Reborn Panlong

Chapter 355

Chapter 355 Homecoming

"Who is it!" A loud shout came from a distance above.

On the wide dragon road, ten soldiers who were originally patrolling flew over directly, and the captain at the head even scolded: "This is the important place of my Qinglong clan, you guys leave quickly."

Lin Feng greeted him with a smile, pointed at Sasha and the baby, and said, "Everyone, the three of us are members of the branch of the Qinglong clan. We have been in hell for so long, and we finally arrived here."

"Come and receive us soon." The baby said in a very unladylike manner, "It's been so long, my aunt and grandma have worked so hard for me."

"Are you members of the branch of my Reading family?" The captain looked at Linley suspiciously, "Boy, the members of the branch of my family have all returned a long time ago." The rest of the patrol team didn't quite believe it.

As for why Lin Feng was called a kid, it can only be blamed on Lin Feng for completely hiding his high-god aura.Take the initiative to send out the atmosphere of the middle god.With Lin Feng's current soul cultivation, if he wanted to hide his cultivation, it would be difficult to identify unless he was a seven-star demon or above.Although these patrolling fighters are high gods, they are only about the strength of ordinary four-star and five-star demons, so naturally they cannot discover Lin Feng's true strength.

"You should know that my Azure Dragon Clan can transform into a dragon." One of the patrolling soldiers said.

Lin Feng smiled.

"嗤嗤~" Suddenly, green-gold dragon scales emerged from Lin Feng's body, and spikes appeared on his forehead.Lin Feng stared at the captain with dark golden eyes, and said with a smile: "Now, you should believe it?"

The patrol team members laughed.

The captain also smiled all over his face: "Sure enough. Judging by the aura on your body, it seems to be relatively pure family blood. But why do you have spikes on your back? However, the aura is unmistakable."

If you transform into a dragon, you can easily judge whether you are a member of the Qinglong clan.

The dragon people among the orcs are completely different from the dragons of the Qinglong family.Whether it is strength or aura, they are very different, but they are just similar in appearance.

Lin Feng's avatar of the wind god was fused with eight drops of Qinglong's blood essence, and its bloodline was naturally extremely pure, even stronger than the bloodlines of the first generation members of the two Qinglong's children, Gaith Leisen and Gaia, who were members of the Four Divine Beast Clan. Be pure.After all, Qinglong only has a total of nearly a thousand drops of blood, and it is impossible for each child to conceive a dozen or so drops. If this is the case, then Qinglong will conceive tens of hundreds of children, and I am afraid that he will die of exhaustion.Of course, this 'essence' is the 'essence' of essence and blood.

So, even though both Gaith Leisen and Gaia are the children of the Azure Dragon, the blood essence of the divine beast Azure Dragon actually contained in their bodies is at most four or five drops.

For divine beasts, essence and blood are the foundation.If there is no blood essence, it will also be reduced to the ranks of ordinary monsters.And the more noble the beast, the rarer and more precious its essence and blood.And once lost, it is difficult to make up for.

This is also the reason why the more powerful the beast, the rarer its offspring.

Qinglong has only a pair of children, Gaith Leisen and Gaia.The main god of Bauhinia is the Amethyst beast, and there is only one son, Leisijing.Beirut is a god rat, and there are only three children, Harry, Hart, and Harvey.

After all, if there are too many births, they can't afford it.

"Haha, brother, thank you for your hard work." The captain immediately greeted him with a smile, and said sincerely, "When our family retreated from the various planes, it was too hasty. I guess you didn't have time to come back with the big troops."

The captain sighed.

"When our army came back, it was miserable. Many of my brothers also died in the retreat." The captain had tears in his eyes, "Let's go, go home! You will be safe when you go home."

The word 'go home' made Lin Feng's heart throb.At this moment, Lin Feng thought of his home far away on Earth, his parents, and his younger sister Lin Ruo.

"Mom, Dad, Xiao Ruo, are you all doing well on Earth?" Lin Feng felt bitter in his heart, with tears in the corners of his eyes.

