Chapter 40

Suddenly, severe pain spread from all over Lin Feng's body, and Lin Feng raised his head in pain and screamed. Black scales appeared strangely on the surface of Lin Feng's skin, and those sharp black scales actually pierced Lin Feng's body. clothing.

The same black scales slowly emerged from Lin Feng's thighs and arms. This inhuman pain made Lin Feng's painful veins stand out, and his expression was hideous and terrifying.

A more severe pain sounded, and a sharp thorn slowly emerged from Lin Feng's forehead.
Lin Feng's whole body convulsed in pain, and the entire spine on his back trembled. Spikes grew slowly from Lin Feng's spine, penetrated the superficial muscles, and slowly grew out.

The pain caused Lin Feng to growl in a low voice. Sweat permeated from all parts of his body. While permeating the sweat, black scales all over his body also emerged continuously. The shape of each scale They are all very similar to the thornback iron armored dragon, the only difference is that they are smaller in size.

Lin Feng gritted his teeth, and let out a low voice in his throat to vent the severe pain a little. At the same time, Lin Feng kept running the secret method of "Dragon Blood Secret Code" with his strong will.

"嗤" A blood-stained tail covered with black scales slowly emerged from the end of Lin Feng's spine, this tail was like a steel whip.

According to the records in the "Dragon Blood Secret Code", the dragon blood warrior is the third of the three forms, a complete dragon form. In this form, the dragon blood warrior is covered with cyan dragon scales all over his body, and even a dragon appears on his forehead. horn.This form is also the most powerful state of the Dragon Blood Warrior.

second weight.Half-dragon form, this state is to partially make the body 'dragon', and the strength is slightly weaker.

The first layer is the normal human form. Under normal circumstances, dragon blood warriors are in this form.And in this case, it is also the weakest one in the triple form.

According to the "Dragon Blood Secret Code", when he first practiced "Dragon Blood Dou Qi".The body will directly enter the 'third form' uncontrollably. This first mutation will be very painful, but only once, and subsequent changes will not be painful.

Lin Feng's body was filled with a dark blue, almost black liquid all over his body, and every muscle and meridian was constantly absorbing this energy. Lin Feng's physical fitness was improving rapidly at a terrifying speed.This kind of rapid improvement also made Lin Feng extremely painful.

"Damn, it's really not human's job to drink live dragon blood. I knew it would be so painful. It's fine if I don't activate the blood of the dragon blood warrior in my body." While enduring the severe pain, Lin Feng secretly regretted it in his heart.

"My willpower is too strong, let me pass out quickly." Lin Feng instead prayed for himself to pass out, and once he passed out, he would feel more comfortable.


Lin Feng's whole body suddenly trembled again, and he pointed with his hands.Also, the ten toes of both feet were in pain, and the fingertips of each finger became sharp, like a miniature version of the dragon's claw.This kind of pain from the sudden growth of sharp claws really made Lin Feng almost lose his intuition.

A feeling of dizziness flooded Lin Feng's head. When Lin Feng closed his eyes, his consciousness fell into a deep sleep instantly.


Lin Feng fell to the ground directly.

"Uh, you won't die, will you?"

Seeing Lin Feng yelling crazily for a while, he suddenly fell to the ground and couldn't get up. Thaddeus was a little stunned. Just as she was about to go up to check on Lin Feng's situation, she suddenly found a little guy standing in front of her. .


Beibei, who was worried about Lin Feng's safety, was afraid that Thaddeus would be unfavorable to Lin Feng, so she tried her best to change her body to the maximum, and waved her little paw towards Thaddeus.

"Don't worry, I have no ill intentions towards Lin Feng, otherwise I wouldn't bleed him. I still expect him to take me to play in the human world."

Thaddeus also knew that the weird black 'Shadow Mouse' in front of him was Lin Feng's contract monster, so he didn't directly pat it with his paw.

three days later.

Lin Feng opened his eyes, and suddenly got up.

At this moment, Lin Fengguang is naked, and the clothes on his body have been destroyed since the first "dragon transformation", but Lin Feng, who has returned to his normal human form, is just like a normal person.

"Finally changed back."

Although the dragon form is very powerful, Lin Feng still likes the normal human form.

"Boss, you're awake." That clear and familiar voice sounded in Lin Feng's mind.

"Well, Beibei, how many days have passed?" Lin Feng asked in his heart.

"Three days, Boss, you fainted for three days. If it wasn't for the slightest connection between my soul and you, knowing that you are okay, Boss, I would still treat you as the Boss and you died." appearance.

"Hey, Lin Feng, why are the scars on your face gone, and you've become more handsome!"

The sudden clear voice made Lin Feng stunned, and then suddenly remembered something, and immediately took out a short shirt and shorts from the space ring and put them on, and then angrily cursed at Thaddeus: "You This sensual dragon, you don't know whether men and women can kiss each other."

Unexpectedly, Thaddeus held his mouth in disdain, and said something that left Lin Feng speechless.

"To be honest, your figure is really not that good. You're not strong, and you don't have any muscles. Besides, I'm not wearing any clothes. We're even."

Lin Feng, who was really speechless to Thaddeus, ignored her and began to study his body.

"Sure enough, as recorded in the "Dragon Blood Secret Code", the first "dragon transformation" will completely transform the whole body, constantly transforming the interior, even the exterior skin." Lin Feng's whole body is not a trace now. Scar, at the point of absolute perfection.

Feeling the surging power of his body, Lin Feng felt a burst of excitement in his heart.

"What a powerful body." Lin Feng felt that his current strength was at least dozens of times higher than before.After drawing the blood of the 'Dragon Blood Warrior', the physical quality of the whole person will be greatly improved. Even in human form, it is stronger than if the blood of the Dragon Blood Warrior is not drawn.

Clenching his right fist, the dragon blood battle energy in his body was naturally activated, and Lin Feng suddenly smashed towards the nearby stone wall.

"Boom!" Like steel hitting, the stone wall was directly smashed into a stone pit, and at the same time cracked in all directions along the stone pit.

"This, this, probably has the strength of an eighth-level fighter." Lin Feng was dumbfounded. Although he knew from the original book that the blood of a dragon blood warrior would undergo a major transformation to improve his strength and warrior level, he would not There is such an exaggerated progress.

Lin Feng hadn't cultivated fighting qi before, and he barely reached the level of a seventh-level fighter by relying on his physical strength, but now he has directly risen to the eighth level, or even around the middle of the eighth level. The speed of improvement is too appalling.

"And this is still in the absence of dragon transformation, if it is a dragon transformation, it may directly reach the peak of level nine!" Lin Feng estimated in his heart.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng directly transformed into a dragon. Lin Feng controlled the crystal-shaped 'Dragon Blood Dou Qi' gathered in the dantian of his abdomen, and suddenly streaks of blue-black liquid gushed out from the dantian towards the limbs.

"嗤" a deep voice sounded, and black dragon scales quickly appeared on the surface of Lin Feng's skin. At the same time, a nearly two-meter-long black dragon tail like a steel whip emerged from the end of the spine. At the same time, the spine on the back also Spikes emerged.

Compared with the spine-backed armored dragon, the number of spikes on Lin Feng's back is slightly less, and the length is also slightly broken.

"Now I feel that there is endless power in my whole body." Lin Feng couldn't help but get excited. It feels so powerful. the power of.

Worthy of being the ultimate warrior!
"The current strength is dozens of times stronger than before." Lin Feng stretched out his right hand. At this moment, his arm was covered with scales, and the fingernails were as sharp as knives.

(End of this chapter)

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