Reborn Panlong

Chapter 365

Chapter 365

At the end of the tunnel, there is an empty hall.

In the center of the main hall is a circular pool with a diameter of 200 meters.The water in this pool exudes a very peculiar smell, not good, but not pungent.Beside this large pool, there are some men in black robes who are throwing a lot of grass blades into it.

"Gurgling~" The water in the pool kept bubbling.

"This is Hualong Pond." The bald man said loudly, "Wait a minute, I'll let you go in."

Speaking of which, the bald man flipped his hands and took out a spar the size of a fist. The fist-sized spar glowed with a dazzling blue light. The bald man directly threw the spar in his hand into the Hualong Pond.

"Plop!" The spar fell into the pool.

A dazzling blue light lit up in the Hualong Pond strangely, very dazzling.Immediately, the water in the entire Hualong Pond seemed to boil, bubbling and bursting continuously, and a large amount of cyan airflow swirled around the surface of the pool, like green snakes cruising.

"Okay, you can go in." The bald man said casually.

"You are here to keep an eye on me." The bald man turned his head to look at the bald man in black robe, "When the baptism of the ancestral hall is over, you can bring the 'Dragon Crystal' up and give it to us."

"Yes, Elder." The bald man in black bowed in response.

"Let's go." The bald man and the handsome man smiled and left.The baptism in this ancestral hall will take a long time, and the two elders will not wait here foolishly.

The bald man in black immediately stared coldly at a group of 26 people in front of him: "All of you, go in."

"Hualongchi?" Lin Feng looked at Hualongchi, which was surrounded by blue air currents and exuded dazzling blue light, and jumped directly into the Hualongchi like a stream of light.The other 25 people also rushed forward and rushed into Hualong Pond.

26 people fell into Hualongchi.

"Roar~" The entire Hualong Pond gave out a strange sound of dragon chant, the sound of dragon chant shocked the soul, and at the same time, the dazzling blue light radiating from Hualong Pond also slowly subsided.A large amount of cyan airflow swirling on the surface of the pool roared towards the 26 people.

Countless streams of cyan air flowed like pythons in the Hualong Pond, and these cyan air streams rushed towards the 26 people respectively.Lin Feng and others surrounded by the cyan air flow were like blue cocoons, and the cyan air flow poured into the 26 cyan cocoons continuously.

"It's such a special feeling."

As soon as he entered the Hualong Pond, Lin Feng felt a lot of energy surrounding him.It's like being stuck in a mother's stomach.Strange energy gently seeps into the body from all parts of the body.

The whole body is numb, but comfortable.

"This is the baptism of the ancestral hall. It feels so crisp to the bone. It's really good." Lin Feng closed his eyes, feeling the strange energy seeping into his body.

Those energies penetrate continuously from the surface of the skin, whether it is the muscle meridian, or the nerve blood completely penetrates, even the bones are penetrated, and the eyes and skin are numb.From the inside out, there is no part of the body that is not changing.

Whether mentally or physically, Linley was in a state of absolute relaxation.

The main hall where Hualongchi is located has a huge scale.The length and width are three to four hundred meters.The height is also more than 400 meters, especially on the top of the main hall, there is a picture of a roaring dragon.

"Gurgling~" The water in Hualong Pond continued to boil.Among them, Lin Feng and others were like dumplings in boiling water, constantly tumbling.

On the edge of Hualong Pond, there are many people in black robes resting.Watching the transformation of these 26 younger generations.

"The baptism of this ancestral hall takes a short time of one or two days. For those with pure blood, the ancestral hall baptism takes six or seven days." The bald man in black robe shook his head and said, "The two elders are going to rest, but we still have to stay here .”

A silver-haired young man beside the bald man in black said with a smile: "One day, you will also become a member of the elders, and you can be so leisurely."

"Me? Become an elder? Wait until the day I have the strength of a seven-star demon." The bald black-robed man was helpless.

"Well, the speed at which these juniors absorb the energy of the dragon crystal has slowed down." The silver-haired young man said suddenly.

The bald-headed man in black turned his head and looked, indeed, at this moment in Hualongchi, 26 of the 23 cyan cocoons had stopped absorbing the cyan airflow.Only three of them were still absorbing the cyan airflow.

"Among the people who came to the ancestral hall for baptism this time, there are actually three people with good aptitude." The bald man in black robe praised, "The longer you can absorb the energy of the 'Dragon Crystal', the more blood of the ancestors, and the purer the blood." what."

"En." The silver-haired young man nodded and said, "However, the younger generation's blood is very thin, and the baptism of the ancestral hall will be completed after absorbing the energy of the Dragon Crystal."

"I heard that the most powerful members of the second and third generations of our family will take a full day or two to absorb the energy of the Dragon Crystal just for their ancestral hall baptism." The bald man in black said mysteriously.

"Really?" The silver-haired young man couldn't believe it. "It only takes a moment for an ordinary clansman, and the second and third generations have so much thicker blood than ordinary clansmen?"

"What are you doing lying to you? Do you know that Baruch more than 5000 years ago?" the bald man in black robe said.

"I know." The silver-haired young man admired, "It is said that he spent a night just absorbing the energy of the dragon crystal. The purity of this bloodline is really rare."

"You think, even this Baruch's blood is so pure, what about the second generation, the third generation?" The bald black-robed man laughed.

"At the beginning, the complete dragon crystal was consumed by a third." The bald man in black sighed, "I saw that with my own eyes."

"One-third, that much?" the silver-haired young man exclaimed.

A 'Dragon Crystal', usually when the remaining half of its energy is consumed, it will be replaced by a Dragon Crystal full of energy.In general, one half of the energy of a dragon crystal can be used for thousands of years to supply the ancestral hall for baptism.

Once every 100 years, that is, dozens of consecutive consumptions.

Because of Baruch, one-third of that dragon crystal was consumed in a baptism of the ancestral hall, which is indeed astonishing.

"Today's Dragon Crystal seems to be full of energy." The bald man in black robe said.

Hualongjing is considered precious to the Azure Dragon Clan.For others, it's of little value.After all, Hualongjing will only be effective if it cooperates with the 'Blue Dragon Bloodline'.The Qinglong family also spent a lot of money to make dragon crystals.

"Look, there is only one left. The other 25 have stopped absorbing the energy of the Dragon Crystal." The silver-haired young man said.

The bald man in black robe swept his gaze, and saw only a large blue cocoon in the center of the Hualong Pond, and a large amount of blue air flow was rushing toward the blue cocoon.But the cyan silk cocoon is like a bottomless pit, sucking as much as it comes, with an air of not rejecting anyone who comes.

"Tsk tsk, this one should be the middle god." When the bald man in black robe saw the other 25 people, he knew that the remaining one was Lin Feng.

"Medium god?" The silver-haired young man also laughed, "I heard that he just returned to the family from outside. He has reached the realm of middle god without being baptized in the ancestral hall. He has good talent, so it's no wonder that he can absorb so many cultures." Dragonglass' energy."

"Tell me, how much can he absorb?" the bald man in black laughed.

"Not sure, maybe, it is possible to absorb [-]% of the energy of the Dragon Crystal." The young man guessed.

"Ten percent? Impossible." The bald man in black shook his head.

As they said that, the two also paid attention to the only cyan cocoon in Hualongchi.As for the other 25 people, they are all in deep sleep.

(End of this chapter)

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