Reborn Panlong

Chapter 341 The Great Change

Chapter 341 The Great Change
"Are you looking for the Morgan family?" Suddenly the crisp voice sounded.

Lin Feng and the others turned their heads to look.It was the waitress who spoke.

The female waitress smiled and said: "I heard that a great change has taken place in the Morgan family recently. The patriarch of the Morgan family, Lu Tanli, who is also the city lord of Shuilan City, has fallen. The Morgan family has a good relationship, and I promised the Morgan family that they can select another seven-star demon powerhouse from the Morgan family to serve as the city lord of Shuilan City."

Shuilan City has always been the residence and headquarters of the Morgan family, and the main industries of the Morgan family are also in Shuilan City.In the past, it was nothing if Lu Tanli was alive, but now Lu Tanli is dead, and if Shuilan City is replaced by a city lord who is not the Morgan family, then the Morgan family's dominance in Shuilan City will definitely decline rapidly.After all, no city lord would like to see the city he ruled be ruled by others while he is only a puppet city lord.

And now the house master of Yinlan Mansion promised the Morgan family that they could select a seven-star demon from within the family to serve as the city master. For the Morgan family, this was undoubtedly a blessing in misfortune.

"Dead? It shouldn't be that easy for a peak seven-star demon to die, right?" Beibei looked at the waitress, wondering.

"He is indeed dead. As for how he died, there are different opinions and there is no conclusion." The waitress paused, and then said with a smile: "Although the master of Yinlan Mansion promised that the Morgan family can choose from within their family A seven-star demon was appointed as the city lord of Shuilan City, but there was disagreement within the Morgan family about this candidate. It is said that because of this candidate, the Morgan family was divided into two factions. It is only because the two factions have similar strengths, and so far they have not agreed. The candidate has not been decided. The issue of candidates has not been finalized for a long time, and the master of Yinlan Mansion is not happy, and ordered the Morgan family to choose a candidate as soon as possible, otherwise another person will be appointed as the city lord of Shuilan City. After negotiation between the two factions, three A month later, a competition will be held in the battle field of Shuilan City, and each party will send five representatives to participate in the competition, with three victories in five rounds, and the winning party will get the right to choose candidates."

"This incident is the most sensational thing in Yinlan Mansion recently. Many people have gone to Shuilan City to watch the battle of the seven-star demon level." Speaking of this, the waitress' expression darkened, "If it wasn't for this job , I can also go to Shuilan City to watch the battle of the strong. It is a battle of the strong at the seven-star demon level, and there will be five matches. Such a good opportunity, it is estimated that it is rare to meet once in 10 or a million years. But Ugh!"

"Three months should be enough to get to Shuilan City from here. Hehe, I didn't expect us to come just in time to catch up with this excitement." Beibei said with a smile.

The four of Lin Feng left the Star Castle, did not stop much, and left Lianshui City directly, heading towards Shuilan City.

The distance between Lianshui City and Shuilan City is about 7000 million miles. According to Lin Feng and his traveling speed, three months is indeed enough.


A fully enclosed submarine-shaped metal life suddenly popped up and came to the surface of the sea.As soon as this metal life came to the surface of the sea, it began to change, and finally turned into a big ship.

"Wow, the air on the sea is still fresh. I always feel suffocated in the water." Standing on the deck, Beibei took a deep breath of the fresh air on the sea.

Tarossa smiled and said, "Your body is a god-devouring mouse, which is a land creature. Naturally, you don't like the underwater living environment. I feel more comfortable in the water than in the air."

Tarossa's body is a snake, which belongs to marine life, and he practices the law of the water system, so he will naturally feel more comfortable in the water than in the air.

The metal life ship is speeding rapidly on the sea surface, and the distance of 7000 million miles is also rapidly shortening under such rapid driving.In the blink of an eye, two and a half months have passed.

During these two and a half months, Lin Feng and the others also encountered pirates twice.But when the other party saw that Lin Feng and the other five were all highgods and demons, they ran away with their tails between their legs.In order to hurry, Lin Feng and the others were merciful twice, and did not drive all these pirates out.

"Here we are, Shuilan City is just below here, let's enter the sea!"


The metal life ship transformed into a fully enclosed submarine again, and jumped directly into the sea.

The metal life submarine dived quickly, and within a few minutes, Lin Feng and the others saw a dreamlike city, Shuilan City.

After collecting the metal life, they entered Shuilan City, and Lin Feng and the other five walked on the streets of Shuilan City.

"There are so many people here. It seems that the seven-star devil's battle is really incomparable." Delia sighed as she looked at the crowds of people around her.

"It is difficult for ordinary people to see a strong seven-star demon, let alone see several strong seven-star demons fighting. Such a good opportunity, it is estimated that several nearby cities will come to Shuilan City in time. There are so many cities People are flocking to Shuilan City, so there will be more people." Lin Feng smiled and said, "We'd better find a hotel to stay in first, otherwise I'm afraid we won't have a place to stay if it's too late."