Although Lin Feng is in this world, as a Shura powerhouse, he belongs to the ranks of first-rate masters, and he is admired by hundreds of millions of god-level powerhouses wherever he goes.There are a pair of beautiful and gentle wives in the family, with Grandpa Delin on the top, and the parents who are waiting for him to save. There is a son and two daughters, Cheng Huan, and the family is full of children and grandchildren.

However, while Lin Feng was enjoying this kind of life, he never forgot for a moment that he still had a pair of parents who were far away on the earth for him to study and face the loess and back to the sky every day.

The waist of his parents became more and more rickety, and his academic qualifications became higher and higher. Finally, when he graduated from university and could repay his parents for their upbringing, God made a big joke on him. up.

He had no choice, and was directly smashed into this world by a meteorite.

Going home, returning to Earth, seeing his parents and sister, this is Lin Fenggang's only goal in this world.This is also Lin Feng's initial motivation for training.And Lin Feng has been working hard towards this goal without hesitation.Although the motivation for practicing has changed later, this goal has never changed.

In the past, Lin Feng was able to suppress such emotions well in his heart and not let them show up.But now, the phrase 'go home' reminds me of all the past.

"Father, you are crying." Sasha whispered in Lin Feng's ear.

The fact that her father was crying was something that Sasha had never seen or thought of.In Sasha's impression, her father is strong, no matter what kind of situation he is facing, he can talk and laugh happily and calmly.Even if an empire collapsed and tens of millions of people died, Lin Feng would not be hurt, let alone shed a single tear.

But now, Lin Feng was crying.

"Crying with joy, yes, crying with joy." Lin Feng hurriedly used his divine power to evaporate the moisture from the corners of his eyes, and said with a forced smile, "Sasha, baby, let's go home, yes, go home."

The next thing is much simpler.When Lin Feng and the others reported that they came from Yulan, they did not receive suspicion as in the original book.Because they were very lucky, the captain was familiar with Baruch and knew the lineage of Yulan.

The captain named Isaore asked the others to continue patrolling, while he led Lin Feng and the four of them towards the interior of the Tianji Mountain Range.

Along the way, Lin Feng also learned a lot about the current situation of the Four Divine Beast families from the captain.Speaking of the future of the family, Lin Feng could see deep worry and helplessness from the captain's face.

Of course, the captain also explained some rules to Lin Feng and the others, for example, they can only fly on the dragon road and cannot fly to other areas, etc. Although Lin Feng knew about it, he still nodded with a smile, showing a sense of acceptance. The appearance of teaching.

While talking, Lin Feng and the others, led by Isolde, walked along the dragon road to the entrance of a very ordinary two-story building on the mountainside. At the entrance of the two-story small building, there was a white-haired old man lying with squinting eyes. It's very comfortable in the chair.

"Hahnemann." Isol said with a smile.

The white-haired old man opened his eyes and stood up with a smile: "Oh, it's you, Isol. Why did you come to me today?"

"We just met three members of our family's blood. Please help us to investigate and record together." Isol explained.

"Which three?" The white-haired old man turned to look at Lin Feng and the others.

"It's him, and the two women behind him." Isol pointed to Lin Feng, and Lin Feng also looked at the white-haired old man with a smile and said: "Mr. Hahnemann, my name is Lin Feng, and they are my daughters. From the Baruch family of the Magnolia Material Plane!"

"Oh, the Baruch family? I know the line of Yulan." Hahnemann raised his white eyebrows and laughed, "Our Qinglong family is also the Reading family. Almost all branches will think that they are the Reading family. There are only a few branches that don't know their own family names. You can name them casually, and your Baruch family is one of them."

Lin Feng could only smile.

"You can tell the name of the Baruch family. I believe that you should be a member of our family." Hahnemann shook his head helplessly, "However, the family has rules and must be strictly checked, so I want to meet with you. Those elders of your family."

"Meet the seniors of the family?" Lin Feng had some expectations in his heart.

"Well, yes, you need to go through them to fully confirm your origin." Hahnemann immediately looked at Isol, "Isol, it's none of your business, go ahead. I'll just go with them. "

Isaore nodded, and stepped back immediately.

"In 1000 years, it's rare to see a family member who has been separated come back." Hahnemann sighed, "Let's go, follow me to meet the seniors of your branch."

Lin Feng and the others hurriedly followed.

(End of this chapter)

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