begged for mercy.

"Lin Feng, the old man's eyesight is dull, I didn't expect you to be so powerful, Lin Feng. Let me go, and I will leave immediately. And I promise that I will never trouble you in the future."

"Let you go?" Lin Feng smiled, this smile is so playful, "Do you think it's such a cheap thing in the world?"

"How about I give you all the wealth I have accumulated over the years in exchange for my life?" Bertram gritted his teeth.

Although money is important, it is far less important than life.Wealth is gone, you can earn it again, if life is gone, you have nothing.

Because, I think, if Beaumont practices the rules of death, then he should be able to refine soul essence like the great wizard. (Maybe he didn't comprehend the mysteries of this aspect, it's also possible.)
And the original book of Mosi always said that he was looking for divine beasts and people with mutated souls to control the soul seeds, so I think setting himself as a person with mutated souls is more in line with the plot.

Ha ha, no matter how you say it, please don't worry too much.Some that violate the plot of the original book may be my negligence, and some may be deliberately changed by me.As long as it doesn't violate the principles, it doesn't matter much.

(End of this chapter)

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