Lin Feng's worry soon became a reality.

First hotel, full.

The second hotel is full.

It was not until the third hotel that Lin Feng and the others found a place to live.

"Sorry, our hotel is full. There is only one courtyard for sale that is vacant for the time being." The waitress looked at Lin Feng apologetically and said.

"Then this one, how many ink stones?" Lin Feng said indifferently.

For people with deep pockets like Lin Feng, spending hundreds of millions of ink stones to buy a courtyard that they may never live in in the future is not a big problem at all.

In Huiyue City, Kuangfeng City, Blue Maple City, and Green Willow City, Lin Feng did this all the time.Lin Feng even has a perverted goal in his heart, that is to buy a property in all the cities in the four highest planes and the seven main god planes.

"Eight hundred million ink stones." The female waitress said each word.

"Eight hundred million?" Lin Feng raised his brows, no wonder the courtyard has not been sold now when houses are in such a shortage, it turned out that the price was too high.[-] million, to ordinary high gods, might be his entire fortune, but to Lin Feng, it was just a drop in the bucket.

"[-] million is [-] million." Lin Feng flipped his hand, and a space ring appeared out of thin air, handed it to the waitress, and said: "Here is [-] million ink stones, order it."

The waitress was a little shocked. This courtyard has been idle for ten thousand years, and there were no less than a hundred people who came to inquire, but in the end, without exception, they were all scared away by the super high price.Unexpectedly, today someone is willing to pay [-] million ink stones to buy this courtyard.

Shock was nothing but shock, the professionalism of the waitress was pretty good. After taking the ring handed over by Lin Feng, she quickly counted the [-] million ink stones.Immediately after, Lin Feng quickly went through the relevant procedures.

In just 3 minutes, Lin Feng became the owner of this courtyard.As long as Lin Feng does not fall, this courtyard will always be his.

After leaving the hotel, Lin Feng and the other five found another restaurant, ordered some dishes, and talked about the next rescue plan.

"Lin Feng, the Morgan family is located inside the Lord's Mansion of Shuilan City. How can we rescue Di Lin and the others?" Tarossa asked as soon as the dishes were ready.

Lin Feng also fell into hesitation when he heard the words.Although with his strength, it is not a big problem to break into the city lord's mansion either by force or quietly.It's just that it will definitely alarm the City Guard Army and even the Star Army.And hands are not allowed in the city, this is the rule set by the main god.Lin Feng didn't have the guts to disobey the meaning of the Lord God.Although he had a relationship with the Lord God of the Stars once, and was forcibly promoted to be the Lord of Tianbo Mansion and the Lord God's envoy of the Lord Bauhinia, but when encountering such a problem of principle, the Lord God of the Stars probably would not care too much about Lin Feng's identities .

After pondering for a while, Lin Feng said: "Although the headquarters of the Morgan family is in Shuilan City, it doesn't mean that all the properties of the Morgan family are in Shuilan City. And we only know that Dilin and the others were traded by Heilong Island back then. The Morgan family is not sure that they are in this city of Shuilan. Maybe it is possible in other places. And hundreds of years have passed, maybe they"

Lin Feng didn't continue, but Delia, Tarossa and the others understood what Lin Feng wanted to express.This is also what they are most worried about, but they have always been optimistic and positive, and deliberately avoided this problem.

"Then what should we do, should we give up?" Beibei stared.

"Let's see the situation first." Lin Feng said: "After we finished eating, we walked around the street. If Di Lin and the others were in Shuilan City, we might meet them. After all, Shuilan City is only so big. Let's look for it separately, the chances of this are quite high."

"Then what if you don't find it?" Delia asked.

"If you can't find it, then you have to go directly to the Morgan family and negotiate with them." Lin Feng thought for a while and said.

Finding the Morgan family directly and negotiating with them is the most direct way.But the disadvantages are also great.

Now the Morgan family doesn't know that Lin Feng, a strong Shura, has friends who serve as slaves in their Morgan family.Lin Feng and the others quietly found Di Lin and the others, and then erased the imprint of the soul-seed in their souls to ensure the safety of Di Lin and the others. This is the best result.

But once the Morgan family knows about this, there is a great possibility that they will not hand it over directly, but may quietly assassinate Di Lin and the others.

After all, my family enslaved a friend of a strong Asura, even if I cooperated and handed him over, it would be difficult to make this strong Asura feel good about my family.Encountering Shura with a burst temper, he may even take revenge on his family after he handed over his people.After all, ordinary families don't treat slaves as human beings at all, and the lives of slaves are even worse than those sanctuaries in hell whose lives are not guaranteed.And once a slave who has experienced such an experience removes the soul-seed imprint, it is hard to say that he will not encourage his Shura friend to take revenge on this family.

Therefore, directly approaching the Morgan family and negotiating with them on this path, Lin Feng and the others would not choose it unless it was absolutely necessary.

(End of this chapter)

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