Reborn Panlong

Chapter 359 5 years

Chapter 359 50 years

The Tianji Mountain Range in Youlan Mansion was as calm as ever.Perhaps, the army of the four gods and beast families will be sent out to fight to the death with the eight major families, but Lin Feng, who lives in the Tianji Mountain Range, doesn't care about these.

The canyon where their Yulan lineage lived was already remote, and there was basically no trace of the family army.Lin Feng also took advantage of this time to practice hard.

The Law of Wind Element is Lin Feng's most accomplished line, and also the most promising to achieve Dzogchen.Naturally, Lin Feng also very much hopes to reach the state of Dzogchen in terms of the law of the wind element as soon as possible.

As long as one becomes Dzogchen, although the gap with the main god is still far away, it is basically out of the god level.

Although Dzogchen is also called Dzogchen High God, but when it breaks through to Dzogchen, the law of heaven and earth will give it part of the power of will.With the power of will, you can control part of the world, which is an honor that god-level powerhouses do not have.

Moreover, as long as Lin Feng has achieved Dzogchen, he is eligible to go to the master of death and ask him to use the heart of the underworld to restore the memory of his father Hogg during his lifetime.

Therefore, Lin Feng is extremely eager for the realm of Dzogchen.

In this practice, 50 years of peaceful days passed quickly.

Because 50 years ago, Shasha's sudden emergence and two moves defeated the upper god Aslu, which made the children of the other branches of the Four Gods and Beasts who lived in this canyon extremely jealous, knowing that the branch of Yulan was not easy to mess with. In the past 50 years, no one dared to seek bad luck from the descendants of Yulan.

"It's been 50 years, and the 'Dimension' and 'Shadow Profound Truth' have finally been integrated."

During the 50 years of living in the canyon of the Tianji Mountains, Lin Feng lived in seclusion, only occasionally meeting with Sasha, Baobao, and other people of the Yulan lineage, and the rest of the time was spent in cultivation.

After 50 years of hard work, Lin Feng finally made a qualitative breakthrough in the fusion of the mysterious and mysterious laws of wind elements.Combine the mystery of 'Dimension' and the mystery of 'Shadow Transformation' into a great success.

So far, Lin Feng's 'Dimension' mystery has been integrated with 'Wind Space', 'Wind Element', and 'Shadow Mystery' respectively.As long as Lin Feng can fully integrate the 'Dimension', 'Sound Mystery' and 'Speed ​​Mystery', he can try to integrate the nine mysteries of the wind system as a whole.

"'Speed ​​Profound Truth' has been compatible with 'Dimension', but this 'Sound Profound Truth'" Lin Feng frowned.

In the past 50 years, Lin Feng has tried to find the matching point between "Dimension", "Sound Mystery" and "Speed ​​Mystery" in addition to integrating "Shadow Mystery" and "Dimension".

When Lin Feng first went to the capital of the O'Brien Empire, he created the two tricks of 'Space Stasis' and 'Space Overlap' based on the 'Fast' and 'Slow' mysteries of the 'Speed ​​Mystery' respectively.Although it is very superficial, it can barely connect the mysteries of 'fast' and 'slow' with space.

And the mystery of 'dimension' is the mystery of 'space'.Over the past 50 years, Lin Feng has used this connection to find the meeting point between 'Dimension' and 'Speed ​​Mystery'.

It's just that as for 'dimension' and 'sound mystery', no matter how hard Lin Feng tried, he couldn't make them agree with each other.It seems that the wind, the cow and the horse are irrelevant, and they cannot be compared at all.

The two mysteries of 'sound wave' and 'vocal music' in 'Sound Mystery' have nothing to do with space, so it is impossible to follow the example of 'Speed ​​Mystery' and find the matching point with 'dimension' through space.This stumped Lin Feng.

"Forget it, it seems that the opportunity has not yet come, and it has not reached the point where it will happen naturally, so I can't force it." Lin Feng shook his head, stood up immediately, and walked out the door.

"Wow, father, why did you show up? It's really rare."

As soon as Lin Feng walked out the door, he was spotted by the sharp-eyed baby, who immediately yelled exaggeratedly.

Lin Feng touched his nose and said, "Isn't it only three years, so there's no need to make such a fuss?"

"Three years, three years is not long enough." The baby came to Lin Feng, looked at Lin Feng, and said with a smile: "Father, look at your flat brows and faint smile on your face, is there any happy event?" what?"

"Happy event?" Lin Feng was taken aback, then nodded and said, "Of course there is a happy event. Your mother Delia and Uncle Bei Bei who snatched your name are coming."

"Does that mean that Uncle O'Brien is coming too? Then someone must be happy!" The eccentric baby glanced at Catherine with a complicated expression, and said slyly.

"Stinky girl, what are you talking about?" Catherine glared at the baby.

"Hee hee, Sister Catherine, I didn't mention you, why are you nervous!" The cunning in the baby's eyes became more obvious.

"Father, when will Delia's mother and Uncle Beibei arrive?" Sasha interrupted at this moment.

"It's coming soon, it will take at most three years to get here." Lin Feng laughed.

"Three years?"

The sea of ​​stars and fog is endless.From time to time, islands can be seen.

"Wow~" The metal life breaks through the waves and advances.

Lin Feng and Delia looked at the southeast side by side. There were Beibei, Nisi, O'Brien, Dilin, Tarosa, Xisai and other people beside them. Everyone had smiles on their faces.

I saw a coastline in the distance ahead. The coastline was so long that it couldn't be seen at a glance.

"Blood Peak, finally arrived!" Lin Feng had a clear smile on his face.

After traveling for more than 50 years from Miluo Island to Heilong Island and Shuilan City, a group of them finally reached Xuefeng.

"Blood Peak is here, and Youlan Mansion is coming soon." Beibei's eyes lit up, "Boss, I remember on the map, it seems that Youlan Mansion is not too far from this coastline. Yaya, it's been more than 200 years, It's finally here."

Lin Feng and the others came to Hell in the autumn of 10092 in the Yulan calendar, and now it is 10302 in the Yulan calendar.Indeed, more than 200 years have passed.

For more than 200 years, although Lin Feng and the others did not rush on their way deliberately, the general direction was basically towards the blood peak.From Bauhinia, across the sea of ​​stars and mist, to the peak of blood, this journey has taken more than 200 years, and it is indeed long enough.

After all, it has only been more than 300 years since Lin Feng and Beibei were born.It can be said that two-thirds of their lives are spent on this road.

Lin Feng and Delia held hands tightly, looking at the coastline.

"Lin Feng, we have arrived at Blood Peak, should we go directly to Youlan Mansion, or pick up an escort mission to Youlan Mansion?" Delia looked at Lin Feng.

"No need." Lin Feng shook his head and said, "This is not far from Youlan Mansion. According to our speed, we can reach Youlan Mansion in two or three years, and there is no need to accept the task. Besides, Xisai, Di Lin, and O'Brien are all It's not a demon, and it's not easy to accept tasks."

The metal life moved extremely fast, and soon reached the shore.Immediately, the metal life that was originally in the shape of a boat transformed into a cheetah and flew over the blood peak.

Blood Peak is similar to Bauhinia.

The tribes are scattered everywhere, and the bandit forces are also scattered everywhere.Fighting and fighting will happen at any time.Of course, no bandit force dared to provoke Lin Feng and his team.

With Lin Feng, Delia, Beibei, and Nisi, the four high gods and demons present, there is no need to worry about the robbers' harassment.Unless the heads of any group of robbers were clamped by the door panel, it would be possible to pay attention to Lin Feng and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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