Reborn Panlong

Chapter 412 Ina

Chapter 412 Ina
Ten years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Lin Feng also felt the changes in the attitudes of the tribe, including the patriarch and others towards him.Lin Feng also realized that after he became Dzogchen, he had become the spiritual leader of the entire Four Gods and Beasts family.It's like the status of the Valkyrie in the O'Brien Empire and the High Priest in the Yulan Empire.

The mansion where Lin Feng lives is like a family sanctuary.

On the open lawn in the mansion, quite a group of people gathered there, and Lin Feng, Lei Nuo, Yale, and George were sitting together, drinking fruit wine.Chatting casually.Of course, it was Lin Feng's avatar of the main god of the water system who was chatting, and he only brought this avatar with him to hell this time, while the avatar of the great landlord god stayed in Yulan.On the one hand, it is to accompany Hongyi, and on the other hand, it is to imitate Qinghuo and prepare to build one in the South China Sea.

After nearly 2000 years of peaceful development in Yulan, the sharp population decline caused by the day of destruction and the wanton massacres by the Great Wizard of Beaumont and others has long since subsided.Now the population of Yulan has reached an unprecedented height. The Baruch Empire alone has a population of 2000 to [-] million, which is about three times that of when the country was just founded.The previous cities were no longer enough to live in, and the pace of building new cities has never stopped in the past [-] years.Even so, it is still unable to meet the needs of the rapidly growing population.

Regarding this issue, the eighth grandson of Lin Feng, the current emperor of the Baruch Empire, had already reflected this to Lin Feng.Knowing this thorny issue, Lin Feng even considered whether to implement family planning within the scope of Baruch's empire. Of course, this idea was shot down by Lin Feng as soon as it came up.This is not a society ruled by law, and it is obviously not possible to implement family planning.

After rejecting the idea of ​​implementing family planning, Lin Feng considered whether to start a few wars and use wars to reduce the population.

The Day of Destruction instigated by Dilin, and the subsequent war of the three empires led by the Valkyrie, the High Priest and others, caused the entire population to drop by almost half, but now it seems that these two wars It is good for long-term development.

Only then did Lin Feng understand why Beirut ignored the war between human empires.

The inevitable result of population growth is war. War consumes the population, and then enters the stage of recuperation. After the population recovers, war breaks out again.It seems that Magnolia's development can never escape this cycle.

Although he knew that war was a necessary means to curb the rapid population growth, Lin Feng still couldn't bear to let Yulan, which had been peaceful for nearly 2000 years, become bloody again.Having personally experienced the day of destruction, and seeing too much bloodshed and massacres, Lin Feng has personally experienced the cruelty of war.

Thinking about the bustling Champs Avenue in the Kingdom of Finlay back then, on the day of destruction, it was three steps down to the corpse, and the blood-stained road was a miserable scene, which made Lin Feng sigh.

After thinking for a long time, Lin Feng came up with the idea of ​​building another one in the South China Sea following the example of Qinghuo.After all, the South China Sea was vast and boundless, and it would be empty even if it was placed there. In this case, building one on it would not only relieve the population pressure of Yulan, but also restore the former prosperity of the Yulan plane.Lin Feng knew that the Yulan Plane used to have five pieces, of which the Yulan plane was the smallest.

"Elder Lin Feng." The guard at the gate of the mansion ran over and bowed.

"En?" Lin Feng looked at him.

"Elder Lin Feng, the patriarch sent a message, saying that a mansion master from Bifu is coming and wants to see the elder." The guard bowed.

Lin Feng smiled and nodded, and at the same time, his spiritual consciousness spread, covering the entire Tianji Mountain Range in an instant, naturally tolerant of Gaith Leisen and the Palace Master.Lin Feng said via voice transmission: "Patriarch, just tell this mansion master that I am in the process of cultivating and cannot see guests. Unless he has something important, you can help me deal with it."

Gaith Leisen was startled.

He didn't notice Lin Feng's spiritual sense transmission, and he couldn't help sighing secretly: "As expected of Dzogchen. The power of the soul is also far beyond me." Ge Sileisen also knows Lin Feng's temper, this kind of pure friendship meeting, Lin Feng The wind is too lazy to bother.

"Okay, I'll help you deal with it." Geith Leisen responded, "From now on, people like this will disappear unless they have any important business?"

"Yes." Lin Feng said via voice transmission, "Unless they are my acquaintances, such as Leisi Jing, Mo Si and others. If I am not familiar with them, it doesn't matter, if there is no important thing, I will disappear."

Lin Feng's decision was very wise, because in the days after he came back, after the arrival of the master of the Bifu Palace, there were people who came over as long as ten years or as short as a few months.Some people want to make friends with Lin Feng, some people want to ask Lin Feng to do business, and some people want to worship Lin Feng as a teacher.

In short, there are many troubles.

Fortunately, Gai Sileisen was outside to stop him, so no one could see Lin Feng.

In fact, it is quite normal for many people to want to see Lin Feng, after all, the high gods of Dzogchen seldom disclose the place where they live.It is also very difficult for others to find Dzogchen.

A little girl with bright eyes and bright head looked at Lin Feng: "The person who wanted to meet you just now tried to send over this letter, but there is a clear story about it. He does have a big grudge, and he really It's very pitiful. Uncle, why don't you show kindness and help him?"

Lin Feng couldn't help but glanced at Yi Na with a smile.This little girl is called Ina, and she is Beibei's daughter.

Beibei still did not escape the fate of having a daughter in this life. As for the name Ina, it was the same as the original book.As for why he chose this name, Lin Feng asked Bei Bei, and Bei Bei, who never concealed anything from Lin Feng, smiled at Nisi, avoided answering, and played mysteriously.

"Nana." Beibei glared at her daughter, "I don't know how many people have hatred in this hell. You asked your uncle to save one, but what about the thousands of other people who have hatred? In this hell, every moment People were killed. You said that these people who were killed deserved to die? They were also wronged. Did you make your uncle an enemy of the whole hell? To avenge those who died?"

Ina was taken aback.

Yi Na, Bao Bao and the others lived under the protection of Lin Feng and Bei Bei, and they suffered too little.Unlike Lin Feng and the others, who came from the edge of life and death, they didn't see the world as simple.

"If it's not relative or reason, I want to help? Then I will have trillions of clones." Lin Feng laughed.

Yi Na wrinkled her nose.

"Don't talk about helping others, as far as my own affairs are concerned, there are still many things I haven't done well." Lin Feng shook his head and sighed.

"Huh?" Ina looked at Lin Feng suspiciously.

Lin Feng smiled and didn't elaborate further.

Although these days were peaceful and happy, Lin Feng still noticed that his father Hoge was alone in a daze occasionally. Lin Feng understood that his father missed his mother.Lin Feng kept thinking in his heart when he should go to the Bright God Realm, so that the Lord of Light could restore his mother's freedom.

(End of this chapter)

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