Reborn Panlong

Chapter 370 Discussion

Chapter 370 Discussion
There was another seven-star demon master in the family, and Emanuel and Garvey informed the patriarch Gaith Leisen and the elders of this matter as quickly as possible.And Lin Feng was also invited to the castle at the top of the Dragon Road by the blue-armored soldiers sent by the family the next day after returning to the Grand Canyon where the Magnolia branch was located.

This castle is the place where elders' meetings or internal family discussions are usually held.

When Lin Feng came to this castle under the leadership of Qingjia soldiers, the gate of this ancient castle was wide open, and the guards all saluted him respectfully.Apparently, these guards all knew that Lin Feng was the new seven-star demon expert in the family, and after today, he was likely to become the elder of the family.For the future elders of the family, these ordinary guards are naturally very respectful.

Lin Feng accepted the guards' salutes calmly, without any embarrassment.Lin Feng waved to the guards, and then calmly walked into the castle.

As soon as he entered the castle hall, Lin Feng found that there was a man in a blue robe embroidered with a lot of patterns sitting on the main seat of the hall. Without thinking about it, Lin Feng knew that this man who was sitting on the main seat like an emperor The man must be Gai Si Leisen, the patriarch of the Qinglong clan.

In addition, there is a large group of seven-star demons standing under the hall, including Garvey and Emanuel.These people are obviously all the elders of the Qinglong clan.

As soon as Lin Feng entered the hall, he became the focus of everyone, and the eyes of all the elders all moved to him.These elders are quite curious about the seven-star demon master who suddenly appeared in the family.

The elders who appeared in the family before were usually born in the family, and then step by step, spending hundreds of millions of years, from the lower god, the middle god, the upper god, to the level of the seven-star demon.

However, Lin Feng appeared out of nowhere.Although it has been more than a hundred years since Lin Feng returned to the family, he has lived in the remote canyon of the Tianji Mountains for more than a hundred years, and he has not made any earth-shattering events that can attract the attention of these elders.In the eyes of all the elders present, Lin Feng seemed to appear suddenly.

"Are you Lin Feng?" Geith Leisen, who was sitting on the main seat, spoke.As soon as he spoke, the originally noisy hall immediately returned to silence.

"Lin Feng met the patriarch!" Lin Feng saluted.

Ge Sileisen suddenly walked up to Lin Feng directly from above the main hall, took a closer look, then turned around and walked directly to the side hall next to the main hall: "Lin Feng, come with me. Everyone else is waiting here Go!"

"Yes, Patriarch." Lin Feng followed immediately.

After the patriarch and Lin Feng left, the elders dared to breathe a sigh of relief.

"The patriarch summoned Lin Feng alone, what do you think will happen? It is rare for the patriarch to summon someone alone." Suddenly, an elder said.

"What else can there be? Although this Lin Feng is a seven-star demon master, he suddenly appeared. The family doesn't know much about him. The patriarch summoned him alone, and he must have asked him about some past affairs. "

"That's right, before today, I really didn't know there was someone like Lin Feng in our family." A silver-haired old man said, and then turned his head to look at Emmanuel and Garvey and said, "Iman Newell, Garvey, you are quite familiar with this Lin Feng, and you told the family that he has the strength of a seven-star demon, so please tell me what the origin of this Lin Feng is."

As soon as the silver-haired old man spoke, the rest of the elders also turned their attention to Garvey and Emanuel.

"We only met Lin Feng yesterday, and we don't know much about him." Emmanuel said, "I only know that Lin Feng, like Baruch, is of the magnolia lineage."

"It's also from the line of Yulan?" The middle elders became curious.

Although the Magnolia lineage is only a weak branch of the family, the elders have become familiar with the name of the Magnolia lineage and Baruch since Baruch's bloodline purity was comparable to that of three generations of the family.

And this sudden appearance of Lin Feng also came from Yulan's lineage, which had to remind the elders of something.

"As far as I know, Baruch, the patriarch of the Magnolia lineage, is only over 6000 years old. Since Lin Feng is also from the Magnolia lineage, how many years has he practiced? Could it be that he reached the seven-star demon realm in less than 6000 years?" ?” Immediately, an elder raised a question.

"We don't know how many years Lin Feng has practiced." Garvey said, "But what I can tell you is that in the baptism of the family ancestral hall that Lin Feng completed yesterday, he just absorbed the energy of the Dragon Crystal, It took a day and two nights, and the Dragon Crystal, which was originally full of energy, only has about one-third of its energy left."

"What? One day and two nights?" A blond old man suddenly said in shock: "How is this possible? Even among the three generations of the family, there are not many who can reach one day and two nights. How can his blood be so pure?"

This blond old man is Emmanuel's father, Furhan, the third generation member of the family.Back then, when he was baptizing the ancestral hall, he only spent a little more than a whole day absorbing the energy of the Dragon Crystal.Now he heard that Lin Feng, who came out of nowhere, had spent a day and two nights absorbing the energy of the Dragon Crystal, and his bloodline was even purer than his own, which made it hard for him to accept for a while.

Not only him, but the rest of the elders also started talking, obviously they didn't quite believe what Garvey said.

This lineage of Yulan had a bloodline of Baruch whose bloodlines were as pure as three or four generations of the family, and now there was another Lin Feng whose bloodlines were as pure as the three generations of the family. How could this be possible? Is the pulse a direct lineage left by the ancestors?

Seeing that the middle elders didn't believe Garvey's words, Emmanuel also said, "What Garvey said is completely true. I can testify to this matter."

Emanuel's status in the elders' group is obviously much higher than Garvey's. As soon as he opened his mouth to prove it, the suspicion on the faces of the elders was replaced by shock.After all, Emmanuel is the fourth generation member of the family, and his strength is also ranked first in the elders. His authority is naturally higher than that of Garvey, who is at the bottom of the elders.

"Could it be true?" the blond old man Furhan looked at Emanuel and asked.Apparently he still didn't quite believe it.After all, this matter is indeed unbelievable, and besides that, it also contains elements of jealousy.

Why, as a member of the three generations of the family, the grandson of the ancestor Qinglong, is not as pure as a wild species that came out of nowhere?Furhan's heart, which was not very broad, was almost completely filled with jealousy at this time.He also knew that his son would not lie to him, but he still asked this sentence because of the jealousy and unwillingness in his heart.

"Father, this incident is indeed true." Emanuel said to the blond old man, "Actually, this incident is not too unbelievable, and it is not that our family has never appeared before. Elder Bruce, as a family A member of the eighth generation, the purity of his blood even exceeds that of all three generations in the family."

"Elder Bruce?"

As soon as Emmanuel mentioned the genius elder Blue, the elders who had been talking about it suddenly fell silent.Even Furhan calmed down.

"Can this Lin Feng be compared with Elder Bruce? Another genius of the family?" Immediately, an elder raised such a question.

"Okay, everyone calm down." The silver-haired old man who hadn't participated in the discussion said, "After a while, the patriarch and Lin Feng come out, and everyone will know."

(End of this chapter)

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