Reborn Panlong

Chapter 401 Black Knight

Chapter 401 Black Knight

"The four people you mentioned are all in various parts of the underworld. I will arrange for people to bring them all to Nether Mountain for concentration." The Lord of Death said indifferently.

"Thank you very much!" Lin Feng sincerely thanked.

Although it didn't take much for the master of death, and he only used the heart of the underworld a few times, it meant a lot to him.

Whether it was his father Hogg, Kean, or Beibei's parents, it was a great joy for him to let them return to his side and others.

Resurrecting from the dead is something that was unthinkable in the previous life, but it can be easily achieved in this world.

"I rescued my father, and the next step is my mother. Lord of Light." Lin Feng felt a headache when he thought of Lord of Light. The Lord of Light itself is not a big threat, but his clone, Lord of Fate, Auf, is a big threat.

"Oh, the strength is still not enough!" Lin Feng sighed in his heart.

"Lin Feng, I'm very curious, how do you have the strength you have now." Death Lord suddenly stared at Lin Feng and asked, "If my guess is correct, the Dzogchen that appeared in the Qinglong clan thousands of years ago should be You. In just a thousand years, not only have you become the main god, but you have also possessed strength that can rival mine, which has to make me curious."

Regarding this question, the Lord of Death was really curious. According to common sense, as the next Lord God, Lin Feng would definitely not have such strength.It's a bit scary that a low-ranking Lord God actually possesses the strength comparable to the rules-based masters.

But she didn't know that Lin Feng couldn't be measured by common sense at all, he just broke the rules.

"Since you know me, you should also know that I have many god clones. Since my wind god clone can reach Dzogchen a thousand years ago, then my other god clones can also reach Dzogchen after a thousand years. In addition I refined two lower master godheads, and many factors added together to create my current strength." Lin Feng didn't hide it.Firstly, it was not necessary, and secondly, he also knew that the master of death was purely curious and had no other meaning.

"How many Dzogchen clones do you have?" A gleam of horror flashed in the eyes of the master of death.

How difficult is the state of Dzogchen, and the master of death has a deep understanding.For countless years, she has been supported by a huge amount of faith, but she still hasn't allowed her death rules to reach the Great Perfection. The difficulty of the Great Perfection can be seen.

"Like three or four!" Lin Feng said with some uncertainty.

"Three or four, you..." The master of death stared at Lin Feng, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Others wanted to cultivate a series of clones to Dzogchen but couldn't, but he had three or four Dzogchen clones. Even the indifferent Death Master felt jealousy in his heart at this moment.

If she has three or four Dzogchen avatars, then her strength is bound to become the No. 1 main god in one fell swoop.Of course, this is just her wishful thinking.Let alone three or four Dzogchen avatars, she doesn't even have three or four god avatars.In addition to the deity and main god avatar, she is just a water god avatar.

The sky is dark, and the black earth is dry.

This is the northern Ashbel Wasteland of the Undead.

Skeleton groups and zombie groups can also be seen in the wasteland. Most of the undead are active in groups, and very few dare to act alone.

Suddenly, the zombies walking slowly turned their heads to look in one direction.

There was a rhythmic vibrating sound from the ground, "Roar~" A golden-haired zombie raised its head and let out a roar. Immediately, the entire group of zombies began to move rapidly. Dao Soi Ying is a relatively powerful black knight among the undead.

The weakest of the black knight clan is also the fifth-level undead.

There were 19 black knights in total, but the leader was wearing blood-red armor and his face was covered by a mask. Through the mask, he looked around with cold eyes.Those weak undead had already fled away in fright, but at the speed of the black knight, they were completely able to chase them.


The leading black knight raised his head and roared angrily, as if venting something.

The eighteen black knights behind him were very puzzled. Their lord was a powerful sanctuary black knight.In the world of the undead, he is also a king-level figure, with his own castle and a large number of black knights under his command.But today, the king ran wildly on the plain with his black knights.

Running around like venting!

"Okay, let's go back." The leader of the black knight said indifferently, "Yes, my lord."

The nineteen black knights galloped back home.On the Ashbel Wasteland, every sanctuary is considered a peak powerhouse, and this black knight is one of the few powerhouses who have just risen in this wasteland.

"I, I actually recovered my memory, what's going on?" The leader of the black knight was shocked and puzzled.

"I, can I go back to the Magnolia plane again?" the leader of the black knight said silently from the bottom of his heart.

"My sons, Lin Feng and Wharton, how are they doing now? Nearly 2000 years have passed, have they become dragon blood warriors in the sanctuary, or have they become undead before reaching the sanctuary?" The leader of the black knight had a complicated heart. Quite frankly, ever since he recovered his memories, he has never stopped thinking about it for a moment.

The leader of the black knight is Lin Feng's father, Hogg!

Ever since he knew the memory of his life, Hogg couldn't calm down in his heart. He cared about his children.He also wanted to avenge his wife.But he knew that more than 1000 years had passed, and the bones of Duke Paderson of the Kingdom of Finlay might have rotted away.

In the blink of an eye, more than forty years have passed since Hogg recovered his memory.

On the Black Knight's Castle, Hogg, who was still wearing blood-colored armor all over his body, sat on the top of the castle, looking up at the dark sky.Suddenly a figure flew over from the south at extreme speed.

"Huh?" Hogg was surprised.

"Huh!" The person who came directly swooped down at an extremely fast speed.

"Who is it!" Hogg let out a low voice.

"Clang!" Almost at the same time, a large number of black knights in the castle stood up.

"Haha" The person who came laughed, and at the same time a terrible coercion emanated from him.The powerful divine power instantly covered the entire castle, and all the black knights in the castle felt as if the doomsday had come, and knelt down one by one in horror, that was the absolute gap in level.

Hogg looked up at the person in front of him, who had short silver hair and a baby face, and looked like a boy.

"Hogg?" the boy said casually.

Hogg was shocked!

Before he regained his memory, he didn't even know his name was Hogg.From Hogg's point of view, no one in this world knows his true identity except himself.But the person in front of him directly called out his name: "Who are you?" Hogg stared at the person, "You restored my memory?"

"I don't have that strength." The young man said with a smile, "Recovering the memory of the undead is what the Lord God can do. Follow me!"

"Lord God? I..." Before Hogg could refute, a wave of divine power bound him directly, and the young man forcibly took Hogg away like this, and rushed towards the south at high speed.The boy was still muttering: "This undead is so far away. It's really far enough to come here from the underworld, and then to the Nether Mountain."

A large number of black knights in the castle watched in a daze as someone came to take their king away, but they could do nothing.They are just undead of the seventh or eighth level, not even a sanctuary, and they are not even an ant in front of a god-level powerhouse.

Whether it was Lin Feng's father, or Keen, including Beibei's parents, they were all taken away by the master of death.

Lin Feng could have picked him up in person, but he didn't. Instead, he waited quietly in the Youming Hotel at the foot of Youming Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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